The media as an individual's area of activity that focuses on the collection, processing and dissemination of relevant information. Social networks - an interactive internet structure that brings together a group of members with common interests.
An analysis of the formation and development of library funds, about the innovations introduced by the outstanding representative of the library fund sciences Y. Grigoriev in this area. Comments on Grigoriev's followers, and existing problems of theology.
Consideration of the evolution of professional journals in the field of history and philosophy of science and technology, assessment of their importance for communication of specialists. Analysis of the structure of international scientific publications.
Specifics of the phenomenon of fosilization that occurs in the process of mastering a second language by adult speakers. The danger of unnoticed or unconscious phonetic, grammatical, lexical, stylistic, and discursive errors that lead to intermissions.
Peculiarities of building frames of collective memory. The image of Kyivan Rus as one of the most frequently used historical concepts, which is actively mentioned in the context of relations between Ukraine and Russia and the Russian-Ukrainian war.
- 186. Framing Russia in the Estonian, German, and Bulgarian Online Media: Coverage of Two Concrete Events
Showing the limitations in the construction of foreign events in journalistic work - the purpose of detecting and describing media frames. The mass media - one of the tools that plays an important role in the process of social construction of reality.
Functional features of the media space in Kazakhstan under the rapidly changing globalization trends and information confrontation of world powers. Since gaining independence, Kazakhstan is striving to create its own independent information space.
The studies the most used lexical items of the official style in modern Ukrainian periodicals, it is named extra-linguistic factors that caused the entry of these lexical items in the language of the print media, it is defined their stylistic role.
Deliberate discourtesy as a feature of the behavior of media celebrities in public. Peculiarities of establishing a connection between deliberate impoliteness and emotions based on the material of the discourse of media celebrities in Argentina.
Feminist Interpretive Framework. Conceptualizing Gender, Structural, and Symbolic Violence. Patriarchal Gender System. Structural Violence. The Media and Symbolic Violence against Women. Gender Representation in Films. Portrayal of Gender in Films.
Introducing in national legislation such an institution as a public service like the task by Ukraine after signing the Association Agreement with the European Union. The features of the legal personality of judges of the general jurisdiction court.
Beginning of the history of formation of modern tax system of Ukraine with adoption in 1990 of the Law of Ukraine "About the State Tax Service in Ukraine". Analysis of the modern situation of interaction of the State tax service of Ukraine with medias.
Конвергенция средств массовой коммуникации в цифровом обществе. История развития журналистики в Венгрии. Принципы и функции системы венгероязычной печати. Роль издания Hetfoi Hirek в формировании информационного пространства и читательских привычек.
Journalistic style as part of the communicative universe. Analysis of the problem of linguistic emancipation of Slovaks. Ways to strengthen the national identity of Slovakia. The result of a mixture of formal and scientific style, as well as fiction.
Research of M. Hrushevsky's main views on the process of book development in Ukraine. Characteristics of the positive influence of the clergy, monasteries, princes on the formation of book production in Kievan Rus and its distribution in the regions.
Analysis of the question of Liu Xiaobo case that brightly reflecting the position of public intellectuals in China and their role as described by the mass media. Opinion on Liu Xiaobo case by "China Daily" and case by "South China Morning Post".
Сonstructing identities, problem of media representations or consolidation of the stereotypes and clichеs. Presented analysis is focused on Russia’s image emerging from news in Polish press published from 1991 to 2005. Іnvestigating the meaning of texts.
An overview of the existence of the investigated media that arose in the context of the hybrid war that Russia is taking against the West, when the element of propaganda plays a significant role in order to divert public opinion in European countries.
The role of periodicals in forming image of the country in the eyes of foreigners. The peculiarities of creation an image of Ukraine on the pages of English-language periodicals. Рolitical and economic problems in Ukraine represents on their pages.
The author analyzes the works that deal with information wars and Russian propaganda, analyzes informational threats to the information space of Ukraine, studies the trends of modern Ukrainian television. Definition of means for informational hygiene.
The tools of interaction between the Russian side of the conflict and the civilian population of South Ossetia during the Russo-Georgian War in August of 2008; the features of Russia’s informational impact on the civilians before and during hostilities
The ways of submitting content on the account of the Office of the President and on the personal profile of V. Zelensky on Instagram, the motivation of the posts. Messages, which are distributed in order to form a positive image of the authorities.
The article analyzes the subject of interethnic relations in the interpretation of the Russian citizen of Polish origin Marian Edmundovich Zdziechowski - linguist, theorist of Russian literature, religious thinker, philosopher, and public figure.
The problem of the effectiveness of foreign broadcasting in the system of foreign policy media communications of states. The role of foreign language in the implementation of foreign policy strategies, in creating a positive image of the country.
The properties of intertextuality of the Internet meme as a special genre of Internet communication, which has a concise form, concentrated content. Functions of precedent phenomena in Internet memes: means of creating comedy, aesthetic effect, mystery.
Analysis potential of intertextuality in news headlines about the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Ukrainian religious media space. Features of stimulating the necessary emotional reaction in the addressee of religious media regarding Russian aggression.
Identification of fundamental, significant differences in the methodology of preparing and submitting interviews in press and Internet journalism. Aesthetic and ethical education as the purpose of the interview, its revival in Internet journalism.
Дослідження ролі Міжнародної системи стандартної нумерації книг (ISBN) у забезпеченні функціонування системи книгорозповсюдження. Аналіз проблем, що виникають через відсутність в Україні сучасної системи книгорозповсюдження, пропозиції щодо їх вирішення.
Editorial policy of the Korean media in the mid-20th century. Analysis of the Korean media during the period of the American military administration 1945-1948. The most significant personalities in the field of journalism of the designated period.
- 210. LATEX2є в примерах
Особенности профессиональной, русской полиграфии. Набор формул: символы и шрифты, индексы, надстрочные и построчные знаки, радикалы и дроби. Тонкости с пробелами и промежутками. Набор текста: выделение, выравнивание, управление переносами слов и пр.