The trajectories of sovereignist politics and their clash with the preconditions of the political order in the EU on the example of the development of Poland and Hungary. Assessing the importance of sovereignty as a model of value substitution.
The evolution of the influence of the nuclear factor on international security. The nuclear potential of nuclear club member states. The problems concerning the prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons and illicit proliferation of nuclear technologies.
International coordination of resistance to crimes committed by representatives of individual nationalities, ethnic minorities or peoples in Ukraine. Identification of indicators of organized crime groups, development of specific countermeasures.
Production as the most important component of the national economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Development of specialization in the region. Calculation of the index of identified competitive advantages. Formation of advantages for industries.
Chinese interests in Central and the Caribbean. Diplomatic struggle between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan in the Central American and Caribbean region. Chinese infrastructure projects in Central America, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Honduras.
The contribution of exchange to education and people exchange as elements of Japan's soft power strategy. Characteristics of the results of educational exchange programs. Learning from a public relations organization. Definition of power relations.
The article considers the trends of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the economic activity of certain sectors of the economy, the consequences of quarantine restrictions in the national and world economy. The decrease in purchasing power and income.
Features of the legal mechanism of the European Union in the field of trade protection measures, in particular anti-dumping, countervailing measures and guarantees. Analysis of general and special international standards applied in EU legislation.
- 639. Stages of migration of Muslims to Europe in the XX and XXI centuries: causes, nature, consequence
Economic, political and social conditions of the regions of North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia as reasons for the migration of Muslims to the European Union. Waves of migration and the threat to the national security of European countries.
Cultural diplomacy as important instrument to develop the connection between countries. The examples of cultural diplomacy between Ukraine and South Africa. The experience of Ukrainian Days in Cape Town. The cultural diplomacy strategy of Ukraine.
The article analyzes the experience of leading countries in implementing the service policy of the state (Great Britain, France, Germany etc.) The main tasks of the public service systems reforms. The Services Consumer Charter for Public Services.
Practice in developed and developing countries for supporting national companies. Distinguishing features of programs in BRICS counties for trade in transport equipment. Peculiarities of non-tariff measures applied by BRICS and the role of state aid.
Ensuring law and order and security in the Republic of Poland. Conditions for the introduction of an emergency juridical regime. Constitutional norms of restrictions individual freedoms under martial law. The specifics of the simplified legal proceedings.
The search for new approaches to ensuring security and defense in the European Union in modern conditions. Consideration of the problem of forming a new research paradigm of regional security issues in Europe. Analysis of European strategic autonomy.
The European Union’s ten-year growth strategy named Europe 2020. The key indicators of climate change and power engineering. The current state and dynamics of greenhouse gases emissions indicators in Ukraine are compared with those in EU countries.
- 646. Strategic interests of the Republic of Turkey in the region of the Middle East and North Africa
The coming to power in the Turkish Republic of Erdogan. Changes in the ideological foundation of the state, rejection of Kemalism ideology and transition to the ideology of neo-Ottomanism with an active foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa.
Methodical principles and practical approaches to the formation of strategic objectives of agrarian policy for the transformation of food systems. Diagnostics of the state and prospects of the development of the agro-industrial complex and food systems.
The issue of the scientific article sheds light on the military-political dimension of the European Union's activities and its prospects for transformation into a collective security association within the framework of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The study of the intricacies of migration processes in Ukraine, their inherent aspects and developmental scenarios. The possibility of the development of several scenarios of migration processes in Ukraine. The formation of migration processes.
Analysis of origin of global start-ups and factors related to their success in the modern world. Learning of born global companies from emerging markets. Factors influencing the success of non-tech international new venture from developing countries.
Approaches and practical steps in the field of Swedish security and defense on the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Transformation of the official Stockholm approaches to the implementation of state policy in the field of security and defense.
Дослідження соціально-економічного співробітництва у прикордонних регіонах держав Східної Європи, що передбачає активну участь України у транснаціональних програмах. Аналіз необхідності перегляду інструментів співпраці органів місцевого самоврядування.
Підтримка уряду експортерів, залучення іноземних фахівців. Економічне протистояння США та Китаю. Нарощення потужностей виробництва капіталомістких товарів на експорт. Продовження торговельних обмежень країнами на продукцію стратегічного значення.
The civil war in Syria under the influence of the Arab spring. The crisis, which forced Turkey to shelter Syrian refugees. The activities of terrorist groups on the southern borders. The reasons for Turkey’s military intervention in the Syrian crisis.
The purpose of the article is to characterize international competition within the framework of existing integration structures, to determine the prospects for the development of states in conditions of constitutional competition between countries.
Трансатлантична угода про вільну торгівлю як пропозиція створити договір про вільну торгівлю, що буде простягатися від Європи до Північної Америки, на обох берегах Атлантики. Знайомство з особливостями глобалізації міжнародної торгівлі між США та Європою.
Considers the reasons for the Taiwanese economic miracle that did happen in this barren mountanius territory despite its limited local agriculture developing in a few productive areas. Analysis of reasons for spending budget funds on defense needs.
Technological specialization of countries: rationale and approach. Patent analysis as a methodology for studies of technological specialization. Patent Analysis for Technological Specialization of Brazil and its dynamics: results and discussion.
Peculiarities of economic development of Latin America in 1980s-1990s. Challenges of South Korea’s economic development. Trade expansion. Competition with neighboring Asian countries. Risks and threats caused by local conditions in Latin America.
- 660. Tensions on the topic of history in Polish-Ukrainian relations as a result of information warfare
The development of the nationalist movement in Poland and its connection with the center-right government of President Andrzej Duda. Contemporary ethno-cultural conflicts in connection with the history of Poland, Ukraine and current diplomatic relations.