The presents the views of author of the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide Rafal Lemkin on such topics as abortion, the situation of Jewish women, the ethics of children. Jewish women are represented in the liberation feminist movement.
Рассмотрение принципа работы массива из нескольких дисков (запоминающих устройств), управляемых контролером. Процесс повышения надёжности хранения данных, скорости чтения и записи. Изучение особенностей RAID массивов 3,4,5,6,7 и комбинированного типа.
Поддержка технологии RAID (избыточный массив независимых дисков) большинством материнских плат. Понятие RAID-массива, его преимущества для пользователя персонального компьютера. Повышение производительности обработки данных, одновременная работа дисков.
Описание предметной области. Организационная структура театра. Разработка информационной системы, предназначенной для автоматизации деятельности театральных билетных касс. Построение диаграмм контекстной, декомпозиции и потоков данных (бизнес-процессов).
An ordinal scale that reflects the correspondence of verbal assessments of the novel coronavirus infection, common cold, and influenza symptoms incidence. Study of the frequency and modern characteristics of the occurrence of the three diseases.
The choice of a modern and important competitiveness criterion – the rating that fully describes enterprise performance in different fields of activity is analyzed. The impact factors on competitiveness and the methods of their evaluation are specified.
Rap as one of the most common types of music, which is used for various purposes, such as self-actualization, commercial activities, battles and others. The theoretical foundations and practical effectiveness of the experiment as an application of rap.
Сравнительная характеристика продуктов амплификации, культивируемой на питательных средах оксианионов вольфрама и ванадия. Процесс получения устойчивых клеточных линий. Метафазы с разным числом хромосом в вольфрам-устойчивой клеточной линии сои.
Дослідження генетичного поліморфізму 5 ізолятів і 1 штаму Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr.) Kummer. Результати ампліфікації ДНК досліджених зразків P. ostreatus із праймером ОРР. Генетичні дистанції Нея-Лі між дослідженими зразками P. ostreatus.
Аналіз полімеразної ланцюгової реакції й генетичного поліморфізму Pleurotus ostreatus. Виявлення рівня поліморфізму при ампліфікації з праймерами ОРР-12, ОРР-15, ОРР-17. Дослідження відмінностей у генетичній диференціації між дослідженими зразками.
Вивчення внутрішньовидового та міжвидового генетичного поліморфізму гливи устричної. Характеристика генотипових відмінностей в межах виду. Дослідження генетичного різноманіття ізолятів та одного з штамів Pleurotus ostreatus за допомогою RAPD методу.
Feature of efficiency of forming of methodology from the leading opportunities and skills of students at a stage of primary education. Methods of mathematical statistics and their feature. The principles of programs with use of rectangular matrixes.
The key advantages of applying ultrasonic technology at the collection dairy. The general principles of measurement of liquids' properties by Ultrasonic standing wave resonator. The monitoring of the milk quality. The benefits of using cylindrical waves.
Multi-disciplinary and endovascular approach to the treatment of kidney cancer. Clinical description of the operation for a male patient with intraparenchymatous kidney cancer and a postoperative course complicated by a rare vascular pathology.
Patterns of distribution of rare elements on the occurrences of gold in weathering crusts of crystalline rocks within Brusilovsky suture zone of Ukrainian shield. Arsenic as an indicator of tectonic zones, which coincide with the occurrence of gold ore.
Identify the optimal strategy to improve communication in patients with rare neurological diseases, using different models of intervention. Speech therapy used for patients. Disorders caused by rare neurological diseases. Creation of AAC technologies.
Assessment of the development of the national ecological network as a priority task in the field of environmental protection. Features of the expansion of the national space with natural landscapes and the formation of a territorially integrated system.
Test the tribological properties of lubricants as the main stage of assessing their suitability for use in friction. The scheme of the "cone - three ball" with the use of objects of simple geometric shapes to test different construction materials.
Unauthorized performance of a procedural action by a contractual representative. Characteristics of representation in civil law as a substantive law. Ensuring by the court the equality of the parties to the legal relationship that has become disputed.
Revival of constitutional values in Ukraine. Consideration of legal and political narratives regarding the country's accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Investigation of war crimes after the Russian invasion in 2022 year.
- 51. Rating tendencies of the innovative development prognostication system at the industrial enterprise
The practical realization of the innovative development prognostication process at the enterprise is confined mostly to the current market condition and economic viability analysis. Analysis quantify trends techniques to reduce the level of subjectivity.
Вивчення історії європейської педагогічної думки та освітньої системи. Оцінка освітнього потенціалу пропонованої єзуїтами програми та методик навчання. Адміністрування закладів освіти, навчальний план, методологію навчання й виховання у Ratio Studiorum.
Досліджені причини періодичних суспільних криз. Проаналізована специфіка взаємозв’язку розуму та інтересу в структурі мотивації дій людини. Показана необхідність методологічного забезпечення конкретнонаукових пошуків оптимізації соціальної дійсності.
The problem of the maximum resources recovery of rolling stock repair depot of industrial enterprise. The factors that affect the repair depot operation. The target functions of vector optimization as the mathematical model of rational system recovery.
The work of early Christian apologists as an example of a clear response to external and internal challenges. Factors in the development of early Christian rational theology. Analysis of ideas about a righteous life as a condition of philosophical wisdom.
Problem in the crisis of institutions and traditional values. The world of philosophical ideas. Expansion of cartesian argument, value system. New philosophy's limitations, applicability, and dangers. Consideration of the danger of rational vitalism.
Pulpitis and apical periodontitis. Microbial ecology of the endodontium. The concept of infected and noninfected roots. Treatment of endodontic infection. Principles of and rationale for irrigation. Calcium hydroxide: indications and forms of application.
Analysis of the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis with the use of phosphate buffer nanocrystals. Analysis of clinical and radiological data of the process of recovery of periapical tissues during the treatment of patients.
The essay shows that rationalism in politics involves the belief that reason is an infallible guide to political activity, that the Rationalist seeks certainty and perfection in political affairs. Unlikely conversation between J. Rawls and M. Oakeshott.
The aim of this paper is to offer a concise and faithful account of Rawls’ theory of international justice, in an effort, first, to elucidate the structure of the argument that is advanced in that theory and second, to present a critical assessment of it.