Etiologic factors of aneurism of ascending aorta. Anomalies and diseases of the connective tissue. Ischemic and essential hypertension and their combination. Comparative analysis of phenotypic stigmas undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.
Проблемы превращения сбережений в инвестиции в современной России. Вычисление реальной доходности капитала. Расчет реальной эффективности капитала, описание основных фондов и оборотных активов предприятий. Рыночная оценка капитала по теории Дж. Тобина.
Общие сведения и актуальность методологии QFD-анализа, ее инструменты и методы. Дом качества. Этапы QFD-анализа, оценка согласованности мнений экспертов. Оценка потребительских требований по степени важности. Корректировка направления выпуска продукции.
Описання використання QR-кодування в Україні. QR-коди як простий, зручний та інтерактивний спосіб розповсюдження і отримання інформації. Використання технології QR-кодування рекламі, торгівлі, логістиці, туризмі, банківській сфері та інших сферах.
Особенности применения QR-кодов в идентификации исторических памятников, гостиничном бизнесе и сопроводительных услугах. Обеспечение пассажиров актуальной информацией - одна из основных задач данного вида мультимедийной кодировки в транспортной сфере.
Analysis of the growth rate of Slovakia's economy, the restoration of domestic consumption. Study of the unemployment rate. Functionality of the innovation background in the economy and application of the transforming power in the service sector.
The construction of the criterion matrix qualimetric evaluation of innovative potential of personnel. Characteristics of measures to optimize the innovative abilities and capabilities of workers. Determination of the level of innovative potential.
Qualitative analysis of the positioning of the Austrian oil and gas company OMV in terms of market competition, industry and ESG standards. Supply and demand drivers are closely related to sustainable development trends and long-term goals set by OMV.
Assessment of the most common methods of conducting qualitative research in the field of criminal law, used by Ukrainian and foreign researchers, for their compliance with the basic characteristics. The best balance of rights and responsibilities.
The study of the quality of foreign language learning in the conditions of distance learning. The concepts of "distance education" and "distance learning". The special approach of teachers to the choice of teaching aids in the process of learning.
Study and characteristic of the quality of foreign language learning in the conditions of distance learning. Identifies the need for a special approach of teachers to the choice of teaching aids in the process of learning a foreign language online.
Research of regression and clinical epidemiological analysis of the results of learning the main factors of being ready to pass integrated tests. Characteristic and studying of the situation of prolonged preparation of pediatricians at the primary stage.
Analysis of the legal regulation of quality assurance in higher education in Austria. Features of conducting internal and external control. Description of the legal status, activities of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Austria.
Normative and legal regulation of quality assurance of higher education in Austria. The peculiarity of internal and external control. Description of the legal status and activities of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Austria.
Deals with the analysis of specificity of modern quality assurance system of the university education in Austria based on the historical and pedagogical research. Present the classification of university education quality research resources in Austria.
- 16. Quality control
Quality control is an operational activity carried out by managers and employees of an enterprise who act in the process of creating a product. Quality assurance through the implementation of the functions of planning and quality control, communication.
Study of the role of product quality in the modern world, improvement of technology and changes in consumer demand. Creating a product in which it is influenced by the quality of the subjects of management. Model of full quality control A. Feigenbaum.
Types of activities and methods of an operational nature aimed at meeting the quality requirements and implementation plans for its improvement. Identification of deviations, development of measures to eliminate them and re-correction of defects.
Formation of a competitive management system in the economy of Ukraine. Strengthening the economic security of business entities. Approximation of the country's legislation to world standards of doing business. Improving state antitrust regulation.
Formation of economic security of business entities in Ukraine. Consideration of the limits of antitrust state regulation. Approximation of the country's legislation to world standards of doing business. Reducing government pressure on entrepreneurs.
The soil and climate conditions in Azerbaijan enable the extensive development of the licorice along . The quality indicators and nutritional value of licorice depending on the development phase in the north-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus.
- 22. Quality management as a foundation contemporary ensuring the competitiveness of tourism enterprises
According to modern ideas in ensuring the quality of the final product, quality management actually acts through-aspect of business management, along with cost, time and more. Understanding money is in the subjective evaluations of each stakeholder.
The philosophy and methods of progress and continuous improvement in the theory of total quality management. Quality management systems in ISO normative documents. Possible practical recommendations and requirements for the management of organizations.
Features of adaptation of the education system to market requirements and increasing competitiveness. Quality management systems in ISO regulatory documents. Description of the attitude of higher education administration, teachers to quality management.
Identification of successful control practices and shortcomings of strategic planning and organization of scientific activity in Ukrainian universities. Analysis of communication channels between the administration and scientific and pedagogical staff.
Concepts and quality criteria of higher education. The perception of quality higher education in the world as a tool for social, cultural and economic growth. Achieving professional competence of the individual, value orientations, social orientation.
The concept of the quality of higher education, which is one of the central ones in the modern scientific discourse. Principles of providing quality educational services to citizens, stimulating the development of higher education institutions, programs.
Requirements for the level of proficiency in the English language of the professional direction of medical students in accordance with the CEFR. Determination of the validity of the assessment of professional English-language communicative competence.
Research on the quality of exams for assessing the level of professional English-language communicative competence. Analysis of the structure of popular international exams in English and professional English. English language proficiency requirements.
The heart is the first organ in the body that receives oxygenated blood and supplies the blood to the whole organism. Its rhythm, from the very beginning of life, expresses the age, joys, and worries. It often reflects good and bad things in life.