The role of the concept of the business model in strategic management. The identification of key components of business models, and using them as a classification attribute. A new approach that describes the types of business models existing in practice.
Узагальнення сучасного стану діяльності інституту бізнес-омбудсмена та напрямів його удосконалення, що сприятиме підвищенню дотримання принципів верховенства права. Характеристика проблеми порушення прав представників бізнесу з боку правоохоронців.
Measuring, managing economic activity not only in the private, but also in the public sector. Methodology for assessing the performance of a municipal company, taking into account the specifics of enterprises that provide public services to the public.
Developing a business plan for opening creperie "Tsarskaya" in the center of New York to the Russian diaspora. Analysis of the market and competitors. Developing a marketing plan. SWOT-analysis of the projected places. The assessment of possible risks.
Analysis of business plan structure of language club. Analysis of Legal and juridical aspects based on the law system of the Russian Federation. Study of financial aspects of the club’s work and risk management. Evaluation of strategic firm’s development.
Excursions as one of the most popular types of business in the tourism sector. Description of the company and the industry, description of services, sales and marketing, production plan, financial plan, efficiency evaluation, risks and guarantees.
Night club as a public institution, operating normally after 21:00, is intended for the free pastime people. Key recommendations by geographical choice of entertainment. The professionalism of the administrator as the main success of the entertainment.
The forestry of Ukraine functions as an independent type of activity and strategically important for the national economy. Flexibility of production activities of a forestry enterprise is one of the determining factor in its effective functioning.
Formation of business education markets in Eastern Europe and the CIS countries through the creation of business schools and expansion of Western educational institutions. Approaches to benchmarking business schools in countries with non-market economies.
Information system research in historic perspective. Research scope on digital transformation. Depicting countries for software trade comparison analysis. Digital transformation conditions in Russia. Japanese school in information system research field.
Business statistics, mathematics, probability, models, and the real world. The use of statistics in business. Two ways of being wrong. Three Types of Probability. Counting possible outcomes: the rule of insufficient reason for classical probability.
- 402. Business-NGO partnerships for sustainable development of political and legal environment of Serbia
The rise of corporate social responsibility and globalisation of business. Analysis partnerships aimed at of sustainable development, with a focus on NGOs and the corporate sector in Serbia. Recommendations for creating a partnership-enabling environment.
Изучение французских прецедентных онимов со значением "катастрофическая неудача". Наиболее частое использование слова Bеrеzina в сравнении с другими членами синонимического ряда в разных областях культуры. Противопоставление онимов Waterloo и Bеrеzina.
- 404. Bиды сделок
Сделки как акты осознанных, целенаправленных действий физических и юридических лиц, совершая которые они стремятся к достижению определенных правовых последствий. Односторонние, двусторонние и многосторонние сделки. Сделки, совершенные под условием.
Методы регулирования фрикционных свойств пар трения. Исследование износостойкости и фрикционных свойств покрытий. Технологический процесс нанесения покрытий. Измерение шероховатости образцов. Экспериментальные исследования фрикционных свойств покрытий.
Методы и технологические режимы обработки семян. Использование нанотехнологий в предпосевной подготовке. Определение доз опрыскивания вегетирующих растений. Анализ влияния фунгицидов и стимуляторов на генетическую структуру сельскохозяйственных культур.