Characteristics of semi-winged fauna in semi-aquatic habitats. Familiarity with the main features of the study of semi-winged components (Insects: Heteroptera) of aquatic and near-water habitats of the Meshchera National Park in the Vladimir region.
The role of culture in civilizational development and the mechanism for updating the cultural code. The revolution in the field of communication as a prerequisite for the transfer of "pseudo-cultural" or "extra-cultural" values into the cultural status.
The satirical convention - a basic element of the extreme in satire, which is associated with other techniques that cause a comic situation. The dream like a mirror image, which plays an important role in the literary work of N.V. Gogol "The Nose".
- 3544. To treat frostbite
Signs and symptoms frostbite. The classifications for tissue damage caused by extreme cold: mild, moderate and severe. Splinting frostbitten extremities. Signs of deep frostbite, in which needs urgent qualified medical aid. Spasms of small blood vessels.
Lithuanian multipart songs sutartines inscribed in 2010 on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Determination of features of vocal and instrumental polyphony, second accords, complementary rhythms and syncopation.
Consideration of the trend of using distance education with the use of technologies in relation to the latest trends based on the experience of different countries of the world. Necessity, presence of positive and negative aspects of online education.
Физическая сущность дифракционно-временного метода, его главные преимущества. Недостатки метода TOFD (ультразвукового метода контроля). Дифракционно-временной метод (TOFD), используемый в комбинации с OmniScan и другими соответствующими инструментами.
The impact of aggressive behavior on learning and success. The effect of symbolic reinforcement, cognitive-behavioral therapy and degree of disability on reducing aggression among students with intellectual disabilities, use by teachers and guardians.
- 3549. Token Ring
Характеристика архітектури мереж Token Ring з кільцевою логічною топологією і детермінованим методом доступу. Визначення головних форматів кадрів. Розгляд фізичного рівню технології Token Ring. Головні аспекти підключення станції до концентратору.
The study of Huseyn Javid’s creativity. Investigation of the possibilities on expression of the values manifested in the lifestyle and morality of the Azerbaijani people in Javid’s creative activity and to give its scientific and theoretical explanation.
Talks about tolerance as a component of the key competencies of the teacher in preparation for teaching in a modern school. Described the concept of tolerance. Practical results of conducted seminars and trainings, surveys and questionnaires of students.
Interpretation of the term "tolerance" as a human virtue, the ability to have rights and freedoms without violating others. The basic preparation of the future teacher for the formation of tolerance as a component of his professional training system.
Examines tolerance as a complex social, cultural and economic phenomenon, a principle, an idea, an ideology, a concept necessary for the proper functioning of pluralistic democracy and modern civil society. Essential problems of human communication.
- 3554. Tolerance to uncertainty as a factor in the mental health of the population in conditions of war
Analysis of special properties of a person to withstand the burden of crisis events that are associated with situations of uncertainty, in particular psychological self-regulation, which allows you to adequately perceive problems and find solutions.
- 3555. Tomas Becket
Thomas Becket - one of the key figures in English history XII century, Chancellor of Henry II. The activities of Archbishop of Canterbury thousand 1162 in 1170. Worship in the saints. The murder of the archbishop at the altar in his own cathedral.
The application of fergetation for increasing the stability of tomatoes on irrigated lands has been investigated. The effectiveness of the use of ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate and a combination of calcium nitrate and ammonium chloride for tomato.
Problems of overcoming psychological stress in professional musical activity. The main psychological determinants of the crisis of the development of professional musical activity Tommy Bolin - a remarkable musician and an outstanding guitarist.
History of development of telecommunication systems and networks. The main objective of their development and application for various public purposes. Development of a remote workstation and the inclusion of disabled people in the sphere of production.
The Tomos as the instrument for developing of an independent vector of development of Ukrainian orthodoxy. Internal disagreement between the Orthodox churches like the reason for the destabilization of the dialogue in the Ukrainian religious space.
- 3560. Tony Blair
Receiving by Tony Blair a law degree from Oxford University in Oxford. Electing Blair as leader of the Labour Party after Smith's death in 1994. The main political achievements of Tony Blair as British Prime Minister. Labour rebellion against Tony Blair.
Demand for innovative developments by the national economy and financing of innovative projects. Shifting emphasis from supply to demand, to the real needs of the consumer. The peculiarity of ensuring the achievement of various educational goals.
The aim of the given paper is to summarize the structure of knowledge in electrical engineering needed for students majored in electromechanics, to define its place and role while conducting experimental research while studying technical subjects.
Research of the effectiveness of using the Blender 3D software for independent and individual work of students. Creating videos, creating and editing videos with video resources. Organization of video conferencing during online classes and seminars.
Consideration of the specifics of cryptocurrency, analysis of the market, as well as the development of decision-making tools. Understanding the field based on statistical data, interviews with cryptocurrency market professionals and personal experience.
The optimal post length. Importance of the post diameter. Avoiding of the root perforations. The implications of using an excessively large rotary instrument. The process of the preparing the distal canals of molars. Instruments for post preparations.
Evaluate company value. The correctness of current earnings in predicting future cash flows. The relationship between earnings and stock returns. The list of the largest Russian companies in terms of capitalization. Listed companies' financial data.
Computing the Cassels pairing classes in Tate group. The calculation of the pairing on twisted Edwards in the form of elliptic curves. Control malicious proxy re-encryption. Security and anonymity-based encryption with trusted certification authorities.
Update the significance of the results of forensic medical examination in proceedings on war crimes. Identify and characteristic of the problematic aspects of the appointment of such an examination simultaneously with proposals for ways to overcome them.
Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, implementation of its provisions into national legislation and law enforcement practice. Principles of forensic support of investigation and trial of cases of international crimes.
The principles of activity of the International Criminal Court, to whose jurisdiction international crimes belong, were determined. The necessity of ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by Ukraine was substantiated.