The dynamics of Egypt’s foreign policy decisionmaking process under Mubarak. Role of institutions in water policy making, aiming to draw attention to the dominant role of the Ministry of Water Resources during the Cooperative Framework Agreement talks.
Mutual economic cooperation and peace as the most important elements for the formation and development of the Caucasus region. Great Silk road like the international energetic corridor for creating economically and democratically developed societes.
Consideration of types of clusters that can be adaptive in the implementation of cross-border cooperation, which allowed to identify and identify instruments of economic policy. Stimulating the deepening of integration processes in border regions.
Investigation of the structure of the world market and its comparison with the structure of the domestic market. Assessment of benefits of international trade. The role of the WTO in the global economy. Foreign trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
History of the emergence and development of nuclear weapons. Examination of impact of nuclear weapons on international relations, the preservation of peace and security in the modern world, and the use of nuclear weapons as a deterrent and threat tool.
Review of labor migration from the Republic of Moldova after the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessment of the scale of labor migration, the problem of transnational families and children left without parental care. Study of the condition of abandoned children.
Provisions of international law applied in international conflicts through the prism of the role of the Red Cross Committee in its development. The history and purpose of the creation of the organization. Tasks and principles of the Committee's activity.
Ensuring the implementation of international obligations and sovereign equality of states. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Combining economic, environmental and social challenges in the Concept of Sustainable Development of Ukraine.
A step forward has been made in considering the "non-traditional" component of integration - the role of unilateral harmonization in integration with the EU and its negative consequences. As a concept, one-sided harmonization is built by comparison.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the Visegrad Group within the EU and its role in the regional cooperation. The regional cooperation in a specific format is beneficial for the application of democratic principles during the process of regime transition.
Role of Turkey and the reasons for the support of Azerbaijan in the Second Karabakh war. The opportunity for Turkey to demonstrate its military and technological capabilities in the Second Karabakh war. Using of the Turkish drones in the Karabakh war.
- 762. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a factor of stability and security in Central Asia
The principles of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, its structure and means of cooperation. Adoption of the Institute of decision making to account the interests of all participants. Kazakhstan's role in the integration initiatives in Central Asia.
The Northeast Asian power structure. China-U.S. military competition in Northeast Asia. Comparison of the multilateral cooperation system and the bilateral alliance sustem in Northeast Asian. Competition between the BRI and the Indo-Pacific strategy.
A need in transparency of economic regime, a legal and administrative system as a dominant problem with China's accession to the World Trade Organization. Agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical industries - weakest sectors of the Chinese economy.
The study motives behind Turkey's reluctance to clear the way for Sweden to become part of the Western military-political bloc. Denouncement by Turkey of Finland's and Sweden's practice of providing political, financial and military support to terrorism.
- 766. The state border between China and Russia: permeability and barriers for international cooperation
The elements of the contact function of the state border between China and Russia. Subjects of functioning of the border in the Far East Federal District. Calculation of the indicators of the border between the Russian Far East and China.
- 767. The state of the fish industry in the world and in Ukraine: development trends and global challenges
The production and distribution of food products from aquatic bioresources. The prioritization of the development of fisheries and aquaculture. The development and implementation of new strategies and policies at the global, regional and national levels.
The role of the United States of America in the global economy. Characteristics of the gross domestic product. The World Food Programme in southern Africa. Securing funding for emergency relief in Central America, the Sudan and other parts of the world.
The problems the concept and legal nature of the subject of proof and the distribution of the burden of proof in the civil process in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon and continental legal systems are considered. Amendments to the procedural legislation.
A study of the main indicators on which African countries depended to realize their desire to create a free trade area. Restrictions on these countries in creating a zone that could hinder their efforts. Analysis and assessment of future prospects.
Updates on the Taiwan problem against the background of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. The interests that determine the importance of Taiwan in the system national priorities of the People's Republic China are analyzed. Features of Beijing's policy.
Research on international issues of the modern world. Consideration of Taiwan's geopolitical significance, its place in the system of national priorities of the Republic of China. Study features of Beijing's policy of establishing control over the island.
Demonstration of conception of the cooperation in Eastern-Middle Europe which took into effect with the considerable participation of Poland. Expanding the infrastructural, economic, energy-related and scientific and cultural cooperation among 12 states.
The U.S. policy in the Middle East and energy security challenge which the U.S. faced after WWl. The oil based economic interest of the U.S. in the Middle East. The double standards, which the United States showed against Arabian world in favor of Israel.
Energy security and military power components are the factors of modern geopolitics of the USA. The influence of Azerbaijani energy carriers on world markets. U.S. policy in the Caucasus, aimed at strengthening the new sovereign states in the region.
Consideration of the discrepancy between the regulatory legislation of Ukraine and the international regulation of financial instruments markets in the context of globalization. Recognition by regulatory authorities of the Ukrainian securities market.
- 777. The Ukrainian question in the foreign policy of the second polish republic at the turn of 1938-1939
Analysis of the dynamics of international processes in Europe on the eve of World War II. Research of Poland's foreign policy at the turning point of 1938-1939. Consideration of the Ukrainian issue as a geopolitical factor in the world historical context.
- 778. The United Nations
Maintain and strengthen international peace and security, development cooperation between States. Central position the United Nations General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative organ. International Court of Justice.
The world like the system of everyday life, whether it be in the socially constructed or politically shaped domains. Islamic militant groups in the southern Philippines as a challenge for the international community in the fight against terrorism.
An examination of the US NYSE market, the expected return of portfolio selection under the CAPM and Fama, and the French three-factor model. An improvement of the French three-factor model. Explanation of the expected return of portfolios in CAPM.