• Definition of the universal and original in the presentation of the value of "reason" at the level of the value picture of the world (on the material of English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages). Description the specifics of the value of "reason".

    статья (247,5 K)
  • The role of Eudaimonia in Aristotle's ethics. Some issues in Aristotle's moral psychology, virtue and reason. Projection and truth in ethics. Aesthetic value, objectivity and the fabric of the word. Meaning and intentionality in wittgenstein's philosophy.

    книга (17,5 M)
  • Mineralization represented as quartz-carbonate veins extending along the contact between the recumbent side of volcanic rocks and a hanging block of volcanic-sedimentary rocks. Analysis of the mineral composition, texture and forms of gold mineralization.

    статья (1,5 M)
  • Analysis of trends in the world mineral fertilizers market. Factors that correlate with fertilizer consumption. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of demand, supply, foreign trade, market factors and characteristics; forecast of its development.

    статья (411,2 K)
  • The configuration of an anorectal pressure gauge probe, the study of the location of sensors, the radial array of anal sensors, the location and length of the balloon, the pressure sensor inside the balloon. List of tests based on potential indication.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Aspects of minimum wage problems in the regional framework of Slovak Republic. Studying the relationship to employment using the variables such as minimum wage, living wage, unemployment allowances and the number of people claiming unemployment allowance.

    статья (111,1 K)
  • Review of the Streptomyces cyanogenus S136 strain as a producer of the landomycin family of antibiotics, among which landomycin A is synthesized. Study of the transcriptome of the S136 strain. Use of regulatory genes to activate cryptic clusters.

    статья (219,7 K)
  • Review of publications related to the new phenomenon - the presence of minority languages on the Internet. The linguistic aspect of the "digital section" that prevents languages with a limited number of speakers from having access to communications.

    статья (21,2 K)
  • Determination of the model of legal protection of majority and minority shareholders of limited liability companies. Introducing progressive changes in laws and regulations to ensure the protection of shareholders in the light of the concept of fairness.

    статья (24,4 K)
  • The psychological phenomenon, which indicates that certain structures of magical thinking leaked into concepts of modern physics and cosmology. Psychological experiments have shown that modern rational adults subconsciously believe in the supernatural.

    статья (44,0 K)
  • Исследование морфологических особенностей подсемейства Mirandulinae subfam. n., отличающих его от других подсемейств дилепидид и от семейства Dipylididae Stiles. Характеристика строения и размножения паразитов птиц и гельминтов млекопитающих животных.

    статья (69,1 K)
  • Aesthetic, plastic, architectural and design features of the existence of typical mirrored interiors in the Persian tradition. The main features of the synthesis of glass-mirror sculptural elements, precious stones and silver plates in such complexes.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Research the place of gatekeeping encounters in the system of business discourse. Analysis of the sources of cultural mismatches during a job interview in an intercultural setting. Study of specifics of job interview in an intercultural environment.

    дипломная работа (72,9 K)
  • Ядро жанра инструкции по эксплуатации и его периферия. Становление жанровой разновидности Missing Manual. Его композиционное и языковое оформление, классификация в зависимости от сферы функционирования устройства (гаджета) или программного обеспечения.

    статья (144,8 K)
  • The mission must be emotional to create a sense of faith in the brand in the target audience and encourage it to decision-making. It is important to correctly use linguistic tools to create certain emotions and reflect sustainable brands’ values.

    статья (24,5 K)
  • The delay with between the evolution of functioning of the body and the social revolutionary transition from the Earth people towards Space people. Need for the legal protection of human rights to life and health for the human explorers of outer space.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • A monument to the successful missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church the conversion to Orthodoxy and the Russification of the diverse (Khazar, Tatar, Circassian and other) ancestors of the Cossacks on the Lower Dnieper, on the Don, on the Khopra.

    статья (8,7 K)
  • Different scientific theories about missionary ideas of the New Testament and understand the ones that could be used by Catholic theology in the planning of missionary activity. Biblical ideas that could be fundamental for Catholic missionary work.

    статья (23,5 K)
  • The Long-term unemployment as a serious problem for the modern city economy. The relationship between automation and the reduction of low-skilled personnel as the most vulnerable social group. Analysis of existing methods to combat unemployment.

    дипломная работа (4,4 M)
  • Технические характеристики Mitsubishi lancer X. Описание устройства двигателя автомобиля. Характеристика газораспределительного механизма, системы подачи смазки, системы охлаждения, вентиляции картера двигателя, системы питания, сцепления, привода.

    отчет по практике (9,6 M)
  • Suggests an approach to the creation of the semantic and ontological model of knowledge of technical and technological potential of economic security of an enterprise. Offered to use mivar technologies to design technical potential of economic security.

    статья (233,3 K)
  • Analysis of the reasons of cyclic crises of economic systems. Analysis of the stages of technological potential of economic safety of the enterprise. Study of mivar technologies for design technical and technological potential of economic security.

    статья (234,9 K)
  • The article suggests an approach to the creation of the semantic and ontological model of knowledge of technical and technological potential of economic security of an enterprise. It is offered to use MIVAR technologies to design economic security.

    статья (233,3 K)
  • Дослідження особливостей змішаного тренування з різних видів фітнес-програм для професійної підготовки студентів. характеристика переваг поєднання фітнес-тренувань: фітбоксу, ізотону, фіт-йоги і пілатесу. Визначення їх впливу для м'язів та фігури.

    статья (15,4 K)
  • Дослідження проблематики міграції та її масштабів, ознак демосоціальних мігрантів, наслідків, які несе з собою заробітчанська еміграція. Аналіз поняття "діти мігрантів". Теоретико-психологічний аналіз проблеми міграції як проблеми сучасних реалій Польщі.

    статья (81,3 K)
  • История развития единоборств со времен античности до современности. Турнир по боевым искусствам - Панкратион. Легендарная семья Грейси. Мицуе Маэда - мастер дзюдо из Японии, славившийся своим умением борьбы в партере. Начало бразильского джиу-джитсу.

    презентация (1,8 M)
  • Mental performance as the variant of professional saxophone player thinking and a conscious form in the process of learning, consolidation of musical text. Artistic imagination as a factor of improvisation-interpreting, approach to the author's intention.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • A survey of theories of multinational enterprises from the early works of Gaimer to modern approaches to the study of these institutions. Assessment of the concept of fragmentation of international production, assessment of the effects of fragmentation.

    статья (141,0 K)
  • Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution that allows its customers to conduct financial transactions remotely using a mobile device. Transactions using mobile banking, transfers of funds from customer accounts.

    статья (151,1 K)
  • Исследование портативного анализатора мочи "Etta". Использование мобильных приложений в роли дополнительного образования. Оценка экономической эффективности дистанционных технологий в медицине. Система здравоохранения к восприятию mHealth процессов.

    статья (202,9 K)