Значение трудового права и его место в системе права России. Основные принципы правового регулирования социально-трудовых отношений. Общая характеристика общественных отношений, входящих в предмет трудового права, его основные элементы и особенности.
The developing effective mechanisms in the labor payment system, which should ensure social and economic justice in labor relations. The approaches to optimizing wages in the Ukrainian economy under the influence of European integration processes.
Concludes that the existence of many intra-industry tariff grids in Ukraine in practice only complicates law enforcement. Characterization of the peculiarities of the international legal basis for the formation of the appropriate level of remuneration.
Research of sanctions as a legal structure in relation to legal means. Characteristics of possible types of negative property consequences imposed on a faulty debtor in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligation assumed by him.
Analysis of the regulatory framework, legislative initiatives in the field of compensation for property damage caused by damage to real estate as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Ensuring real compensation for property damage.
Use of the maximum range of possible means and methods in the investigation of unlawful acts by law enforcement officers. Peculiarities of using technical means during procedural, investigative (detective), covert investigative (detective) actions.
- 1867. Scientific elite in the conditions of formation e-governance (philosophical and legal analyze)
The concept of "science elita" in the information age of the legal reality. Criteria of elitism in the minds of the form of e-governance. Realization of the constitutional right of the population to participate in the management of the sovereign country.
- 1868. Scientific research: overview of some urgent issues from national and international law perspectives
Consideration of problems of legal regulation of the field of scientific research. Definition of academic freedom, academic integrity, consideration of relevant legal documents and court practice. Analysis of the criteria for the free use of quotations.
- 1869. Scientific research: overview of some urgent issues from national and international law perspectives
An analysis of the main criteria for the free use of citations that should be followed in order to ensure the principles of academic integrity. A review of the practical implications of different definitions of plagiarism under education, copyright law.
Clarification of the limits of administrative and legal provision of expert activity in Ukraine on the basis of the theory of administrative law, the theory of criminology, the theory of expertology, research by scientists and current legislation.
Significance of expertise in society. Principles of expert activity. Clarification of the sphere of administrative and expert activity based on the theory of administrative law, the theory of criminology, the theory of expertise and current legislation.
Consideration of space-related contracts as a new way to meet the demands and the risks resulting from the obligations of different property rights in the civil law system. Determination of the role of legal security structures in a market economy.
The considering whether, in the light of the law, non-public entities conducting medical activity in Poland may secure their debts under contracts with the National Health Fund in agreements with banks. Securing the loan agreement the private hospital.
A look at the nutrition of the legitimacy of the right to self-designation in the context of the Falklands Conflict between Argentina and Britain. Looking at the dzherel of international law. Analysis of the doctrinal concept of the "foreign clause".
Analysis of the problem of the formation of civil society and the institution of self-government in this process. Study of the problem of the formation of self-government in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern Russia as an element of civil society.
Characteristics of municipal reform, which is an organic part of administrative reform. Analysis of the current regulation of the Institute and determination of the range of bodies that will implement this regulation. Recommendations for Ukraine.
The issue of the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary in the sphere of national security based on "The White Book 2021: Defence Policy of Ukraine". Determine the semantic and structural peculiarities of the English vocabulary.
Short biography of the teacher and scientific lawyer Semyon Efimovich Desnitsky. The master of arts, doctor's degree in a civil, ecclesiastical law. Teaching at the Moscow University of the Roman right in Russian. Development of the Russian legislation.
- 1879. Separate issues regarding the division of movable and immovable property of the wife in divorce
Determination of the common property of the spouses and its division, which occurs in the event of a divorce. Legal norms regulating the procedure for creation and division of joint property of spouses in the marriage and family legislation of Ukraine.
Rapid scientific and technical progress definitely dictates the conditions of modern life in society. An integral part of everyday life is the use of the Internet system in various spheres, be it educational, scientific, economic, political, etc.
Analysis of Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation as the main component of the private international law of the European Union. Assessment of its impact on transportation contracts, which is a key element of world trade. Complexities and conflicts.
The significance and role of the interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights of certain categories enshrined in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights. Study of the concepts of "criminal charge", "severity of punishment".
The bioethical problem of legalizing involuntary passive euthanasia as a practice of ending a person’s life, which in particular is in a minimal conscious state. The legal responsibility - a consequence of the use of involuntary passive euthanasia.
The role of the arms trade in the growth and spread of crime in Africa. Proliferation and ready availability of Small Arms and Light Weapons on the continent is contributing in no small measure to political, economic and social insecurity in Africa.
Аналіз засобів використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у місцевому самоврядуванні. Виділення сучасних вимог щодо управління на місцевому рівні. Доведення необхідності формування віртуального міського середовища та моделі "розумного міста".
Перспективи та сучасні засоби використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у місцевому самоврядуванні. Необхідність формування віртуального міського середовища та моделі "розумного міста", які вимагають змін у системі публічного управління.
Інноваційність та комп’ютеризація сфер життєдіяльності - одна з невід’ємних частин сучасного світу. Смарт-контракт - цифрове уявлення набору обов’язків між сторонами, що включає в себе не тільки перелік прав та обов’язків, але й умови їх виконання.
Характеристики Smart City - інноваційної концепції ефективного використання технологій для покращення якості життя та розвитку міст. Роль "good governance" (належне урядування) в підтримці правових відносин, створенні стабільності та розвитку суспільства.
Estimate of the volume of "goods" smuggling. Reasons for the spread of smuggling schemes. Characteristics of the consequences of the spread of smuggling for the country's economy. Analysis of state budget losses due to the existence of smuggling schemes.
- 1890. Smuggling history
Smuggling as the movement of goods in violation of the prohibition regime, commercial quotas, tariff schedules. State regulation of borders and trade, the impact of these processes on the development of smuggling. The definition of measures to combat it.