Рассмотрение возможных подходов к организации процесса информационного наполнения Интернет-представительства. Оценка целесообразности комбинированного подхода с использованием средств автоматизации. Схема работы системы, отвечающая данным требованиям.
The concept and structure of telecommunications, their latest achievements and prospects. Trends in the field of telecommunications, networking model, the interaction of the client and the server. The types of operating systems, external utilities.
Pattern discovery in biosequences. Social network mining from the web. Discovering spatio-textual association rules in document images. Discovery of latent patterns with hierarchical bayesian mixed-membership models and the issue of model choice.
Методы автоматизированного неразрушающего контроля в рамках задачи кластеризации данных по применению коротковолнового электромагнитного излучения при дефектоскопии. Методы исследования: самоорганизующиеся карты Кохонена в рамках Data Mining подхода.
Задачи Data Mining: описательные и предсказательные, классификации и регрессии, поиска ассоциативных правил, кластеризации. Практическое применение Data Mining. Особенности нечеткой логики, виды физической неопределенности. Процесс обнаружения знаний.
Использование DDoS-атак для полного прекращения работы атакуемого сервера за счет подачи на него большого количества ложных запросов. История возникновения и основные виды DDoS-атак. Использование троянских программ для осуществления DDoS-атаки.
A concept of a decision support system (DSS) for modeling and forecasting of economic and financial processes is proposed as well as its software implementation. The main functions of the DSS are in modeling of nonstationary nonlinear time series.
- 278. Decrypted Secrets
The prerequisites for the emergence and formation of areas of computer science that explores the possibilities of electronic encryption devices using large-scale integrated computer circuits. The structure of cryptographic techniques to explore data.
Deep learning is one of the most active research fields in machine learning community. It has gained unprecedented achievements in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing and speech recognition. Сhallenges posed by Big Data analysis.
The replacement of the distribution of probable landmark locations, obtained from each local detector, with simpler parametric forms. Extensions to handle partial occlusions and reduce computational complexity. Algorithm regularized landmark mean-shift.
The presenting online system for symbolic differentiation that calculate derivatives. The trees are used for representation of formulas. Derivatives are generated by tree transformations. Presented algorithms are part of the microsystems simulator Dero.
Improvement of devices containing electronic elements. Application of mechatronic systems in the automotive industry. Using Solidworks software for the design of mobile robot on four or more wheeled chassis. Calculation of stresses of structural parts.
Theoretical bases of construction of geographically distributed networks and mechanisms to ensure quality of service (QoS) in such networks. Principles of construction of networks with guaranteed quality of service. The main types of interfaces.
Designing technological processes for information support for decision-making in integrated modular avionics for modern aircraft is a complex multi-stage procedure. The implementation of which involves the cooperation of aviation industry enterprises.
The issue of necessity of monitoring circumstance of software systems implemented through service-based principle in conditions of continuous development and enhancement. Pattern and antipattern detection. Metric calculation algorithms. Response time.
The overview of the development of systemic therapy, which arose on the basis of general systems theory. An analysis of the viewsof the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy, as well as the concept of cybernetics developed by Norbert Wiener and W. Ross Ashby.
The Internet - a global association of computer networks. E-mail - system for sending messages between users. Guaranteeing the flow of information between customers, establishment of a virtual connection - the tasks of Transmission Control Protocol.
Exploring different ways of assessing the value of hard currency. Calculating the hard currency exchange rate using a stack of technologies already used in the company. Distribution of income for game content. Improved dashboards for game producers.
A comprehensive study of the suitability of computerized virtual clothing modeling programs for the development of models of men's climbing pants. Comparative methods of virtual dressing, determination of pressure points, assessment of appearance.
Using C ++ Builder to create a binary file. The development of a dynamic array structure of the binary data using the individual functions, located in the library user. The general analysis of the data. Create screensaver with information about the task.
The development of the document "functional requirements" for an automated system of monitoring program execution in company related to oil industry. The process of implementation of information system. The importance of proper writing of such a paper.
A justification of need of development of intellectual service for monitoring of health and level of physical development of students of the Ufa state aviation technical university. The description of the main functions of intellectual service.
Study of the activities of leading companies operating in the global information technology market in the context of the transnationalization of international business. The current trends in the development of international production are determined.
Изучение DFD моделирования для представления бизнес-процессов в виде формальных процедур описываемых стандартными средствами. Описание инновационной деятельности, рассматриваемой как метода балансировки ресурсов в краткосрочном и долгосрочном периодах.
Diagrammatic: state transition networks, JSD diagrams, flow charts. Textual: formal grammars, production rules, CSP. Graphical notations, state-transition and Petri nets, state charts flow charts. The procedure for the use state charts in UML, STN.
- 296. Diffusion Maps - a Probabilistic Interpretation for Spectral Embedding and Clustering Algorithms
Spectral embedding and spectral clustering as common methods for non-linear dimensionality reduction and clustering of complex high dimensional datasets. Asymptotics of the diffusion distances and diffusion maps. Clustering of a mixture of gaussians.
История создания консорциума, осуществляющего разработку цифровых аудиовизуальных систем. Специфика экспертной группы по мультимедиа и гипермедиа. Ратификация стандарта приложений кабельного модема. Передача данных по сети кабельного телевидения.
- 298. Digital automatic telephone station SI2000 for building up urban and rural communication networks
Under current conditions telecommunication as the most rapidly-developing branch of engineering. Functional scheme digital commutation system for building communication networks. Distinctive features of hardware tools which are used in the system.
Theoretical aspects of the development of digital platform for engineering controlling business. Digital platform as part of the global economy. Conceptual apparatus for the research. Problems of product exchange between the city and the rural settlement.
Digital signatures: background and definitions. Cryptographic hardness assumptions and constructions based on general assumptions, signature schemes based on the (strong) RSA assumption. The random oracle model and full-domain hash (related) schemes.