- 631. Almaty city
City of National importance, the largest national financial, scientific and cultural center. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Kazakhstan, situated in the foothills of the Zailisky Alatau Mountains. In the medieval era it was the Almatu locality.
У цьому дослідженні зосереджено на колумністиці Альмудени Грандес та Хав’єра Маріаса, двох блискучих сучасних письменників та беззаперечних іспанських стилістів, з метою знайти точки дотику та розбіжності в їхніх ідіостилях. Гострота думок авторів.
Innovative post-harvest technologies are in demand to meet the requirements of farmers and agricultural industries to ensure global food security and to avoid food wastage. Edible coatings that can prevent food spoilage and/or enhance shelf life.
Parameters alpha-nuclear interaction potential. Potential barrier formed by the Coulomb, nuclear and centrifugal forces. Selection of the experimental data on the half-lives of 344 alpha-active nuclei and capture cross sections of alpha particles.
- 635. Alpine skiing
A competition of alpine skiing in the IV Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The descents with turns. Alpine skiing in the giant slalom. Sliding down snow-covered hills on skis with fixed-heel bindings. The oldest form of alpine ski.
Bodies authorized to make decisions on alteration the time limits for the payment of levies. The deferral and installment plan - one of the most commonly used in practice forms of exercising the taxpayer’s right to alter the tax payment time limit.
An analysis of the results of empirical analysis conducted among parents who claim the right to exercise alternative care for a child after divorce. Diagnosis of the popularity rating of the use of this form of child welfare in Poland, its benefits.
Assessment of convergence result for the sequential procedure in the form of alternating maximization to the maximum likelihood estimation for a family of models - Generalized linear models. Variable Linear Regression procedure. Using techniques ALS.
- 639. Alternative Splicing Regulation in Polypedilum vanderplanki Under Dehydration-rehydration Cycle
Investigation of genes involved in the processes of ensuring resistance to desiccation in Polypedilum vanderplanki. Comparison of survival, expression and splicing between knockdown and wild-type cells. Analysis of the dehydration-rehydration cycle.
The determination of the predisposition for any sport with the help of genetic studies of the structure of DNA based on the analysis of predisposition strength, stamina and tolerance to exertion, psychomotor activity properties of the nervous system.
- 641. Alternative ways for the resolution of the dispures about children: Ukrainian and foreign experience
The study of domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of non-jurisdictional means of resolving family conflicts on children. The types of out-of-court settlement of the disputes on children. Self-defense of children’s rights and mediation.
Identification of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution methods. Features of dispute resolution through arbitration, mediation, negotiation, consultation and other alternative dispute resolution without state intervention.
Resolving legal conflicts as one of the main tasks of any state. Research of types and features of alternative ways of resolving disputes. Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution methods as a legal procedure.
Identification of advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution methods as a legal procedure. Determination of their features as a source of cost savings for the state, since they exist independently and do not require budget funds.
Analysis of the use of aluminum alloys in the transport sector. Increased speed, safety, energy savings and reduced transport emissions thanks to aluminum. Ensuring a smooth ride and improved heat dissipation from the braking system using aluminum discs.
Thoughts in Alvin Toffler's book of development of human society. Power dependence - the basic principle of any civilization. The changing consequences for compliance of new reality. Division of the population into "primitive" and "civilization".
Investigates and characterized the main effect of indirect Gamification in development and operations course teaching. Shows that the effectiveness of indirect Gamification depends on the age group, level, course content, and learning environment.
Исследование содержания кальция в листьестеблевой массе растения Amaranthus cruentus. Изучение эффективности использования амаранта в качестве антацидного препарата. Особенности выхода кальция под действием различных органических и неорганических кислот.
Особенности современного вида нестандартной рекламы – Ambient media (использования окружающей среды аудитории), выходящей за рамки плоскости плаката, афиши, баннера, ситиформата. Основные цели и задачи использования Ambient media, ее преимущества.
Розгляд засобів зовнішньої реклами, створення з використанням навколишнього середовища, у якому перебуває цільова аудиторія – ambient-media. Дослідження інструментів та ефективності ambient-media. Аналіз недоліків. Способи просування товарів і послуг.
Аналіз основних носіїв навколишнього простору, що використовуються в рекламних цілях та позначаються поняттям ембієнт-медіа. Класифікації ембієнт-звернень. Найоптимальніші ознаки класифікації ембієнт-реклами. виокремлення у їх межах типів носіїв.
Аналіз основних носіїв навколишнього простору, що використовуються в рекламних цілях та позначаються поняттям ембієнт-медіа. Основна увага приділяється класифікації ембієнт-звернень. Найпопулярніші на сьогоднішній день класифікації ембієнт-медіа.
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease as a condition which develops when the reflux of gastric content causes troublesome symptoms or complications. Grading of recommendations assessment and evaluation system for the quality of evidence for guidelines.
Information about American and English literature in the beginning of XX century. The most influential authors: their biography, literary achievements. Popular books which were developed in that century. The peculiarities of Kyrgyz and American novels.
Analysis of the stylistics of dialogues in animated films for adults of USA. Outline of the idiolects of the main characters of the Murphy famillect in the series F is for Family. Characteristics of the father's communication style with his children.
- 656. American economy
Peculiarities of the american small business, general characteristics. American economy as a free enterprise system, which allows private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum government interference and regulation, analysis functions.
- 657. American economy
The private enterprise in the American economy. Consideration of the nature of the theory of the "invisible hand". A total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a nation. Science and technology in the United States.
- 658. American English
A set of dialects of the English language used mostly in the United States. Tendency to use nouns as verbs. Lexical and grammatical differences between American English and British English. Differences in orthography are also minor. American vocabulary.
Word and morpheme as a basic units of language. Minor ways of word-building, structure of Lexical Meaning. Types of synonyms, neologisms, learned words and official vocabulary. Slang, origin of the English words. American English and denotation.
- 660. American food
Features American food. Cooking methods and common ingredients. Fats and oils in food. South variations and popular food (fast food, Coca-Cola). Some facts about American food. American Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Interesting facts about American drinks.