The unfinished process of transition of most post-Soviet countries from authoritarianism to democracy. Manifestation of the hybridity of the political regime in Ukraine in the hybridization of the conditions for the functioning of the opposition.
It was determined that the functioning of the political opposition in Ukraine during the specified period did not meet the conditions of a democratic regime. It is noted that the legislative provisions were established at the level of democratic regimes.
Otto Eichelman's vision regarding the geopolitical priorities of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the process of state self-determination of the Ukrainian people. Proving the European orientation of the external development of the Ukrainian state.
Analysis of the main elements of the strategy of NATO and the European Union to combat Russia's hybrid threats against Ukraine since 2014. Research the issue of hybrid threats, testing the resilience of the West against the background of hybrid threats.
Осoбливoсті впливу митнoгo рeгулювaння вiтчизнянoгo прoдoвoльчoгo ринку в сучaсних умoвaх. Спiввiднoшeння експорту тa імпорту прoдукцiї хaрчoвoї тa пeрeрoбнoї промисловості. Oснoвнi динaмiчнi принципи фoрмувaння eфeктивнoї дeржaвнoї митнoї політики.
The review of Leenco Lata's book "Peacekeeping as State-Building: Current Challenges for the Horn of Africa" examines the theory and practice of state-building on the example of African countries. The problems of state-building, state legitimacy.
Study of the features of the EU's soft power in relation to Ukraine. Formation of social categories of subjects of world politics, the strength of the diplomatic network, its contribution to global interaction. Review of the works of Joseph Nye.
Public Diplomacy and Its Importance. Uzbekistan’ integration initiatives. Processes and Dynamics of Cooperation. International Conference on Central Asia, Afghanistan. Building a strong partnership between the nations and ensuring regional stability.
The use of persuasion by President Obama, the former Unitite State president, as a discursive strategy in his two speeches delivered on 7 August 2014 and 10 September 2014 regarding Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. First Person Singular Pronoun.
Washington's Central American base for countering the plague. The successes of the first phase of the "war on terror" in Central America. The problem of "engineering democratic consent". Middle East Terrorism and the American Ideological System.
The main elements of the lobbying organization of Israel. The role of the ethnic group's momentum in creating a theater of interactions that promotes relations between the hegemonic United States and the strategically important country of Israel.
Countries and international organizations are taking action to reduce greenhouse gases. The European Union is one of the world leaders in this process. Republic of Poland as member state is obliged to implement the adopted energy and climate commitments.
Assessment of the extent to which Poland exercises power and influence in the Eastern policy of the European Union. Study of the attributes of Poland's contribution to the EU - Eastern partnership policy, its essence. Poland's tasks in Eastern Europe.
Description of the political system of Finland. Political culture. Voting and elections. Political parties, parliament (Eduscunta), government, president. The provisions of the deputy associations in Eduskint during the period from 1983 to 2014.
Consideration of the most significant political conflicts between the central and local authorities which have occurred in Poland in the last thirty years. Evaluation of the political transformation of 1989-1990 in terms of decentralisation of the state.
- 436. Politacal conflicts
Conflict as the principal means by which significant social and political changes have taken place throughout history. Conflict resolution techniques. Conflict resolution in politics: strategies, tactics, techniques and cooperative negotiation.
A study of some political allusions to famous historical events that appeared among the Decembrists during the interregnum. Arresting specific senators and forcing them to issue a manifesto. The role of symbolism in the choice of the site of the uprising.
Defining the Minsk process as a tool for resolving Ukrainian-Russian relations, identifying the main characteristics and provisions of the Minsk agreements. Geopolitical goal of the Russian Federation in a hybrid war, dismantling of Ukrainian statehood.
The results of the study helped to establish the effectiveness of the Memorandum in the context of nuclear safety guarantees and provide recommendations on their maintenance, which will help in improving the mechanism of the international security.
Study of the problem of the culture of interaction between the political authorities and the masses. Transformations of the political culture of traditional and modern societies in the context of interaction between the political elite and the people.
The problem of political and cultural transformations in the interaction between political power and its only source in democratic discourse. The contractual theory of the origin of the state. Functions, place and role of state power in society.
The concept of political culture and value. The social community's consciousness and a set of their actions. Political ideology: the history and theory. The protection and the provision of public interest. The concept of political structure, services.
Discourse analysis as a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken language or any semiotic event. The concept of political discourse, its formal features. The analysis of political discourse from the point of view of the communicative approach.
Celebrities as part of political processes in the USA. The effect of celebrity endorsement on voter behavior. Hip-hop artists support political candidates. The relationship between hip hop artists and power. Election campaigns in 2004, 2008 and 2016.
Study of the place and role of political narratives of national memory in the process of political identification of modern political communities. The rise of nationalist, populist and ethnopolitical discourses. Codes of solidary civil patriotism.
Investigation of the toolkit for creating and promoting fakes in Greek media as an element of hybrid warfare in the context of highlighting the peculiarities of Ukraine’s political image perception during the military aggression from the Russia.
Kleptocrat, genius, spy: the many myths of Vladimir Putin. The canonization of rulers is justified in order to find the key to understanding and mentality of the people, the religious features of national life, the nature of sacralization of a politician.
A study of V. Putin's political leadership in anecdotes of a mythological and religious nature. Incriminating Putin's desire to create a national mythological picture of the world, to draw his own axes of good and evil, truth and lies, heaven and hell.
Analysis of the structure of political mediamemes and their comparison with simulacra in accordance with the theory of J. Baudrillard. A clear structure of media memos by which they can be disseminated. Distribution and evolution of political mediamemes.
A comprehensive review of specific neoplasms in the modern political language — the neologisms of the period 2013-2014 of education was proposed. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying the causes of their appearance and drawing up a typology.