Application of cloud kitchen technologies and online delivery based on relevant network services in the work. Advantages of cloud kitchens compared to traditional restaurants, which include reducing the cost of the product by eliminating some services.
Characteristics of the segment of cloud technologies in Russia, an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. The main types of cloud services models, the problems of their use (confidentiality, security). Preferences of using clouds in Russia.
Social network analysis as a modern theoretical approach to studying various processes of human life. Application SNA to fields of science. Application exact and approximate Shapley values in the assessment of centrality measures of nodes in networks.
The possibility of a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of health care and medicine when using artificial intelligence. The use of complex statistical and mathematical tools and multidimensional data, which increases the probability of errors.
The classical methods of active identification and adaptation of automatic control systems (ACS) were used. Test of ACS.Transient process which allows to obtain parameters of the object transfer function and calculate the conventional adjustment knob.
Methods of classification of correlation extremal navigation systems, geophysical fields. The block diagram of CENS, which works in risk conditions. Dependence of posteriori probability on the quantity of key points and total error of its determination.
Consideration of scientific literature on the study of games from the point of view of ludology and narratology. Get an idea of the current state of research in ludology and narratology in various scientific fields. Method of quantitative research.
Search for opportunities to ensure the security of the state in view of the formation of a new field of confrontation - cyberspace. Consideration of factors influencing the country's cybersecurity situation and protection of information objects.
Actions of the world governments and world organizations for identifying the current state of modern trends in the cybersecurity field. Structured information about the status of modern trends in the field of cybersecurity and information protection.
The problem of three-dimensional reconstruction on Android devices, sensors system. Process of reconstructing three-dimensional models. Camera calibration, finding matching points between images, the use of sensors Android device to solve the problem.
- 131. Android OS
Особенности архитектуры платформы Google Android, ее место среди других платформ. История версий операционной системы для смартфонов. Статистика распространения версий Android. Характеристика встроенных приложений. Уровни архитектуры Google Android.
Изучение приложения Апрельской Конференции прошлых лет. Принципы работы и архитектурные особенности. Язык программирования и основные средства разработки. Реализация навигации между экранами. Анализ способа хранения данных и авторизации пользователя.
- 133. Android сервис
Исследование рынка и особенности архитектуры Android приложений. Рассмотрение сервиса для организации и поиска событий. Характеристика инструментов разработки мобильного приложения. Описание особенностей архитектуры и основных компонентов Android.
Исследование пошаговой онлайн стратегии "Мозаика". Важность архитектурного подхода при построении приложений. Особенность жизненного цикла Activity и Fragment. Базовая архитектура клиент-серверных программ. Суть работы с многопоточностью в Android.
Анализ методологий и подходов к функциональному моделированию и моделированию процессов. Разработка приложения для редактирования IDEF диаграмм на смартфонах и планшетах под управлением операционной системы Android. Описание алгоритма работы приложения.
- 136. Anonymous
Usage of the term Anonymous on imagebords, particularly the board of chan, dedicated to random content. Idea of exposing corruption within the system. Limiting information and enlarging author rights. Hacked many oil companies servers in order.
Question classification extracts useful information. Mathematical Machinery and Document Processing. State of the Art Query-based Summarization and Question Answering Systems. Answering Simple and Complex Questions, their experimental evaluation.
- 138. Apache HTTP-сервер
Установка и настройка Web-сервера Apache для использования его на локальной машине под операционной системой Windows (2000 и XP). Запуск фоновых приложений при старте системы. Настройка конфигурационных файлов. Создание собственных виртуальных хостов.
Consideration of various information security standards in the Russian commercial organizations. Methods of data protection. Potential application of international standards in information security activities of the Russian commercial organization.
The article analyzes the application of information technologies to the analysis of the stock market, namely to the study of the dynamics of the Ukrainian currency exchange rate, which will allow us to draw a conclusion about the market as a whole.
The use of specific application packages in the professional field. The integration of mobile technologies and cloud computing. Systems design and automation of scientific research. Educational software packages. Programs in economically viable.
Network monitoring methodology development as stage of data center infrastructure organizing due to requirements of services efficiency and stability. Process of hot-spot evaluation of the network data indexes. Comparative judgment matrix forming method.
Error correction and the cascade protocol. Individual attacks in an realistic environment. Dynamic initial block-size. Statistical analysis of QKD networks in real-life environment. Quantum-cryptographic networks from a prototype to the citizen.
The questions of energy efficiency of information systems. The study of existing methods to reduce energy consumption at the program level. A new approach to the development of energy-efficient software that passes through its entire life cycle.
An overview of the most popular approaches to the modeling of automated systems for intelligent monitoring and management of environmental safety in the water sector. Principles of construction of adaptive systems of this class and requirements to them.
Research and analysis of ways to solve the problem of reducing the expressions obtained in solving the naval system. Structure of Stokes equations. Development and analysis of an equivalent reduction algorithm based on the theory of chain fractions.
Дополненная реальность — среда, в реальном времени дополняющая физический мир, каким его видит человек при помощи цифровых данных или каких-либо устройств. Упрощение сложных сборок - сфера применения дополненной реальности в промышленном производстве.
- 148. ArcCatalog
Особенности ArcCatalog. Предварительный просмотр данных и географических границ, управление источниками данных. Использование данных в ArcMap и ArcToolbox. Советы по изучению ArcCatalog, просмотр и создание метаданных. Книга Introducing ArcCatalog.
- 149. ArcGIS и AutoCAD
Рассмотрение применения новых технологий при отводе земель. Использование геоинформационных систем (ГИС) ArcGIS и AutoCAD технологий в землеустройстве. Оценка применения программы AutoCAD при отводе земельных участков под объекты линейных сооружений.
Computer facilities and microprocessor systems and data manipulation. Digital automata synthesis. Programming of Intel microprocessors, generic architecture. Construction principles of telecommunications nodes. Initialization of purpose registers.