Basic Erosive Tooth Wear Examination - a scoring system quantifying the size of a given lesion as a percentage of the surface affected. The chemical dissolution of enamel without bacterial involvement like a complication of gastroesophageal reflux.
Testosterone plays a crucial role in the development of male reproductive tissues and secondary sexual characteristics. The causes and effects of low hormone levels in adults who live in Central Asia, well as possible treatments and preventive measures.
Attention is drawn to the dynamics of coronavirus infection in the regions of Ukraine and the Kirovograd region with a minimum incidence. Acquaintance with a new direction in radiation therapy - auger therapy which based on radiolabeled antibodies.
- 634. Lymphadenitis due to nontuberculous mycobacteria in children: presentation and response to therapy
Studying the most common manifestation of infection due to nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in children is cervical lymphadenitis in an otherwise healthy patient. Initial surgical excision of involved lymph nodes. The therapy and antibiotic regimens.
Differentiation between "driver" and "passenger" mutation as an important task for the functionalization of cancer genomics in the treatment of patients. Differences between mutations that lead to the growth of a mutational nucleus from benign mutations.
An analysis of the electrical activity of the heart based on the DATs MCG and perfusion images in difficult to diagnose cases. 3D-reconstruction of the current density on the basis of the inverse problem solution - direction magnetocardiographic data.
The process of the removing adequately condensed gutta percha after endodontic treatment. The removal of a silver portion point during post preparation. Preserving of the apical seal. Importance of the definitive prosthesis after endodontic treatment.
Test of the prophylactic efficacy of azithromycin against P. falciparum in malaria-immune Kenyans and result of the test. Daily azithromycin offered excellent protection against P. vivax malaria but modest protection against P. falciparum malaria.
- 639. Man and food
The study and description of the main functions of sugar and starch content of the composition to increase serotonin in the brain, which is soothing neurotransmitter. Defining the role of significant amount of carbohydrates in late afternoon or evening.
The modern knowledge about anxiety as a comorbid pathology in the clinical pattern of endogenous mental diseases of the schizophrenic spectrum, its epidemiology and etiology. Analysis of the influence of anxiety on the dynamics of the underlying disease.
Traumatic intrusion of permanent teeth. The main effect of orthodontic forces on intruded teeth. Restoration of maxillary incisors with composite resin. Radiographic complication and treatment sequence, one year after obturation with gutta-percha.
Assessment of the content of leukocytes in the blood, leukocyte indices and the level of C-reactive protein. Dependence of ischemic heart disease and acute coronary syndrome on the content of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
Consideration and evaluation of leukocyte and its populations count, leukocytes indices and plasma level of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCPR) in patients hospitalized due to acute coronary syndromewith or without of 2 type diabetes mellitus.
The place and importance of the problem of biliary system in the complex Hyper-endemic disease. Medical statistics number of patients with gallstone disease in the last ten years. Consideration of methods the therapeutic treatment of this disease.
The marketing analysis of the assortment of medicines used topically for diseases of the locomotor apparatus presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine for the subsequent substantiation of the composition and the type of a soft dosage form.
Features of the stylistic portrait, dominant features inherent in the linguistic personality of Mary-Kay Wilmers. Analysis of the author's book "Eitingons. A Family Saga of the Twentieth Century". Riddles of history, secrets of personal and family life.
History of root canal preparation. Endodontic Beutelrock-bur in a handpiece with a flexible angle. Goals of mechanical root canal preparation. Summary of currently available systems for engine-driven systems for root canal. Microbiological challenges.
The suppression of T-system of the immunity of biotransfcrmative microsomal activity of hepatic cells in opisthorchiasis invasion. The aberrations in immunocompetent system with chronic opisthorchiasis are accompanied by the increase of T-lymphocytes.
Meaning of calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament for antimicrobial activity. Physico-chemical properties of this substance and its efficacy for disinfecting the entire root canal system. The relationship of calcium hydroxide with medications.
General characteristics and features of medical education in the United States, its structure and subdivisions. Subject areas of research and medical schools at various levels. Requirements for the graduates, their professional and personal qualities.
- 651. Medical expertise of working capacity – a factor of adequate occupational and social re-adaptation
Malignant diseases as an important and relevant socially significant problem of modern society. Factors that influenced the dynamics of morbidity and disability caused by malignant neoplasms in various organs among the population of the studied region.
The role of the Church in the formation of the Kiev state. Achievements of the monastic medicine of the Princely age. Comparison of the availability and effectiveness of the medical practice of a Russian healer, a secular physician and a monk-doctor.
The history of the birth of medicine in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Sources for studying medicine of the ancient Egyptians. The Gods, who patronized the medicine in different countries. Features and differences of treatment among peoples.
Аn analysis of the current literature of the scientific world community was carried out, in which studies describe stem cell therapy as a promising way to improve the results of the restoration of bone tissue that has a poor ability to regenerate.
Classifications of endocrine glands. Location and anatomy adrenal glands. Adrenal glands cross section. Hyperfunction and hypofunction of Adrenal. Testicle is a paired gland situated in the lower part of scrotum. The primary functions of the testes.
Analysis of carbohydrate metabolism depending on the genotype of the leptin receptor gene (Arg223Gln) in patients with coronary heart disease and obesity. Causes of lipid metabolism disorders, hyperinsulinemia and decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin.
Finding ways to improve the social interaction between doctors and patients Using metadiscourse in medical institution texts to inform the decision-making process to consent to dental treatment. Use of possessive pronouns and hedges to tone down risks.
Resource science of medicinal plants is a large and important section of scientific and practical activities of various specialists. Pharmacological studies and the introduction into pharmacology. The main stages of research of medicinal plants.
The rationale for the use of scanning electron microscopy to determine the chemical composition of the tissue. Recognition of different types of paraffin tissue sections and the degree of accumulation of heavy metals by scanning electron microscope.
- 660. Methodical approach to the study of intersystem interaction of human cardiovascular system and brain
Electroencephalography like one of the main tools that allow to investigate brain and heart function without resorting radical surgical methods. Characteristics of the role of the functional mobility in psycho-physiological functions of a person.