Визначення гнучкості та факторів, які у процесі розробки програмного забезпечення можна контролювати завдяки неї. Характеристика відомих методологій, що існують та застосовуються у сфері IT-менеджменту у переході до Agile. Їх сильні та слабкі сторони.
Цінності, засади та практики відомих методологій, що підтримують принципи гнучкої розробки програмного забезпечення. Характеристика відомим методологіям, що існують та застосовуються у сфері IT-менеджменту у переході до Agile; їх сильні та слабкі сторони.
Суть важливості використання Agile-філософії в публічному управлінні. Визначення рекомендації щодо використання Scrum-методології управління проектами в діяльності органів публічної влади. Використання Scrum-команд на засадах ідей технологій управління.
Considers the land ownership under three regimes of the Ethiopian government. Study of the features of the gabbar system, which was based on the confiscation of land from the indigenous peoples and its redistribution among the Abyssinian royal families.
Definition of the concepts of agrarian history of the period of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. The peculiarities of application of definition "concept" to the agrarian history of the period of the Ukrainian revolution. The concept of agrarianism.
Analysis of the features of the contract on the creation to order and use of the object of intellectual property rights, disclosure of its terms and content. Types of contracts and outline of the specifics of the parties to the specified transaction.
Analysis of approaches in the legislative regulation of relations between customers and creators of objects of intellectual property rights under contracts on the creation to order and use of objects. Essential terms of the contract, its content.
Analysis of the likely effect of agri-environmental policy on other environmental issues: nutrient pollution and soil erosion. European Union agriculture policy provides an important opportunity to improve environmental management in the farming sector.
Prospects for innovative development of agricultural entrepreneurship. Global impact of technological modernization on the agricultural sector. Reforms of agrarian entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the formation of promising directions for its development.
The state and prospects of innovative development of agricultural entrepreneurship. Analysis of the influence of new economic realities caused by systemic reforms in the economy on the innovative development of agrarian entrepreneurship in Ukraine.
Analise gricultural experimental work as a component of modern natural science and culture of the nation: history of formation and evolution of concepts as well as methods of personalization and source studies and archival analysis of documents.
The goal is to analyze the formation of domestic agricultural experimentation at the end of the 19th century. as a component of modern natural science and culture of the nation. The evolution of the concept of "agricultural research" is highlighted.
Food security is about providing equal access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet people’s dietary needs for an active and healthy life. The most effective land and labor utilization is observed for Chinese cabbage, papaya, and tomatoes.
Identification of three Russian/Soviet approaches to the agrarian reform in terms of contribution to the modernization of agriculture and of catching up with the developed countries. Most appropriate criteria for assessing the agrarian reforms' results.
The article focuses on the description of agricultural vocabulary in modern English. The attempts to classify agricultural vocabulary on the material of the English language are made. The classification of agricultural terms according their importance.
Сontribution of individual Soviet scientists in the development of agriculture as a science and agriculture in the middle of the nineteenth - early twentieth century. In particular examines the works of eminent scholars А. Bolotov, D. Mendeleev and others
The study Tayloristic principles of work organization as a system of accepted norms of the Communist leadership and the ideologists of the Soviet regime, which became the dominant practice in the farms of Hungary the transition to a market economy.
Feature of the resource potential of Ukrainian agriculture. The black earth as one of the fruitful soil types. Statistics on the export of sunflower oil. The main problems of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Agriculture Canada, their characteristics.
Research of the state of the agro-industrial complex of the Primorye Territory in the context of the socio-economic development of the Asia-Pacific region. Substantiation of efficiency and future prospects of joint ventures and infrastructure development.
Исследование развития римской экономики с точки зрения агрименсуры, связь землеустроения и земельного права. Принципы организации пространства, влияние социальной структуры римского общества на римское землеустроение. Специфика категории AgerPublicus.
Research the variation in the agronomic practice, crop yields and economic returns indicated in the agrotechniques. Study of basic biological and morphological characteristics of medicinal plants that play a significant role in modern medicine.
Вплив тривалості спільного кокультивування калюсів з агробактерією на вбудовування дезоксирибонуклеїнової кислоти. Особливості позитивного впливу антибіотика цефотаксима на морфогенез у культурі апікальних меристем пагонів і зрілих зародків пшениці.
One of today’s catastrophic problems is the use of an unlimited amount of pesticides, using which agricultural producers treat the soil to obtain high yields. And due to its unique feature Ukrainian soils absorb significant amounts of these chemicals.
Increasing crop yields. Criteria for assessing deferrization and restorative potential of soils. Substantiation of the optimal doses of fertilizers to ensure balanced cycles of the circulation of substances in acidic light gray surface-charred soils.
Analysis of the domestic and foreign policy of Croatia in the XXI century. Study of the development of the largest Croatian conglomerate Agrokor. The role of Sberbank and VTB in financing the company. Causes of the Croatian Economic Crisis in 2017.
Reasons, form, content and consequences for the socio-economic development of the country of such a social phenomenon as agronomic meetings. Dissemination in the press of ideas formulated during meetings, in the process of consultations of agronomists.
The paper presents Agrotourism as a form of service development in rural areas. Agritourism was presented as an important part of rural development. Also as the development of related industries in this connection - trade, catering, food processing.
To find the most promising and practical way of applying copyright to Artificial Intelligence generated works, taking into account the objectives of copyright law and technological progress. Another idea is to treat AI generated works as public property.
Studying the history of folk music on the basis of the theory of information and database management. Using software and artificial intelligence to recognize music handwriting and systematize melodies. Creating a digital environment of Hungarian folklore.
Familiarization with the result of analysis of the effectiveness of aid to Ukraine and its capacity to support economic and democratic reforms in the country. Development of improvements in order to increase aid impact on the reform process in Ukraine.