Contrary to international law, Russia has not officially declared war on Ukraine. In Ukraine war crimes additional responsibility only for the Ukrainian military, there are special features of qualification. Analyze aviation crimes in martial time.
The historical and political aspects of international protection of refugees and internally displaced persons. The history of international protection of refugees, the political roots of the issue. The ancient, medieval and modern stages of the problem.
Theoretical and legal study of mediation as an alternative procedure for solving individual labor disputes. Development of appropriate out-of-court procedures for resolving individual labor disputes. Models of legislative regulation of mediation.
It is said about corruption crimes and the problems of classifying other crimes against official gain and about ways to solve them. The problems arising in the description of corruption crimes and other crimes against official gain are highlighted.
It is possible to commit a crime of provocation, what is the subjective attitude of the provocateur to the provoked offense. The presence of the provocateur's direct intent to bring the provoked crime to an end. Provocateur as an executor or accomplice.
The main judicial and administrative services for ensuring fair and effective justice in Ukraine are analyzed. New institutions are characterized, which significantly change the state's approach to its citizens, ensuring the exercise of their rights.
The study of property rights of spouses, which form the basis of the legal status of husband and wife. Research of property rights of spouses and ways of their protection in the analysis of the norms of the Code of Laws on Marriage and Family of Ukraine.
Legislative support for the protection of property relations of spouses. Judicial practice of consideration of cases on division of property, difficulties in allocation of a share. Improving family law and practice of its application to property rights.
The study is to identify gaps in legislation governing spouses’ property relations and to determine their impact on securing the enjoyment and protection of their property rights. Various methods of scientific knowledge were used in the research.
The analysis the amendments to the powers of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in the field of appeals in public procurement and substantiate proposals to improve the appeal process. Procedural particularities of the activities of the Commission.
Main legal aspects of dismissal of an employee due to appearing at work in a drunken state. Analysis of official statistical data of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine for 2022. Assessment of the level of industrial injuries caused by drunkenness.
Characterized and founded that breaches of trade secrets are considered by international law as unfair competition. The legal experience regarding the protection of the right of access to commercial secrets of some foreign countries is analyzed.
Features of modern scientific views on the concept and content of collective rights, human rights of the third generation. Determining them from the collective way of realizing certain categories of human rights and zealots, political and socio-economic.
Assessment of the flow of migration to Azerbaijan. Description of the necessary changes in its regulatory legal acts to improve legislation on the issuance of temporary residence permits. Analysis of the applicability of european migration legislation.
Studying of theoretic and constitutional law. General principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Questions of federalism and democracy in country.
The concept of guilt in the contemporary theory of law. The content of the taxpayer's guilt as one of the elements of tax offenses and as one of the conditions for brining to financial responsibility in the cases provided for by the Tax Code of Ukr
Analysis of sources, governing the enforcement of investor-state arbitral awards, identifying strengths and deficiencies of different enforcement systems. Application of doctrine of sovereign immunity on different stages of investor-state arbitrationю
Sovereignty - a complex of power relations that provides for a system of universal control and the legitimate use of violence. Sovereigntism - an instrument of combating the interference of international institutionalized actors in domestic politics.
- 1939. Sovereignty in a Federal State: Theoretical and Legal Bases and Practice of Implementation in Russia
The article raises the issue of state sovereignty in a federal state and reveals its legal nature. The authors draw attention to the diversity of approaches to the concept and essence of sovereignty, reveal its correlation with related categories.
Building the potential of a location to improve its economic future and the quality of its people’s life - the aim of local development. Using of space technologies in all sectors of state and public life - a basic feature of the information society.
Analysis of key international legal instruments on outer space developed in the middle of the 20th century. Features of updating international and national legislation. Consideration of regulatory issues of space activities in the field of space law.
Absence of provisions on human rights in international space law, international agreements and resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Analysis of the circumstances and conditions of application of human rights to the lex lata of international space law.
This article is a continuation of study of the results of the regulation of space activities over the period from 1958 to the present. One of the most important issues is the question of the jurisdictions of subjects of space activities and space law.
The problem of defining the essence of the category "special economic regime". Determination of the place of the special management regime in the system of economic legislation. Defects of normative and legal regulation in Ukrainian legislation.
Formation of modern scientific opinion regarding the essence and system of special principles of formation and implementation of state policy in the sphere of weapons circulation. Justification of the need to create, adopt a draft law on arms circulation.
Evolution of regulatory and legal mechanisms for ensuring cyberspace security. Protection of personal data and the fight against cybercrime and cyberterrorism. Analysis of international legislation regarding areas of improvement in cyberspace security.
The legal nature of the contract of football player. The most important sources of law of Ukraine and competent national and international organizations, which regulate the structure, form and minimal requirements to the football contracts in our country.
Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the state of democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The concept of "transit", acquiring in the context of Kyrgyzstan. Indication of the importance of the cultural context for understanding the situation in the country.
The article is to determine The specificities of administrative liability of servicemen (bodyguards) of the State Protection Department of Ukraine. The сoncept and specificities of liability. Legal and regulatory framework for administrative liability.
Analysis of available measures of procedural coercion applied to minors during inquiry. Principles and legal regulation of the protection of the rights of minors, the inadmissibility of illegal, unjustified bringing them to criminal responsibility.