Building a model of strategic cost record to spawn information on the impact of behavioral management decisions on the cost of production of an enterprise in the case of its operation in a market of monopoly, oligopoly and pure or monopolistic rivalry.
Development of a model of the process of formation of universal and professional competences. Stages of this process, each of which has its own specifics. Formation of methodological developments, training manuals and other educational materials.
The level of importance of effective financial decision-making. Emergence of financial decision support systems. Careful allocation and planning of investment budgets aimed at promoting organic growth and maintaining high levels of profitability.
An analysis over of character of the isodenses of conical charge products, got by mathematical design. Consideration of character of intermediate initiator using in a downhole charge as the truncated cone at his location in the ground part of hole.
- 875. Modeling and research of chaotic rossler system with labview and multisim software environments
Modelling of Chaotic Rossler System in LabView. Time dependences of the Rossler system. Fourier spectral analysis when the number of iterations. Software interface for masking and decryption of the information carrier with the chaotic Rossler system.
Key monetary policy tools and objectives. The European Central Bank key policy tools and procedures. Ordered response models. Cross-nested ordered probit: econometric setup and performance evidence. The rotating schemes. Google data performance.
Analytical modeling of typical documents about education, for integration in a computerized learning environment KoHaC. Scheme of the analytical modeling training documentation. The components of the analytical apparatus of a computerized training system.
Carboxymethyl cellulose as the one of largest and most widely used ether. Creating a uniform distribution of reagents in the area of chemical reactions - the process which underlying the modeling of macrokinetics carboxymethylation of cellulose.
Deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of modeling the results of innovation processes when developing the enterprise economic security diagnostics mechanism. Ensuring security of innovative, financial, credit, and investment activity.
Analysis of the status quo of the responses of the central bank of Sweden - Riksbank. A study of the zero interest rate. The decision-making process, description and results of main researches. Data collection and construction the model specification.
The planning and forecasting of local budget. Expenditure forecasts on local levels for different parameters. Classes of local spending forecasting models. Official statistics on all indicators, taking into account, as well as for the basic parameter.
- 882. Modeling of electromagnetic processes in electrotechnical complexes for reducing residual stresses
The resulting electromagnetic field is the superposition of electromagnetic fields was found. It was determined the instantaneous electromagnetic force affects the non-ferromagnetic conductive disc and consequently the pressure force of the electrode.
A sample of 10 countries representing all four levels of human development. A method to assess influence of employment to population ratio, foreign direct investment, total dependency ratio, and total reserves on GNI in Belarus, Iran and Tanzania.
The peculiarity of creating an understanding that modeling is at the center of all attempts to use information technology in the humanities as a whole. Definition of modeling as a prerequisite for the application of computer methods in the humanities.
Design and research of mathematical model for information security system in computer network. Science intensive technology. Modeling of security and risk assessment in information and communication system. Information and computer network technologies.
Obtaining an idea of the averaged molecular field characterizing the interaction of the sorbent molecule with the surface of the sorbent. Making an attempt to calculate the interaction energy in the case of sorption of non-polar adsorbent molecules.
The disadvantages of mathematical modeling in the study of modern international conflicts and foreign policy processes are indicated. The potential prospects for the use of modeling techniques in further foreign policy analysis of international relations.
Thermodynamic analysis has been a cornerstone for optimizing gas cleaning systems by evaluating their efficiency, energy consumption, and environmental impact. Validation and Experimental Validation. The experiment data were summarized in a single.
Abnormal oligomerization and aggregation of the protein alpha-synuclein, their connection with neurodegenerative diseases. The study of heat-resistant strains of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as a key in the pathogenesis Parkinson's disease.
The model the distribution of passenger flows with respect to their waiting times at stations of urban rail transport by the method of distribution of passengers in relation to the duration of delay, consistent with the theoretical law of erlang.
Analysis of physical processes that may cause the fragility and destruction of the lava-like fuel containing materials of 4-th unit of Chernobyl Nuclear Plant. Analysis of influence of electric fields arising in medium with incorporated radionuclides.
Review of the work of foreign researchers on the topic of modeling post-harvest grain processing, which will serve as the starting material for creating an improved post-harvest model. Determination of the quality of processing and purification of grain.
Analysis of problems arising during data processing and effective means of their modeling and forecasting with using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib. Analysis of the contribution of customs revenues from import and export duties to the state budget of Ukraine.
Model of competition between a small Mall and a supermarket. Competition between the structures of retail trade, influence on urban structure. The consequences of monopolization of the trade supermarket. Conditions the preservation of both institutions.
Description of models of gas purification from suspended solids in аVenturi scrubber subject to the pulsations of the gas flow. Development of a method of calculating the slip velocity between the fractions of particles including vibrations and movement.
The concept and structure, as well as the laws of functioning of the Unified Modeling Language, history of its development. Precedents and conditions of effective use case diagrams. Research of a example of computer simulation and evaluation of results.
Establishing conditions for quality surface finish in grinding abrasive wheel. Determine the optimal mode grinding, allowing you to get the highest performance and lowest cost processing, providing the necessary tech-tech requirements for machine parts.
An overview and an in-depth analysis of a management framework for developing cooperation between international higher education institutions. The key areas and strategic opportunities from the international higher education institution partnership.
The phenomenon of corruption. The problems of evaluation methodology and features of volumes and directions of development of corruption at the country level. The model of corruption interrelations between unemployment, competence and productivity.
Consideration of the size effect in thin-film sandwich structures. Types of boundary conditions for dynamic polarization at the electrode-ferroelectric interface. The coordination of the crystal lattices of the electrodes and the ferroelectric layer.