Переводческие корпусы и механизмы их сопоставления

Концептуальные представления о категории усилительных наречий в современном английском языке. Понятие адвербиального интенсификатора и его функционирование. Интенсивность как основная языковая категория. Корпусная типология и переводческие корпусы.

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Дата добавления 30.11.2017
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49) And it matters deeply to the credibility and the future interests of the United States of America and our allies.

50) It has to happen at the negotiating table, and we are deeply committed to getting there.

51-52) Many of you have supported me in my visits here as a senator, and I'm deeply, deeply appreciative for everything that you do.

53) That's why I'm here, and President Obama is deeply committed to these kinds of initiatives in an effort to try to find greater cooperation on economics, on peace, on stability, and most importantly also on people-to-people exchanges and proving the ability to be able to reach greater understanding.

54) With respect to the question of the bugging, let me just tell you, I have been so deeply immersed in the work on the Middle East in the last days, and so, as I think you know, engaged in very late night and early morning negotiations, that I honestly hadn't heard about it and haven't seen it.

55) We are deeply concerned about the dire situation in Syria, including the involvement of Hezbollah, as well as Iran, across state lines in another country.

56) We're both deeply concerned by what is happening to innocent people there.

57) So that's what we hope to achieve, and I think that with respect to the Lebanon issue, of course we're deeply concerned about this spilling over into Lebanon.

58) The President obviously is deeply concerned, as are all of us, about the question of chemical weapons.

59) I think of them every single day. I know all of you are deeply aware of these challenges too.

60) Most people don't have the opportunity to do what you do - spend time abroad, meeting people of another language and culture and history and sharing it with them, deeply immersed in their lives.

61) We are deeply appreciative.

62) But I know that the opposition and the support group, the Core Group of countries who have been engaged in this for some time, are deeply committed to trying to end the violence, to try to end the bloodshed, to try and save Syria, to keep a Syria as a united country which is available to all of the participants in the country.

63) It's been great to be here with you today, and we've had very thorough, very cooperative and extensive conversations, and I'm deeply appreciative for the hospitality that the Foreign Minister and the President have both afforded to me today.

64) I think a lot of people in the region and in the world are seeing this violence and frankly are really deeply concerned for the people of Syria and for the possibilities of peace, and that there will be a growing crescendo of nations who will want to push for a peaceful resolution rather than the chaos that comes with the breakup of the country and the continued battle, which can and will take place.

65) We are deeply appreciative for everybody taking part in this ceremony as we mourn and we commemorate and we celebrate our fallen brothers and sisters in service.

66) Ty's close-knit group of friends still miss him deeply, as do we.

67) Now we are not naive about the challenges before us, but we believe very deeply that it is our duty to give every effort we can to this effort, and each of the leaders that I met with assured me that they will put their best effort into trying to help us move forward.

68) We clearly care deeply about the security of Israel.

69) And finally, we also are both deeply concerned about addressing the problem of climate change.

70) Right now a lot of Korean people are deeply interested in the negotiation of the U.S.-Korea civil nuclear agreement.

71) No, I heard very passionate people who are deeply committed to Egypt and to their version of the democracy that they fought for in their revolution.

72) They're deeply committed to human rights, to democracy, to freedom of expression, and to a real political process in which they feel they have a voice. America supports all of those things.

73-74) So I am deeply, deeply committed to this mission.

75) This fall in New York, we signed an agreement to cooperate more deeply and held the first U.S.-Arab League Dialogue.

76) I'm honored to start it as Secretary of State after all the hard work that has gone into it, and I will be equally excited to follow it from outside when I leave the Department, and still care deeply about these issues and will do what I can to support you.

77) And I think it's in everyone's interest, whether it be different elements within Lebanon or Syria or any of the neighbors and many of us who care deeply about what happens to the Lebanese people, to come together around some very simple principles.

78) The United States is deeply committed to reducing nuclear weapons and the risk of nuclear proliferation.

79) And we deeply regret the loss of life that has already occurred.

80) We deeply admire your passion and commitment to improving your communities.

81) Also this morning, I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the bombing in Jerusalem today that took at least one life and injured innocent civilians.

82) Your own constant encouragement and unwavering support in helping to bring peace to Northern Ireland is deeply appreciated by all your friends in Ireland, as is your ongoing support for the International Fund for Ireland.

83) But I trust that the two countries do share very deeply common awareness, common understanding regarding the significance that the prime minister's visit to the United States will have on Japan-U.S. relations.

84) We deeply regret the loss of all life, and we are particularly saddened today by the loss of two journalists, and we extend our condolences to their families.

85) And I am deeply honored that we stand here in this great opera house once again to say thank you to those women who are on the front lines across the world who maybe make each of us dare a little more, risk a little more, do a little more.

86) However, we remain deeply concerned about reports that, since February, dozens of people, including public interest lawyers, writers, artists, intellectuals, and activists have been arbitrarily detained and arrested.

87) The Ministry of Health - and I thank the minister for being here - plans to make the Paediatric Centre of Excellence the centerpiece of its efforts to tackle two deeply interrelated challenges, gender-based violence against women and girls, and the transmission of HIV from mothers to their children.

88) We were all deeply concerned about the sectarian tensions and violence, and we were all troubled by what we had seen happen in the Balkans.

89) Well, I deeply admire the resilience of the Norwegian people, and we saw it once again in the aftermath of this terrible terrorist attack of July 22nd.

90) I think while we're deeply concerned about al-Shabaab's actions in Somalia at this time, we're not contemplating military action.

91) I'm sure many of you could tell your own, but I want to end with this one because it really hits close to home in an area that I care deeply about.

92) So I am deeply grateful to you.

93) The United States strongly affirms the principle of consensus-based decision-making under which the General Assembly has directed this Committee to operate, and as such we remain deeply concerned by the outcome of the first part of the resumed session just one month ago, during which an L-document was submitted before consensus was reached on the resolution on accountability.

94) He's been here in consultations with many officials of our government, members of Congress, others who care deeply about Bahrain and our important relationship.

95) First, we will launch this new partnership to provide care to your wounded. It deeply moves us that so many people dropped whatever they were doing to fight for their freedom - engineers and teachers, doctors and business leaders, students, and so many others.

96) And there are so many wonderful stories. I'm sure many of you could tell your own, but I want to end with this one because it really hits close to home in an area that I care deeply about.

97) In the United States, as President Obama said in his address to the General Assembly, we don't ban offensive speech, whether it's an insult to a person's deeply held religious beliefs or a denial of the Holocaust, because we know that such laws can too easily be used as tools of oppression.

98) I am so deeply moved by what she has stood for and what she has represented, first and foremost for the people of her country, but for people everywhere who yearn for freedom, whose voices deserve to be heard.

99) And it's deeply regrettable that there are those who pursue political goals through terrorism. I mean, that's what's so important about a democracy like Indonesia. I mean, as big a country with as diverse a population as Indonesia has, people have an outlet.

100) We are deeply committed to it.

101) My office, my - the Prime Minister's office, the President is deeply touched also by the appreciation.

102) On disaster relief, this is something I care deeply about, and I know that you and your citizens do as well.

103) When I visited with my husband when he came as President in 2000, we went out and saw the work of the joint American-Vietnamese teams, and I was deeply moved by that.

104) The fact of slavery may have changed, but our commitment to ending it has not and the deeply unjust treatment that it provides has not either.

105) I will be meeting in Istanbul toward the end of next week with representatives of a lot of the regional countries that are deeply concerned about what's happening.

106) She is our type of lady - a woman of uncompromising integrity who won't back down from a good fight, particularly when it comes to matters of principle, a leader who is passionate about the welfare of the world's less privileged, the disenfranchised, and the downtrodden, and a Secretary who deeply cares for her people and who is an incredibly strong supporter of our men and women in uniform.

107) So the United States remains deeply committed to the open door policy, and it is in that spirit that we welcome our aspirant nations here today.

108) So all of the issues we raise, we raise as a friend and a partner, as a country deeply committed to that banyan tree that Senator Ted Kennedy planted all those years ago.

109) Well, Andy, this is deeply distressing to us, because it was certainly our hope and expectation that with the independence of South Sudan, the newest nation in the world, there would be the opportunity to continue fulfilling the requirements of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that included resolving border disputes, allocations of oil revenues and other contested matters between Sudan and South Sudan.

110) The number of jobs that we have brought into the north from companies like the New York Stock Exchange, the Chicago Mercantile, HBO, Citigroup, Allstate - all of these have been providing much needed employment for our people, and that is something for which we are deeply grateful.

111) It is not just because of a wide range of shared interests, but our deeply rooted history and the unbreakable friendship between our countries.

112) I extend our deepest appreciation to the American people and leadership and say, simply and deeply, thank you.

113) We are also deeply concerned about the people of Syria, who continue to endure a brutal and relentless assault at the hands of the Assad regime.

114) And obviously, the United States and I personally care deeply about what is happening in Syria.

115) We are also grateful to Ambassador Lucas for her leadership as Chair of the Security Council Working Group and deeply appreciate the devoted work of Special Representative Leila Zerrougi and her team to advance this agenda.

116) This is deeply troubling and we urge the Secretary-General to re-examine his proposal to ensure that the true 2014-2015 budget request is fully inclusive and in line with the GA-mandated $5.393 billion budget outline level.

117) So we don't have any meeting with anybody who has something to do with Iran or an approach to Iran where we don't talk to them about how might be able to find to find not just Levinson, but we have two other Americans that we're deeply concerned about.

118) We had prisoner of war/missing in action issue which was felt deeply, as it should have been and was, by people all across America.

119) We had prisoner of war/missing in action issue which was felt deeply, as it should have been and was, by people all across America.

120) But I think by and large, it is fair to say that Iran's choices have created a very significant barrier, and huge security concerns for our friends in the region, for Israel, for Gulf states and others, and obviously they have made certain choices that are deeply, profoundly unsettling in terms of stability in the region and the possibility of anything except our focus on.

121) And I heard from many not just a willingness but a hope that they would have the chance in a new congress to take up the treaty again and to demonstrate the important truth that senators from both sides of the aisle care deeply about the rights of people with disabilities.

122) Now we are deeply encouraged by the Gulalays and others who are taking part in this, by the hundreds of women from all over the country, who are running for positions on provincial councils.

123) And I believe very, very deeply that that is unique training, and I've always seen it in veterans, that when they come to a community, they have an ability to bring with them often the experience of having led other people and of understanding what leadership is all about.

124) And I think each of them are deeply committed on behalf of their people.

125) I am deeply appreciative, whether you did so on the battlefield or in some other way.

126) I really believe in them, and my wife who believes in them very deeply.

127) But for our part, the United States of America, together with the Russians, as we talked about it in the Far East a few days ago, are deeply committed to trying to set a date very soon, to moving towards an inclusive conference that will offer the best opportunity to end the violence, to provide for a new Syria, to deal with the humanitarian catastrophe that is only getting worse by the day, and ultimately to try to find a way to have peace and stability, not just in Syria but in the region.

128) Climate change is one issue that absolutely impacts millions of people around the world, and no one knows just how deeply serious and present, how now this challenge is and its impacts than the people of the vulnerable Pacific Islands.

129) We're deeply grateful, all of us, for your having played a critical role - the critical role in inviting us here, in bringing us here.

130) And we, together, remain deeply committed to getting there.

131) And I think it is a very significant statement that even though there is unrest and volatility in parts of the Middle East, obviously, with transition taking place in Egypt, with the civil strife taking place in Syria, with the challenges of Iran's nuclear program, notwithstanding all of these things and more, all of the parties, all of the support group and the principals themselves are deeply committed to proceeding in order to try to change the dynamics of the Middle East and, despite the turmoil, make peace, the concept of peace, the most important goal of all.

132) For me and for Chuck Hagel, who voted once before on an intelligence case that turned out not to be true and regretted it deeply we would never put any Member of Congress in that same position today, period.

133) Well, it is clear that, in addition to what I've just mentioned about the Syria Accountability Act and the threat to the Middle East, we cannot overlook the impact of chemical weapons and the danger that they pose to a particularly volatile area of the world in which we've been deeply invested for years, because we have great friends there, we have allies there, we have deep interests there.

134) The world is closely watching Egypt and is deeply concerned about the events that we have witnessed today.

135) I want to make it clear, in that context, the United States is deeply concerned about recent reports of external - resumed external support to M23 as well as of collaboration with the FDLR.

136) In addition to that, they've been enormously helpful with respect to terrorism and counterterrorism, working now with President Hadi in Yemen and helping to try to create stability in Yemen and all of our interests there as well as in Syria, where they have stood up and helped to take the lead against the aggression of Assad and his regime against his own people, as well as the fact that Iran and Hezbollah, which is a terrorist organization, are now deeply involved across international lines in that country.

137) Qatar has been a very valued partner to the United States of America, and importantly deeply engaged in a number of issues that matter a great deal here in the region.

138) I have been deeply moved by the commitment of so many of you here today to the success of a new Libya.

139) So I come here today to affirm to all of you that we are deeply committed to Israel's security.

140) Both Germany and the United States also are deeply committed to working towards peace in the Middle East, and Foreign Minister Westerwelle has just come back from the Middle East.

141) Let me just say - I think Sergey would agree with me that both of us - Russia, the United States - are deeply committed and remain committed to trying to implement the Geneva 1 principles, which require a transitional government by mutual consent that has full executive authority in order to allow the people of Syria to decide the future of Syria.

142) As everybody knows, we believe very deeply that where people can exercise their rights and where there is an ability to have a strong democracy, the economy is stronger, the relationship with the government is stronger, people do better, and it's an opportunity to be able to grow faster, stronger, by rule of law.

143) The United States remains deeply committed to the goal of two states living side-by-side in peace and security, and it is only through direct negotiations that the Israelis and the Palestinians can address the permanent status issues and achieve the peace that both deserve - a peace with two states for two peoples with a sovereign and viable, independent Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security with a Palestinian homeland and a homeland for the Jewish people.

144) The country and the State Department are very fortunate to have a Vice President who is as deeply experienced in foreign policy as Joe Biden.

145) The President directed me to step up our efforts with respect to the opposition in particular, and so I asked Ambassador Robert Ford, who has been deeply involved with this and who was our ambassador in Syria for a period of time, to work over the past week with our partners.

146) We're going to continue to effect close security cooperation, ensuring respect for human and civil rights, and I think we all understand those are both deeply enshrined in both U.S. and Mexican constitutions.

147) This committee, needless to say, is deeply immersed - you had a hearing the other day - on Syria.

148) I am deeply committed to building on those efforts.

149) We are deeply involved in helping the Jordanians and others be able to deal with that crisis.

150) We are deeply committed to the freedom of the people of Syria, and from the beginning President Obama has moved in a clear way.

151) So we are deeply grateful that you have understood our vision for 100,000 Strong and are making it a reality.

152) The United States extends our condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones in this brutal assault, and we remain deeply concerned about those who remain in danger.

153) The security of our Americans who are held hostage is our highest priority, but of course we care deeply about the other Algerian and foreign hostages as well.

154) I was deeply touched by your phone - personal call to Patricia and me on the loss of Rita, our daughter, last month.

Выявленные случаи с АИ highly в РАПК:

1) Весьма показательно, кстати, что Совет Безопасности в докладе вообще ни разу не упомянут.

It is highly demonstrative, by the way, that the Security Council was not even mentioned in the report

2) С учетом этого представляется, что подключение СБ к регулярному рассмотрению проблематики изменения климата не приведет к созданию какой-либо добавочной стоимости, а способно лишь вызвать очередной виток политизации данного вопроса и усиление взаимного противостояния стран, что крайне нежелательно именно сейчас, после успешного завершения конференции в Канкуне и на кануне конференции в Дурбане.

In the light of all that, it seems obvious that regular participation of the Security Council in the climate change consideration would produce no added value, but could only lead to further politicization of the issue and the aggravation of reciprocal confrontation between countries, which is highly undesirable now, after the successful outcome of the Cancun Conference and before the Conference in Durban.

3) Тема Ярославского форума - «Современное государство в эпоху социального многообразия» - является актуальной.

The subject of the Yaroslavl Forum - “The Modern State in an Epoch of Social Diversity" - is highly pertinent.

4) Сегодня весьма актуальна проблема соотношения между коллективными и односторонними действиями.

Highly urgent today is the problem of the relation between collective and unilateral actions.

5) В России высоко ценят усилия, предпринимаемые руководством Азербайджана по сохранению, развитию информационного, образовательного, культурного пространства, русского языка и культуры в Азербайджане.

Russia highly appreciates the efforts being made by the Azerbaijani leadership to preserve and develop the Russian informational, educational, and cultural space in Azerbaijan along with maintaining the Russian language.

6) Речь в них идет о начале предметного, сугубо конкретного диалога об условиях, на которых можно будет создать переходные структуры для подготовки реформ, включая новое законодательство, если потребуется и новую конституцию, а также проведения демократических выборов, которые дали бы результат в виде свободного волеизъявления ливийского народа.

They suggest beginning a substantive, highly specific dialogue about the conditions under which it will be possible to create transitional structures for the preparation of reforms, including new legislation, and a new constitution if required, and about holding democratic elections which would produce the result in the form of a free expression of the will of the Libyan people.

7) Сразу скажу, что в России высоко ценят усилия, которые Его Величество Король Абдалла II предпринимает по обеспечению устойчивого социально-экономического, демократического развития Иордании в непростых условиях сегодняшнего Ближнего Востока.

I must say that Russia highly appreciates the efforts, which His Majesty King Abdullah II takes to ensure sustainable socio-economic and democratic development of Jordan in today's challenging environment in the Middle East.

8) Высоко ценим роль, которую играет Иордания в усилиях по созданию условий для скорейшего возобновления содержательных палестино-израильских переговоров.

We highly value the role Jordan plays in the efforts to create conditions for the early resumption of meaningful Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

9) Россия высоко оценивает усилия, которые предпринимает Иордания по продвижению диалога между израильтянами и палестинцами.

Russia highly estimates efforts undertaken by Jordan to promote the dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians.

10) Хочу подчеркнуть, что российская сторона высоко ценит усилия, предпринятые Иорданией, лично Его Величеством королем Абдаллой II и Министром Н.Джодой по продвижению процесса палестино-израильского урегулирования.

I would like to stress that the Russian side highly appreciates the efforts of Jordan, of His Majesty the King Abdallah personally and of the Minister Nasser Judeh to promote the process of the Palestine-Israel settlement.

11) Сейчас государства являются самостоятельными, суверенными, но ни мы, ни наши казахстанские друзья не хотим терять те преимущества, которые создала нам общая экономика, особенно в современном высококонкурентном мире.

Now our countries are independent, sovereign, but neither our Kazakh friends nor we wish to lose the advantages of common economics, especially in the modern highly competitive world.

12) Мы высоко ценим то, что Президент Казахстана Н.А.Назарбаев был одним из главных проводников евразийской интеграции (по-моему, в апреле этого года будет отмечаться 20 лет его знаменитой речи в МГУ им.Ломоносова).

We highly value that the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was one of the main conductors of Eurasian integration (as far as I remember, next April we will celebrate 20 years from his famous speech in the Lomonosov Moscow State University).

13) Сейчас государства являются самостоятельными, суверенными, но ни мы, ни наши казахстанские друзья не хотим терять те преимущества, которые создала нам общая экономика, особенно в современном высококонкурентном мире.

Now our countries are independent, sovereign, but neither our Kazakh friends nor we wish to lose the advantages of common economics, especially in the modern highly competitive world.

14) Мы высоко ценим то, что Президент Казахстана Н.А.Назарбаев был одним из главных проводников евразийской интеграции (по-моему, в апреле этого года будет отмечаться 20 лет его знаменитой речи в МГУ им. Ломоносова).

15) We highly value that the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was one of the main conductors of Eurasian integration (as far as I remember, next April we will celebrate 20 years from his famous speech in the Lomonosov Moscow State University).

16) Ведь вместе мы - это почти 650 миллионов человек, живущих на территории площадью более 21 миллиона квадратных километров и имеющих в своем распоряжении огромные природные ресурсы, весьма развитую технологическую базу, дополняющие друг друга сравнительные преимущества наших экономик.

Together we number about 650 million people that populate the territory of over 21 mln. square kilometres and possess huge natural resources and highly developed technological base, as well as the comparative advantages since our economies complement each other.

17) Однако, Россия не ставит перед собой цели вступления в ЕС, и поэтому модель наших отношений с Евросоюзом является принципиально иной, она должна быть основана на взаимной заинтересованности двух крупнейших игроков на европейском пространстве в обоюдовыгодном сближении, которое, безусловно, позволит укрепить наши совместные позиции в сегодняшнем высококонкурентном мире.

However, Russia does not intend to join the EU and, therefore, the pattern of our relations with the European Union is of completely different nature and should be based on a mutual willingness of the two major European players to strive towards mutually beneficial rapprochement that will undoubtedly help to consolidate our common positions in today's highly competitive world.

18) Высоко оценили разветвленное, заинтересованное гуманитарное сотрудничество.

We highly value the far-flung, disinterested humanitarian cooperation.

19) Высоко ценим внимание, которое руководство Казахстана уделяет поддержке русского языка, русской культуры, духовности, в чем я сегодня убедился, посещая Успенский собор.

We highly appreciate that Kazakhstan supports the Russian language, the Russian culture, spirituality, and I obtained assurance of this today, when I visited the Dormition Cathedral.

20) Российские и алжирские профильные ведомства и деловые круги высоко оценивают перспективы сотрудничества в этой области.

Russian and Algerian profile agencies and business circles highly evaluate prospects of cooperation in this area.

21) Высоко оцениваем уровень российско-алжирского антитеррористического сотрудничества, которому сопутствует активная динамика в двусторонних делах и совпадение взглядов по многим проблемам международной безопасности.

We highly evaluate the level of Russian-Algerian anti-terrorist cooperation, which is contributed by active dynamics in bilateral affairs and matching of views on many problems of international security.

22) Добивались закрепления за участниками Содружества Независимых Государств достойного места в усложняющемся и высококонкурентном мире.

We have tried to secure a decent place for the members of the CIS in an increasingly complicated and highly competitive world.

23) Самым важным является понимание преимуществ сотрудничества наших стран в высококонкурентном мире, и я уверен, что такое понимание существует.

The most important thing is to understand the enormous advantages of the interaction of our countries in a highly competitive world and I am sure there is such an understanding.

24) Высоко оцениваем международное содействие, оказываемое Правительству Украины, и призываем всех партнеров продолжить усилия для завершения строительных работ на объекте «Укрытие», что будет иметь ключевое значения для преобразования этого объекта в устойчивую и экологически безопасную систему.

We highly appreciate the international assistance extended to the Government of Ukraine and call upon all partners to continue efforts to complete the construction of the Shelter facility to transform the site into a stable and environmentally safe system.

25) Мы ценим предпринимаемые египетским руководством усилия по содействию преодолению раскола в рядах палестинцев, которые уже приносят конкретный и осязаемый результат.

We highly appreciate the Egyptian leadership's efforts to help overcome the split in the Palestinian ranks, which are already yielding concrete and tangible results.

26) В этом же контексте рассматриваем совместную российско-есовскую инициативу «Партнерство для модернизации», призванную усилить инновационную составляющую наших экономик, укрепить их позиции в современном высококонкурентном мире.

In the same context we view the joint Russia-EU initiative “Partnership for Modernization,” designed to reinforce the innovative component of our economies and strengthen their position in today's highly competitive world.

27) К сожалению, регион весьма подвержен землетрясениям, цунами, наводнениям и другим стихийным катаклизмам.

Unfortunately, the region is highly prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and other natural cataclysms.

28) Если изначально нам говорили, что Сирия, мол, не Ливия, то теперь мы слышим от очень уважаемых членов Североатлантического альянса, что операция в Ливии - «модель» на будущее.

If initially we were told that Syria was not Libya, now we hear from highly respected members of the North Atlantic Alliance that the Libya operation is a “model” for the future.

29) Высоко ценим его огромный личный вклад в становление и развитие наших двусторонних отношений, которые в течение уже многих десятилетий пронизаны чувствами подлинной дружбы, взаимопонимания и солидарности.

We highly appreciate his huge personal contribution to the formation and development of our bilateral relations, which haves for decades been permeated with feelings of genuine friendship, mutual understanding and solidarity.

30) Высоко ценим вклад Кипра в развитие стратегического партнерство между Россией и ЕС.

We highly appreciate the contribution of Cyprus to the development of the strategic partnership between Russia and the EU.

31) Считаем весьма символичным, что учредительная встреча государств и сообществ Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна состоится в текущем году в Венесуэле, в год, когда отмечается двухсотлетие независимости этого государства.

We consider it highly symbolic that the inaugural meeting of nations and communities of Latin America and the Caribbean will take place this year in Venezuela, in the year of the bicentennial of the independence of this state.

32) Высоко ценим внимание, которое Правительство Сальвадора уделяет вопросу активизации торгово-экономических связей с Россией.

We highly appreciate the attention the Government of El Salvador pays to intensifying trade and economic ties with Russia.

33) Его эрудированность, умение формулировать мысли, доброжелательность, обаяние - все это высоко оценили не только его коллеги и друзья, но и все его оппоненты.

His erudition, the ability to formulate thoughts, his kindness and charm - all this was highly appreciated not only by his colleagues and friends, but by all of his opponents as well.

34) Кстати, я знаю, что, несмотря на те решения, которые НАТО принимает, есть члены альянса, и весьма влиятельные, которые разделяют наши подходы, но которые внутри НАТО пока не имеют большинства и не встречают понимания.

By the way, I know that in spite of the decisions that NATO takes, there are members of the alliance, and highly influential at that, who share our views, but who within NATO do not yet have a majority and do not meet with understanding.

35) Со своей стороны заинтересованы в зарубежных инвестициях в высококонкурентные отрасли отечественной экономики.

For our part, we are interested in foreign investment in the highly competitive sectors of the domestic economy.

36) Мне приятно принимать в Москве Министра иностранных дел, международной торговли и культа Аргентины господина Эктора Тимермана и весьма представительную аргентинскую делегацию, которая его сопровождает.

I am pleased to welcome to Moscow the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina, Mr. Hector Timerman, and the highly representative Argentine delegation which accompanies him.

37) Мы также высоко ценим достижения Совета Европы в сфере социальной сплоченности, защите уязвимых групп населения, развитии европейского сотрудничества в области культуры, культурного наследия, молодежи, спорта, образования.

We also highly appreciate the achievements of the Council of Europe in the fields of social cohesion, protection of vulnerable groups, and the development of European cooperation in the domains of culture, cultural heritage, youth, sport and education.

38) Тема расширения Шанхайской организации сотрудничества весьма актуальна и отражает существенный интерес к работе данного объединения со стороны многих государств.

The subject of enlargement of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is highly relevant and reflects the substantial interest in the work of this association by many states.

39) Хотелось бы выразить признательность всем государствам Арктического совета за активное и конструктивное участие в переговорах, эффективную и высокопрофессиональную работу двух сопредседателей - послов Дэвида Балтона из США и Антона Васильева из России.

I would like to express my appreciation to all states of the Arctic Council for their active and constructive participation in the negotiations, and the efficient and highly professional work of the two co-chairs, Ambassadors David Balton of the United States and Anton Vasiliev of Russia.

40) В России высоко оценивают усилия иракского руководства по установлению стабильности в стране, искоренению терроризма, улучшению социально-экономического положения населения и продвижению национального согласия.

Russia highly appreciates the efforts of the Iraqi leadership to establish stability in the country, eradicate terrorism, improve the socioeconomic position of the population and advance national consensus.

41) Высоко ценим тот интерес, который Президент Словении и другие руководители этой страны проявляют к инициативе Президента России Д.А.Медведева по укреплению неделимости европейской безопасности.

We highly appreciate the interest that the President of Slovenia and other leaders of the country show for the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to strengthen the indivisibility of European security.

42) В резолюции высоко оцениваются усилия на этом направлении тех государств, которые разработали национальные планы по его реализации, а региональным комиссиям ООН поручается продолжать проводить мероприятия, повышающие осведомленность населения в вопросах дорожной безопасности.

The resolution highly appreciates efforts of those states which elaborated national plans to implement the Global Plan. It also requests regional commissions to continue undertake measures to raise public awareness about road safety.

43) Инициатива стала надежным механизмом двусторонней взаимовыгодной связи между всемирной организацией и академическим сообществом, состоящим как из высокопрофессиональных ученых-преподавателей, так и молодых ученых и студентов.

The initiative has become a reliable mechanism for bilateral mutually beneficial relationship between the world organization and the academic community, consisting of highly experienced scientists, teachers and young researchers and students.

44) В заключение хочу сказать, что Министерство иностранных дел России всегда высоко оценивало вклад ИППО в дело укрепления мира, стабильности и авторитета нашей страны в этом важнейшем с геополитической, гуманитарной, религиозной точки зрения регионе.

In conclusion, I want to say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia always highly evaluates the contribution of IOPS to peace, stability and prestige of our country in this important region. from a geopolitical, humanitarian, religious point of view.

45) Весьма символично и особую значимость сегодняшней церемонии придает участие в ней Президента Государства Израиль уважаемого г-на Ш.Переса - лауреата Нобелевской премии мира.

It is highly symbolic and special significance of today's ceremony is given by the participation of the President of the State of Israel respected Mr. Shimon Peres the laureate of Nobel Peace Prize.

46) Высоко оцениваем предпринимаемые вами и вашими коллегами в Государственной Думе усилия по линии парламентской дипломатии - в парламентских ассамблеях ОБСЕ, Совета Европы, ОДКБ, НАТО, в ходе двусторонних контактов.

We highly appreciate the diplomatic efforts made by you and your colleagues for the State Duma in parliament assemblies of the OSCE, Council of Europe, CSTO, UN and during bilateral contacts.

47) Их объединение могло бы стать и для стран ЕС, и для России мощным источником успеха в сегодняшнем высококонкурентном мире.

Their union could be a powerful source of success in today's highly competitive world for the EU and for Russia.

48) Мы высоко оцениваем итоги совместной работы в рамках форума в 2012 году.

We highly appreciate the results of joint work within the frames of the forum in 2012.

49) За этими сухими цифрами, действительно, скрываются прекрасное качество образования, которое дает МГИМО (У), и отличные возможности для того, чтобы, помимо знаний, студентов формировали как личностей, что немаловажно в современном крайне конкурентоспособном мире.

Behind the dry statistics, indeed, there is an excellent quality of education, which MGIMO provides with, and an excellent opportunity to ensure that, in addition to knowledge, the students formed as individuals, which is important in today's highly competitive world.

50) Россия высоко ценит взвешенную, ответственную внешнюю политику, проводимую Тунисом.

Russia highly appreciates the balanced and responsible foreign policy followed by Tunisia.

51) Мы очень ценим отношение, которое наши китайские друзья демонстрируют к российским и советским захоронениям в КНР, а их здесь десятки в самых разных городах.

We highly appreciate the attitude, which our Chinese friends show towards Russian and Soviet burial places in the PRC, and there are dozens of them in different towns here.

52) Мы очень ценим, что Президент Б. Обама в рамках предвыборной борьбы очень четко отстаивает завоевания, достигнутые во время его президентства и партнерства с Президентом Д.А.Медведевым.

We highly appreciate that president Baraсk Obama in the frames of the pre-election struggle clearly defends gains achieved during his presidency and partnership with the President Dmitry Medvedev.

53) Объясняем мы это следующим образом: хотя Россия и не поставляет контингент в состав МССБ, но предоставляет возможности для транзита, который высоко оценивается натовскими партнерами.

We give the follow reason: though Russia does not provide contingents for ISAF but it provides opportunities for the transit that is highly appreciated by the NATO partners.

54) В этой связи откровенный доверительный и партнерский диалог, а также обмен мнениями весьма своевременны.

In this regard, an open confidential partner dialogue as well as an exchange of views are highly opportune.

55) В Российской Федерации высоко ценят усилия руководства университета по сохранению и развитию русского языка как одного из важнейших двигателей дружбы народов России и Азербайджана, продвижению русской культуры, что, в целом, весьма важно для расширения гуманитарных и культурных обменов.

The Russian Federation highly appreciates efforts made by the university authorities to keep and promote Russian as one of the major forces of friendship between Russia and Azerbaijan, and to advance Russian culture which is in general very important to expand humanitarian and cultural exchanges.

56) Эта работа высоко оценивается международным сообществом.

These efforts are highly appreciated by the international community.

57) Мы высоко ценим это мнение/

We highly appreciate this view.

58) В своем выступлении в Совете Федерации я уже высказался о нашем взаимодействии, которое мы высоко ценим.

In my speech in the Council of Federation I have already said about our interaction, which we highly value.

59) Видим в этой организации очень перспективного партнера.

We see a highly prospective partner in this organisation.

60) Мы высоко ценим, что наши партнеры по «шестерке» эти качества проявили и выдержали многочасовой, почти суточный марафон.

We value highly that our partners from the EU3+3 have shown these virtues and stood their ground over many hours, almost a day-long marathon.

61) Современная Индия - мощная держава, пользующаяся авторитетом на мировой арене.

Modern India is a powerful state, which is highly authoritative in the international arena.

62) Ценим предпринимаемые ими усилия.

We highly value the efforts they undertake.

63) Высоко оцениваем скоординированные действия представителей наших стран по эвакуации граждан России и Украины, ставших заложниками политической дестабилизации в странах Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки.

We highly value the coordinated actions of the representatives of our countries, to evacuate Russian and Ukrainian nationals, who have become hostages of political destabilisation in countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

64) Высоко ценим вклад собравшихся в Москве в сплочение российской диаспоры за рубежом, сохранение национальной идентичности наших соотечественников, волею судеб оказавшихся в различных уголках мира, но продолжающих ощущать свою сопричастность к нашей общей Родине, ее традициям и ценностям.

We highly value the contribution of those who gathered in Moscow, to the unity of the Russian diaspora abroad, the preservation of the national identity of our compatriots, who live in different corners of the world by a twist of fate, but continue to feel that they are part of our joint homeland, its traditions and its values.

65) Мы высоко ценим решения, принятым Исполсоветом Организации по запрещению химического оружия, и резолюции СБ ООН в его поддержку в части проведения соответствующих работ в САР по взятию под контроль и уничтожению химических арсеналов этой страны.

We highly appreciated the decisions adopted by the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the resolution to support it in conducting relevant works in the Syrian Arab Republic to establish control over and eliminate arsenals of chemical weapons of this country.

66) В нынешней ситуации особенно важно сделать универсальным режим необладания оружием массового уничтожения в этом, к сожалению, весьма взрывоопасном регионе.

In the current situation it is especially important to make the regime of non-possession of weapons of mass destruction in this, unfortunately, highly explosive region, universal.

67) Тем более, что как личность он очень заботится, чтобы в мире было поменьше войн и побольше стабильности.

Even more knowing that he as a personality which means that he is highly committed to ensuring fewer wars and more stability in the world.

68) Высоко ценим ответственную, конструктивную роль, которую Ливия играет в этих объединениях.

We highly value the responsible constructive role played by Libya in these associations.

69) Практика подобных встреч весьма востребована.

The practice of such meetings is highly in demand.

70) Такую линию проводит Российская Федерация, Республика Беларусь, любое другое нормальное государство, которое заботится о собственных интересах в этом высококонкурентном мире.

This is the line of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, any other normal country taking care of its own interest in this highly competitive world.

71) Высоко оцениваем итоги очередных учений, прошедших в мае нынешнего года в Таиланде.

We highly evaluate the results of the trainings, which took place in May in Thailand.

72) И эта работа получает высоко оценивается российского руководства.

And this work is highly evaluated by the Russian government.

73) Высоко ценим, что у нас совпадают позиции по ключевым международным проблемам.

We highly evaluate that our positions in key international problems match.

74) Россия и Германия обладают уникальным набором взаимодополняемых преимуществ, сопряжение которых является залогом успеха в сегодняшнем высококонкурентном мире.

Russia and Germany have a unique set of complementary advantages, the interconnection of which is a ticket to success in the today's highly competitive world.

75) Мы высоко ценим роль Министра К.Эрьявеца как сопредседателя Межправительственной комиссии по торгово-экономическому и научно-техническому сотрудничеству.

We highly evaluate the role of Minister Erjavec as a co-chair of the Intergovernmental commission for trade and economic, and science and technical cooperation.

76) В Москве высоко ценят традиционно дружественные связи с Гвинейской Республикой.

Moscow highly appreciates traditionally friendly links with the Republic of Guinea.

77) Востребован и диалог российских НПО с коллегами из европейских стран.

The dialog of Russian NGOs with colleagues from European countries is, certainly also highly sought.

78) Последнее весьма привлекает сейчас внимание СМИ, в частности, из-за проблем, возникающих у ОК «РУСАЛ» в г.Фрия.

The latter is currently particularly highly interesting to the mass media, in particular due to the problems OK “RUSAL” has in Fria.

79) Высоко оцениваем уровень взаимодействия наших делегаций в международных организациях, прежде всего в ООН, ОБСЕ и Совете Европы.

We highly appreciate the level of interactions of our delegations in international agencies, first of all in the UNO, OSCE and the Council of Europe.

80) Высоко оценили председательство Казахстана в ОДКБ в 2012г., которое увенчалось принятием на саммите в декабре прошлого года в Москве целого ряда важных и нацеленных на практический результат документов.

We valued very highly the presidency of Kazakhstan of the CSTO in 2012 that led to the adoption of a range of important and practical result-oriented documents at the summit last December.

Выявленные случаи с АИ highly в РАПК:

1) And in fact, President Yanukovych announced Ukraine's decision to get rid of all of its stocks of highly enriched uranium by March 2012, when the next Nuclear Security Summit will convene.

2) I think it's fair to say we've already made significant progress. Ukraine has already removed a substantial portion of its highly enriched uranium, and the United States has made progress on the neutron source facility project, and we expect to break ground in Ukraine soon. This deal is a win-win for both countries and both peoples. It provides tangible benefits for the people of Ukraine, and it makes the world safer for all people.

3) We are working together to relieve Ukraine of the burden of having highly enriched uranium in the time when low enriched uranium is really an answer to many of the issues, to many of the challenges that Ukraine as a nation faces in the area of nuclear safety, future of nuclear energy, medical uses of isotopes, and many other areas of use of peaceful atom.

4-5) If we are serious about reducing the possibility that fissile material could fall into terrorists' hands, then we must reduce the amount of such material that is available. For that reason, the United States also supports reducing stocks of separated plutonium and highly enriched uranium and minimizing the future use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes.

6) President Hu Jintao highly appreciates the important role of the S&EDs in deepening understanding; enhancing strategic, mutual trust; and strengthening communication and cooperation between our two countries at bilateral, regional, and global levels.

7) Our two countries differ in history, culture, development stage, resources, endowment, and national circumstances, but we are highly interdependent and mutually complementary economically.

8) We highly value our relationship with the Government and people of Brunei, and it is so in keeping with what Brunei envisions as the kind of peaceful, prosperous future that it hopes for the region that it would assume the responsibility for this program and the funding.

9) In addition to the new English Enrichment Project, Brunei and the United States will send highly qualified English-language instructors out to teach in ASEAN countries.

10) So here's exactly what this agreement does. In order to work, nuclear weapons require either highly enriched uranium or plutonium

11) Highly enriched uranium, or HEU, can be produced in a number of ways, but an increasingly common way is through the use of centrifuges because they are low power, very cheap to operate, and easy to hide.


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  • Особенности невербальной коммуникации. Понятие языковой картины мира. Вербализация актов касания. Функции касания в коммуникации и их языковая репрезентация. Невербальное взаимодействие между людьми и его отражение в современном английском языке.

    дипломная работа [101,0 K], добавлен 21.05.2012

  • Природа запаха, его структура и характеристика, влияние на человека. Передача категории запаха в языке при помощи существительных, прилагательных. Основные аналитические формы выражения грамматического значения, преобладающие в английском языке.

    дипломная работа [65,7 K], добавлен 14.10.2014

  • Роль и критерии определения наречий в современном английском языке. Классификация наречий: качественные (образа и способа действия, меры, степени и количества) и обстоятельственные (места и времени). Наречия места и направления и критерии их определения.

    курсовая работа [672,0 K], добавлен 24.12.2013

  • Теоретические основы исследования слов категории состояния как самостоятельной части речи. Основная проблематика учения о процессах переходности на уровне частей речи. Анализ категории состояния как самостоятельной части речи в современном русском языке.

    курсовая работа [42,5 K], добавлен 08.12.2017

  • Латинский язык как универсальный культурный код в современном мире. Лексические заимствования: латинизмы в английском языке и степень их ассимиляции в нем. Функционирование стилистически-маркированной лексики латинского происхождения в английских СМИ.

    дипломная работа [890,5 K], добавлен 06.08.2017

  • Типология как наука. Основы типологического анализа частей речи. Типологические особенности взаимодействия частей речи в современном английском языке. Семантический, морфологический и функциональный анализ частей речи в современном английском языке.

    дипломная работа [70,8 K], добавлен 25.06.2011

  • Теоретические положения процесса заимствования в английском языке. Понятие "заимствование" и классификация заимствованных единиц в отечественной и зарубежной лингвистике. Лексикографическое описание русицизмов, ассимиляция в современном английском языке.

    дипломная работа [100,8 K], добавлен 25.07.2017

  • Трактовка изъявительного и сослагательного наклонения. Функционирование в английском языке "будущего в прошедшем". Дополнительные формы наклонения глаголов: повелительное предположительное, условное. Принципы формирования данных грамматических категорий.

    курсовая работа [38,5 K], добавлен 13.08.2015

  • Наклонение как морфологическое средство выражения модальности. Особенности определения категории модальности. Проблема количества наклонений в английском языке. Характеристика глаголов категории наклонения английского языка в рассказах У.С. Моэма.

    дипломная работа [74,6 K], добавлен 25.11.2011

  • Источники возникновения английских фразеологизмов. Калькирование как вид фразеологического заимствования. Изучение функционирования заимствованных фразеологических единиц в современном английском языке. Современные исследования в области фразеологии.

    дипломная работа [86,1 K], добавлен 25.07.2017

  • Семантическая структура префиксальных производных. Характер взаимодействия префиксов и производящих основ разных лексико-семантических групп. Функционирование префиксальных глаголов в английском языке. Префиксальное словообразование во французском языке.

    дипломная работа [72,0 K], добавлен 25.11.2011

  • Имя существительное (the noun) как часть речи. Категория числа имен существительных. Категория рода в английском языке. Подходы к классификации имен существительных в английском языке. Сложности перевода с английского языка.

    курсовая работа [50,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2006

  • Особенности нетрадиционного словообразования в английском языке. Инициальные и комбинированные аббревиатуры. Закон экономии речевых средств. Примеры телескопных номинаций. Классификация слов-слитков, сферы употребления в современном английском языке.

    курсовая работа [45,5 K], добавлен 24.03.2013

  • Грамматические категории времени и вида в современном английском языке. Видо-временная форма английского глагола. Категориальная форма будущего времени. Сравнение видо-временных форм глагола и случаев их употребления в современном английском языке.

    курсовая работа [508,7 K], добавлен 11.02.2011

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