Improving state regulation in the field of tourism. Development of theoretical foundations and practical proposals for the development and support of rural green tourism enterprises in Ukraine as a form of entrepreneurial activity in the countryside.
The regulation and promotion of innovative activity in developed countries on an example USA, France, Germany, Japan. Construction of the model for Russia, its based on the experience of these countries and development in the field of innovation.
Analysis of the dynamics of the dairy industry indicators in Ukraine revealed a long-term trend towards a decrease in milk production volumes. During 1990-2021, the volume of milk production decreased by 3 times, the number of cows decreased by 5 times.
The analyz the state flags of Russia and Albania, which reveal the features of the geopolitical positioning of states. The connection between the axial symbol of identity - the double-headed eagle - and the bifurcation of political macroidentity.
The attempt to investigate specifics of the functions of the State forest corps is made in the article. The authors recognize that the state created a fundamental basis for training of professional policemen in the sphere of nature protection of Italy.
Description the impact of state-society relations on the development of hydropower programs in Northwestern Ethiopia. A program for the development of hydropower to increase the sustainability of the national economy through the generation of electricity.
Practice in developed and developing countries for supporting national companies. Distinguishing features of programs in BRICS counties for trade in transport equipment. Peculiarities of non-tariff measures applied by BRICS and the role of state aid.
Soviet viewpoints on the East Karelian Revolt. Dismantling the Karelian crisis and its aftershocks: the last blossoming of a border-state alliance. The foundations of the Soviet Russian and Finnish foreign policies from the standpoint of state building.
The analysis of the privalisation processes into Ukraine and the legal status of state-owned enterprises. The legal basis that regulates relations connected with the state-owned enterprises and the legal status of foreign state-owned enterprises.
Analysis of differential equations encountered in various applications, which are interpreted as equations in graphs. Using graph properties to create a high-quality theory of such equations and methods for their solution. Description of the graph struc
- 1151. Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks
Research and characterization general approaches and methods of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. To determine that the development and adoption of management decisions is a certain sequence of actions (operations).
Investigation of physical-energy States, reactions and excitation spectra in deformed heavy nuclear systems, magnetic spectrograph. Modeling schemes States actinide nuclei fissility. Calculation of inertia parameters of energy in the examined groups.
A critical assessment of the two main theories of global justice, statism and cosmopolitanism, according to which basic human rights and their corresponding responsibilities should be differently ensured and applied at the current global level the world.
Determination of the dominant regions according to the integral indicator of the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia based on the study of statistical dynamics by types of agricultural indicators over a long period of observations.
- 1155. Statistical analysis of suitability of the activity based costing method in agricultural enterprises
Comparing two cost calculation method describing the principle, utilisation, advantages and disadvantages of the traditional mark-up on cost pricing (overhead method) against Activity Based Costing (ABC), a new, unconventional method of cost calculation.
Linguistic genderology - a scientific field that studies the problem of relationship between language and gender as one of the parameters of personality. Characteristics of male and female portrait descriptions based on examples from English prose.
Determining the effect of coating thickness on Hardness which is used on the protective layer when polyester coating is applied on the aluminum coil. Determining the scratch hardness using Hardness pencils test according to Wolff-Willborn "ASTM D3363".
- 1158. Statistical study of the dynamics of sunflower production: new realities and challenges of the time
Analysis of the sunflower production dynamics in Ukraine, including the new challenges of the current time, including evolution of production practices, market trends, economic implications, environmental considerations and the impact of global factors.
Statistics in Psychology: Data, Models. Graphical Methods of Displaying Data. Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Regression Analysis. Distribution-Free and Computationally Intensive Methods. Analysis of Categorical Data I Contingency Tables.
- 1160. Statistics in Practice
Fundamentals of Probability and Judgement. Random variables and probability distributions. Bayes’ Theorem and Elicitation. Aleatory, epistemic uncertainty. Roles within the elicitation process. The naive intuitive statistician metaphor. "The middle way".
In line with Cognitive Linguistics commitments and assumptions highlights the problems pertaining to a universal ability of human cognition to construe the world in language statively, the principles of stative interpretation of knowledge about the world.
It has been established that a significant positive success in resolving the crisis was achieved by organizing a "grain corridor" through which significant volumes were exported. Analysis of the consequences of the instability of Ukrainian grain exports.
Justification of the status of the time-projection camera as the main track detector and charged particle identification detector in the new multifunctional detector of the Collider-type heavy ion particle accelerator complex based on the Nuclotron.
A study of peculiarities of the criminal regime of statute of limitations in most European countries, which is significantly different from the Ukrainian one. Analysis of the Bulgarian statute of limitations - a suitable representative of European legal.
Recognition of the material nature of limitation. Procedural consequences of the expiration of the period of time. Identifying the direct legal consequences of crimes or punishments imposed on them by a court. Criminal laws of the modern Bulgarian state.
The statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (1935) as a source for the history of the specified organization and legal culture of the Ukrainian Cossack movement. A historical sketch of the movement, unakor program and unakor regulamine.
Opportunities for and barriers to progress in stem cell research for regenerative medicine. The ethical, moral and religious problems to use of embryos for stem cell research. Evidence supporting the potential of ESCs for use in regenerative medicine.
- 1168. Steam turbines
Steam turbines design. Classification of steam turbines according to the method of energy conversion, according to the direction of flow, according to the number of stages, according to the speed of rotation, according to the steam pressure at the outlet.
- 1169. Steam turbines
What is a turbine? How does the steam turbine work? Physical principles of steam turbine. The steam turbine is steam driven rotary engine. Single stage impulse turbine. Velocity compounded impulse turbine. Comparison of impulse and reaction turbine.
Индустрии 4.0 как последняя технологическая революция. Анализ особенностей разработки модели конструирования STEAM-образования, в основу которой положено проектное обучение на "творческих пространствах". Общая характеристика целевых программ развития.