Разработка методики измерения ригидности менеджера на рабочем месте
Анализ представлений о понятиях ригидности и адаптивности. Организационный контекст как средообразующий фактор, мотивационный аспект и специфическая выборка. Определение креативного потенциала менеджеров. Создание опросника о выделенных "антагонистах".
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 09.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 1,2 M |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
Результаты вычисления альфа Кронбаха для основной части исследования находятся в таблице 4.
Таблица 4. б-Кронбаха (основная часть)
Шкала № (название) |
Значение показателя б-Кронбаха |
1 (личностная ригидность) |
0,6270205 |
2 (ситуационная ригидность) |
0,6246845 |
3 (организационный контекст) |
0,8143709 |
Весь опросник |
0,8265069 |
Как видно из таблицы 4, показатели внутренней согласованности увеличились не только в целом по опроснику, но и значительно повысились по всем шкалам. По сравнению с общим показателем 0,63 в пилоте значение 0,83 демонстрирует высокую внутреннюю согласованность теста. Особенно сильные различия наблюдаются между первой и второй шкалами: 0,29 против 0,63 и 0,34 против 0,62 соответственно. В обоих случаях лучшие результаты по шкалам - у третьей, однако и здесь наблюдается существенное улучшение: 0,63 против 0,81. Второе также показывает высокую согласованность шкалы.
В целом можно сказать, что опросник стал более согласованным внутренне и надёжным, однако отдельные шкалы (конкретно первая и вторая) всё ещё требуют доработки.
Корреляционные матрицы с поправкой на множественные сравнения
Результаты по пилотной и основной частям исследования в виде рисунков представлены ниже (см. рис. 7-14). В случае основной части были убраны все вопросы, которые показали отрицательные корреляции в пилоте (см. Приложение B).
Рис. 7. Корреляционная матрица для всего опросника (пилот).
Рис. 8. Корреляционная матрица для первой шкалы (пилот).
Рис. 9. Корреляционная матрица для второй шкалы (пилот).
Рис. 10. Корреляционная матрица для третьей шкалы (пилот).
Рис. 11. Корреляционная матрица для всего опросника (основное).
Рис. 12. Корреляционная матрица для первой шкалы (основное).
Рис. 13. Корреляционная матрица для второй шкалы (основное).
Рис. 14. Корреляционная матрица для третьей шкалы (основное).
Как видно из попарного сравнения рисунков 7 и 11, 8 и 12, 9 и 13, 10 и 14, наблюдаются значительные улучшения по согласованности вопросов. На всех рисунках в случае основного исследования количество отрицательных корреляций значительно уменьшилось, а на рис. 14, у третьей шкалы, отсутствуют совсем. Для того, чтобы получились такие результаты, пришлось удалить несколько вопросов, которые показали худшие результаты по согласованности. Туда вошли следующие номера вопросов:
1. Первая шкала: 1, 4, 12, 15.
2. Вторая шкала: 6, 9, 11, 13, 15.
3. Третья шкала: 3, 7, 9, 13.
Посмотреть удалённые вопросы можно в Приложении C.
Подводя итог по показателю согласованности, можно сказать, что гипотеза 1 подтвердилась частично: опросник согласован в целом, также надёжна третья шкала, однако первая и вторая шкалы имеют недостаточный уровень согласованности.
Факторный анализ
После проведения анализа данных для проверки первой гипотезы целесообразно проведение факторного анализа для обеих эмпирических частей исследования и проверки второй гипотезы.
Основные показатели, полученные в ходе применения эксплораторного факторного анализа, представлены в сравнительной таблице 5.
Таблица 5. Результаты ЭФА
Критерий \ часть исследования |
Пилот |
Основная часть |
Хи-квадрат |
1216,73 |
616,69 |
Статистическая значимость Хи-квадрата |
< 6,8e-07 |
< 1,2e-08 |
Индекс Такера-Льюиса |
0,7 |
0,756 |
Среднеквадратическая ошибка аппроксимации (RMSEA) |
0,073 |
0,061 |
Количество степеней свободы |
987 |
432 |
Как видно из таблицы, часть значений лучше в пилотной модели (значение Хи-квадрата, количество степеней свободы), однако преимущественно показатели в основной части демонстрируют лучшие значения. Так, статистическая значимость Хи-квадрата в основной части лучше (< 1,2e-08 по сравнению с < 6,8e-07), хотя оба значения показывают достоверный уровень значимости. Индекс Такера-Льюиса также немого выше в основной части (0,756 против 0,7), что тоже говорит о лучшем варианте основной модели по сравнению с пилотной. Также выгодно различаются значения (0,061 у основной по сравнению с 0,073 у пилотной части исследования), что ещё раз подтверждает мысль о том, что вторая модель лучше первой по большинству важных показателей.
2.8 Обсуждение результатов
Подводя итоги работы, необходимо определить возможные причины таких результатов, которые были получены в ходе исследования, а также обозначить поле для дальнейшей работы по реализации заказа клиента и для академических исследований по проблематике настоящего прикладного проектного исследования.
Несмотря на то, что по итогам анализа результатов мы можем наблюдать пользу от процедуры исключения вопросов из методики (особенно это касается показателей, указывающих на согласованность исследования), мы не можем быть уверены, что наш опросный инструмент будет эффективно проверять уровень ригидности-адаптивности кандидатов. К сожалению, значения индекса Такера-Льюиса и среднеквадратической ошибки аппроксимации демонстрируют не совсем хорошие значения даже в случае с результатами эксплораторного факторного анализа основной части исследования. Следовательно, необходимо продолжать процесс улучшения опросника для более эффективного использования. Однако для того, чтобы проверить состоятельность инструмента, можно предпринять следующий шаг: выделить внешний критерий, по которому можно будет проверить внешнюю валидность опросного инструмента. Именно валидизация будет являться ключевой для дальнейшей реализации проекта, посвящённого выполнению заказа клиента.
В ходе исследования перед нами стояла цель создать такой опросный инструмент, который смог бы удовлетворить запрос клиента. Мы максимально приблизились к реализации этой цели за исключением дальнейшей валидизации опросника (см. Обсуждение результатов), которая выходит за рамки данной работы и не входит в список задач текущего исследования. Также были выполнены все теоретические, методические и эмпирические задачи, которые стояли перед нами в рамках этой работы (см. Введение).
В ходе разработки вопросов для текущей методики были реализованы все методические цели исследования, а именно:
1. Проведено экспертное интервью для убеждённости в том, что термины, выбранные для создания опросного инструмента, корректны (см. п. 2.1).
2. Осуществлён поиск уже существующих методик, которые были бы релевантны конструктам ригидности и адаптивности, и взят за основу найденный опросник Е. П. Ильина «Определение креативного потенциала менеджеров» (см. п. 2.2).
3. Проведены когнитивные интервью и произведена коррекция вопросов методики (см. п. 2.4).
Кроме того, удалось добиться следующих основных результатов:
1. Опрос экспертов показал, что большинство из них считают целесообразным использование шкалы «Ригидность-адаптивность», причём скорее в ситуативном ключе, чем в личностном.
2. В соответствии с контекстом и терминами, используемыми в работе, было в совокупности изменено и удалено 26 вопросов исходной методики.
3. После проведения когнитивных интервью были исправлены некорректные формулировки 10-ти вопросов.
На эмпирическом этапе работы, который был реализован ради проверки гипотез исследования, мы получили следующие результаты:
1. Гипотеза 1 частично подтвердилась: для третьей шкалы и для всего опросника в целом она верна, первая и вторая шкалы требуют доработки.
2. Гипотеза 2 не подтвердилась: необходимо улучшение опросного инструмента.
3. По сравнению с пилотным исследованием, более краткая версия опросника для основного этапа имеет лучшие показатели (в особенности, по внутренней надёжности).
Сегодня тема определения ригидности очень актуальна. В этом исследовании был создан новый опросный инструмент, который после дальнейшей валидизации поможет выявить наличие данного свойства у кандидатов на должность менеджера организации. Создание новой методики было осуществлено с использованием трех методов - когнитивных интервью для корректировки содержания вопросов, самого опросника и эксплораторного факторного анализа для проверки точности вопросов.
Теоретическая значимость работы заключается в углублении научного понимания терминов ригидности и адаптивности. В исследовании суммируются и анализируются теоретические представления о понятиях «ригидность» и «адаптивность» и даются им определения. Кроме того, результаты исследования могут быть использованы в компании X и других компаниях, которые не хотят иметь ригидных сотрудников.
Опрос был проведен на выборке, состоящей из менеджеров различных уровней. Критерий отбора респондентов по признаку профессиональной деятельности является ограничением применения данной методики, однако это же дает новые направления для дальнейших исследований в рамках различных возрастных и гендерных групп, а также различных должностей и профессий.
Список литературы
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Код для обработки данных в статистическом пакете R
1. library(readxl)
2. library(psycho)
3. library(psy)
4. library(psych)
5. pilot_obs <- read_xlsx("vkr2.xlsx")
6. main_obs <- read_xlsx("vkr4.xlsx")
7. cor_pilot <- correlation(pilot_obs[,4:51],method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
8. cor_main <- correlation(main_obs[,4:51],method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
9. plot(cor_main)
10. plot(cor_pilot)
11. plot(correlation(main_obs[4:51],method = "spearman", adjust = "holm") )
12. df_remove_negcor_items <- main_obs
13. # A1 A4 A12 A15 B6 B9 B11 B13 B15 C3 C7 C9 C13
14. df_remove_negcor_items <- df_remove_negcor_items[ , -which(names(df_remove_negcor_items) %in% c("A1","A4", "A12","A15",
15. "B6","B9", "B11", "B13","B15",
16. "C3","C7", "C9","C13"))]
17. a_qs <- df_remove_negcor_items[,4:15]
18. b_qs <- df_remove_negcor_items[,16:26]
19. c_qs <- df_remove_negcor_items[,27:36]
20. all_qs <- df_remove_negcor_items[,4:36]
21. fa_main_removed_negcor <- fa(all_qs, 3, rotate = "varimax") # ЭФА по 3 факторам
22. summary(fa_main_removed_negcor)
23. fa_loadings <- fa_main_removed_negcor$loadings
24. fa_loadings
25. cor_of_a <- correlation(a_qs,method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
26. cor_of_b <- correlation(b_qs,method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
27. cor_of_c <- correlation(c_qs,method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
28. cor_full <- correlation(all_qs,method = "spearman", adjust = "holm")
29. plot(cor_of_a)
30. plot(cor_of_b)
31. plot(cor_of_c)
32. plot(cor_full)
33. #Cronbach
34. alpha(all_qs,check.keys=TRUE)
35. cronbach(all_qs)
36. cronbach(a_qs)
37. cronbach(b_qs)
38. cronbach(c_qs)
Значения для корреляционных матриц с поправкой на множественные сравнения
Первая шкала вопросов:
1. "1" "Spearman Full Correlation (p value correction: holm):"
2. "2" " - A1 - A2: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A2 (r(98) = -0.099, p > .1)."
3. "3" " - A1 - A3: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A1 and A3 (r(98) = 0.039, p > .1)."
4. "4" " - A2 - A3: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A3 (r(98) = 0.26, p > .1)."
5. "5" " - A1 - A4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate negative association between A1 and A4 (r(98) = 0.31, p > .1)."
6. "6" " - A2 - A4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A4 (r(98) = -0.25, p > .1)."
7. "7" " - A3 - A4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A3 and A4 (r(98) = -0.095, p > .1)."
8. "8" " - A1 - A5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A5 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
9. "9" " - A2 - A5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A5 (r(98) = 0.065, p > .1)."
10. "10" " - A3 - A5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A5 (r(98) = 0.041, p > .1)."
11. "11" " - A4 - A5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A5 (r(98) = -0.048, p > .1)."
12. "12" " - A1 - A6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A6 (r(98) = -0.041, p > .1)."
13. "13" " - A2 - A6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A6 (r(98) = -0.070, p > .1)."
14. "14" " - A3 - A6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A3 and A6 (r(98) = -0.027, p > .1)."
15. "15" " - A4 - A6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A4 and A6 (r(98) = 0.022, p > .1)."
16. "16" " - A5 - A6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A6 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
17. "17" " - A1 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate positive association between A1 and A7 (r(98) = -0.33, p > .1)."
18. "18" " - A2 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A7 (r(98) = -0.030, p > .1)."
19. "19" " - A3 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A7 (r(98) = 0.16, p > .1)."
20. "20" " - A4 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A7 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
21. "21" " - A5 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A7 (r(98) = 0.23, p > .1)."
22. "22" " - A6 - A7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A7 (r(98) = 0.088, p > .1)."
23. "23" " - A1 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A8 (r(98) = -0.25, p > .1)."
24. "24" " - A2 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A8 (r(98) = 0.17, p > .1)."
25. "25" " - A3 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A8 (r(98) = 0.16, p > .1)."
26. "26" " - A4 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A8 (r(98) = -0.21, p > .1)."
27. "27" " - A5 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A8 (r(98) = 0.17, p > .1)."
28. "28" " - A6 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A8 (r(98) = 0.0069, p > .1)."
29. "29" " - A7 - A8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and strong negative association between A7 and A8 (r(98) = 0.62, p < .001***)."
30. "30" " - A1 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A9 (r(98) = -0.19, p > .1)."
31. "31" " - A2 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A9 (r(98) = 0.097, p > .1)."
32. "32" " - A3 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A9 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
33. "33" " - A4 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A9 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
34. "34" " - A5 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A9 (r(98) = 0.15, p > .1)."
35. "35" " - A6 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A9 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
36. "36" " - A7 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A7 and A9 (r(98) = 0.25, p > .1)."
37. "37" " - A8 - A9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A8 and A9 (r(98) = 0.20, p > .1)."
38. "38" " - A1 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A10 (r(98) = -0.17, p > .1)."
39. "39" " - A2 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A10 (r(98) = -0.053, p > .1)."
40. "40" " - A3 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A10 (r(98) = 0.0018, p > .1)."
41. "41" " - A4 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A4 and A10 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
42. "42" " - A5 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A10 (r(98) = 0.15, p > .1)."
43. "43" " - A6 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A10 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
44. "44" " - A7 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A7 and A10 (r(98) = 0.21, p > .1)."
45. "45" " - A8 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A8 and A10 (r(98) = 0.21, p > .1)."
46. "46" " - A9 - A10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A9 and A10 (r(98) = 0.49, p < .001***)."
47. "47" " - A1 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A1 and A11 (r(98) = 0.010, p > .1)."
48. "48" " - A2 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A11 (r(98) = 0.050, p > .1)."
49. "49" " - A3 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A11 (r(98) = 0.20, p > .1)."
50. "50" " - A4 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A4 and A11 (r(98) = 0.035, p > .1)."
51. "51" " - A5 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A11 (r(98) = 0.24, p > .1)."
52. "52" " - A6 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A11 (r(98) = 0.22, p > .1)."
53. "53" " - A7 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate negative association between A7 and A11 (r(98) = 0.34, p = 0.07?)."
54. "54" " - A8 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate negative association between A8 and A11 (r(98) = 0.31, p > .1)."
55. "55" " - A9 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A9 and A11 (r(98) = 0.45, p < .001***)."
56. "56" " - A10 - A11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A10 and A11 (r(98) = 0.50, p < .001***)."
57. "57" " - A1 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A1 and A12 (r(98) = 0.35, p < .05*)."
58. "58" " - A2 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A12 (r(98) = -0.20, p > .1)."
59. "59" " - A3 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A3 and A12 (r(98) = -0.045, p > .1)."
60. "60" " - A4 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A4 and A12 (r(98) = 0.15, p > .1)."
61. "61" " - A5 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A5 and A12 (r(98) = -0.064, p > .1)."
62. "62" " - A6 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A6 and A12 (r(98) = -0.078, p > .1)."
63. "63" " - A7 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A7 and A12 (r(98) = -0.098, p > .1)."
64. "64" " - A8 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A8 and A12 (r(98) = -0.11, p > .1)."
65. "65" " - A9 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A9 and A12 (r(98) = -0.24, p > .1)."
66. "66" " - A10 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A10 and A12 (r(98) = -0.17, p > .1)."
67. "67" " - A11 - A12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A11 and A12 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
68. "68" " - A1 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A13 (r(98) = -0.17, p > .1)."
69. "69" " - A2 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A13 (r(98) = 0.056, p > .1)."
70. "70" " - A3 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A13 (r(98) = 0.059, p > .1)."
71. "71" " - A4 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate positive association between A4 and A13 (r(98) = -0.32, p > .1)."
72. "72" " - A5 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A5 and A13 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
73. "73" " - A6 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A13 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
74. "74" " - A7 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A7 and A13 (r(98) = 0.082, p > .1)."
75. "75" " - A8 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A8 and A13 (r(98) = 0.22, p > .1)."
76. "76" " - A9 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A9 and A13 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
77. "77" " - A10 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A10 and A13 (r(98) = 0.086, p > .1)."
78. "78" " - A11 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A11 and A13 (r(98) = -0.047, p > .1)."
79. "79" " - A12 - A13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A12 and A13 (r(98) = -0.17, p > .1)."
80. "80" " - A1 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A14 (r(98) = -0.051, p > .1)."
81. "81" " - A2 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A14 (r(98) = -0.0026, p > .1)."
82. "82" " - A3 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A3 and A14 (r(98) = -0.079, p > .1)."
83. "83" " - A4 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A14 (r(98) = -0.059, p > .1)."
84. "84" " - A5 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A14 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
85. "85" " - A6 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A14 (r(98) = 0.16, p > .1)."
86. "86" " - A7 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A7 and A14 (r(98) = 0.18, p > .1)."
87. "87" " - A8 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A8 and A14 (r(98) = 0.25, p > .1)."
88. "88" " - A9 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A9 and A14 (r(98) = 0.49, p < .001***)."
89. "89" " - A10 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A10 and A14 (r(98) = 0.37, p < .05*)."
90. "90" " - A11 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between A11 and A14 (r(98) = 0.46, p < .001***)."
91. "91" " - A12 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A12 and A14 (r(98) = -0.16, p > .1)."
92. "92" " - A13 - A14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A13 and A14 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
93. "93" " - A1 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A1 and A15 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
94. "94" " - A2 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A2 and A15 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
95. "95" " - A3 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A3 and A15 (r(98) = 0.013, p > .1)."
96. "96" " - A4 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A4 and A15 (r(98) = 0.050, p > .1)."
97. "97" " - A5 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A15 (r(98) = 0.089, p > .1)."
98. "98" " - A6 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A15 (r(98) = 0.10, p > .1)."
99. "99" " - A7 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A7 and A15 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
100. "100" " - A8 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A8 and A15 (r(98) = -0.29, p > .1)."
101. "101" " - A9 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A9 and A15 (r(98) = -0.17, p > .1)."
102. "102" " - A10 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A10 and A15 (r(98) = -0.16, p > .1)."
103. "103" " - A11 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A11 and A15 (r(98) = -0.061, p > .1)."
104. "104" " - A12 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A12 and A15 (r(98) = -0.021, p > .1)."
105. "105" " - A13 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A13 and A15 (r(98) = -0.25, p > .1)."
106. "106" " - A14 - A15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A14 and A15 (r(98) = 0.0053, p > .1)."
107. "107" " - A1 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A1 and A16 (r(98) = -0.18, p > .1)."
108. "108" " - A2 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A2 and A16 (r(98) = -0.11, p > .1)."
109. "109" " - A3 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A3 and A16 (r(98) = -0.050, p > .1)."
110. "110" " - A4 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A4 and A16 (r(98) = -0.093, p > .1)."
111. "111" " - A5 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A5 and A16 (r(98) = 0.029, p > .1)."
112. "112" " - A6 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A6 and A16 (r(98) = 0.038, p > .1)."
113. "113" " - A7 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A7 and A16 (r(98) = 0.070, p > .1)."
114. "114" " - A8 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A8 and A16 (r(98) = 0.032, p > .1)."
115. "115" " - A9 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A9 and A16 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
116. "116" " - A10 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A10 and A16 (r(98) = -0.078, p > .1)."
117. "117" " - A11 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A11 and A16 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
118. "118" " - A12 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A12 and A16 (r(98) = 0.0051, p > .1)."
119. "119" " - A13 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between A13 and A16 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
120. "120" " - A14 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A14 and A16 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
121. "121" " - A15 - A16: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between A15 and A16 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
Вторая шкала вопросов:
1. "1" "Spearman Full Correlation (p value correction: holm):"
2. "2" " - B1 - B2: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between B1 and B2 (r(98) = 0.44, p < .001***)."
3. "3" " - B1 - B3: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B1 and B3 (r(98) = -0.13, p > .1)."
4. "4" " - B2 - B3: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B3 (r(98) = 0.11, p > .1)."
5. "5" " - B1 - B4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B4 (r(98) = 0.23, p > .1)."
6. "6" " - B2 - B4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B4 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
7. "7" " - B3 - B4: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B4 (r(98) = 0.16, p > .1)."
8. "8" " - B1 - B5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between B1 and B5 (r(98) = 0.37, p < .05*)."
9. "9" " - B2 - B5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B5 (r(98) = 0.30, p > .1)."
10. "10" " - B3 - B5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B5 (r(98) = 0.0081, p > .1)."
11. "11" " - B4 - B5: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B5 (r(98) = 0.23, p > .1)."
12. "12" " - B1 - B6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B6 (r(98) = 0.027, p > .1)."
13. "13" " - B2 - B6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B2 and B6 (r(98) = -0.0048, p > .1)."
14. "14" " - B3 - B6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B6 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
15. "15" " - B4 - B6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B6 (r(98) = 0.087, p > .1)."
16. "16" " - B5 - B6: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B6 (r(98) = 0.030, p > .1)."
17. "17" " - B1 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B7 (r(98) = 0.22, p > .1)."
18. "18" " - B2 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B7 (r(98) = 0.047, p > .1)."
19. "19" " - B3 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B7 (r(98) = 0.015, p > .1)."
20. "20" " - B4 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B7 (r(98) = 0.19, p > .1)."
21. "21" " - B5 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B7 (r(98) = 0.19, p > .1)."
22. "22" " - B6 - B7: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B7 (r(98) = 0.098, p > .1)."
23. "23" " - B1 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B8 (r(98) = 0.15, p > .1)."
24. "24" " - B2 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B8 (r(98) = 0.052, p > .1)."
25. "25" " - B3 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B8 (r(98) = 0.055, p > .1)."
26. "26" " - B4 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B8 (r(98) = 0.13, p > .1)."
27. "27" " - B5 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B8 (r(98) = 0.042, p > .1)."
28. "28" " - B6 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B8 (r(98) = 0.081, p > .1)."
29. "29" " - B7 - B8: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B7 and B8 (r(98) = 0.12, p > .1)."
30. "30" " - B1 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B1 and B9 (r(98) = -0.023, p > .1)."
31. "31" " - B2 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B9 (r(98) = 0.11, p > .1)."
32. "32" " - B3 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B3 and B9 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
33. "33" " - B4 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B4 and B9 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
34. "34" " - B5 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B9 (r(98) = 0.16, p > .1)."
35. "35" " - B6 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B9 (r(98) = 0.091, p > .1)."
36. "36" " - B7 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B7 and B9 (r(98) = 0.092, p > .1)."
37. "37" " - B8 - B9: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B8 and B9 (r(98) = -0.065, p > .1)."
38. "38" " - B1 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B10 (r(98) = 0.25, p > .1)."
39. "39" " - B2 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between B2 and B10 (r(98) = 0.36, p < .05*)."
40. "40" " - B3 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B10 (r(98) = 0.013, p > .1)."
41. "41" " - B4 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B10 (r(98) = 0.21, p > .1)."
42. "42" " - B5 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B10 (r(98) = 0.11, p > .1)."
43. "43" " - B6 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B6 and B10 (r(98) = -0.093, p > .1)."
44. "44" " - B7 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B10 (r(98) = -0.093, p > .1)."
45. "45" " - B8 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B8 and B10 (r(98) = 0.036, p > .1)."
46. "46" " - B9 - B10: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B9 and B10 (r(98) = 0.063, p > .1)."
47. "47" " - B1 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B1 and B11 (r(98) = -0.24, p > .1)."
48. "48" " - B2 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate positive association between B2 and B11 (r(98) = -0.40, p < .01**)."
49. "49" " - B3 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B3 and B11 (r(98) = -0.065, p > .1)."
50. "50" " - B4 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B4 and B11 (r(98) = -0.24, p > .1)."
51. "51" " - B5 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B5 and B11 (r(98) = -0.28, p > .1)."
52. "52" " - B6 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B11 (r(98) = 0.19, p > .1)."
53. "53" " - B7 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B11 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
54. "54" " - B8 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B8 and B11 (r(98) = -0.076, p > .1)."
55. "55" " - B9 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B9 and B11 (r(98) = 0.11, p > .1)."
56. "56" " - B10 - B11: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B10 and B11 (r(98) = -0.24, p > .1)."
57. "57" " - B1 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B12 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
58. "58" " - B2 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B2 and B12 (r(98) = 0.25, p > .1)."
59. "59" " - B3 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B12 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
60. "60" " - B4 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B4 and B12 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
61. "61" " - B5 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B12 (r(98) = 0.23, p > .1)."
62. "62" " - B6 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B12 (r(98) = 0.061, p > .1)."
63. "63" " - B7 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B12 (r(98) = -0.024, p > .1)."
64. "64" " - B8 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B8 and B12 (r(98) = 0.094, p > .1)."
65. "65" " - B9 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B9 and B12 (r(98) = -0.038, p > .1)."
66. "66" " - B10 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and moderate negative association between B10 and B12 (r(98) = 0.33, p = 0.08?)."
67. "67" " - B11 - B12: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B11 and B12 (r(98) = -0.16, p > .1)."
68. "68" " - B1 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B1 and B13 (r(98) = -0.15, p > .1)."
69. "69" " - B2 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate positive association between B2 and B13 (r(98) = -0.38, p < .05*)."
70. "70" " - B3 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B13 (r(98) = 0.0098, p > .1)."
71. "71" " - B4 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B4 and B13 (r(98) = -0.11, p > .1)."
72. "72" " - B5 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B5 and B13 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
73. "73" " - B6 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B6 and B13 (r(98) = 0.24, p > .1)."
74. "74" " - B7 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B13 (r(98) = -0.11, p > .1)."
75. "75" " - B8 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B8 and B13 (r(98) = 0.070, p > .1)."
76. "76" " - B9 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B9 and B13 (r(98) = 0.15, p > .1)."
77. "77" " - B10 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B10 and B13 (r(98) = -0.21, p > .1)."
78. "78" " - B11 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a significant and moderate negative association between B11 and B13 (r(98) = 0.43, p < .01**)."
79. "79" " - B12 - B13: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B12 and B13 (r(98) = -0.18, p > .1)."
80. "80" " - B1 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B1 and B14 (r(98) = 0.057, p > .1)."
81. "81" " - B2 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B2 and B14 (r(98) = -0.060, p > .1)."
82. "82" " - B3 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B14 (r(98) = 0.042, p > .1)."
83. "83" " - B4 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B4 and B14 (r(98) = -0.11, p > .1)."
84. "84" " - B5 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B5 and B14 (r(98) = 0.075, p > .1)."
85. "85" " - B6 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B6 and B14 (r(98) = -0.060, p > .1)."
86. "86" " - B7 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B14 (r(98) = -0.015, p > .1)."
87. "87" " - B8 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B8 and B14 (r(98) = -0.086, p > .1)."
88. "88" " - B9 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B9 and B14 (r(98) = 0.14, p > .1)."
89. "89" " - B10 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B10 and B14 (r(98) = -0.21, p > .1)."
90. "90" " - B11 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B11 and B14 (r(98) = 0.038, p > .1)."
91. "91" " - B12 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B12 and B14 (r(98) = -0.079, p > .1)."
92. "92" " - B13 - B14: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B13 and B14 (r(98) = 0.24, p > .1)."
93. "93" " - B1 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B1 and B15 (r(98) = -0.093, p > .1)."
94. "94" " - B2 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B2 and B15 (r(98) = -0.038, p > .1)."
95. "95" " - B3 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B3 and B15 (r(98) = 0.11, p > .1)."
96. "96" " - B4 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B4 and B15 (r(98) = -0.064, p > .1)."
97. "97" " - B5 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B5 and B15 (r(98) = -0.065, p > .1)."
98. "98" " - B6 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B6 and B15 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
99. "99" " - B7 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B7 and B15 (r(98) = -0.083, p > .1)."
100. "100" " - B8 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B8 and B15 (r(98) = -0.12, p > .1)."
101. "101" " - B9 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B9 and B15 (r(98) = 0.054, p > .1)."
102. "102" " - B10 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B10 and B15 (r(98) = -0.079, p > .1)."
103. "103" " - B11 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak positive association between B11 and B15 (r(98) = -0.067, p > .1)."
104. "104" " - B12 - B15: Results of the Spearman correlation showed a non significant and weak negative association between B12 and B15 (r(98) = 0.0062, p > .1)."
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