To describe the modern Russian wine business ecosystem in detail, to compile a portrait of Russian Millennials as a generation of wine consumers. To verify the wine consuming patterns of Generation Y as well as to analyze Russian wine production.
Analysis of the stories of Russian writers who lived during the turbulent period between 1894–1917 years. Biographical data, themes of creativity and the basis of literary works of Nikolai Volkov-Muromtsev, Mark Vishniak and Konstantin Paustovskii.
The purpose of the reported study is to explore Russian vocabulary development by bi-/multi- lingual children acquiring Russian as a heritage language in Canada. The research materials come from vocabulary development and non-canonical lexical forms.
The Russian-Chinese cooperation in the post-bipolar period. The elimination of political confrontation, mutual interest of the parties as factors in the activation of the arms trade between Moscow and Beijing after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Обеспечение экономической безопасности промышленных предприятий. Краткая характеристика инновационных методов учета и управления корпоративными затратами. Основные их преимущества и недостатки. Преимущества внедрения системы управления Russian-cost.
The history of the formation of the Russian-Jewish identity and the Russian-speaking community in Israel. Differences of the "Great Aliyah" of the 90s. from the first wave of repatriation in the 70s. Strengthening cooperation between Russia and Israel.
Analyzes of the russian soviet literature of both the "thaw" and "stagnation" periods in order to reassess the existing paradigm in its critical reception provided from the gender perspective. Alternative interpretation of literary works of this period.
Bureaucracy for dummies and arrest school: channels on legal issues. Pranks, sports and the Red Square pickup: entertainment channels. Between the motherlands. The specifics of the digital platform, its focus on the publication of video diaries.
Two dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict (physical, discursive). Its coverage in 4 Ukrainian online news portals. Interdisciplinary approach to the media coverage of military conflicts. Relationship between the media and security issues.
Analysis of the influence of the Russian military operation on the tourism industry in Ukraine. Justification of the impact of political and cultural processes of wartime on international tourism. Assessment of risks to the life and health of visitors.
The question that it is time to consider such a large-scale and tragic phenomenon as the Russian-Ukrainian war, not only in the context of media journalism, but also in the context of a deep theoretical analysis based on a well-developed methodology.
Improvements international maritime security. Implementation Ukraine's course towards European integration, accounting of lessons of military operations. Limiting the use of forces at sea after the conclusion of hybrid agreements on grain initiative.
Features of Russian-Vietnamese energy cooperation. An abundance of energy resources as a central element in the development of the energy sector. Communist allies as the only international source of support for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Sweden's adherence to the doctrine of "non-alignment in peacetime for the purpose of neutrality in wartime." The reasons that directly influenced the policy change and the consequences of Sweden's accession to NATO for the country's security policy.
Russia’s economic policy. Changes in the structure of trade. China challenges Russia in the Commonwealth of independent States region. Energy in Russia-China economic relations. Incompatibility of Russia’s economic policy with true economic integration.
Analysis of stereotypes formed from emotions arising in response to the image created by the ads. Evaluation of anti-Ukrainian rhetoric of Russian propaganda and disinformation. Search for alternatives to fight the information war against Ukraine.
This paper embarks on a rigorous exploration of the multifaceted factors propelling Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Geopolitical power dynamics, historical grievances, competitions of national conscience and security concerns are scrutinized intensely.
The search for unity of the power in Russia and its importance for maintaining administrative control over the heterogeneous empire that stretched the continent. Incompatibility of this concept with generally accepted principles of the rule of law.
Виявлення потенціалу учнів початкової школи з рідною українською мовою на основі інструменту RUTELA щодо визначення здатності продукувати письмові тексти німецькою мовою дітьми початкової школи. Дії, які спонукають дітей до мовленнєвої діяльності.
Значение трудового права и его место в системе права России. Основные принципы правового регулирования социально-трудовых отношений. Общая характеристика общественных отношений, входящих в предмет трудового права, его основные элементы и особенности.