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    реферат (303,0 K)
  • Программы, используемые для создания дизайна, верстки многостраничных изданий. Современный интерфейс, поддержка отображения объектов высокого разрешения, мгновенный предварительный просмотр шрифта - преимущества программного комплекса Adobe InDesign.

    дипломная работа (36,7 K)
  • Инструменты выделения и рисования. Магнитное лассо, "волшебная палочка", многоугольное лассо, пересадка голов", замена фона, градиентная заливка, "переодевание очков". Раскрашивание черно-белого изображения. Перевод цветного изображения в черно-белое.

    лабораторная работа (7,6 M)
  • Web Service Composition (WSC) is a process that helps to save much programming and cost effort by reusing existing components – web services. This paper presents an overview of current state-of-the-art Web Service Discovery and Selection methods.

    статья (93,1 K)
  • In this book offered a collection of the latest contributions to the area of computational intelligence applications to fault diagnosis. The book contains 10 chapters. Each of the chapters focuses on some theoretical aspects of intelligence methodologies.

    книга (6,5 M)
  • The Random Oracle Model and the Ideal Cipher Model Are Equivalent. Programmable Hash Functions and Their Applications. Adaptive One-Way Functions and Applications. Bits Security of the Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman Secret Keys. Cryptanalysis of MinRank.

    книга (5,6 M)
  • Factoring and discrete logarithm. One-way trapdoor permutations are sufficient for non-trivial single-server private information retrieval. Authenticate key exchange secure against dictionary attacks. Computing inverses over a shared secret modulus.

    курс лекций (5,2 M)
  • Cryptanalysis of countermeasures proposed for repairing. Security analysis of the gennaro-halevi-rabin signature scheme. Authenticated key exchange secure against dictionary attacks. The modern security aspects of practical quantum cryptography.

    курс лекций (5,2 M)
  • Show that computing e-th roots modulo n is easier than factoring n with currently known methods, given subexponential access to an oracle outputting the roots of numbers of the form xi + c. The strategy – a general outline. Polynomial construction.

    курс лекций (5,3 M)
  • Freedom of access to the global network. Ease of use compared with the library. The Internet is a cost-effective source of research and self-knowledge and confidence. Language tools that have the potential to translate pages. Disadvantages of the network.

    презентация (728,1 K)
  • Philosophy of Agile-management 3.0 as a factor in the development of technological progress in the context of a digital society. The concept of Agile management 3.0, its role in the preparation of a coach. The evolution of platforms in the service sector.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • Цінності, засади та практики відомих методологій, що підтримують принципи гнучкої розробки програмного забезпечення. Характеристика відомим методологіям, що існують та застосовуються у сфері IT-менеджменту у переході до Agile; їх сильні та слабкі сторони.

    статья (26,5 K)
  • Визначення гнучкості та факторів, які у процесі розробки програмного забезпечення можна контролювати завдяки неї. Характеристика відомих методологій, що існують та застосовуються у сфері IT-менеджменту у переході до Agile. Їх сильні та слабкі сторони.

    статья (24,2 K)
  • Optimization using intellectual centers based on artificial intelligence of the information infrastructure of universities in the conditions of wartime challenges. Creation of reliable and adaptive information systems that support educational activities.

    статья (27,4 K)
  • A Bayesian algorithm for determining the statistical accuracy factor, which can be used to estimate the accuracy characteristics of on-board automatic landing system on the stage of operational control. Solution of the statistical accuracy problem.

    статья (336,9 K)
  • The algorithm and program in MAPLE for the solution ordinary differential equations of IV order in the form of generalized power series. Some examples of the solution differential equations IV order. The singular regular points of differential equation.

    статья (118,2 K)
  • Hereditary Information and Protein Biosynthesis. Gel Electrophoresis and Direct Sequencing. Generalized Sux Trees and the Substring Problem. Ecient Computation of Overlaps. Denition and Scoring of Multiple Alignments. The FASTA and BLAST Heuristic.

    учебное пособие (3,6 M)
  • A bird's-eye view of modern cryptography. Preliminaries and Defining security in cryptography. Elementary number theory and algebra background. Approximations using partial Greatest common divisors computations. Birthday-based algorithms for functions.

    книга (2,5 M)
  • Development of software and algorithm of the information system for monitoring fires. Possibilities detecting fire from sensor, predicting its spread and assessing the source of ignition. Realization of information through sound and visual signals.

    статья (326,3 K)
  • Development of the mathematical model of invariant image processing in the visual system. The principles of constructing a functional that reaches a maximum when the values of the transformations are equal to the hidden transformations of the signal.

    статья (350,6 K)
  • Description of the developed energy saving algorithm for autonomous heating systems installed in heated premises. Determination of the moment of switching on for the transition to the specified nominal temperature after maintaining the set temperature.

    статья (476,7 K)
  • The model and structure of the intrusion detection system, which is built on the basis of immunological principles. Detecting the network traffic status. The decision rules for the classification of States of network traffic of a computer network.

    статья (475,1 K)
  • Kompyutinhove storage as one of the paradigms of periodic training neural networks through the use of rekurrentnoyi other indicators. The new approach, which focuses on learning fuzzy systems thatand its parameters are adapting their structure online.

    статья (505,7 K)
  • Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data. PGP data compression routines, the random numbers used as session keys, the message digest. Compromised passphrase and private key. Protecting against bogus timestamps.

    дипломная работа (812,1 K)
  • To develop an extension to a traditional RDF model of describing knowledge graph in accordance with the standards of the Semantic Web. The concept of Executable Knowledge for Protege based on traditional types of properties within the RDF model.

    статья (1,6 M)
  • Types of knowledge-based systems. Logic, rules and representation. The use of registered names, trademarks in engineering. Expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning systems and methodologies of intelligent agents.

    книга (1,3 M)
  • An Introduction to Cryptography: Simple substitution ciphers, Divisibility and Common Divisors. Discrete Logarithms and Diffie–Hellman. The index calculus and discrete logarithms. Combinatorics, Probability and Information Theory, Digital Signatures.

    книга (4,2 M)
  • Basic Notions of Systems and Signals. State-space Models. Process Modeling for Control Purposes. Input–output Models and Realization Theory. Controllability and Observability of LTI Systems. Stability and The Lyapunov Method. State Feedback Controllers.

    учебное пособие (1,6 M)
  • There have been introduced the most commonly used electrical schemes of biological tissue, as well as their impedance phrases and application areas. An analysis of the adequate schemes and simulation of the MATLAB software environment has been performed.

    статья (808,6 K)
  • A new model of the take-off weight of the aircraft determining process and the weight distribution of passengers’ law. A simulation of the operations in the preparation for departure process. The effect of weight on the passenger aircraft alignment.

    статья (401,0 K)