Место хвойных деревьев и кустарников в озеленении населенных мест. Станица Каневская как одна из старейших на Кубани, особенности роста и развития туи западной в ее насаждениях. Климатические условия и натурное обследование объектов озеленения станицы.
Determining the causes reduction in total cholesterol in thyrotoxicosis. Changes in liver lipohenic capacity in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Analysis of the impact of hypothyroidism on serum concentrations of free fatty acids and ketone bodies.
Terahertz emitters - polaritonbased devices, where signals are generated from transitions between upper and lower polariton branches or bosonic cascade lasers. Band diagram of the double quantum wells system. Energy diagram of the dipolariton system.
- 3484. Ti-Al alloy
A new process for developing titanium aluminides using chemical vapor synthesis was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Aluminum subchloride was used as the reducing agent in the reaction with TiCl4 and the source of aluminum for Ti-Al alloy.
The content and analysis of the main results of research relating to serving a prison sentence in the Polish penitentiary system in the Electronic Monitoring System (SDE here and after) in the context of maintaining ties with the social environment.
Tiling of the limit space under the action of a (self-similar) subgroup. Self-similar groups and their limit spaces. Subgroup tilings of limit spaces. Tilings of limit spaces of abelian and nilpotent groups. Functional analysis to nilpotent Lie groups.
The structure of formants, quantitative distribution of speakers between different genders, the formants’ depending on it. Accents attention on illustration the structure of formant analysis for both sexes using multifunctional computer programme Praat.
The possible ways to analyze prose poems written by the Norwegian modernist poet Sigbjorn Obstfelder. The influence of the French symbolist Charles Baudelaire in Obstfelder’s works. The opposition of harmony and chaos, sincerity and alienation.
The aim of theorizing temporality is presented as conceptual reconstruction of temporality in Heidegger's and Bergson's ideas. Demands complex approaches and systematic investigation with bias on phenomenological, hermeneutic and post-structural methods.
Significant characteristic of theoretical ambushes of the experimental method for the detection of specialties with gastroenterological distributions. Knowing about the main features of psychodiagnostics of the problems of gastroenterological problems.
Aimed at regarding time management in general and most essential strategies in particular as well as corresponding skills necessary for students for academic success. Time management techniques are regarded as the best way for managing course material.
Причины дефицита времени. Основные методы и правила в управлении временем. Принцип Парето. Система управления временем Б. Франклина. Параметры эффективного использования телефона и интернета тайм-менеджментом, его особенности на современном этапе.
The study mechanisms of circadian rhythms of physiological functions of the kidneys. The temporal organization of physiological functions in mammals, brain structures involved. Violation of circadian rhythm pacemakers. Inhibition of the pineal gland.
Learning technique was studied and applied to the embedding dimension and time delay estimation to the benchmark nonlinear time series and the stock market prediction problem. The methodology of reinforcement learning application was proposed and applied.
Maxwell’s equations with a glance of anisotropic vacuum. The approximation of the weak anisotropy in charges’ absence condition. Methods of analysis a dependence of a light’s speed on polarization. The material equations in case of the time tensor.
Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the overarching whole on the behavior of the elements of systems in the process of their synchronization. Conceptualization of the topological interaction of material, spiritual and virtual spaces.
Root canal treatment. Retrograde preparation of the apical canal. Prevention and treatment of AP by minimizing the root infection. X-ray examination of periapical lesions. Healing chronic apical periodontitis. Outcomes with surgical endodontics.
Потенційні можливості використання вчителем/викладачем іспанської мови матеріалів, пропонованих Tio Spanish – віртуальним персонажем відеохостінгу YouTube. Йго роль у процесі формування іспаномовної комунікативної компетентності школярів/студентів.
Research Background, Objectives and Significance. Research on Concept and Connotation of Smart City. Characteristics of Smart City. Importance of Personal Data Classification. A Classified Personal Data Protection Architecture. Services in Smart City.
TLS – современный протокол безопасной передачи данных по небезопасной сети, который пришел на смену SSL, который уже не рекомендуется к использованию. Принцип работы TLS (TLS Record и TLS Handshake). TLS-сертификаты. Алгоритмы, использующиеся в TLS.
Research of a brief history of the sports version of the popular game "Chto? Gde? Kogda" Characteristics of the authors of the game and their approaches to portraying the past. "We started to graze in new fields": images of the past in the game.
Healthy lifestyle, or a love for animals? Vegetarian lifestyle: difficulties and benefits. Describe the vegetarian lifestyle and some of the problems associated with it. Using a diet rich in antioxidants, as one of the keys to reducing the risk of cancer.
To compare the semantics of Believe with the lexical of the words used in the Old Slavonic Gospel translation for expressing different modes of believing. The principles in the use of the verb веровати and related utterances in comparison to Greek.
The importance of corrective feedback for language learners. The history of the emergence of modern types of corrective feedback using advances in information technology and artificial intelligence. Determining the role of automated written assessment.
Reducing the overall mortality of the population of Russia. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human respiratory diseases. Symptoms and clinical course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Comorbid background of patients with rhinosinusitis.
To reveal correlations between brand influence on children audience and parental attitude to the brand. Patterns of advertising interactions with children. Ethical aspects of marketing communications with children. The effect of advertising on parents.
Theoretical substantiation of electrophysiological phenomena underlying Parkinson's disease. Investigation of patients with rapidly and slowly progressive disease. Identification of provoking factors and critical criteria for the effectiveness of therapy.
Development of biological preparations for organic agriculture. The study of effect of Lactobacillus plantarum ONU 12 and Bacillus megaterium ONU 484 on germination and growth of wheat seedlings. The formation of bacilli biofilms with a developed matrix.
The study of American history through the prism of the ideology of national exceptionalism. Justification and legitimization of America's political and economic actions. Analysis of the paradigm of the "Myths and Symbols" school by рrofessor J. Klein.
The term "discourse" is used in different meanings and is the subject of study in different scientific areas. The devoted to the consideration of the history of English occult discourse and the prospects for its study on the basis of the English language.