Branch of comparative literature as literary imagology addresses the problems of national representations in literature. Consideration novels of the celebrated American-Russian writer Nabokov from the perspective of imago and literary image of America.
- 872. From intercultural communication to transcultural creativity: a study of russian-american fiction
Study the works of Russian-American female writers from the transcultural perspective, tracing translingual techniques used by the authors to render their transformed identities. The main tools are borrowing, code mixing, code-switching, broken English.
Borges may employ what philosophy cannot, "mystery and the surprise effect in literature to achieve that sacred astonishment at the universe which is the origin of all true religion and metaphysics". Funes the Memorious: The logocentric linguist.
Analysys of the policies of the embargo and import substitution in the context ofprevious state projects of socio-economic development in Russia. Meanings and interpretations of ‘modernization’ and concept into the context of broader theoretical debates.
Philosophical consideration of today’s problem of sovereigntism and illiberal nationalism on the basis of the dialectic of the universal and the particular. The dialectic of the universal and the particular. Subjectness of democracy and sovereignty.
Assessment of the impact on the level the bound tariff "policy space" within the trade negotiations in the WTO. The classification of countries in accordance with the level of bound tariffs. Comparative analysis of "policy space" the individual countries.
The results of the study of narratives related to the personality of Ms. Xian and her cultural heritage, and their role in the modern practices of Guangdong and all modern Chinese culture. Cosmological concepts and philosophical ideas of Ms. Xian.
Type theory introduced by Russell and Whitehead to overcome a paradox found in Frege’s work. The design of lambda-calculus in functional programming languages. The isomorphism between concepts of logic and concepts in type theory and programming.
Therapeutic strategies for preventing esophageal adenocarcinoma. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Altering the bile acid composition of gastric refluxate. Therapeutic strategies for preventing barrett's esophagus and for treating reflux esophagitis.
The topicality of the topic is due to the need to research and reveal the historical architectural objects of Greece and southern Ukraine, in particular the city of Odessa, which influenced the formation of a unique image of buildings and structures.
The relationship between the research of technology and sound. The history of the creation of the first electronic music synthesizer. Standardization of the keyboard, the role of users of technology. Sound creation technologies, performance practices.
The phenomenon of mass cross-border labour migrations. The formation of a corpus of migration terminology, both ordinary and official, public one. The idea of migration as a natural spontaneous process and of migrants as a part of racially alien persons.
Features of the historical transformation of the philosophical methodology of cognition in the creative heritage of B. Spinoza. Analysis of the concept of substance, which plays a meaningful (backbone) and formal (methodological) role in his philosophy.
The concept of imagery like a part of a cognitive linguistics. Verbalization of the microimage by an anthropomorphous metaphor, which entails its semantic differentiation. Metaphorical level of the communicative cooperation in Ukrainian language.
The investigation both social and scientific processes that led to an emergence of a notion "the political" and its establishment as an accepted within the political science. The main attention is devoted to theories by Niklas Luhmann and Ulrich Beck.
Investigation of both social and scientific processes that led to an emergence of a notion "the political autonomy" and its establishment as an accepted within the political science. The theories by Jurgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, and Ulrich Beck.
Prussia and the theoretical origins of nationalism: a historical perspective. Prussian pietism as a substitute for the state ideology. The fundamental difference of tradition from the western path which, has been historically connected with nationalism.
Consideration of some fundamental ideas that should be taken into account when conducting research in the field of digital ethnography. A study of gay activism on Facebook of men living in Mexico City. Conducting ethnographic research on the web.
The article is devoted to the issue of development and application of an interactive electronic textbook for students of "Applied Mechanics" and "Industrial Mechanical Engineering" from the discipline "English". Integration of an interactive e-textbook.
The relevance of integrating an interactive electronic textbook into the educational process, its structure and content. Interactive platforms, applications and services used during the creation of the textbook, compliance with interactive online tools.
Analysis of the common law of nomads, which ensured the social well-being and functioning of the economy, taking into account the will and interests of ordinary members of the nomadic society. Conservatism of customary law of the late XIX - early XX c.
The implemented agreements of the Central Asian states the fall of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the field of political and economic cooperation, defense, cultural, social, humanitarian spheres.
The agreements of the Central Asian states after after the fall of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the field of political and economic cooperation, defense, cultural, social and humanitarian spheres.
Consideration of features of the acception and implementation of agreements of the Central Asian states after after the fall of the Soviet Union in the field of political and economic cooperation, defense, cultural, social and humanitarian spheres.
A comprehensive study of the biography of Clark in the "Odesa" period of his life at the pedagogical and scientific levels. His role in the creation of the methodical-pedagogical and scientific-technical base of higher polytechnic education in Odessa.
Specificity of the dramatic conflict in Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello". Ratio of the racial conflict that determines the events of the first act, with the decisive conflict of the whole work. The role of some characters in creating artistic unity.
- 897. From World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union: a new vision of recent history of Ukraine
Place and role of Ukraine in the history of Europe and the world from the interwar period to the collapse of the USSR. Mobilization, militarization and maintaining of unannounced state of emergency in Soviet Ukraine in 1920 - the beginning of the 1940s.
- 898. From world war ii to the collapse of the soviet union: a new vision of recent history of Ukraine
Режим безперервної війни: мобілізація, мілітаризація та практика ведення неоголошеного надзвичайного стану в радянській Україні в 1920 – на початку 1940-х рр. (Олена Штяжкіна) присвячено аналізу українського суспільства напередодні Другої світової війни.
A comprehensive analysis of two multilingual poems by Eugene Jolas in the transnational context of the European Union and the conceptualization of the Americas. Transnational identities created as a result of massive migrations and unstable borders.
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