To analyse the existing coercive measures applied to juveniles during the inquiry. Consideration of the main task of procedural coercion applied to a minor as a preventive measure which has an educational effect on consciousness and behavior of juvenile.
Basic scientific and legal analysis of relations of protection of consumer rights in contractual obligations in modern conditions and highlighting the features of such protection. Civil legal obligations that arise on the basis of consumer contracts.
Analysis of the specifics of crisis communication research in public administration. Crisis communications in public administration, which are characterized by quick response to the situation, provision of relevant information to interested groups.
Justification of the legality of the squeeze-out procedure, taking into account the legal positions regarding the constitutionality of the regulatory provisions of the procedure for the mandatory sale of a block of shares. Determination of share price.
Історія запровадження процедури squeeze-out в Україні, статистика застосування з моменту запровадження на законодавчому рівні. Судова практика щодо оскарження законності та конституційності цієї процедури. Позиції судів іноземних держав по цьому питанню.
The development of methodological criteria, its practical application in all possible interpretations. Increasing transparency of criminal process. The possibility of engaging relevant experts in the evaluation of evidence and general process of proof.
Peculiarities of the formation of a personnel reserve to ensure the process of reintegration, management of the de-occupied territory. Personnel policy measures. Creation of the Coordination Center for the reintegration of de-occupied territories.
Stages of formation of professional preparedness of police employees: self-determination, formation, growth. The noncompliance of the physical preparedness level of patrol officers and security police with the crime situation requirements in the country.
Attention is paid to the content of the stages of the notarial process and the notary's actions at each of them. The classification of the stages of the notrail process is analyzed. It was noted that the first stage is the opening of notarial proceedings.
- 1960. Standard of proof in common law: mathematical explication and probative value of statistical data
Bayesian decision theory as a rationalisation of the two standards of proof. The ratio of the false positive error disutility to false negative error disutility. Analysis of the results of the application of Bayesian theory to judicial fact-finding.
The use of evidence in the framework of judicial proceedings. The use of differentiated sources in criminal proceedings, increasing its transparency. Involvement of specialized experts in the evaluation of the presented evidence and the process of proof.
- 1962. Stanovlenie
Становление городского самоуправления под контролем томского губернатора (1893-1917 гг.). Особенности развития органов городского самоуправления Новониколаевска (1917-1919 гг.). Становление современной административной системы в городе. Городской Совет.
The interaction between the state and civil society in digital reality. The process of transformation of public authorities. Directions and problems of transformation. dentifying effective forms of feedback between public authorities and civil society.
Consideration of theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of environmental policy of the state in terms of decentralization reform and the acquisition of appropriate powers by local governments. Components of environmental policy.
Analysis, characteristics of the process of large-scale implementation of the new housing state program "Nurlyzher" in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Approaches to stimulating housing construction to increase housing affordability for the General population.
The state of environment protection at global and regional levels. The state of environmental degradation from a human rights perspective. The promotion and protection of human rights of the most disadvantageous persons and segments of every society.
Deals with the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy in the context of state support and development strategies for the implementation of the state's industrial policy. Substantiation of the state industrial policy in the regulating strategies.
- 1968. State policy of Ukraine and Poland for the protection of national minorities comparative analysis
Comparison of the state policy of Ukraine and Poland on the protection of the rights of national minorities. The essence and characteristics of national minorities, their condition in these countries. State ethnopolitics, common and distinctive features.
- 1969. State regional development policy in Ukraine: legal framework, present and post-war challenges
The article provides a scientific assessment of existing Ukrainian and European doctrinal approaches to determining the content and essence of regional development policy. The existing (supplemented) regulatory framework of planning was studied.
Literature review highlighting original contribution. A brief summary of the science of tracing cyber attack. The fundamental issue of attribution and the case for the overall control standard. Cyber conflicts and The North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Analyzes of the essence of state specialized funds. The principles of operation of state specialized funds in economic direction. Research of interrelation between the activities of state specialized funds on programs of economic development in Ukraine.
The attempt to investigate specifics of the functions of the State forest corps is made in the article. The authors recognize that the state created a fundamental basis for training of professional policemen in the sphere of nature protection of Italy.
It has been established that a significant positive success in resolving the crisis was achieved by organizing a "grain corridor" through which significant volumes were exported. Analysis of the consequences of the instability of Ukrainian grain exports.
A study of peculiarities of the criminal regime of statute of limitations in most European countries, which is significantly different from the Ukrainian one. Analysis of the Bulgarian statute of limitations - a suitable representative of European legal.
Recognition of the material nature of limitation. Procedural consequences of the expiration of the period of time. Identifying the direct legal consequences of crimes or punishments imposed on them by a court. Criminal laws of the modern Bulgarian state.
The theoretical formulation of the term is presented, original structure as well as main functions of strategic foreign policy planning are elaborated. Strategic planning is essential for effective foreign policy and thus for national security of a State.
Problems and unresolved issues in the field of the Ukrainian political nation consolidation and national minorities rights protection are analysed. The necessity of reforming the ethno-national legislation, contradictory and conflicting norms is proved.
Analysis of normative legal acts regulating ethno-national relations. Identification of threats caused by separatist manifestations. Definition of basic values, landmarks and directions of development of ethno-national policy of the Ukrainian state.
Strategic and political documents addressing protection of the environment, environmental security and nature use. The efficiency of laws and to create a functional enforcement mechanism. Necessity of codification of the adopted strategic instruments.
Analysis of the interrogation of witnesses and victims during the pre-trial investigation. Interrogation strategies and tactics applied by investigators to witnesses and victims. Progress using manipulative tactics due to lack of sufficient information.