- 661. American holidays
Holding America's annual fair with local themes and music. An analysis of the celebration of Christmas and Groundhog Daytime. Independence Day as a federal holiday in the United States. Conducting a study of the traditions of Americans on Halloween.
The point of view of church on New Year's celebrations and traditions. For good luck in new year. Good old days. Christopher Columbus opened new continents. All Saints' Day and Thanksgiving Day. As Americans prepare for Christmas and it celebrate.
The idea of self-made man evoked by the American Dream of the unlimited vertical mobility, strengthened by the frontier experience and the thought of self-reliance. The reflection of mobility in fiction. The place and value of the ideal of success.
- 664. American landmarks
The main landmarks of the United States: White House, Alcatraz, Arlington cemetery, Brooklyn Bridge, Hollywood, Mount Rushmore, Niagara Falls, Lake Tahoe, Pentagon, the Statue of Liberty. The history of their formation, development, recreational role.
The publication of new dictionaries of the English language by famous American lexicographers is described. The most significant dictionary series currently published in the United States are noted. The development of American lexicography is described.
Study of the situation in society and analysis of the periodization of American literature. The study of popular literary styles, their representatives. American novel of the first half of the 20th century. The works of the writers of a "Lost Generation".
Analyse the phonology and history of American Standard pronunciation. Show differences between pronunciation of different regions of America and compare them with each other. Consideration the General and local accent. Study of phonetics and intonation.
- 668. American school
The American system of school education. History of schooling, origins and early development. A brief account of American education: differences and similarities. The types of schools. Organisation of educational process in American institutions.
Study of the main practical ways of implementing the security (defense) aid of the United States of America to Ukraine. Institutional and legal foundations of providing US defense assistance to Ukraine. Reinforcing military support at the current stage.
- 670. American slang
Slang as a phenomenon in modern linguistics: terms, argot, jargon and their distinctions. Its place in language. The influence of the American youth slang and english language in general on a jargon of Belarusian young people, the stylistic features.
Analysis of American and British variants of English slang: features and common features. Information about the etymology of the word "slang", types of word formation in the American and British variants. The meaning of a slang word or slang phrase.
The rationale for the creation of training American courses, modules for universities in Belarus. Determination of the main features of the cultural perception of United States development and the development trend of American studies in modern Belarus.
- 673. American symbols
A collection of interesting facts and customs about the American flag. Museum of American History and a long-term project to preserve the huge garrison flag of 1814, which survived the 25-hour shelling of Fort McHenry in Baltimore by British troops.
Analysis of the official-business style of speech. Linguistic characteristics emotional valence of written applications. The structure of the most common lexical revolutions in American media speech. Consideration of oral and written communications.
The authors' attempt to understand the Bhopal disaster in the context of public relations. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the incident in terms of anti-crisis PR, identifying the actions of Union Carbide in the period before and after the events.
Вопросы происхождения и истории института amicus curiae, его роль в международном праве на современном этапе. Анализ ситуации в международном гражданском процессе, когда в рассматриваемом деле в роли "друга суда" принимает участие иностранное государство.
Reactivity and Annulation of Another Ring to an Isoxazole Ring. Reactivity at the Ring Atoms. Reactivity of the Substituents. Syntheses of Condensed Heterocyclic Systems from Aminoisoxazoles. Ring Openings and Rearrangements. Synthesis of Aminoisoxazoles.
The surfactants have been objects of studies all over the world. Development of approach to surfactants with controllable structure and properties based on the natural raw materials applicable for cosmetics production as dispersed systems stabilizers.
Исследование качественных проб ракообразных, собранных в водоемах Харьковской области. Изучение видового состава бокоплавов и его изменения под воздействием антропогенных факторов. Приведение аннотированного списка бокоплавов и ключей для их определения.
Структура и характеристика представителей отряда разноногих ракообразных (Amphipoda), а также их значение для экосистемы северо-западной части Черного моря и ее Причерноморских лиманов. Количественные показатели средней численности и биомассы амфипод.
Feature information transmission in the form of electromagnetic waves. Carrying out the method of amplitude modulation of the sound in the mid-1870s. Exposure frequency inflexion effects of physical barriers. The primary analysis of popularity FM-radio.
The model and structure of the intrusion detection system, which is built on the basis of immunological principles. Detecting the network traffic status. The decision rules for the classification of States of network traffic of a computer network.
The article aims at analysis of the baby’s idiolect in the animated series "Family Guy", featuring a typical American family. The study focuses on Stewie Griffin’s remarks, the baby in the family, and the way his speech violates age stereotypes.
- 684. An analysis of Anselm’s philosophical theology and the problem of man’s freedom in his De Concordia
Analysis of the key ideas of Anselm of Canterbury regarding the concepts of knowledge, will and the way of divine-human relations in the context of this "knowledge-will" structure. Research into the correct definition of freedom of choice and will.
The development of Oriental studies in Azerbaijan in the context of the study of Arabic philology. Formation of Arab-Azerbaijani literary relations. Direct and indirect connections between the Syrian writer Ghada Al-Samman and Azerbaijani literature.
Historical tradition of Arab-Azerbaijani literary relations. Development of Oriental studies in Azerbaijan, study of Arabic philology. Identification of parallels between the work of the prominent Syrian writer Gada Al-Samman and Azerbaijani literature.
The impact of home computer use on children’s activities and development. Attitudes and thoughts of primary school teachers about technology usage in education. The solutions that teachers and students have experiencesed the use of interactive whiteboard.
The introduction of the institution of preliminary hearing into the criminal procedural legislation determines the ability of the court to prepare a criminal case for the hearing in order to eliminate the gaps made by the preliminary investigation authori
Familiarity with parsing the structure of a simple sentence. Standard Arabic as a language that is characterized by an unrelated, flexible word order, therefore, it implements the word-order structural properties of the languages of the types: VOS, SVO.
The problem of analyzing symbolism in the architecture of Orthodox churches. Analysis of scientific works related to the study of the symbol of the cross in material culture, - including architectural objects located on the territory of Ukraine.