The features of a "sense barrier" concept definition and the features of this concept formation in the activity theory. Main types of sense barriers at interaction of the adult and the child. Distinctions in the reasons of emergence of sense barriers.
Studying the original texts from the past. To explore the key characteristics of the argumentation dimension and some methodological tools that will be useful for scholars studying outstanding historical books from the field of philosophy of cosmology.
- 3633. Tower Kaiping Diaolou
The emerging of towers in China at the beginning of the 20th century, which were included in the list of world cultural heritage. Study of tower buildings as defensive architectural structures from robbers. Rescue of residents from bandits and flooding.
- 3634. Tower of London
The Tower of London is a one of the oldest buildings in England and one of the main symbols of Great Britain. History of the construction of the tower. Ravens of the Tower: tradition that says that the monarchy in the UK lives as long as the ravens revel.
A study of a Lubeck city book known as the Niederstadtbuch. Prospects for the use of a comparative analysis of the final and draft versions for studying the history of society in medieval Lubeck. Review of the proofreading of the text of the book.
Considering how to further explore Niederstadtbuch. Several hands of scribes were found, including one based on a clean version, so-called Reinschrift from the Lubeck archive. Determining the importance of studying the crossed out positions of the book.
Analysis of urban planning objects recorded on the "General map of the march of T.K. army groups stationed in Gommon in Hungary to the capital city of Lemberg in Poland" by Rudolph d'Otto. Identification of planning schemes of cities and objects.
Determination of toxicity for plants of the unbroken residue obtained after microbial fermentation in a horizontal fermenter of mixed food waste. It has been established that the mixed substrate is toxic to plants, because the seeds did not sprout.
The mechanism of binding of Cr(acac)3 molecules at active sites of the surface of silica and alumina supports. Silica support due to hydrogen bonding with acetylacetonate ligand. Interaction of p-electrons of acetylacetonate ligands with Al3+ sites.
- 3640. TPM и IMA/EVM против программно-аппаратных средств защиты информации от несанкционированного доступа
Использование принципа пошагового контроля целостности для гарантированной защиты данных от несанкционированного доступа. Применение аппаратных модулей доверенной загрузки на IBM-совместимых средствах вычислительной техники архитектуры x86/x86-64.
The importance of research which, at the time of Pliny, had preserved and updated Greek science, as described in Books II-VI. Problem of Seneca’s sources in the Naturales Quaestiones. Posidonius’ influence in the passages devoted to scientific geography.
Consideration of the humorous texts produced after the unexpected landing of a commercial flight in Timisoara, Romania instead of Thessaloniki, Greece due to bad weather conditions. Process of creating and disseminating humor in online environments.
Origins of Blair's rhetoric. The communicative behaviour of T. Blair in his premier and post-premier years. Changes in its peacemaker's strateg and an active reformer in favor of the militarist policy strategy. True/false markers and self-justification
An analytical report of Power BI based on the "Star Scheme" model. Thanks to the created "Measures" and standard functions of pivot tables, it became possible to visualize the input rating data and create details and filters for more convenient viewing.
- 3645. Trade
Foreign exchange as the monetary means of making payments from one area to another. The participants of the foreign exchange markets. Supply and Demand. Domestic Economic and Political Conditions. The functions of the intervention of a central bank.
Studying the history of establishing business relations with Vietnam. A specific contribution to the study of exchange relations between Vietnam and Portugal. The Portuguese are Westerners who laid the foundation for trade and missionary activity.
The study of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Belarus, the agreement and legal basis of bilateral cooperation, the dynamics of foreign trade turnover. Tendencies and forms of production cooperation in the context of modern challenges.
- 3648. Trade balance, exchange rate movements and economic growth in Nigeria: a disaggregated approach
The increase in the balance of trade and the change in the exchange rate on the economic growth in Nigeria. Designated determinant of the exchange rate for the period from 1981 to 2020. Stimulation of domestic production to boost non-oil exports.
Analysis of the impact of Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization and the processes of the European Union enlargement on trade development at the continent. Study of prospects of the free trade areas beneficial of for Ukraine and Europe.
Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). Cooperation between the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Identification and analysis of non-market trade relations in the CMEA in 1956-1959. Factors for the expansion of integration.
Russia and Nigeria are two important countries separated in terms of distance location. Concept of sex slavery. Human Trafficking in Nigeria and Russia. Legal Background to Anti-Human Trafficking efforts. Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Corruption Policy.
Determining the impact of foreign trade on the economy of Bukhara. Analysis of the policy of attack, the plundering of the Bolsheviks in Central Asia, its main consequences: the deterioration of the living standards of the inhabitants of the province.
Using proper names as common. Using the name of a trade mark as a common noun. The absence of a noun to indicate the category of goods. Mechanisms of appellation of brand names, which contribute to the enrichment of the lexicon of the English language.
Conceptual frameworks of management reporting formation that was investigated from the perspective of systematic approach. Determination of the main requirements to the content and structure of management reporting on the example of trade enterprises.
Clarifies and characteristic the key concepts of literary tradition, continuity, dialogicity, and intertextual connections. Discusses the features of forms and functions of intertextuality, as well as the main ways of its formal expression in the text.
The methodology of the work is determined by the genre and style, semantic and analytical musicological approaches, focused on revealing the dialogical interaction of the traditional and innovative in the works of Edison Denisov. The vocal work of Denisov
The concept of soft power and South Korea’s soft power strategy. Categorization of various types of soft power in the system of international relations. Academic disputes over Nye’s concept of soft power. Accomplishments of Hansik globalization program.
Characteristics of the pedagogical design, technology and support in distance education. Creating a computer-based training for people with inability to learn. Development of reliable long-distance telephone systems. Formation of virtual high school.
In the 20th century, the emergence of new social movements and activity of «traditional» working class can be analyzed as important barometers of socio-economic development in transitional economies of European countries towards postindustrial society.
- 3660. Traditional ukrainian costume in the context of national liberation and soviet occupation in 1920s
The main elements of traditional Ukrainian costume, which served for self-identification and demonstration of patriotic beliefs of Ukrainians in the early twentieth century. The place of traditional costume in the context of national liberation movements.