- 1201. Stereochemistry of the epoxidation of bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene and its 7-syn-substituted derivatives
Stereochemical aspects of the epoxidation of norbornene and its 7-syn-substituted derivatives with peroxy-formic acid. Study of the stabilization of the transition state due to hydrogen bonds. Sterile repulsion between the substituent and the oxidant.
- 1202. Stereotype content across ethnicity and socio-economic status: a case of ethnic groups in Russia
The interaction between target’s ethnicity and their socio-economic status in forming stereotypes and aims. Stereotype content model and status. Multiple categorization, non-algebraic models. Consent form and instructions for pre-test and main part.
Formation of ethnocultural identity of a linguistic personality. Study of the stereotype of thinking in the speech of the characters of the Russian-speaking writers of Kazakhstan. The use of proverbs and sayings to emphasize the nationality of the heroes.
Study of the process of intercultural communication from the linguistic point of view and sociology. Stereotyping as a psychological model of human thinking. Identifying the influence of stereotypes on the translation and perception of foreign culture.
Approaches to the definition of a stereotype from the point of view of linguistic and non-linguistic sciences are analyzed and the connection of translation stereotypes is highlighted. It was determined that stereotypes affect the quality of translation.
The general-equilibrium model with sticky information. An algorithm study the model’s dynamic properties. Variance decompositions show that monetary policy and aggregate demand shocks account for most of the variance of ination, output, and hours.
Acquaintance with the rules of construction of the curve of wages. Comparison to a leading competitor. Disinflations and productivity slowdowns. Stabilization policy in the face of productivity change. Stabilization policy and productivity change.
Assessing the prevalence of stigma and discrimination against patients with HIV infection at the dental attendance. Identification of discrimination in the form of a negative attitude of a physician to patients and refusal to treat oral diseases.
The essence of conservative deterministic methods of determining interference. Electromagnetic compatibility of mobile services. The levels of the interference field strength at the receiver. Building a stochastic model of functioning of a station.
Stochastic properties of turkish real interest rate, that plays a central role in the decision-making of households, firms and government, has also some important implications on the basic assumptions of a number of financial and macroeconomic models.
- 1211. Stock exchange
The establishment of financial associations for the assisting, regulating and controlling of buying in the securities. Broker and jobber in the market. Definition of stock exchange. Forecasting price changes of securities. The role of stock market.
The statistical tests of stock market forecastability and volatility that are immune from a statistical problems. The rejections of the model under either a constant or variable required rate of return. An overwhelming evidence against efficient markets.
- 1213. Stock market manipulation as a complicated white-collar crime: American and Ukrainian approaches
The article deals with the separate problems of the formation, interpretation and improvement of the provisions of domestic and American legislation on criminal liability for manipulation on the stock market. An author's attempt was made to determine.
Analysis of the period of company take over in terms of risk-return trade off. Description of the model used to analyze the volatility of stock returns. Exploration of dependence the volatility of stock return on the type of the acquiring company.
- 1215. Stomach cancer
Anatomy Review stomach. Determination concepts stomach cancer. Rassmotrenye aetiology and pathogenesis of the given disease. Clinical signs of cancer as a result of local disease, complications ego Or ee metastazov. Endoscopic features of gastric cancer.
The study of the role of primitive mining in the development of the communities of the stone age. The basic importance of mining activities for the first minerals to ensure the initial material culture of humanity and the continuity of mining experience.
The legend of King Arthur. Construction of the monument ancient peoples for many years. Stonehenge - the ancient stone structure located on Salisbury Plain in southern England. Stonehenge as a technical feat, requiring commitment, time, a manual labor.
Розгляд проблеми застосування в освітньому процесі закладу освіти проектно-цифрової діяльності як засобу формування цифрової компетентності здобувачів освіти. Вналіз вітчизняного та закордонного досвіду застосування "Stop Motion" в освітньому процесі.
Анализ проблем текущей стадии проекта STORK 2.0 ЕС, в части обеспечения трансграничной идентификации физических и юридических лиц. Возможности Украины, как участника проекта, альтернативные методы решения задачи межграничной электронной идентификации.
Здійснено спробу обґрунтування інноваційної технології Storyline як дієвого засобу розвитку зв’язного мовлення дітей старшого дошкільного віку. Особистісно-зорієнтований підхід до дитини як індивіда. Породження самостійного зв’язного висловлювання.
Характеристика особливостей навчального матеріалу, поданого у вигляді цікавої й захоплюючої розповіді, історії, що сприяє розвитку особистісних якостей, демонструє унікальність уяви й уваги кожної дитини. Визначення ролі зацікавленості школярів.
A review of storytelling techniques in Boris Johnson's first speech as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom as a political, institutional, ideological, media, mass communication discourse. The problem of acceptance of the Brexit idea by the addressee.
Storytelling within the discourse of Queen Elizabeth II on the problems of the coronavirus as a process of introducing information in the form of a certain story with an emphasis on the pragmatic goals of its creator. The use of argumentative tactics.
Devoted to problems of storytelling technique within the United Kingdom Prime Minister's address to nation on russian invasion of Ukraine. The storytelling technique is defined as a process of introducing information in a form of a story with emphasis.
Види сторітеллінга або розповідання історій – широковживаної на Заході техніки переконання. Елементи впливової історії. Смисл, закладений і переданий в ній, як правило, передбачаючий "дію у відповідь". Комерційний сторітеллінг як маркетинговий інструмент.
- 1226. Stratagem of appeal to logic as means of discursive influence (based on prosecutors’ speeches)
Consideration of the appeal to logic stratagem in English-language judicial discourse from the perspective of its impact on recipients. Types of persuasive arguments, their impact on participants. Means expressing the appeal strategy of the prosecutor.
Theoretical aspects and research of the growth strategies of international technology companies. Analysing of the evolution of growth strategies executed by Microsoft. Examining of strategies of internal development and acquisitions for inorganic growth.
- 1228. Strategic analysis of competitive environment: the case of Philip Morris operations ad nis, Serbia
Strategic analysis of the company Philip Morris on the production of cigarettes in the Serbian market. Competitiveness and interaction of factors of the internal environment. An increase in the price of cigarettes and a decrease in purchasing power.
The search for new approaches to ensuring security and defense in the European Union in modern conditions. Consideration of the problem of forming a new research paradigm of regional security issues in Europe. Analysis of European strategic autonomy.
The concept of strategic brand management, emphasizes on the direction of brand growth in the long-term prospects. The functions, the basic principles of brand management. Methods and principles, specific models, organizational forms of brand management.