• The applied problems of preserving the psychological health of an individual. The practical problems of preserving the psychological health of a person. The structure of emotional well-being as one of the important criteria of psychological health.

    статья (17,7 K)
  • Graphic reconstruction of the Polish castle in Baturyn. Archaeological study of the homes of P. Orlyk and I. Mazepa, comparative analysis of their heraldic and ornamental family coats of arms. Study of terracotta tile ornaments, clay rough facade decor.

    статья (27,4 M)
  • Рассмотрение диаграмм как средства наглядного представления данных. Изучение особенностей создания диаграммы. Анализ процедуры замены источника данных. Оценка шаблонов для изменение вида диаграммы. Обзор особенностей использования инфокривых вкладок.

    презентация (2,3 M)
  • Системные требования для Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Состав окна и настройка программы. Создание, сохранение и открытие книги Excel. Числовые форматы ячеек. Математические операторы. Работа с формулами, функциями, данными, диаграммами и графиками.

    книга (10,6 M)
  • Общие сведения о книгах и листах Microsoft Excel. Создание, закрытие и сохранение файлов. Вычисления в таблицах данных. Ввод формулы, содержащей функцию. Ввод и форматирование данных. Сохранение новой книги. Создание таблицы данных и диаграммы.

    учебное пособие (4,8 M)
  • Понятие и возможности табличного процессора MS Excel, его преимущества. Структура электронных таблиц. Характеристика ошибок при использовании функций в формулах редактора. Порядок построения диаграмм. Проведение поиска оптимальных значений параметров.

    курсовая работа (373,2 K)
  • Правила створення та форматування таблиці. Робота з формулами, функціями та діаграмами. Копіювання вмісту комірок діапазону. Встановлення шрифту та вирівнювання. Введення формули для розрахунку суми чисел в стовпчику. Будова діаграми за зразком.

    лабораторная работа (3,0 M)
  • Analysis of the new of the scientific publications explaining new concepts of physiological mechanism of hunger and satiety balance, the causes of excessive weight or obesity. Suggestions for mindful eating, avoiding overeating and food temptation.

    статья (21,3 K)
  • Analysis of the leading positions on the global exchange market of the USА futures industry. The story of creation and the work of nine USА markets for futures, options contract, options transactions, the definition of the index securities and bonds.

    презентация (975,4 K)
  • The research hypothesis about the role of a fixed exchange rate in the economy for fuel exporting countries. Exchange rate regime exporting and exporting countries. The dependence of the exchange rate of the central bank policy and the level of democracy.

    дипломная работа (1,0 M)
  • Explores currency regulation in the EAEU countries for the harmonization of currency policies in the context of economic integration. The object of the study is currency regulation in countries of Eurasian integration. Key factors of currency integration.

    статья (3,2 M)
  • The question of exchange rates adjust is central to exchange rate policy, since countries with fixed exchange rates need to know what the equilibrium exchange rate is likely to be and countries with variable exchange rates would like to know what level h

    статья (36,8 K)
  • The new insights into the process of interaction of T7-like bacteriophages FE44 and BA14 with lysogenic cells. The single and double lysogens possess Abi-phenotype regardless of genera and strain of bacteria that initially had normal phage sensitivity.

    статья (805,1 K)
  • Exploring of archetypes of possible interaction between the agent and the social space in which one's own action is located. Some ways of transforming urban spaces, which are typical of the European context. Introdynamic and extradynamic dimensions.

    статья (45,9 K)
  • The geographical unit of Great Britain, its capital and the largest urban region in the country. Historic buildings of London and its infrastructure. Characteristics of regions The Southeast, The Southwest, East Anglia, The Midlands and The North.

    презентация (8,5 M)
  • The role of mastering the native language at school in academic and life success. Formation of self-regulation as the ability to set and achieve goals. Improving academic performance in the native language through self-regulation among schoolchildren.

    статья (124,4 K)
  • Анализ проблемы преимуществ билингвизма. Результаты исследования специфики executive functions: интерференционного контроля, когнитивной гибкости, рабочей памяти и их связи с развитием русской речи у дошкольников с естественным билингвизмом и монолингвов.

    статья (34,6 K)
  • Рассмотрение изменения принципов организации сюжета в процессе эволюции оды Горация Exegi monumentum в русской поэзии. Принципы изменения сюжетного кода, открытые Пушкиным, и их творческое осмысление поэтами ХХ века - В.В. Маяковским и В.С. Высоцким.

    статья (49,7 K)
  • The exhibition is a special cultural phenomenon, an object of event management, and a source of information. Exhibits as semiotic signs. The goal is a theoretical analysis of exhibition activity as a cultural phenomenon and object of event management.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Selection of livestock guarding dogs according to their behavioral characteristics and performance in the presence of a threat. Models of instinctive guarding behavior of a dog to protect livestock, preparation and timely correction of unwanted behavior.

    статья (22,6 K)
  • Analysis of the concept of existential communication in various aspects and definition of its meaning from the point of view of the existential philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Justification of the connection of existential communication with human existence.

    статья (20,5 K)
  • The existential analysis according to the Lenglier method. Classification of jewelry with this use and concepts of emotional attachment and demonstrative consumption. The connection between the means of self-identification through the choice of jewelry.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • Description the basics of existential analysis using the Langle method to determine the relationship of existence with the reasons for choosing to wear jewelry by a person. Development of jewelry classification using the concepts of emotional attachment.

    статья (22,3 K)
  • The formation of systems of relations between segments of the population - the process that create a new socio-psychological situation of young person's development. The existential experiences psychological peculiarities in the early youth period.

    статья (19,1 K)
  • The problems of the existential foundations of human identity in the context of the technocratic challenges of the modern era. Approval as grounds for the identity of temporality, ecstasy and the connectedness of special being with the being of Others.

    статья (23,6 K)
  • The basic concepts of European existentialism philosophy particular absurdity of life and death Sartre, existential rebellion Camus, balancing between the tragic and the mundane Kafka, willpower and choice L. Ukrainka, alienation and pessimism Khvylovy.

    статья (25,8 K)
  • An original approach to teaching existential psychology and psychotherapy within the framework of academic course. Brief one-semester long courses, offered in terms of specialization in psychological consulting, instead of entire existential programs.

    статья (21,8 K)
  • The most widespread electoral systems in the world and their application possibilities in Azerbaijan were analyzed. The most democratic way of organizing the the state power and local government authorities. The election system of Azerbaijan were studied.

    статья (25,6 K)
  • Понятие Эксит-полла как используемая в мировой социологической практике процедура опроса граждан, производимого социологическими службами на выходе из избирательных участков. Основные достоинства и проблемы их методики. Прогнозы результатов голосования.

    реферат (22,4 K)
  • Dependence of the properties of root exometabolites of cultivated plants of tested varieties on the genotype of the variety. Suppression of mycelial growth of colonies and intensity of sporulation and viability of spores of phytopathogenic strains.

    статья (1,5 M)