The discussion about boolean algebras and their application to switching circuits. The rotation groups of the regular solids are investigated. New material on order of an element and cyclic groups, more details about the lattice of divisors of an integer.
- 932. Modern and traditional teaching methods of English from the perspective of own teacher’s experience
The methodological basis and application of combined methods in classes with students (immersion, project method, task-based method, and inquiry-based method) in English. Achievement of communicative competence based on the language knowledge, skills.
Formation of a modern approach to modeling the efficiency of the financial market based on dynamic programming methods. A set of steps to be taken to investigate the process of allocation of financial resources between assets and sources of investment.
Search for effective approaches to teaching a foreign language. Specifics of training future lawyers in Ukraine, development of the ability to read and understand legal texts in English. Development of communication skills and conducting negotiations.
The substantiates the expediency of using modern information and communication technologies in the process of learning a foreign language for the effectiveness of assimilation of educational material by students of the specialty "Construction and Design".
Specifying and analyzes most important approaches to understanding the content and content of positioning as an element of the tourist marketing mix. Making conclusions on further directions of developing positioning research within tourism marketing.
- 937. Modern approaches to determining types of incentives applied to local self-government employees
Trial of incentives applied to employees of local self-government bodies that have a psychological, moral, social and economic effect. Characteristics of material incentives and moral spurs. Financial and material resources to encourage employees.
Consideration of the most urgent issues of development of state information policy in the conditions of the development of the information society. Characteristic of the legal principles of protection of public morality in the information sphere.
The paper is to uncover the differences between the regulation of conflict of laws in private relations in the legal aid treaties between Ukraine and some EU countries and the modern approaches to the regulation of conflict of laws in such relations
The differences between regulation of conflict of laws in private relations in legal aid treaties between Ukraine and EU countries and the approaches to regulation of conflict of laws in such relations, contained in sources of private international law.
Definition of conflict regulation of private relations in legal aid agreements between Ukraine and some EU countries. Characteristics of the main modern approaches to conflict regulation of such relations in other sources of private international law.
- 942. Modern approaches to private international law and conflicting provisions on legal aid in civilcases
Differences between conflicting regulation of private relations in legal aid agreements between Ukraine and EU countries. Algorithm for resolving conflicts between legal aid agreements and other international agreements. Ways to improve this issue.
Approaches to reforming the system of medical aid to population in Ukraine. Developing primary medical aid basing on the principles of family medicine; developing hospital circuits with hospitals of intensive treatment; changes in the system of financing.
Analysis of methods of controlling rock massif conditions and forecasting stability of slopes and pit walls. Study of the slope stability nomograms with dimensionless quantities. Characteristic of geological, hydrogeological and technological factors.
Approaches to teaching a foreign language, the expediency of their use in agricultural institutions of higher education. Introducing the latest technologies into the educational process in the course of modernization of education, active learning methods.
Problems for foreign languages learning at university level in France have been analyzed. Factors which influence second language acquisition have been considered. The lack of hours for foreign language learning at French universities has been stated.
The article is devoted to a review of the literature on the correction age-related skin changes in women. Aging the skin is a physiological process that is caused by the constant action of unmodified factors, endocrine disorders, shortening of telomeres.
The problem of forming an effective style of managerial activity of the head in the system of socio-psychological knowledge. Sociopsychological characteristics of the concept of a productive style of managerial activity, the criteria for its definition.
Author's motility as a component of conceptualization of knowledge about an artistic work. Non-verbal means of communication as external motility of the functional basis of language. Features of metaphors caused by the influence of the author's motility.
Learning a foreign language as an integral part of students' professional training. Modern principles of foreign language teaching, the student's role in this process. The provisions that determine the nature of the process of teaching the discipline.
Ability to quickly and clearly exchange information between representatives of different cultures. The need for high-quality training of professional specialists in the field of translation. Choosing an approach to teaching oral and written translation.
Analysis, systematization of pedagogical approaches to professional training of linguists-translators, research of the principles of teaching translation in educational institutions, their differences and commonalities in the formation of a holistic view.
Treatment of pathological uterine bleeding in peri- and postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome and genital prolapse. Dependence of rational treatment of patients with comorbid pathology on the age of the patient and the degree of genital prolapse.
Presented results of the analysis of software for the development of younger schoolchildren’s emotional intelligence, presented in current standard educational programs and the State Standard of General Primary Education of Ukraine are highlighted.
The article is focused on the legal analysis of the current stage of the development of the international financial system. The basic forms, principles, and standards of interaction of the subjects of the international financial system are studied.
Consideration of improving the management and educational activities of higher education institutions through the use of cloud and foggy innovative technologies. Expediency of organization of educational-scientific laboratory of innovative technologies.
The literature review of the peculiarities of online education at the present stage in Ukraine and analyse its main advantages and disadvantages. As a result of a systematic analysis of the literature, the interpretation of the "online education".
Discussion of the problems of recruitment and rational use of labor resources of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. Goals and principles of forming the company's personnel security policy. Causes and consequences of mobbing, boxing and gaslighting.
The current stage of legal education reforming in Ukraine. Problem of a discrepancy between the tasks of the reforms, set by the Bologna Process, and its objectives. The Concept of perfection of legal education for specialized training of lawyers.
The article analyses and reveals the socio-economic and technological prerequisites for establishing a global law on the sustainable development of space activities. The role and importance of global space governance at the present world stage.