The rapid development of the Internet, the latest technologies and growing popularity of online media around the world. Mechanisms of functioning in global online media is paid content. Attracting funds from readers through a monthly subscription.
Analyzed information wars which have long been used as a full-fledged weapon, using both manipulation and completely fake messages. Identified elements of media chain: the author of the message - the transmission channel - the recipient of the message.
The goals of journalism, features and means of creating modern media texts. Analysis of phatic meanings in two randomly selected issues of historical journals. Allocation of two groups of keywords that characterize the described era, event or person.
The main ways to avoid such errors; attention is focused on the fact that by understanding the causes of errors in translation, a specialist can avoid them. Reproduction of both the syntactic construction and the lexical composition of the original.
To influence the recipients and form their views, opinions with the help of pragmatic function of persuading as one of its aims of journalistic discourse. Significant difficulties with translation of phraseological units from English into other languages.
- 246. PR-стратегія в комунікативному просторі (на матеріалі англомовних текстів інтерв'ю з бізнесменами)
Характеристика специфіки PR-стратегії бізнесменів в англомовному мас-медійному дискурсі на матеріалі текстів інтерв'ю. Аналіз семантичних особливостей реалізації тактико-стратегічного потенціалу бізнесменів у контекстах друкованого ділового спілкування.
Изучение структуры филиала, ознакомление с его деятельностью. Медиа-планирование компании. Изучение стандартов PR-кампании по написанию пресс-релизов. Подготовка и проведение интервью. Написание имиджевой статьи, поздравительного адреса и открытки.
- 248. Presidency and the media: traditional and new media as actors in the American big-time politics
Exploring the concept of the roles that the media play in American big politics through an analysis of bias, political inclusion, and tolerance of selected media. The essence of the roles played by different media during the presidency of Donald Trump.
- 249. Principles of television activity in the context of promotion of Ukrainian national-spiritual values
The principles of television activity and programs for children, in which they promote Ukrainian national-spiritual values. The main precondition for the effective influence of television programs on children as the organic combination of regional value.
Convergence is the process where several media channels come together to operate in synergy and harmony, being able to report more information. Media companies pursue audiences by greater benefit from marketing and advertising through cross-selling.
Consideration of the historical circumstances of the formation of "Russkaya Pravda". Establishing the specifics of the influence of Christianity on the development of legislation on child protection. Defining the main features of "Russkaya Pravda".
In this paper presents modern trends in the change of the semantic field of the concept «war». Based on the analysis of mass media in Russia, Ukraine and the USA, we demonstrated the regularities and interdependences of the mass media content.
Analyzes of the activities of physical culture correspondents as a component and a rather specific part of the movement of working-class and rural correspondents of common to the Soviet press of the 1920s — 1930s. Goals of the Rabselcor movement.
- 254. Publicistic Headline
The main classification, linguistic peculiarities and structure of the publicistic headlines. The ways of translation the publicistic headlines and difficulties in their translation. Analyzing the pragmatic functions and difficulties in translation.
Issues in Russia portrayed in the Daily Mail prior to, and outside the context of, the Sochi Olympics and the World Cup. Portrayal of queer issues in Russia during the Sochi Olympics and World Cup in comparison to other images of queer in the Daily Mail.
Analysis of the creation process of dynamic compositions using words and visual aids, the artistic journalistic description of the mental state, and the transmission of information on pure television. Research of the practice of television shows.
The peculiarities of the formation of legal knowledge in a magazine "Abetka Prava" for children and teenagers. The editor-in-chief and authors of the materials. The classification of the publication rubrics. The topic of the publication’s materials.
The role of printing companies in the promotion of cultural, educational development of the population. Assess the development of publishing and printing complex. Trends sales products of printing businesses, as well as the factors affecting change.
Stimulating the development of reading and increasing the audience of listeners in Ukraine. Digitization of the publishing business and reduction in the purchase of Ukrainian-language books. Distribution of digital online editions and free audiobooks.\
Description of the impact of mass digitalization, the COVID-19 pandemic on the distribution of audio publishing and on reducing the frequency of purchases of printed books. Identifying the benefits of free audiobooks, interacting with unlicensed content.
Building a model of the incompatibility of the rational attitudes of the interlocutors with the same emotional and volitional state. Evaluating the relevance of contrast from commenting readers. Features of the design of opposing ideas in the blog text.
The educational praxes for journalist students concerning the rights observance of socially vulnerable groups in mass media. The methodology, practical aspects of teaching and educational content used in teaching are within the frame work of the topics.
Describes the features of the selection of headings in the internet media of the "Ukrainskyi tyzhden". It is noted that the specifics of the work of journalists of the Internet publication make it clear that they try not to cover the same type of news.
Discursive practices of introducing unconfirmed information in media discourse. Rumors as a basis for fake news, a source of anonymous information. Methods of synthesis, analysis, tools of linguistic stylistic analysis of news texts of fake news.
Study of the specifics of Russian media speech in the Republic of Moldova on the example of news broadcasts of the RTR Moldova TV-channel. Theoretical material on the specifics of Russian language in the Republic of Moldova was studied and systematized.
The Russian satirical journals of the late 1905 with the use of the theoretical constructions of Habermas and Bakhtin. The use of the image of Death and the motives of Cruelty as universal explanatory categories to explain the political process in Russia.
Two dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict (physical, discursive). Its coverage in 4 Ukrainian online news portals. Interdisciplinary approach to the media coverage of military conflicts. Relationship between the media and security issues.
The analysis of collocations with the lemma SCHOOL in The Guardian and The New York Times issues published in 2020 and 2021. The analysis shows that the broadsheets reveal different aspects connected with school functioning during pandemic time.
The factors of propaganda influence in the information field of Russia's contemporary war in Ukraine. The effective mechanisms for countering these manipulations in order to learn lessons and build an effective policy of containing propaganda challenges.
Analysis of the impact of digitalization on society, culture and civilization. Contamination of the oral and written semantic environment with non-linguistic means of communication. Creation of simulacra and multimodal texts to manipulate the viewer.