- 571. Air conditioning
Description of air conditioning parameters as a process regulating temperature, humidity, dust content and air consumption. Filtration of odors in air conditioning in domestic and industrial systems. The process of humidification and forced ventilation.
The importance of air transport for the Russian economy by comparing the cash production of airlines and airports with the gross domestic product. Comparison of the main role of this sector in Russia with the role of this sector in other countries.
Existing airline reservation services at airlines. Development of the Air-Ticket Booking Service application on the Eclipse and MAMP platforms using the object-oriented Java language and the Entity-Relationship database model for employees and passengers.
- 574. Airbus Industries
Создание Airbus Industries. Разработка самолетов для перегруженных авиалиний. Разработка самолета А300 ZERO-G для имитации условий невесомости. Характеристика самолетов. Конкуренция с "Боингом". Устранение конкурентов корпорации "Макдоннел-Дуглас".
Analysis of environmental and sustainable development problems caused by the activities and operation of airports. Improving the provision of air traffic management services as a strategy to reduce the adverse effects of aviation on the environment.
Definicja społecznej akceptowalnosci dzieci w zaleznosci od grupy niepełnosprawnosci. Istnienie stereotypow i uprzedzen wobec osob niepelnosprawnych wsrod dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, ksztalconych w przedszkolach integracyjnych i ogolnodostqpny
Modyfikacja stylu zycia poprzez zastosowanie odpowiedniej diety i monitorowanej redukcji masy ciala, jak i duża aktynowosci fizycznej oprawia jakosc zycia pacjentow z wykrytym zespolem metabolicznym oraz znacznie zmniejsza ryzyko wystpienia powiklan.
Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi - the founder of philosophy within the Islamic world. Synthesis of metaphysics and Sufism in the ideas of the philosopher. Translating the works Aristotle and Plato. The concept of happiness in the al-Faribi’s philosophy.
Analysis of Alena's reading technology, its essence and principles. The study of the reader's perception, stimulating the action of literary works, the development of empathic, communicative and creative abilities. Educational role of prose and poetry.
Background to the dispute over the Falkland Islands Malvinas Islands. Interests of the United Kingdom or the wishes of the Islanders. Regulatory framework of autonomy. The islanders the right to exploit rights over natural resources in their territory.
The land bridge, now recalled as Beringia, as the first gateway to Alaska. The Eskimos: Flexible Residents of the Arctic. The Athabascans: Nomads of the Interior. The Northwest Coast Indians. From the Russian Empire to the United States of America.
Problem of disappearance of rare species of animals and birds on Alaska. Black bears, American elks and musk oxen. Decrease in quantity of sea otters and petrels. Mission of restoration of the wild nature. Program of researches of University Ferbanks.
The discussion of Ukraine's accession to the European Union. Analysis of the process of accession of Albania to the European Union. Difficulties and time frames on the way to the EU. Study of the chronological process of the accession of Albania.
Consideration of the content of the philosophical works of Albert Camus and the formation of his philosophical views. Study of the systematic development of the uprising from the metaphysical and historical rebellion and up to the uprising in art.
- 585. Albert Einstein
A brief sketch of the life, the stages of personal and academic formation of the Albert Einstein. Areas of activity of the scientist and the assessment of its achievements. The theory of relativity, the content and scope of practical application.
Unangan mortuary practices. Product of logistic problems in identifying ancient burials, which have been exposed to a very austere environment. Religious observance aimed at preserving the spiritual life of the person, following physiological death.
General characteristics of O. Belyaev's creative activity, consideration of works. Familiarity with the subject of fantastic works. Analysis of the traits of the man of the future who could live and work in a new society without class differences.
- 588. Alexander Dovzhenko
Сhildhood and youth of Alexander Dovzhenko; the history of his family in "Autobioghaphy". Education; becaming a movie director; years of war; the most famous Dovzhenko’s movies: "Ukraine in the fire", "Michurin", "Enchanted Desna"; the last years of life.
Alexander Fleming - British bacteriologist and biochemist, who discovered penicillin. His biography, early life, research (good antiseptics, diseases were caused by germs that attack human beings). Honours, awards. A statue of Alexander Fleming in Madrid.
Alexander Gorchakov - a Russian statesman from the princely family. Early life and career. Participation in the domestic reforms of the reign of Alexander II. Gorchakov and Bismarck: politic battle of chancellors. Development of peasant reform projects.
Griboedovsky yard as a typical small urban noble estate, fenced off by a fence of boards. The destruction of the house Griboyedov in a fire. Restoration, architectural reconstruction of the building, the division of the former possessions of Griboyedov.
Utopianism in the Russian Revolution. The historical vision of a radically minded alternative "I", created on the basis of the experience of society in the works of Alexandra Kollontai. The struggle of the working people for "freedom" and "creativity".
Логотип компании "Alfa Romeo". Первый автомобиль с новым именем. Решение проводить ежегодный чемпионат Европы по автогонкам серии Гран-при. Дебют гоночной модели "Alfa Romeo Р1". Производство военных грузовиков. Модельный ряд Альфа Ромео в 2015 году.
The dispute in English-speaking philosophy about the relationship between consciousness (or soul) and the body and a parallel dispute about the relationship between the sciences of the spirit and the sciences of nature in the field of education.
Analysis of Algeria's attempts to cope with the challenges without major reforms. Finding out why since 1962 the country is ruled by the same political elite, the internal and external regional consequences of this and what is the capacity to change.
Analysis of the Algerian-Russian partnership as a strategic one. The concept of "strategic partnership" as a mechanism of modern international cooperation. Assessment of the elements of strategic partnership in relation to Russian-Algerian relations.
Definition and characterization of the alginate-hydroxyapatite beads that potentially which can be used for drug release due to the adsorptive properties. Investigation and consideration of the main features of alginatecontrolled crystallization.
Study of the prevalence of social anxiety among medical students. Development and implementation a program for psychological correction of social anxiety in a group format using methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy and assessment of its effectiveness.
Presents results of studying the prevalence and severity of social anxiety among medical students. Analysis of methods for assessing the level of social anxiety: of social phobia inventory, social phobia rating scale, liebowitz social anxiety scale.
Determination of torque on the shaft of auger intensifier, power consumption, energy intensity and productivity of the backfilling workflow. Evaluation of soil properties, geometric parameters of the screw intensifier and speed of the bulldozer.