A Bayesian algorithm for determining the statistical accuracy factor, which can be used to estimate the accuracy characteristics of on-board automatic landing system on the stage of operational control. Solution of the statistical accuracy problem.
The goal is to review general principles and develop an algorithm for assessing the value of consumer goods by a forensic expert in consumer protection cases, taking into account such goods. The principles of assessing the value of goods are described.
The main stages of the development and implementation of strategies to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Characteristics of competitive behavior of effective development of agrarian enterprises with different degree of cunning of firms.
Analysis of the existing methods of the automatic regulation of the process of the drying of timber. Algorithm of the regulator of kiln drier. The need of regulating the drying process taking into account the characteristics of wood and drying agent.
The algorithm and program in MAPLE for the solution ordinary differential equations of IV order in the form of generalized power series. Some examples of the solution differential equations IV order. The singular regular points of differential equation.
Prospects for the development of the tourist industry of Ukraine in the post-war period. Strategic directions for the formation of the tourism sector, taking into account regional characteristics and factors that have a negative impact on the result.
Hereditary Information and Protein Biosynthesis. Gel Electrophoresis and Direct Sequencing. Generalized Sux Trees and the Substring Problem. Ecient Computation of Overlaps. Denition and Scoring of Multiple Alignments. The FASTA and BLAST Heuristic.
A bird's-eye view of modern cryptography. Preliminaries and Defining security in cryptography. Elementary number theory and algebra background. Approximations using partial Greatest common divisors computations. Birthday-based algorithms for functions.
Development of software and algorithm of the information system for monitoring fires. Possibilities detecting fire from sensor, predicting its spread and assessing the source of ignition. Realization of information through sound and visual signals.
The experience of the territorial reconciliation service of the Kemerovo region in the development and testing of algorithms for mediation resolution of complex school and family situations of minors based on the principles of the restorative approach.
Characteristics of the algorithm of digital platforms. An examination of the existing and potential consequences of this for people and societies, with an emphasis on the impact on European fundamental values: human rights, rule of law, democracy.
- 612. Algorithms of selection of essential features of signals, which are invariant to move and rotation
Development of the mathematical model of invariant image processing in the visual system. The principles of constructing a functional that reaches a maximum when the values of the transformations are equal to the hidden transformations of the signal.
Description of the developed energy saving algorithm for autonomous heating systems installed in heated premises. Determination of the moment of switching on for the transition to the specified nominal temperature after maintaining the set temperature.
The process of increasing eutrophication of the sea. Intensification of recreational activities on the coasts, the development of fishing, an increase in shipping. Consequences affecting the ichthyofauna of the northern part of the Azov-Black Sea.
Alien fishes in the Black Sea waters of Crimea (Ukraine). — L. Manilo. — The paper is devoted to alien fish species that have appeared in coastal waters of the Black Sea near Crimea for the past 50 years. A full checklist of fishes of this complex.
The analysis of the cooperation of the Moldova with the European Union through the prism of the provisions of the Association Agreement, implicitly, by connecting its national legislation to the requirements stipulated in the legal acts of the EU.
The concept and typical characteristics of alimony obligations of family members in family law of Ukraine. Problematic issues of recovery of alimony for spousal support. Problematic issues of recovery of alimony for the maintenance of an adult child.
The study of alimony obligations of family members in the family law of Ukraine. Identification of problems of legal regulation and enforcement of alimony obligations and to develop recommendations for their elimination. The unity of judicial practice.
Determination of features of alimony obligations. Review of the grounds of family-law monetary obligations. Methodological basis for the study of alimony obligations of family members in the family law of Ukraine. Recommendations for their elimination.
Описание текстовой структуры польскоязычного памфлета Матиаша Чижевского Alkoran. Рассмотрение структуры текста хорошо сохранившегося экземпляра Гданьской библиотеки Польской академии наук, выявленного в результате археографического исследования.
Characteristics of traditional African clothing, its change over time, the use of embroidery. Main food ingredients (meat, vegetables, bulbs, fruits, nuts, and seafood). Features of greeting people when meeting, аfrican weapon, respect for their culture.
Introduction of the universal conscription in Caucasia. Voluntary service of Caucasian peoples in the Russian Army and their participation in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878. General outline of the introduction of universal conscription in Caucasia.
Polymers, inorganic and organic, amorphous and crystalline substances consisting of "Monomeric units" connected in a long macromolecule chemical bonds. Molecular modeling of melting process of solid polymers in the transition and plastic deformation.
Описание флористического состава, экологии и морфологии новой для науки ассоциации осиновых лесов из южнотаежной подзоны. Исследование устойчивости и сукцессионного долголетия лесов ассоциации. Специфика ассоциации Allio microdictyon-Populetum tremulae.
У статті розглянуто використання С. Беккетом алюзії у своїх ранніх п’єсах "Чекаючи на Годо" та "Кінець Гри". У складі алюзії присутні стилістичні прийоми – риторичне запитання, паралельні конструкції, відокремлення, епітет, морфологічний повтор, метафора.
The interpretation of allusions in "Ode to the Western Throne" as a translation challenge when reproducing these intertextual elements into Slavic languages. The allusions in literary texts, philosophical treatises, mythology, astronomical concepts of anc
The problem of intertextual connections between Goethe's work and Akhmatova's lyrics is described. The direct and indirect receptive references used by Akhmatova are revealed, and the ways of including the "Gothean text" in the author's text are shown.
The study of allusive plots in the intertextual space of the novel "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman, who is one of the top ten modern postmodern authors. Characteristics of the category of intertextuality in the context of postmodern artistic discourse.
The stylistic potential of allusive paratextual elements in fiction works by Stephen King. Identification of the communicative potential of paratextual elements and the ways of their language implementation on the material of King’s stories and novels.
Особливості навчального середовища, в якому відбувалося формування майбутніх інженерів-електриків наприкінці ХІХ - на початку ХХ століть та наукового потенціалу Електротехнічного інституту. Розвиток освітнього центру, що розробляв напрямки науки.