Аналіз стану популяцій рідкісних водоростей української флори, рекомендованих до включення у четверте видання ЧКУ. Їхні описи, номенклатурна історія, екологічні особливості, типологічна приуроченість. огляд інформації про поширення в Україні та світі.
Analysis of the likely effect of agri-environmental policy on other environmental issues: nutrient pollution and soil erosion. European Union agriculture policy provides an important opportunity to improve environmental management in the farming sector.
Analysis of atmospheric air quality in the city of Zaporozhye, as well as the impact of harmful emissions of industrial enterprises on its pollution. The efficiency of the system of regulation of emissions of harmful substances and its optimization.
Analysis of environmental and sustainable development problems caused by the activities and operation of airports. Improving the provision of air traffic management services as a strategy to reduce the adverse effects of aviation on the environment.
Problem of disappearance of rare species of animals and birds on Alaska. Black bears, American elks and musk oxen. Decrease in quantity of sea otters and petrels. Mission of restoration of the wild nature. Program of researches of University Ferbanks.
Описание флористического состава, экологии и морфологии новой для науки ассоциации осиновых лесов из южнотаежной подзоны. Исследование устойчивости и сукцессионного долголетия лесов ассоциации. Специфика ассоциации Allio microdictyon-Populetum tremulae.
The landscape cover of the Lengebiz ridge was studied in field and chamber conditions, its boundaries were clarified and the transformation of soils and vegetation in landscape complexes under the influence of anthropogenic factors was revealed.
The study of modern systems for monitoring the concentration of pollutants and gas contamination of atmospheric air. The main feature of the use of linear main gas pipelines, through which gas is transported to its destination under high pressure.
We identified 38 types of niche fruit crops in the greening of settlements in the Kherson region. The study of the decorativeness of the presented niche cultures indicates the possibility of their wide implementation in landscaping of Kherson region.
Scientific, technological progress in all industries and in transport is accompanied by the development and widespread introduction of various equipment, machines and vehicles. The growth of capacities of modern equipment, machines, household appliances.
Problems of Aral: impact on the gene pool of population, flora, fauna and international cooperation fop mitigating consequences. Socio-economic impact of Aral Sea crisis. Construction of new hydropower facilities on transboundary rivers of region.
The impact of the military aggression of the Russian Federation on the climate and the production of ecosystem services due to damage to forests, ecosystems, landscape fires and emissions of gases into the atmosphere. Estimation of biomass losses.
Study of the ecotoxical state of technogenically altered edaphotopes with waste by the Allium-test method. Toxicity of edaphotope samples of sites located at different distances from oil refinery waste storage facilities. Methodology of the test.
Definition of the standard of living of the population in the Carpathian region. Calculation of coefficients of social vulnerability of the natural environment. Using the theory of sensitivity in assessing the ecological determinants of the territory.
Lost soil assessment using the RUSLE method. The effect of rainfall intensity on soil erosion. factors conservation practice and crop management. Types of water erosion. The erodibility index map. Rate of soil loss. Quantification of erosion by province.
Study of noise pollution of urban space. Determination of the level of traffic noise on the streets of Lviv. Development of noise protection measures on city highways. Reduction of speed and traffic distribution of cargo, public and transit transport.
With sufficient scrutiny features of environmental role as a factor of precipitation formation of environmental hazards in urban areas. It is shown that the leaching of pollutants from the atmosphere leads to a technologically-transformed sediments.
The history of the Bialowieza Forest, one of the main attractions of Belarus - the primeval forest, stretching from the Baltic to the Bug River and the Oder to the Dnieper, its flora and fauna. The main environmental objectives of the national park.
Development of strategy for regulation of eco-physiological characteristics of plants and microorganisms to maximize their phytoremediation potential and for creating a novel ecological biotechnology for cleaning up soils contaminated by explosives.
Прогнозування розподілів напрямків руху повітряних потоків, здатних переносити радіоактивні аерозолі з приміщень "об'єкту укриття" в основний об'єм Нового безпечного конфайменту через дах "об'єкту укриття". Моделювання завантаження відходів в контейнер.
The dramatic limitation of agricultural activity in the exclusion zone and zone of compulsory resettlement and reduction of anthropogenic impact in many times. The problem of natural autochthonous biota conservation on technologically disturbed areas.
The presence of huge automobile and industrial emissions is a one of the factors, which determining air quality in India. Rain as formed due to condensation of the cloud droplets in the upper troposphere and scavenges the atmospheric air pollution.
Study of species diversity of planktonic ciliates of the Caspian coast of the Absheron Peninsula. A correlation between the similarity of the species diversity of planktonic ciliates and the degree of organic pollution of sea waters in the coastal zone.
The impact of climatic changes on the health of the population of the Far East of the Russian Federation. Measures to adapt and reduce the negative impact of extreme temperatures, forest fires, floods, infectious diseases, water and air pollution.
Determination of the participants and their powers to resolve climate challenges. Development of the World Climate Research Program, creation of a global ocean observing system. Conducting annual conferences, thematic seminars and information campaigns.
- 56. Climate science can’t be trumped: a look at how to translate empirical data into political action
Characteristics of the impact of anthropogenic climate change on our planet. Fossil fuel combustion and other human activities are the cause of most recent warming trends and extreme weather. Research into the effectiveness of environmental policy.
Factors of abrasion processes acceleration - natural (storms, sea level rise), human (beach sand usage for building purposes, water reserves, cutting slopes). The technics of coastal management in Crimea, its influence on the coastal shores biodiversity.
The energy conservation - one of the directions of resource saving which has been promoted in the field of architecture to prevent global warming. Using plant-based materials throughout the life cycle of building - the method of reduce CO2 emission.
Strategy for sustainable ecological and economic development. Organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving environmental policy objectives.
Studying of the prerequisites for the emergence of a new ideology caused by the ecological crisis and anthropogenic impact on the environment. Development of international legislation regulating the use of natural resources. Creation of a green economy.