The increasing of immigrants quantity from Latin America as a result of the US immigration process liberalization after 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was adopted. Such change of the immigrants' ethnic composition affected the demographic situation.
The ancient history of Central Asia features migrations, assimilation processes and cultural interactions between different tribes. This article elaborates on migrations and ethnocultural processes in the middle of the Eneolithic and Bronze Ages.
Investigation and analysis of Mikayil Mushfig’s short life traces with a lot of rumors on his repression and execution. Contribution of M. Mushfig to Azerbaijani literature during Stalin’s ruling years. The terrible Stalin repressions in Azerbaijan.
Problems and difficulties faced by owners of small businesses. Miles & Snow typology of strategies. Empirical applications of Miles & Snow's generic strategies. Research method. Competitive Strategies By Business Sector. Strategy and performance.
Восприятие современниками миссии крестоносца как miles Dei сквозь призму ценностной ориентации рыцарства эпохи Первого крестового похода. Выражения специфики оценочного восприятия действительности в соответствии с этическими стереотипами того времени.
Familiarity with the features of military collaborations of citizens of the peoples of the former Soviet Union during the Second World War. An analysis of the causes and motives that influenced their participation in the Wehrmacht military units.
The structure of the fund of military museums in Ukraine. Shows the quantitative of military personnel visiting museums (museum formations) in 2012. The number of excursions. Formation of a positive image of these museums, the growth of their popularity.
The reasons for the Great Britain entry into the Second World War, the joint struggle against fascism. Making allies of humanitarian and military supplies to the Soviet Union on the lend-lease. Shipping history convoy PQ 17 and its tragic consequences.
This article aims to establish an answer for the long-standing debate of whether humanitarian action and protection of human rights are the greater factor influencing military intervention or whether the intervening state’s national interests prevail.
- 790. Military Psychology
Design and application of psychological theories and empirical data towards understanding, predicting and countering behaviors either in friendly or enemy forces or civilian population. History and intelligence testing in the United States military.
The features of daily life in cities of rearguard during World War II (as exemplified by Alma-Ata). The result of the research is a demonstration of the daily life of ordinary citizens who bravely endured all the hardships of war both at work and at home.
The analysis of the results of diagnostic tests and monitoring to study the attitudes of young people to serve in the Armed Forces, the study of value orientations and spiritual and moral foundations of young men that determines their position in life.
- 793. Military supplies and the population at the beginning of the Rakoczi war of independence (1703-1704)
Provision of the army during the war of liberation under the leadership of Ferenc Rakoczy II, in the decision of which he took an active part 一 by his own orders he ordered the officials of the committees and his commissars to provide the army with
Статья посвящена зарождению английской военно-музыкальной традиции, ее основным художественным трансформациям, в процессе которых образовались следующие исполнительские практики. Рассматриваются процессы интеграции английского ритуала "tap-toe" в России.
The peculiarity of the translation of military terms to ensure the analysis of existing research in the military field. Characterization of structuring, unification and standardization of military terms and definition of relationships between them.
The study of the world experience of organization of military tourism. Elaboration of proposals for implementation of military tours in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Using the opportunities of the affected territories for economic and cultural development.
Using domestic tourism to draw attention to current events in Ukraine. Development of a national tourism strategy. Reproduction of historical events using military equipment. Memorialization and cultural revival of the country in the post-war period.
Characteristics of the military traditions of the Don Cossacks of the late imperial period. Acquaintance with the issue of the development of military traditions in the Cossack environment on the eve of the XX century in modern Russian historiography.
Training of Cossacks in the Don Region. The study of military traditions in the Cossack environment on the eve of the XX century in modern Russian historiography. Elements of the everyday life. The image of the Cossack as a "dashing equestrian warrior".
The facts regarding the administrative-regional, military, religious posts and ranks in Khiva government system. Understanding the rank bearers duties. Learning the development process of khanate government. The main results of territorial reforms.
An analysis of the tsarist military and administrative reforms in Ukraine, which were part of the Russian Empire in the ХІХ century. Determination of their influence on the everyday life of the population in the context of the social history of Ukraine.
Forming prospective lessons learned system in Ukrainian army. The improving military exercises, enhancing Ukrainian Army capabilities and developing operational interoperability with NATO forces. The analysis of main outcomes of Rapid Trident-2019.
Strengthening China's national security, improving the technical level of the army. Modernization of the military power and purchase of weapons. Establishing cooperation with the Russia. Reasons for the introduction of an embargo by Western countries.
The aim of the article is to investigate the causes of military-technical cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine; identify the main areas of military- technical cooperation. The author concludes that Turkey has a pragmatic approach in relation to Ukraine.
A study of the motives of a group of GCC militias in northeastern Nigeria. Personal factors in motivating people to participate, based on material benefits and interest in future employment. Security Threat Prevention Tools associated with this group.
Civilian joint task force: history overview. The motivation of civilian joint task force members. The north of Nigeria has witnessed an increased involvement of the militia group "Civilian Joint Task Force" in combating the Islamism group Boko Haram.
- 807. Milium еffusum (Poaceae): трансформация экологического ареала вида в различных регионах Евразии
Milium effusum L. (Poaceae) - многолетний лесной вид, слабо активный в фитоценотическом отношении, широко распространённый во внетропических регионах северного полушария. Анализ экологического ареала и трансформаций экоареала в различных регионах Евразии.
The algorithm for using a methodical approach to forecasting the purchase price of milk, taking into account the correlation between milk prices and prices for certain types of dairy products, which is produced and sold by agricultural producers.
Philosophical context of paradigm shift: tradition – modernity – postmodernity. Study of the processes taking place in architecture. The criteria of works of art as a result of abandoning the semantic binary oppositions typical of postmodernism.
The verbal means which create mimetic imagery and highlights the mechanisms of its generation in English biblical ecodiscourse. Features of creation a powerful, ecologically charged multilayer three-projection mimetic imagery in biblical narrations.