Analysis of the processes and scales of the globalization process in the development of youth. Consideration of the state of youth social and political associations, analysis of the reasons for the need for the existence of these movements in Russia.
Cultural situation in the world in the context of globalization. The value of the global division of labor and enhance the role of corporations, which have become powerful forces in the world economy. Globalization theory in sociology and culture.
In sociological discourse, hatred is considered a component of ressentiment in the context of Max Scheler’s interpretation of this phenomenon. It is commonly believed that hatred towards the invading enemy who is trying to destroy the country.
The article examines the socio-philosophical specifics of public health, which allows to identify risks and factors that affect the state and the process of reproduction of the public health system. The effect of anti-epidemic measures is noted.
Sociological approaches to studying food and nutrition. Toward a psychosociology of contemporary food consumption. Market research of "healthy foods" in St. Petersburg. Maintaining proper nutrition to improve the health of the body. Diet and its meaning.
The activities of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev. The role of a politician in preserving national and spiritual values, improving all ethnic groups. Building a nation on the basis of tolerance, humanism, multiculturalism.
Analysis of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism, the characteristics of its main subjects. Research of features of the main directions of work on counteraction of ideology of terrorism on the basis of higher educational institutions.
The berdache identity - the most common, personal, sometimes unconscious idea of the internal structure of Indian societies of the past. The main condition for further positive dynamics of self-affirmation of Native Americans in the United States.
The content of the composite category "nationalist", its genesis. The main forms of nationalism as an ideology, practice and historical process. The definition of the concept of nationalism through a set of approaches to the definition of its content.
Игра как базовая форма человеческой активности. Сферы информационного общества, в которых максимально проявляется игровое начало. Взаимопроникновение этики игры и труда. Тенденция смещения границ взрослости. Мотивы виртуального культурного общения.
Висунуто гіпотезу що використання різноманітних архетипів демонізації ворога (на прикладі російських військових). Домінування міфологічних персонажів надає політичній реальності постмодерністське розуміння парадоксальності. Утворення умов оголеного життя.
Гіпотеза, що використання різноманітних архетипів демонізації ворога (на прикладі російських військових), створює множинність символічних просторів. Транспонування міфологічного суб’єкта з одного світу в інший. Суб’єктивація ворога (до поняття "орки").
Виникнення інформаційного суспільства. Аналіз умов формування інформаційного суспільства та віртуальної реальності. Специфіка життєдіяльності та комунікації людини в умовах інформатизації. Процес індивідуалізації суспільного та особистого життя.
- 404. Honesty and deceit
The meaning of honesty. Deceit in our life. How to become honest. The advantages of being honest and drawbacks of a dishonest lifestyle. The main types of deceit and how to spot a liar. the reasons of telling a lie. An honest or dishonest lifestyle.
As demonstrated, techno-functionalism characterizes sustainability as governmental rationality. It imposes a subordination of individual human actors to the general order driven by systemic objectives frequently framed in pragmatic and technical terms.
A selection of studies devoted to the problem of developing languages for the mutual description of migrants and the host society. A look at the reasons for the dominance of ethnic discourse in the description of migrants and the migration
The hostility to internally displaced persons in Ukraine as a result of their discursive design of identity. Analysis of the reports of research organizations on the status of IDP, taking into account the conditions of the formation of hostile perception.
Assessment of the reliability of income and expenditure indicators of households in Ukraine. The reasons for the increase in domestic public debt and economic inequality in the country. Determination of the consumer price index for goods and services.
Analysis of the housing situation for employees around the world. US and European experience. Classification of types of workers and types of housing. Using the methodology in designing and integrating housing for working migrants around the world.
Analysis of how the impact of cultural and entertainment products from the Republic of Korea framed the young Mexican women’s imaginaries of masculinity present-day South Korean men and how those imaginaries make them to consider those men as new ideal.
Based on the analysis of statistical indicators (40) and the results of sociological research, an attempt was made in a scientific article to model the main dimensions of social security in their relationship with the development of human potential.
Conceptualization of humanocracy as a factor in improving the humanistic vision of human resources management. The essence of the Agile method as a theoretical basis of humanocracy as a social, economic phenomenon in organizations of a digital society.
Literature evidences relating the humor styles with sense of belonging among business students. Prediction of different humour styles on sense of belonging. Business school students' awareness of the impact of aggressive humor on social relationships.
Analysis of impacts of United Nations Development Program initial program on women. Familiarization with the causes of the disadvantaged position of the female population in rural Pakistan. Study of the consequences of the amendments to the Constitution.
Assessment of the impact of digital sources of information, television and radio on the mental and physical health of the younger generation. Ensuring information security, combating cyber terrorism and hacking. Monitoring the use of media in education.
Necessity of search of innovative forms of modernization of system physical education in conditions of reforming the education system. The effectiveness of cheerleading practices as mean of increasing physical activity of primary school students.
Frequency of use of terms for "globalization" in Google's database of English books. Proposed nomenclature for indirect speech, diagrammatic representation of an individual X's social network ties. Younger and older African American women's indirectness.
Problems related to meeting the individual and social needs of people with disabilities are considered. Legal norms on social and professional integration, accessibility, independence and equality of persons with disabilities in the labor market.
The examination of risk factors of social exclusion of the older population in the Russian Federation based on the integral assessment of indexes of the components of social exclusion. Model for assessing the factors of social exclusion of the elderly.
The impact of cultural differences on human resource management policies in various fields of activity. Creation of conditions for work taking into account the multicultural environment for the socialization of personnel in international structures.