Досліджено видів клена роду Acer в якості тест-об'єктів для оцінки стану навколишнього середовища в мегаполісах за показником величини флуктуючої асиметрії листових пластинок. Система промірів морфологічних ознак листових пластинок для досліджених видів.
Изучение проблемы техногенной эмиссии ртутью в населенных пунктах Сибирского региона по данным опробования и атомно-абсорбционного анализа листьев тополя. Выявление аномальных концентраций и ореолов рассеяния ртути на территории г. Новосибирска.
Влияние антропогенных факторов на флору региона. Характеристика биологического разнообразия растений в Казахстанском регионе. Создание экологического бизнес-проекта по созданию школьной оранжереи с целью сохранения эталонов редких видов растений.
Снижение газовыделения при бурении скважин, производстве взрывных работ. Снижение загазованности при взрывных работах. Краткая характеристика главных особенностей применения мокрого способа пылеподавления и использования установок сухого пылеулавливания.
Оцінка впливу забруднення атмосферного повітря на здоров’я населення. Результативність національної екологічної політики. Потужність очисних об'єктів на Україні. Напрями державної політики у галузі охорони довкілля та використання природних ресурсів.
Физико-географическая характеристика района исследований. Содержание токсических химических веществ и сульфат-иона в снеговой воде прибрежной территории северной части Братского водохранилища, на которой расположены жилые массивы и зоны отдыха г. Братска.
Рівень рухомих форм важких металів у ґрунті при забрудненні ними у різних комбінаціях. Ефективність використання меліорантів на забруднених ґрунтах. Експериментальна модель з вивчення впливу важких металів на тварин. Аналіз активності ентеросорбентів.
- 68. Deforestation
Necessity of Deforestation. Elimination of the forest as a result natural causes (fire, hurricane or flooding). Anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic causes of deforestation. Actions (meeting) of people against the illegal tree cutting. Plant new trees.
The study aims to assess the scale of forest loss (mostly caused by logging) on breeding sites of the local Black Stork breeding population in the Rivne region of Ukraine. The logging is one of the major threats for the local black stork population.
Determination of the danger level of recreational water use of the river based on risk assessment for the population. Approaches to determining the dangers of recreational water use. Sections of the river that are priority for environmental protection.
Reveal pollution in drinking water supply wells by taste and specific smell. Conduct geochemical studies for water samples taken from wells on the territory of contamination. Detailing the territory of contamination using laboratory tests of air samples.
The properties of sediments in the process of composting sewage sludge with the addition of fly ash from coal combustion. The application of compost for fertilizing or reclamation should not interfere with the metabolism of nitrogen compounds in soils.
The determination of the grounds for the scientific which basis for choosing the areas of development of environmental entrepreneurship business with the use of land of technogenic origin, which is limited suitable for traditional forms of land use.
- 74. Development of legal regulation of electronic access system to emissions into the atmosphere air
Comprehensive analysis of international and national legislation in the field of access to information on air emissions. Formation and further implementation of an integrated state policy in the field of climate change, harmonized with international law.
The role of the development of safe biological products in the system of measures to protect the environment. Analysis of the protective properties of unmodified short single-stranded DNA fragments used as insecticides in the plant protection system.
Особенности накопления загрязняющих веществ в моллюсках дрейссене-обрастателей мобильного биоплато на примере о. Средний Кабан. Сравнение выведения тяжелых металлов разными гидробионтами. Роль моллюсков дрейссена в аккумуляции загрязняющих веществ.
Assessment and prediction of radionuclide transfer from soil to based on real data. Long-term scenarios for determining agriculture in the territories affected by due to the Chernobyl accident. Dynamic Bayesian network as a tool of special modeling.
The influence of changes in rainfall on the dynamics of gross productivity and respiration herbal communities of south-eastern Crimea, which was conducted at the experimental hospital in the territory of Karadag Nature Reserve in the 2012-2013 biennium.
The article updates the aeropalynological monitoring in Ukraine. The research was conducted in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk (western Ukraine) from the beginning of February to the middle of October 2019, using a Durham gravimetric pollen collector.
- 80. Dynamics of residual concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the soils of Zaporizhzhya region
Areas contaminated with persistent chlorine-containing pesticides DDT and alpha and gamma isomers of HZZR, are long-term retained and transformed in soil. Their decrease due to migration to deeper soil layers and the disintegration of the preparation.
Researching the levels of sustainability in agriculture in Bulgaria. Analysis of the reference values for assessing the economic, social and environmental sustainability of agro-ecosystems in the region. Improving farm management and agricultural policy.
The use of satellite remote sensing data to build risk maps of air pollution. Definition of European countries and the North Sea regions with the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide. Analysis of concentration histograms of Donetsk, Brussels and Moscow.
The examining of the territory of "Kempa" botanical reserve of local importance of the Schoenus ferrugineus L. The Estimation of morphometric signs and ecological features of terms of soil-site after edaphic and climatic factors. Prosperity of population.
The approaches to the natural resources economic assessment as the starting point for arranging recreational activities within nature reserve fund territories. The complex assessment of commercial and environmental potential of recreation activities.
At present, the development and design of China National Park Visitor Center is in the development stage. The related theoretical research is not mature, the actual construction experience is not enough, and the research team is a relatively few.
Opportunities of introducing ecological innovations in Ukraine directed at development, creation and implementation of innovations in the form of new products, methods of production organization which reduce the eco-destructive effect of manufacturing.
Contamination of atmosphere enterprises. Disappearance of the forests and violation of oxygen balance. Extinction of rare varieties of animals, birds, fishes, drying up of the rivers and lakes. Maintenance of life on a planet for future generations.
Biofuels — the product of blending absolutized ethanol, gasoline and special anti-corrosion additive. Characterization of specific features of influence of groups of chemical fuel composition on operational and environmental properties of jet oils.
An ecological segregation of five species of thrushes (Turdus pilaris, T merula, T iliacus, T. philomelos, T. viscivorus) in Volyn Polissia was studied. It was established that Redwing and Mistle Thrush has the highest value of ecological specialization.
The ecological survey of invasive species Amorpha fruticosa L. in the conditions of the Prisamarsky Biosphere Station (downstream of Samara River, Dnieper basin) and Dnieper-Orelsky Natural Reserve. Studying of wide ecological range of Amorpha species.