Macro- and morphometric parameters of cerebellum and cytoarchitectonies of its structures. Morphometric, anatomical-histological, and immunohistochemical studies of cerebellum of 116 human embryos and fetuses aged from 6-7 weeks up to 39-40 weeks.
Dynamics of changes in morphometric parameters with a single administration of cryopreserved placenta against the background of acute aseptic inflammation. Regenerative processes of the structure of the sciatic nerve damaged by the inflammatory process.
- 693. Motivation of altruistic sperm donors participating in assisted reproduction in Russian Federation
The motivations behind Russian men’s altruistic sperm donation using Alderfer's Existence-Relatedness-Growth model. Distribution of respondents by education, income and marital status. Significant coefficients of correlations between the needs, factors.
Демонстрация клинического случая комплексной лучевой диагностики оссифицирующего капсулита плечевого сустава. Анализ данных магнитно-резонансной томографии и мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии. Динамическое наблюдение за патологическим процессом.
The specificity of multiple sclerosis lies in the young age of patients with various symptoms and unpredictability of the disease. Factors are the reason that rehabilitation of patients is one of the most difficult tasks of neurological rehabilitation.
Распространенность микобактерий, вызывающих туберкулез, в окружающей среде. Факторы, способствующие развитию заболевания, и симптомы активной формы туберкулеза. Корреляционная зависимость заболеваемости туберкулезом с уровнем жизни и качеством питания.
Взаимосвязь между показателями мониторирования артериального давления и концентрацией N-проМНП в плазме крови. Показатели гипертрофии и диастолической функции у больных гипертонической болезнью, осложнённой пароксизмальной формой фибрилляции предсердий.
Bioavailability and increased shelf life of the pharmaceuticals - nanoemulsions. The ability of nanoemulsions to dissolve large quantities of hydrophobics, along with their ability to protect the drugs from hydrolysis and enzymatic degradation.
- 699. Nasal Foreign Bodies
Nasopharyngeal Polyps, Collapsed Trachea. Disorders of the Teeth and Oral Cavity. Gastric Dilatation–Volvulus Complex. Inflammation of muscle tissue that results in pain, weakness, and muscle atrophy. Hypokalemic Myopathy, Potassium Depletion in Cats.
Activities of participants in the national market of medical services in Ukraine. Elements of the mechanism of public administration of the health sector. Organizations that carry out government regulation and outline strategies for the development.
- 701. Natriuretic peptides-guided therapy in chronic heart failure: relevance to outcomes and survival
Discussion and research of specific features of the modern strategy of guided chronic heart failure therapy. Identification and characterization possible prospects for improved survival of patients through the timely correction of pharmacotherapy.
The concept of relative instability of regulatory peptides in the issues and fluids of organism. The historical facts of glyproline investigation. Antiulcer effects of intraoperational, intragastic administrations at etanol-induced damages in rats.
Various forms of the crystals formed during evaporation of biological liquids of women. Physical and chemical bases of salts polymorphism, process arborization. The cyclic change in electric potential in biological liquids during the menstrual cycle.
Результаты исследования механизмов регуляции роста и метастазирования немелкоклеточного рака легкого онкогенным белком Nedd9 с применением трансгенной модели аденокарциномы легкого. Компенсаторное перестроение внутриклеточных белковых сигнальных путей.
- 705. Neonatal care
A list of needed items to care for a newborn baby. The temperature of the child when he is submerged in the amniotic fluid and after birth. The diet of the lactating mother in the first three months. Morning and evening toilet newborn, his walking.
Study of the etiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Critical review of available international data on the participation of inflammatory processes in the etiopathogenesis of the disease in the context of the results of our own research.
A brief overview of the neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations and complications of COVID-19 infection, supported by a clinical case description. Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as a widespread multi-organ disease. Severe symptoms of the disease.
Consciousness as an emergent phenomenon with correlates to neurophysiology, biochemistry and cognition. Improvement of the psychological rehabilitation of consciousness and awareness by mechanisms of clinical hypnosis, mindfulness and meditative states.
The neurodegenerative diseases - one of the common cause of cognitive impairment and premature death in older adults. Clarifying the function of glial cells - process that gives a better understanding of function and dysfunction of the nervous system.
Analysis of electroencephalogram data during brain stimulation with verbal stimuli of different levels of complexity. Research, assessment of the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex during tasks with two different stimuli: perceptual and semantic.
An urgent need to develop a system that helps doctors to diagnose dermatology in its early stages. Neural networks in building an intelligent system with 100% accuracy to identify some skin diseases. Applying the particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Тhe problem of the formation of semantic sphere in women who have given birth to healthy children and with pathologies. Analysis of the problem of women's self-attitude, orientation to the meaning of life, in adaptation to the status of the mother.
- 713. New insights into the theory of cross-bridge tension of steadil shortening and stretching muscles
A new self-consistent solution to the fundamental kinetic equation for the distribution of actin-myosin linkages is proposed in light of the generalized thermodynamic theory of fluctuations. Mechanism of force output in shortening and stretching regimes.
New patterns of the onset of gestational diabetes mellitus and the course of diabetes mellitus before pregnancy were revealed. The relationship of diabetes mellitus with the age of the pregnant woman and with the risk of preeclampsia is described.
Investigated La Crosse virus is a mosquito-borne arbovirus that causes encephalitis in children. Medical records of all suspected cases infection at a pediatric referral hospital in Tennessee region. An extension of endemic focus of La Crosse virus.
Аналіз ролі NF-кB у механізмах порушень вільно радикальних процесів, залежних від функціонального стану NOS, у тканинах пародонта при моделюванні метаболічного синдрому. Оцінка здатності нейрональної NO-синтази регулювати пероксидне окиснення ліпідів.
Біологічна роль мелатоніну. Характеристика поведінкових реакцій білих щурів у тесті "відкрите поле". Зміни процесів пероксидного окиснення ліпідів та антиоксидантного захисту в тканині головного мозку в умовах моделювання хронічної гіпомелатонінемії.
Роль NO-синтаз і ядерного фактора B (NF-B) у механізмах порушень білоксинтезуючої функції піднижньощелепних слинних залоз за умов моделювання метаболічного синдрому. Функціонування NO-синтази, пригнічення активності -амілази та орнітиндекарбоксилази.
Аналіз впливу надлишкової кількості оксиду азоту при хронічній інтоксикації нітратом натрію в умовах експериментального холестеринового і пероксидного атероартеріосклерозу. Динаміка окислювальних процесів в крові. Функціональна активність NO-синтазу.
Протекторна та токсична дія оксиду азоту та його метаболітів на слинні залози та органи ротової порожнини. Вплив інгібіторів і субстрату NO-синтаз на активність NOS та орнітиндекарбоксилази в тканинах піднижньощелепних залоз за умов дії метилметакрилату.