The crisis of globalization, global governance and the international liberal order: preamble to an emerging global order. Reconfiguration and diffusion of world power: the emerging order. Global changes: the challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean.
The tension between Russia and the West, which has changed the global geopolitical scenario, its impact on the world level. Characteristics of the strategic triangle in the Western Hemisphere, which unites Latin America alongside Washington and Moscow.
The place of the region in the context of the system of international relations and the perception of it within Latin and Caribbean America countries. Their abilities to formulate responses to political and economic challenges of global world actors.
The context of the emergence of Latin-language literature in medieval Kyiv. The sphere of use Latin language. The history of the family of Kyiv prince Izyaslav, princess Gertrude, their son Yaropolk, daughter-in-law Kunigunda in texts and artifacts.
Analysis of the responsibility of the parent company and its representative in the Law on groups of companies. Protection of non-group minority shareholders. A comparison of the law with German and Portuguese group law and the French Rosenblum doctrine.
Analysis of approaches to recognition of group interests. Effectiveness of establishing centralized management, direct liability of the parent company, rights of exit and redemption of minority shareholders. Amendments to the Law on groups of companies.
Types of Ukrainian-Latvian communication ties between Ukraine and Latvia over a long period (1991-2020). The influence of Russian armed aggression and the formation of a positive image of the Ukrainian state in the eyes of the general Latvian public.
Философское восприятие имперской идеи и практики в период между двумя мировыми войнами. Рассмотрение как наиболее репрезентативных рефлексий на имперскую идею концепции Ортега-и-Гассета, Эволы и Хайдеггера. Феноменальность империи и идея реальности.
Addresses the progress of the European integration in such fields as social, wage, insurance and fiscal policies. Analyzes stages and factors contributing to, the advancement of policy coordination and building up common policies in the fields mentioned.
Development of integration processes in the EU in such areas as social, tariff, insurance and budget and tax policy. Key factors contributing to intensification. Cumulative characteristics of these spheres as the "third circle" of European integration.
- 101. Laundry "Cleasy"
Characteristics of the mission and goals of the company. The location and Laundry facilities. Market analysis and key competitors. Pricing strategy in this field. Brief description of the office. The preparation of the financial plan of the organization.
- 102. Laurentian Library
Laurentian Library as a historical library in Florence, it's architectoral description, the famous staircase and Reading room (designed by Michelangelo). The most important manuscripts which conserves in Laurentian Library and it's modern equipment.
Analyzes interrelated issues: the influence of digitalization upon the key phenomena and degree to which digitalization of actual processes reflects in the construction of the legislative provisions. Criticizes approach to understanding digitalization.
The problem of legal ideology as a separate category of modern society through the understanding of the categories "law" and "ideology". The essential unity of issues related to the organization of the ideological and legal sphere of modern society.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the process of liquidation and dissolution of companies. Also the research below defines the rules that must be followed when approaching those procedures in the Kingdom of Spain and Republic of Austria.
Study of the process of liquidation and dissolution of companies. Basic rules to be observed when referring to these procedures in the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Austria. The essence of the two types of liquidation is a legal and safe way.
- 107. Law and the courts
Establishing a government decree set of rules. Characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon system of common law. The main analysis of the continental European Code of Practice. The peculiarity of the religious freedom legislation. Protect people from abuse study.
Non-payment of tax and social insurance premiums, hindering activities of tax authorities. Infringement of regulations concerning security controls for the labelling of goods. Institutions authorised to combat tax crime in the republic of Slovakia.
Interpretation of natural, positive law in the work of the Ukrainian philosopher P. Yurkevich. The transition from the theory of natural law to the philosophy of law in Ukrainian spiritual culture. The idea of natural law in the works of the philosopher.
The features interpretations of natural and positive law in the works of outstanding Ukrainian philosopher Pamfil Yurkevych. Consideration of the transition from the theory of natural law to the philosophy of law in the Ukrainian spiritual culture.
Theory and practice of transitional justice. Comprehensive study of key strategies for mastering the past as a form of mutual recognition. Clarification of the true nature of law as an antithesis to violence and its fundamental connection with the world.
Consideration of the importance of improving the information and analytical provision of law enforcement activities. Active development of information and communication technologies and digitalization, their impact on law enforcement activities.
Despite Britain's turbulent history Legal English has managed to preserve a remarkable degree of continuity collecting numerous relicts of the past historical periods, which create many difficulties for modern readers and translators; their analysis.
- 114. Law of Russia
Russian constitution as the supreme law of the land. Statutes as the predominant legal source of law. Presidential decrees and directives. Judicial decisions, practice and explanations of supreme courts. USSR legislation, custom, international law.
Although mediation is considered one of the most popular ways of consensual dispute resolution, for many years, mediation in Ukraine had no legislative regulation. This was one of the obstacles that restrained alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Analysis of the current state of legislative support for the legal activity regime in the exclusive (maritime) economic zone of Ukraine. Realization of legitimate activities in this space (implementation of freedoms in the sea, construction and other).
Analysis of the state of archeology, museum studies and art in Ukraine in Soviet times. Research of the activity of the Ukrainian scientist, professor L. Slavin, estimation of his contribution to the development of archeology, history and humanities.
Принцип действия электронного генератора. Общие сведения о генераторах с внешним возбуждением. Особенности регенеративного усиления. Механизмы синхронизации и деления частоты. Исследование вольтамперной характеристики (ВАХ) полевого транзистора.
Современные взгляды на проблему антибиотикорезистентности и ее преодоление в клинической фармакологии. Ранжирование показателя эффективности антибиотиков путем нахождения сравнительного значения бактерицидности в отношении штаммов микроорганизмов.
Соединение понятий "местонахождения" и "темпоральной структуры" в точке кино как феномена культуры. Кино как чувственное выражение возможности мира как целого. Создание с помощью кино образа мира как целостности, в которой невозможно "принять участие".