Analysis of the current state of the pension system with the search for priorities for its improvement. The problems of pension insurance development in Russia. The measures to rise the efficiency of accumulative part of the national pension system.
Analysis of youth attitudes towards digital immortality. Acquaintance with the main features of the perception of death in biographical projects of the youth of St. Petersburg. Methods for managing the accounts of deceased people on social networks.
The practice of personal blogging in social network. Participation in online community in VK. Difficult experiences for teenagers and coping strategies for youth. Empirical study of modern practice of personal blogging in online support community.
The process of forming health-preserving behavior assessment and self-assessment of the individual's health. Projects to support the state of health of the individual, aimed at prolonging the active creative period of life, should have a systemic nature.
Formation of a consolidated social movement, consisting of mutually non-subordinate but interacting public organizations. Contents of the main typological approaches that were used to create classifications of public associations of the Russian Empire.
The genesis of the modern semantics of the term "plagiarism". Analysis of historical, philosophical and literary sources from the "case of Empedocles" and the "case of Fidentin". Vanity as a manifestation of the need for respect, esteem and socialization.
The concept of "city agglomeration". Delimitation of city agglomerations. Urban agglomeration as a form of inter-municipal cooperation. Position of the small cities in the Russian agglomerations on the example of the Rostov-on-Don agglomeration.
Globalization is one of the main factors of international migration, is of great importance for the development of socio-economic relations. The international migration making countries and regions interdependent and dependent on migration flows.
Gender differences in pension benefits. Retirement work transitions. Gender experience at the age of 18. Decreased financial support for the elderly in Ghana. Mobilization of professional networks to preserve social prestige and social activities.
Review of theories show that part of civic participation and engagement mechanisms. Revitalization of national consciousness, aspiration for the new type of a state bearing liberal-democratic norms, in the countries of Eastern Europe and in Georgia.
Коммуникация в эпоху пандемии как феномен виртуализированного информационного обмена дистанцированных социальных структур. Содержание философско-коммуникативного феномена постправды. Классификация маркеров постправды в цифровом медиапространстве.
Origins and the analysis of postmodernity. The works of Georg Simmel, Thorstein Veblen, and the Frankfurt School. The Critique of Modernist Sociology. New Research Directions. The State of Postmodernist Research. Fields of Postmodernist Research.
A social analysis of post-nonclassical rationality. The author's vision of the discourse of social rationality as the synthesis of different discourse positions. The main discourse-position: social action, the rejection of grandarrell, value priorities.
Влияние средств массовой информации на становление информационного мировоззрения каждого члена социума. Понятие и классификация паблик рилейшнз (PR), рассмотрение ее функционала. Значимость обратной связи при построении PR-стратегии в ситуации конфликта.
Значение коммуникационного подхода в управлении общественными отношениями со стороны властных структур. Рассмотрение проблемы особой потребности государственной исполнительной власти в новых формах и методах взаимодействия с современным обществом.
Дослідження цілей, моделей та напрямів PR-комунікацій воєнного часу, представлених в інформаційному просторі України. Репрезентація наявності зв'язків з громадськістю різних державних та неурядових інституцій та установ під час військових дій в Україні.
The construction of "city brain". Construction of new high-level smart cities. Creation of a governmentan efficient and collaborative digital government. Increasing the level of social digital governance. Smart medical care. Smart social services.
Consideration of the provision of pensions in North Macedonia. Analysis of the legal status of private funds. Reforming the pension system in Russia from a single-tier to a multi-tier system. An overview of the rules for the taxation of contributions.
The theoretical foundations of the social structure of the society and the historical forms of ownership. The formation of new social classes according to the place they occupy in property relations. Process of formation of various forms of property.
The goal is to develop probabilistic demographic forecasts for megacities of Ukraine and analyze the results. Probabilistic demographic forecasts for some cities of Ukraine have been developed for the first time. Chances of urban population growth.
Problems which young people face today. "A generation gap" - the problem of fathers and sons. Desire of independence at teenagers. The problem of friendship: "A friend in need is a friend indeed." The Problem relationship between the child and a family.
Objects and clothing recorded in places where informants' material practices unfold: their houses and places of holidays. Comprehensive analysis of the relationship between migration and materiality through the methodology of evocative ethnography.
Concepts of profession. Construction of appearance and body project in the context of modernity and media space. Professional strategies and trajectories. Blogging as an integral part of life and the issue of maintaining work-life balance among bloggers.
- 534. Professional sustainability of personality: analysis of volunteering activity in modern conditions
Development of civic activity of the people of Ukraine. Increasing the moral responsibility of the social worker. Diagnosis of the level of emotional "burnout" according to V. Boyko. Studying of volunteers' professional vitality and values orientations.
Theoretical approaches to social adaptability existence as a personality property, its connection with adaptation and disadaptation. Scientific views on adaptability within the integrity paradigm. Options to study adaptability using projective methods.
Evaluation of the impact on the consumer essence of advertisements, which are used to exaggerate the theme of patriotism and to consciously strive to activate the national identity of the individual. Directions for the activation of social identity.
Precondition of formation, development of inclusive innovation. Defining inclusive innovation and related concepts. Social exclusion, excluded group. Demonstration of excluded groups in statistical data and public opinion research. Inclusive innovations.
The place of sociology of social work in the system of sociological knowledge is analyzed. Examines and characterization of content issues related to individuals entitled to access social services within the state social service system in Azerbaijan.
- 539. Protest public as a source of civic initiatives: on the example of mass protests in Russia 2011-2012
The phenomenon of public protest in the context of its influence on the formation of public civil initiatives. Correlation between assembly and protest activity. Analysis of the protest public in Russia on the example of mass protests in 2011 and 2012.
Suggestions for interviewers using a semi-formalized or free interview, developed on the basis of the theory of psychotypes by V.V. Ponomarenko. Improving the quality of sociological information. Use of technology for analyzing non-verbal reactions.