Research of anti-criminogenic measures aimed at eliminating the negative consequences of socio-economic reforms. Analysis of the scale of smuggling activities in the border areas of Ukraine. Correction of shortcomings in the work of judicial bodies.
Deteriorating economic and social conditions in Israel. Challenging the validity of the primary legislation. Social and economic rights as a result of constitutional revolution of Israel. The main prospects of enacting additional laws in country.
The study of the nature and essence of public-public partnerships in the field of business. Methods management considered a form of realization of the relationship between the state and society. Prospects of development of social entrepreneurship.
Study of the characteristics of the modern information society and the role of social communications as a political phenomenon in the information sphere of the European Union. Identify new forms of communication based on social and personal partnerships.
Studying the problems of formation and implementation of state social policy. Analysis of socio-economic problems of the Ukrainian state. Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine as the main subject of the country's social policy.
Development of law institutions in Ukraine. Analysis of the content of the legal relationship between the employer and the employee. Methods of social security for the personnel of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection.
- 1897. Social insurance
The meaning of social insurance. The financial system, legal regulation of payment of disability days. The role of the pension fund in the state. The subjects of social insurance against temporary disability. The system of state budget funds in Russia.
The use of marketing in public administration, determining the nature of social marketing in local government, research of social marketing planning for social programs by local authorities. The role of social advertising in society and public relations.
Establishes that general social trend of prevention of lucrative violent crimes committed by children is a purposeful activity of State and non-State structures of society related. The adoption of the Strategy for Combating Crime in Ukraine is proposed.
An analysis of business environments and social policies from the perspective of the governmentmarket relationship. The charachter of evolution process of the government-market relationship and government-citizen relationship in China and Russia.
- 1901. Social-legal foundations of information security of the state, society and individual in Ukraine
The essence and features of the concept of "information security", and related terms, and to perform a comprehensive analysis of the current regulatory framework on ensuring a reliable level of information security as the basis of national security.
The possibility of raising the upper limit of criminal penalties for particularly serious crimes as an alternative to life imprisonment. The impact of the introduction of such an initiative on reducing harm to the prisoner's personality, his returning.
Both scholars and representatives ofpublic and religious organizations give particular attention and focus scientific discourse on the matter of expedience of increasing the upper limit ofpunishment in the form of imprisonment for a specified period.
Spatial development is a factor in the formation of society. The policy of conscious spatial development is the most important component of the transition to new technological and sociocultural ways of life. Concept of cultural diversity of society.
Revealing the essence of organizational weapons, which is based on special technologies of organizational management reflection. Consideration of the mechanism of influence of organizational weapons on value-meaning models of perception of social reality.
The priorities of the national security of Ukraine are the protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state. Creating an attractive image of the country in the world community, attracting partners, developing diplomatic ties.
Analysis of the role of "soft power" tools in the national security system. The priorities of the national security of Ukraine are the protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state. The process of formation of "new" public diplomacy
The features of the recognition of legal acts unconstitutional. The types of consequences that may occur as a result of declaring legal acts unconstitutional. The ways to protect violated rights of citizens. The proposals for changes in legislation.
Conducts a comparative study of national legislation of France, Germany, and Ukrainian legislation in the field of legal regulation of commercial relations. The general distribution of damages into compensatory and moratorium damages were studied.
This article is dedicated to the features of suspicion in criminal proceedings during international cooperation. The question of the consistency and performance of procedural actions in the context of international cooperation had been considered.
Legal means of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine. Functions of national civil service agents. Increasing the level of effectiveness and efficiency of public control. Strengthening the fight against corruption and abuse of power.
The directions of interaction of the National Police of Ukraine with civil society to eliminate theoretical and practical gaps in the specified issue are described. It was determined that the police interact with other state bodies to resolve issues.
Correlation between the methods of civil andfamily law protection offamily rights and interests. Application of acts of civil legislation to the regulation of family relations in the context of protection of the rights and interests of their subjects.
Clarification of the possibility of applying acts of civil legislation to the regulation of family relations. Analysis of problematic aspects of family law and civil law regulation of methods of judicial protection of family rights and interests.
Judicial protection of family rights and interests at the present stage of development of society. The ratio of methods of civil and family law protection. Possibilities of application of acts of civil legislation to the regulation of family relations.
Analysis of international legal acts aimed at combating sexual exploitation and corruption of children, study of the implementation of their requirements in legislation of Ukraine. Justification of proposals for making relevant changes in legislation.
The use of special knowledge for investigation and prevention of illegal acts. Criminal offenses related to resistance to a representative of the authorities or a representative of the public who performs duties for the protection of public order.
Investigation of residential burglaries committed by minors. Determination of the level of physical, intellectual and mental development. Identification of adults who provoked them to criminal activity. Separation of criminal proceedings by object.
Defenition of "restoration of lands" as a legal category. Specificity of ensuring of restoration of lands in the countries of Western Europe. The place of legal norms regulating public relations in the field of land restoration in the system of land law.
The definition of the concept of "restoration of land". The necessity of making changes to the current land legislation regarding fixing the obligations of owners and users of land plots to restore soil fertility, useful properties and functions of land.