Переводческие корпусы и механизмы их сопоставления

Концептуальные представления о категории усилительных наречий в современном английском языке. Понятие адвербиального интенсификатора и его функционирование. Интенсивность как основная языковая категория. Корпусная типология и переводческие корпусы.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 30.11.2017
Размер файла 435,4 K

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12-13) So I - whatever else we do, the bottom line is the work of highly trained and highly dedicated professionals, working in both the public and private sector, is essential to our success and to our safety going forward.

14) I'd like to highly commend and appreciate the strong leadership of Secretary Kerry for global peace and security and development and human rights.

15) On Middle East, I'd like to highly commend and appreciate Secretary Kerry's leadership and consistent and principled engagement to revive this peace process for a two-state solution.

16) Last year, he pledged to eliminate Ukraine's highly enriched uranium, and Ukraine is fully on schedule to eliminate all of its HEU in 2012.

17-18) As you know, the OECD's analysis of economic statistics is really viewed around the world as highly credible; in fact, probably the gold standard. I think that she represents Denmark exceptionally well, and I also know that, like many young women - and I can say this because I'm not and she is - (laughter) - she has family responsibilities, she has two young children, and like so many women in Denmark and the United States and elsewhere, she is a highly responsible person in balancing both her family responsibilities and her obligations to her country

19) We want to see appropriate due process and procedures followed in anyone's trial, and particularly in such a highly charged trial as that will certainly be.

20) And we share the basic assumption that we all have lessons to learn. In the recent past, we have seen that even highly developed countries may present inadequacies in terms of transparency. The present exercise derives from a growing awareness since 2008 of the global importance of good practices in terms of transparency, governance, ultimately responsibility. With these assumptions in mind, we have initiated last January the development of a methodology that can offer, at the same time, the flexibility required by each state and the necessary systematization of best practices.

21) As Dan himself would be the first to admit, he does have a special place in his heart for SPAM, and not just rapid-fire emails is what I'm talking about. I'm talking about highly processed canned meat - (laughter) - kosher, of course. (Laughter.) And he's not alone.

22) Again, let me say how good it is to be back in the Dominican Republic. I am blessed to have a number of friends here. And this country is a close partner and friend to the United States. We work together closely to pursue our shared security and prosperity through Pathways, the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative, the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, the Open Government Partnership, and so much else. This is a relationship we highly value. So again, I am pleased to be here and to have this opportunity to make progress together on our shared goals.

23) Denmark alone flew nearly 600 missions and was highly regarded in the professionalism of your military in doing so.

24) I am very pleased, Minister, that we were able to do this. It has been a very important bilateral matter that our respective governments have worked diligently on. And it is an incredibly significant subject, combating the smuggling of nuclear and radioactive materials. There is no greater threat to the safety and security of our world than preventing nuclear or highly radioactive materials coming into the hands of terrorists, and it's a danger that no one country can protect against on its own. And today, Slovakia has made an important commitment to our collective efforts, and we are very appreciative.

25) And my point was if you don't make your own transition from having been part of this extraordinary historic revolution to actually doing the hard, and yes, sometimes boring difficult work of politics, you may not realize the gains and the hopes that you had demonstrated for. You could end up having one election, one time, that did not fully empower women or minorities, or people whose values and views were very different from what kind of future you sought would be highly organized and very successful in being elected, and over time, you would not be able to participate.

26) The mark of a mature relationship, whether it's between nations or between people, is not whether we agree on everything, because that is highly unlikely between nations and people, but whether we can work through the issues that are difficult. And so I thought it was an important time to go and to have these consultations and to exchange views in advance of APEC, in advance of the East Asia Summit, in advance

27) Well, let me begin by thanking the Foreign Minister for his very warm welcome and let me express how pleased I am to be back in Indonesia. As the Minister said, we had a long, comprehensive, very constructive conversation on a full range of issues. That is what I have come to expect from the Minister. Minister Natalegawa is highly respected in representing his nation on behalf of the President, the government, and the people.

28) It takes place once again in early August. The work that you have done and that so many in South Africa, now with the first woman chair of the AU, to demonstrate unequivocally that women are full partners in the future of this great country and continent is among the many things that I highly admire. So I thank you, and I thank the government for hosting us, for this meeting of the U.S.-South Africa Strategic Dialogue. We'll have an opportunity to review the progress we have made since our meeting in Washington in December 2010

29) And it is one of the reasons why we so highly value the role of women, because for us it is just a given that unless we have women involved at every stage, we cannot achieve the promise of democracy.

30) I think that's an absolutely fair question, because obviously we highly value a positive relationship with Russia. Just last week in Mexico during the G-20, President Obama had a chance to sit down with President Putin to discuss our partnership over a wide array of issues. Both presidents reaffirmed the trajectory of our relationship and the importance of cooperating on as many issues as possible, and where we have differences, which we obviously do, being forthright about those differences and looking for ways that we can work through them.

31) And we've even installed micro-wind turbines to provide electricity, and we're using the highly efficient Finnish-designed heating and cooling system. And we've got Embassy vehicles that operate using diesel that are being upgraded to run on locally produced bio-diesel which will further reduce emissions by up to 50 percent. We're switching the Embassy generators to bio-diesel as well, and all of our lighting will be converted to

32) Well, of course, the United States has expressed our concerns about the economy and the difficulties that are faced here in Europe. It is something that we care deeply about, because we highly value our relationships with our European partners. Also because we know that in order to fully recover from the economic downturns of the last years, Europe has to be strong and operating at full speed once again. So we support the need for changes to be made in order to improve Europe's competitiveness to deal with a lot of the leftover issues that have not yet been addressed in various countries.

33) I share with you just a few impressions from this day. Secretary Clinton, you are a fabulous guest because you showed a really keen interest in what you are presented, and that makes us Norwegians proud and very inspired. It's important for us that our key and leading ally has an updated picture of modern Norway, and that is why we highly appreciate Madam Secretary has included Tromso, which I nominated the Arctic capital, and (inaudible) capital also.

34) I'm impressed by the work of your Cultural Support Teams, highly-trained female Special Operations Forces who engage with local populations in sensitive areas like Afghanistan.

35) And we highly value the incredible alliance that we've had for so many years.

36) A number of applications continues to grow. That makes it easier for businesses to do business with each other, to expand trade between our countries. It's easier for students to travel. It's easier in the promotion of the kind of mutual respect that we value highly between our two peoples

37) Because we so highly value our relationship and you're here on what we call Valentine's Day, which is a time that is for love but also friendship, and we are so delighted that we could invite many American friends who know China, work in China, have relations in China, here to this lunch honoring you.

38) This telescope provides highly accurate detection, tracking, and identification of deep space objects, and will further strengthen our existing space cooperation.

39) The question is whether we're going to invest in education and R&D at home, and ensure that the United States can compete and win in this highly competitive global marketplace.

40) So given the changes that have taken place in the world, just the challenges of cyberspace, the challenges of counterterrorism, it is highly valuable to be undertaking this reevaluation and setting the roadmap for the next 15 to 20 years, and that is precisely what we, I think, have achieved here today.

41) I hope that the interpreters who are working here - they are highly - the interpreters are of high level. Therefore, I will continue to speak Russian.

42) So the United Kingdom will continue to work closely with the United States, taking a highly active role in addressing the Syria crisis, and working with our closest ally over the coming weeks and months.

43) It has made us press with extra urgency to know that we are highly confident of what we speak now.

44) Now, clearly, our actions are effective because dozens of highly-trained, skilled al-Qaida commanders, trainers, bomb-makers and operatives have been taken off the battlefield.

45) The lack of transparency obviously makes it highly unlikely that that slate of candidates is either going to represent the broad will of the Iranian people or represent a change of any legitimate kind.

46) It is an honor as well as a pleasure to have amongst us a figure who is both highly respected in the U.S. as well as abroad, as well as someone who is known as a friend of France.

47) And I think he would highly approve of this session here today. I want to thank everyone who has traveled from far and wide, from Tunisia, from California, and many places in between and beyond.

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