Английский язык

Практический курс современного английского языка. Устные разговорные темы по английскому языку для развития навыков разговорной речи у студентов неязыковых специальностей. Общеобразовательные и специализированные тексты для развития разговорной речи.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 03.06.2013
Размер файла 274,9 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

city and rural planning, preparation and realization of projects of building and an accomplishment;

an estimation of landed property, buildings, structures and constructions, industrial objects and equipment;

management of real estate;

repair, restoration and preservation of buildings;

consultations on capital investments in real estate.

I think, this profession is up-to-date now and I am sure that my knowledge received at the University will help me to succeed in my future work.

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Экспертиза, управление недвижимостью, получить право, иметь право, осуществление образовательной деятельности, выпускник, таким образом, появиться, условие, закладывать (недвижимость), оценка (недвижимости), эффективный, направление, владение земельным участком, топографические сведения, благоустройство.

Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Building group, Ministry of education, a right of conducting, development of market relations, effective functioning of real estate's market, properties consumers, steady development, city and rural planning, estimation of landed property, preservation of buildings, to succeed in.

Восстановите по памяти (на русском языке) в каком контексте упоминаются следующие английские словосочетания:

- to receive the license for the right of conducting educational activity;

- a basic branch of industry;

- to develop the hypothecare crediting without a presence system of expertising;

- the basic directions of professional work;

- to be up-to-date

Ответьте на вопросы.

Where do you study?

What is your future profession?

Why have you chosen this field of studying as your future profession?

What makes a good expert in expertise and management of real estate?

What is your qualification?

What subjects are you taught to be a high qualified specialist at the University?

When does specialization begin?

What does the profession of an expert in expertise and management of real estate deal with?

Do you like your future profession?

Where can the graduates of your faculty work?

Разделите текст на логические части и озаглавьте их.

Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:





Прочитайте и переведите текст co словарем.

The California Department of Real Estate is headed by the Real Estate Commissioner, who is appointed by the governor. The Commissioner is responsible for determining administrative policies, enforcing the California real estate law, and regulating certain real estate syndicates, real property securities transactions, subdivisions, and licensing procedures. The Commissioner has issued a regulation, called the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which is binding upon all licensees. The Code of Ethics does not permit “pocket listings”.

The enforcement of real estate law in California is very much divided. The Real Estate Commissioner has the sole authority to issue, restrict, suspend, and revoke all licenses. While the Commissioner can also fine a licensee, The Commissioner cannot award monetary damages to an injured party. Only the courts can do this. The Commissioner cannot prosecute a licensee for any violation of the law. The district attorney would prosecute the violator. Notice that the court system can award monetary damages and put someone in jail, but only the Commissioner can take action against a person's license.

The Real Estate Commissioner also heads the Real Estate Advisory Commission, which is a group of ten advisors, appointed by the Commissioner to assist him or her. Six of the members must be licensed brokers, and the group must be geographically representative, with no more than three members from any one county.

Расскажите о вашей специальности.


1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:



бухгалтерский учет



относиться, принадлежать



в, в пределах



проверка, аудит





начало, происхождение




to administrate


управлять, контролировать




to invest


помещать, вкладывать

rely on


доверять, полагаться на



распоряжение, разрешение









обман, ложь



значительно, важно





['fLltlqs ]













документ, запись, протокол

to record


записывать, регистрировать




income statement

отчет о доходах

balance sheet

балансовый отчет




2. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.

My future speciality is Accounting and Audit

We study at the Bratsk State University. As for me, I belong to the Economic Faculty. I am a second-year student.

At the University we are given fundamental knowledge of economics. We are prepared for various types of work within economics, accounting and audit.

After graduating from the university we'll be able to work as auditors, book-keepers, financial managers, administrators, financial consultants.

The origin of the term audit goes back to the dividing of interests between those who administrate an enterprise and those who invest its work.

The latter couldn't rely on financial information, placed at their disposal by book-keepers of the enterprise.

Frequent bankruptcies, and administrative deceptions rose considerably and increased the risk of financial investments. Stockholders wanted to be sure of not being deceived and that book-keeping reflect the real position of the enterprise. For control of the correctness of financial information special people-auditors could be trusted. The main demand placed on an auditor was his faultless honesty and independence.

Knowledge of accounting was not the most important. But as it became more complicated good professional preparation became necessary. Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm and its activity in business. Accounting records give very important data. Most businesses regularly prepare the two types of records. These are the income statement and balance sheet. These statements show how money was received and spent by the company.

Accounting and audit is a difficult speciality. In every developed country one must study for a long time, have practical experience and pass many exams to become a good auditor and accountant.

3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does accounting and audit mean?

2. What does audit deal with?

3. What is the origin of the term audit?

4. Why is it so important to be honest?

5. What are the two types of important records?

6. Is it easy to become an auditor?

4. Выберите подходящие слова и вставьте их вместо точек.

1. I … to the Economic Faculty.

2. We'll be able to work as auditors, book-keepers, administrators and … .

3. The origin of the term audit goes back to the … of interests.

4. Investors couldn't … financial information reported by book-keepers.

5. Frequent … increased the risk of investments.

6. … wanted to be sure of being deceived.

7. … were persons who could be trusted.

8. That is the income statement and … .

9. These statements show how money was received and … by the company.

1. dividing

2. bankruptcy

3. balance sheet

4. spent

5. experts

6. stockholders

7. belong

8. rely on

9. auditors

5. Научитесь правильно читать следующие синтагмы:

1. Belong to the Economic Faculty.

2. We are given fundamental knowledge.

3. Various types of work.

4. We'll be able to work as auditors.

5. Dividing of interests.

6. The latter couldn't rely on information.

7. Frequent bankruptcies.

8. Considerably increased the risk.

9. Stockholders wanted to be sure.

10. Book-keeping reflected the real position.

11. Who could be trusted.

12. Faultless honesty and independence.

13. Is difficult.

14. Practical experience.

15. Income statement.

16. Balance sheet.

6. Найдите в тексте:

а) английские эквиваленты данных выражений:

1. экономический факультет

2. различные виды работ

3. бухгалтер

4. управлять предприятием

5. вкладывать деньги

6. представлять

7. обман со стороны администрации

8. акционеры

9. знание бухгалтерского учета

10. по мере усложнения

б) русские эквиваленты данных выражений:

1. fundamental knowledge

2. financial consultant

3. invest

4. the latter

5. financial investments

6. correctness

7. the main demand

8. firstly

9. its complication

10. practical experience

7. Прослушайте неполные предложения. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова или словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.

1. I belong … .

2. We are prepared for … of work.

3. We'll be able to work as … .

4. The latter couldn't … financial information.

5. … increased the risk of the financial investments.

6. … wanted to be sure of not being deceived.

7. Special people - … - were invited.

8. Accounting is … difficult speciality.

9. Accounting shows … of the firm.

10. Most businesses regularly prepare the two types … .

8. Перескажите текст по вопросам, восстанавливая порядок пересказа.


1. На каком факультете вы учитесь?

2. Где вы сможете работать?

3. Когда появилось понятие аудит?

4. Почему акционеры не могли положиться на инфор-мацию, данную бухгалтерами предприятия?

5. Кто такие аудиторы?

6. Когда знание бухгалтерского учета стало необхо-димым?

7. Что показывает бухгалтерского учет о предприятии?

8. Какие отчеты выполняют бухгалтера?

9. Какие основные требования предъявляются аудитору?

10. Много ли нужно учиться, чтобы стать аудитором?


1. The origin of the term audit goes back to the dividing of interests between groups of people.

2. Auditors are special people who could be trusted.

3. The good professional.

4. Faultless honesty.

5. Shows a financial picture of the firm.

6. One must study for a long time, have practical experience.

7. That is the income statement and balance sheet.

8. I belong to the economic faculty.

9. Because frequent bankruptcies increased the risk of financial investments.

10. We'll be able to work as auditors, book-keepers, financial managers, administrators and experts.

9. Расскажите о вашей специальности.


1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:


















продуктивный, производительный



продуктивность, производительность












кандидат, претендент






работа, служба

Sales Manager

['seIlz 'mxnIGq]

менеджер отдела продаж

Export Manager

['ekspLt 'mxnIGq]

управляющий экспортным отделом

Production Manager

[prq'dAkSn 'mxnIGq]

управляющий производством

General Manager

['Genrql 'mxnIGq]

главный управляющий

Staff Manager

['stAf' mxnIGq]

начальник отдела кадров

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

We study at the Bratsk State University. As for me I am a second-year student and belong to the Engineering and Economics Faculty. My future speciality is State and Municipal Management.

At the University we are given a broad fundamental knowledge of different subjects such as the theory and history of management, economic theory, document keeping, personal management and others. We are taught to manage both technical and human resources. I should say that there is a wide choice for us here; we may become Sales or Export Managers, Production or General Managers, but I'd like to work as a Staff Manager. This person must understand how to manage one of the business's most important resources, people.

The main objective of the Staff Manager's function is to recruit and maintain an efficient work force. The finding and keeping of good employees is not easy. The employee should be best qualified to fill the job requirements. The education, experience and personality of each candidate must be carefully considered. Before selecting an employee, the following points need to be considered:

· a description of the job;

· a source of applicants;

· a basis for selecting the best candidate;

· a training program for the individual after hiring.

Position description has two parts. The first is a job description, which includes the main tasks and responsibilities of the position. The second part is called the job specification. This part defines the education, work experience, skills, and abilities the individual must have in order to perform the job effectively.

Sources of employees. It is better to seek out applicants for employment rather than to wait for them to come. A number of sources of possible workers are: high schools, technical and business schools, private and public employment agencies, “Help Wanted» advertisements, etc.

The application form. Application forms should fit the needs of the company and conform to the law. Their purpose is to furnish the Staff Manager with enough information about applicants so that a judgment as to their qualifications for a job can be made. Besides, many forms of tests are used to determine the applicant's aptitudes, attitudes, skills and suitability for employment. Before deciding to hire an individual, the references, which have been provided, should be checked. References are persons who have known the applicant for some time and their information may be helpful.

Employee training includes any activity that provides information or the development of skills that improves the employee's performance.

In conclusion I'd like to say that the Staff Manager must be able to provide the effective management of people, ensuring good relationship between them and fostering opportunities for individual development. I like my future speciality and I'll do my best to master it.

3. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных слов. Найдите данные слова в тексте и уточните их значения по контексту.

Position, technical, faculty, speciality, manager, management, university, fundamental, theory, economical, history, document, personal, production, candidate, company, qualification, information, effective.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на содержание прочитанного вами текста:

1. Where do you study?

2. What faculty do you belong to?

3. What is your future speciality?

4. What do you study at the University?

5. What is the main objective of the Staff Manager?

6. What factors about each candidate must be carefully considered?

7. Before selecting an employee, some points need to be considered. What are they?

8. What does the “position description” include?

9. What sources of employees do you know?

10. Which one of these three - the employment interview, testing the applicant and references - is more effecfive? What would you prefer if you were the Staff Manager?

11. What does employee training include?

12. What is the Staff Manager able to provide?

13. Do you like your future speciality?

5. Прочитайте текст и найдите эквиваленты

а) следующих слов и словосочетаний:

второкурсник, государственное и муниципальное управление, теория и история управления, экономическая теория, документоведение, персональный менеджмент, технические и человеческие ресурсы, широкий выбор, основная цель, требования к работе, опыт работы, навыки и способности, агентства по найму, объявления, соответствовать закону, отвечать требованиям компании, поручитель, эффективное управление людьми.

б) следующих предложений:

В университете мы получаем знания по следующим предметам: теория и история управления, экономическая теория, документоведение, персональный менеджмент, а также по другим предметам.

Нас учат управлять как техническими, так и человеческими ресурсами.

Основная задача заведующего отделом кадров - найти продуктивную рабочую силу, а также следить за ее работой.

При выборе работника необходимо учитывать следующие пункты: описание должности, источник претендентов, резюме претендента и обучение будущего работника.

6. Разделите текст на логические части и озаглавьте их.

7. Прочитайте текст еще раз и перескажите его по-английски.

8. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова.

Employment, applicant, objectives, qualification, skills, purpose, requirement, experience, performed, training.

a. The ceremony was …… at the same time in 19 other countries.

b. One of the ……. you need in advertising is a fertile mind.

c. He had retired from regular …… .

d. Maths is no longer a prime …… for a career in accounting.

e. There was a long waiting list of ……. for jobs.

f. He attended evening …… courses on advertising making.

g. She's had nine months' …….. .

h. They acted with great …… and conviction.

i. Complete secrecy was essential to our …….. .

j. If this policy is reversed we shall never achieve our ….. .

9. Дополните текст следующими словами:

Staff, supervise, increase, replace, hire, produce, recruit, employ, work, replace, operate.

The personnel department found itself scrambling to meet the …… demands of the plant ……. . One consequence of this scramble for new hires was that selection standards were loosened. An ……… number of young, single and highly mobile workers was hired, many of whom quit after only a few months in the plant. The result: personnel had to find …… for people just ……. as replacements.

Any organization having stable ……. levels plans a stable workforce level - that is, employee …… results in a flow of new hires that matches the flow of …… expected to terminate.

Unfortunately the lead-time needed for recruitment of certain trade skills was at least two weeks for local hires and so long as 3 months for ….. relocating from distant areas. But personnel was expected to find and hire …… in less than two weeks. This became a major factor in the worsening relations between the …… department and personnel.

10. Прочитайте и переведите текст «A Pattern of Management Action». Расскажите о семи этапах работы управляющего.

A Pattern of Management Action

“One surprising difficulty” we encounter is convincing managers who are leaders that they learned this ability. It is also a problem of convincing those who have some natural abilities that these can be “leveraged” by learning an orderly process for managing.

Managers must determine what they want people to do. They must learn how to develop clear, precise mental images of exactly what action they would like to have taken. And they must learn how to duplicate these images in the minds of others. In management terminology, this is called planning.

Planning is the first element of a concept called “A Pattern of Management Action”.

This pattern of action is similar to the routine that a doctor follows, when diagnosing an illness, or to the procedure that an engineer follows, when designing a process. A manager also should have a pattern he can follow in approaching the job.

The pattern itself is the result of asking experienced, successful managers - over a period of a quarter of a century - what they considered to be the most valuable advice they could give successors. Significantly, there's growing appreciation on the part of those who have adopted a management pattern that it is a way to diagnose any problem at any time.

Seven steps are involved in the Management Action Pattern.

Step 1. Plans. It is said that planning is the first function of a manager. Before other managerial functions can be undertaken, an organization's objectives - and the means for achieving these - must first be determined. Planning, therefore, begins with the objectives, which are the goals an organization must achieve if it is to exist.

Step 2. Organization Clarification. It closely follows Step 1. The manager must make sure that other people clearly understand their functions, the authority that goes with those functions, and their relationships with others. Plans are, of course, worthless in a vacuum. This is why good communication is so important. Ideally, every employee should know the plans of his or her company and understand the particular contribution he or she is supposed to make toward their attainment.

Step 3. Standards of Performance. This step requires that performance standards to be established and communicated (through the written or spoken word - preferably both), so that every employee clearly understands what constitutes a job well done. Otherwise, Steps 1 and 2 could be performed ineffectively.

Ideally, every person would know - even at the end of each day - whether his performance was more or less than what was expected. This way, even though his supervisor might not become immediately aware of his superior performance, the employee would at least have the satisfaction of knowing that his work exceeded standards.

Step 4. Progress review. This step reinforces Step 3. At this point, the manager analyzes the performance of his organization in light of objectives. Having a pattern of management action ensures that such a review will take place of regular intervals rather than at times of failure. This is important because a discussion between the manager and a subordinate in the midst of a crisis is too likely to be the subject to the emotions of the moment.

Step 5. Action to be taken. It is usually regarded as the last of the elements of managerial control, which many consider the essence of management. Having set the functions of jobs, having established the results to be secured when jobs are well done, and having evaluated how well employees are doing in comparison to standards, the manager now has the information he needs to take action to improve performance. Step 2 through Step 5 are related to Step 1 because the purpose of managerial control is to ensure that organizational events unfold according to plans.

Step 6. Sources of Action. This step is related to delegation. Having determined what action is required as a result of the foregoing analysis, the manager next decides the best source from which to secure it. Generally, there are at least four sources of action: the supervisor involved, an outside source that can be brought in, and lastly an outside source (a consultant, for example) that must be gone to (such as a training program or a company that sells supplies that may be needed).

Step 7. Schedule for Action. It underscores the importance of planning. Time is not always easily come by: it must be made available.

When the manager realizes that circumstances call for the assistance of other employees, for example, he must arrange such help in advance so as to lessen the disruption of schedules.

11. Расскажите о вашей специальности.


1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:



руководство кадрами






вербовка, набор, наем

to encourage



to encounter


встретить(ся), столкнуться (с чем-л.)

salary scale

[s'xlqrI skeIl]

шкала заработной платы, тарифная сетка

to put in (to) practice

['put Intq 'prxktIs]


fringe benefits



дополнительные льготы (пенсия, оплаченные отпуска)





to develop









direct compensation (of )



прямые выплаты служащим






работающим по


employee (personnel) policy

["ImplOI'J 'pOlIsI]

кадровая политика





способ эксплуатации





схема организационной структуры





отдел кадров

to implement


выполнять, осуществлять; обеспе-чивать выполнение



стратегия, политика,

линия поведения

policy definition



выработка стратегии



определение на должность

labor relations

['leIbq rI'leISn]

трудовые отношения

to afford


позволить себе



оценка, определение



проверка, рассмотрение, отбор

employee trust



ответственность сотрудников



директива, указание

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

I'm a second-year student of the Bratsk State University. My future specialty is personnel management.

Personnel management deals with the effective use of skills of people. In a business, personnel management starts with the recruiting of qualified people and continues with directing and encouraging their growth as they encounter problems that arise in working toward established goals.

In addition to recruiting, some of the responsibilities of a personnel manager are:

1. to classify jobs and prepare wage and salary scales;

2. to counsel employees;

3. to deal with disciplinary problems;

4. to develop safety standards and to put them into practice;

5. to manage fringe benefit programs, such as group insurance, health, and retirement plans;

6. to plan and supervise training programs;

7. to be informed of developments in personnel management;

Personnel managers often deal with the following difficult situations concerning the employees:

§ the firm's employees - especially the most qualified ones - can get better jobs with other employers;

§ when a firm has not enough supervisory and specialized personnel with adequate experience and job capabilities, it has to train and develop its own people. This can be time consuming and expensive;

§ the cost of recruiting and training employees at all levels is increasing, for instance, several thousand dollars for a person. A mistake in recruiting or in slow and inefficient methods of training can be costly;

§ most employees want better direct compensation, employee benefits, and working conditions that the firm cannot afford, but other employers can. So, all employee policies and operating procedures should be developed with great care.

The personnel department has the responsibility to define and implement policies, procedures and programs for recruitment, selection, training, placement, safety, employee benefits, compensation, labor relations, organization planning, and employee development.

So effective human resource management develops the abilities of job candidates and employees to meet the needs of the firm.

3. Определите верны или неверны данные утверждения:

1. Personnel Management is related to positive attitude towards the skills of people.

2. Personnel manager encounters problems that arise in working towards established goals.

3. Personnel manager should be well-informed of developments in personnel management.

4. The task of personnel manager is to recruit and to train highly-qualified people to be well-suited to the firm's needs.

5. Creating a good human resource management climate is important for receiving fringe benefits.

4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What does personnel management deal with?

2. What are the responsibilities of a personnel manager? Name them.

3. What difficult situations concerning the employee can personnel managers encounter with?

4. What are the responsibilities of personnel department?

5. What can happen if the most qualified firm's employees don't have adequate salary?

5. Пользуясь текстом, завершите каждое высказывание.

1. Personnel management deals with …

2. In a business, personnel manager should start with …

3. When a firm hasn't got efficient and experienced personnel it has to …

4. Personnel manager is not allowed to make any mistakes recruiting or training employees at all levels because …

5. Raising employee trust and productivity is …

6. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

personnel management, personnel manager, the skills of people, to start with, growth, to deal with, performance, insurance, more advanced job, to supervise, working conditions, the abilities of job candidates and employees, employee trust, productivity

7. Найдите в тексте синонимы следующим словам:

to be connected; mastery; enrolment; to organize; to advise; profit; attempt; means; income; to increase.

8. Соотнесите понятие и определение к нему.

1. clerk

2. growth

3. responsibility

4. employee

5. retirement

6. strength

7. to supervise

8. cost

9. job

10. to afford

A. the act of leaving or the state of being left

B. bodily, mental or moral power; the quality of being strong

C. the act or process or a manner of development

D. the price that has been or must be paid for something

E. something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation

F. any person recruited by an employer to do a specific "job"

G. to be able to spare or give up; to have the financial means to do something or buy somthing

H. to watch over; to manage; to direct; "Who is overseeing this project?"

I. the work which you do regularly in order to earn money

J. one who works in an office, writing letters, keeping accounts

9. Прочитайте и переведите статью.

When Is An HR Department Necessary?

Ethan A. Winning

How many employees should a company have before there is a need for an HR Department? As companies grow, there is a need to administer the HR function, but that doesn't necessitate an HR Department. In fact, the experience has shown that until the company has at least 50 employees, that "department" - really a function - can consist of or be handled by one person often much to the dismay of that one person.

From recruiting to orienting new employees, from writing job descriptions to tracking attendance, and from instituting and monitoring policies to monitoring benefits, there has been a need for an HR generalist to assist senior management in both establishing a structure to holding down costs of administration.

Let's say that you have been hired or requested to establish an HR function. What do you need to do?

The first step is to determine what the expectations are of the manager who realized the necessity of the function. In very small companies, this is often the owner or most senior manager who just returned from a seminar or workshop where an attorney - or a whole herd of attorneys - has scared the hell out of him or her by pointing out the complexities of complying with federal and state labor codes. Using some of the responsibilities listed below, develop a job description with that manager which at least outlines what the job entails.

After that, determine the compliance issues which pertain to your company. The most basic of these have to do with wages and hours of work, classification of employees, leaves of absence including maternity and family leaves which differ from state to state, harassment, and a host of others.

Then, determine whether or not you need to have an employee handbook or other formal policies and procedures manual to cover everything from establishing the company as an at-will employer to benefits. If a handbook already exists, be certain that it is in compliance with federal and state regulations and that the policies and the way they are written are in the best interests of the company.

Are all the basic policies included? These can be thought of as grouped into conditions of employment, benefits, and disciplinary processes. Is there a balance between stated corporate and employee rights and obligations?

Take a look at existing employee files or, if no files exist, gathering all the papers into coherent personnel files. Minimally, you should have an Application for Employment form or resume, any insurance forms that the employee may have signed, and performance appraisals.

Benefits administration is and should be separate from payroll. Further, you will have the responsibility of being the source for answering questions about all forms and types of insurance, the differences in options, and the cost to employees. One of the ways that HR can contribute to the company is by keeping the costs of benefits down, and this means auditing the policies periodically to be certain that there haven't been increases in premiums either directly or indirectly through a decrease in benefits.

One person should be responsible for new employee orientation. In order to inform new employees of their benefits and the policies of the company, you will have to be the expert in benefits and policies of the company.

What you will have to do is to become proficient in writing or formalizing job descriptions. HR has an information function that you should think through. Changes in policies, changes in benefits, even changes in laws must be communicated to all employees. Therefore, HR becomes a kind of pass-through in the information cycle.

10. Составьте тезисы статьи на русском языке, затем переведите их на английский.

11. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. В обязанности менеджера по персоналу входит наем сотрудников. 2. Менеджеры по персоналу сталкиваются с дисциплинарными проблемами. 3. Создание удовлетво-рительных условий работы является важной составляющей кадровой политики предприятия. 4. Если сотрудник претендует на высокооплачиваемую должность, он не может позволить себе быть непрофессионалом. 5. Служащие должны постоянно повышать свою квалификацию.

12. Расскажите о вашей специальности.


1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:



реклама, рекламное дело

belong to

[be'lON tq]

учиться на, принадлежать



торговля, искусство торговать






закупка, приобретение




обработка данных

control of selling goods

[kqn'troul qv 'selIN 'gudz]

управление разработкой и реализацией товаров

psychology and sociology in advertising


xnd "squSi'OleGi

In xdvq'taIzIN]

психология и социология в рекламе

to be ashamed









remove stains


выводить пятна



возбуждение, волнение






выражать, передавать




great value


большая ценность

street wise

['strI:t waiz]

практичный; знающий проблемы города

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

My Future Speciality is Advertising

We study at the Bratsk State University. As for me, I belong to the Economic Faculty. I am a second-year student.

At the University we are given fundamental knowledge of economics and advertising. We study various disciplines within advertising such as public relations, management, marketing, research, planning, purchasing, data-processing, control of development and selling goods, psychology and sociology of advertising and design. After graduating from the University we shall get the diploma in Higher Education in advertising. It will give us the right to work as specialists of advertising in different firms, services, staff and advisory departments as well as at advertising offices.

For making business successfully it is necessary to offer the product with qualities expected by customers. But sometimes advertising uses language and pictures to make people believe that we should be ashamed of ourselves for not buying a certain product for our families or ourselves. They play on our feelings, emotions and especially our wish to:

be up-to-date and knowledgeable;

Advertisers expect us to believe what “the experts” say about their products. We find expressions like “a revolution in skin care” or “scientifically developed”.

be as good as others;

They challenge us to “keep up-to-date”, “keep up with the neighbours”, or even “keep one jump ahead”. The message is to buy the product if we don't want to be left behind.

be attractive;

Pictures of attractive people are used to draw attention to a product and the suggestion is that we will be desirable and socially successful if we use that product.

do things well;

The idea is that you must buy the product if you want to do your job properly.

Many soap powders are sold through the idea that they “wash whiter than white”, “remove stains”, etc.

5. be responsible or act responsibly;

Adverts for health foods, environmentally friendly products, and even charities, appeal to the caring side of human nature. They aim to make us feel guilty if we ignore the appeal.

6. have excitement in our lives;

Pictures of exciting or romantic events are used to suggest that exciting things happen when we use a particular product.

7. be one of the group or an individual;

Some people like knowing that lots of people have chosen the same product, so expressions like “millions of satisfied users” are used to reassure them. Sometimes advertisers try to convey the idea that only “special” people use their product. They will use expressions like “a unique experience”.

8. be shrewd and streetwise;

We sometimes feel guilty about spending money. Advertisers reassure us and suggest that we are making a good decision by offering us “great value”, “mammoth savings” and “bargains of the century”, etc.

3. Научитесь правильно произносить следующие английские слова и словосочетания:

Economic faculty

[Jkq'nOmik 'fxkltI]

fundamental knowledge

[fAndq'mentl 'nOliG]

various disciplines

['vFqrIqs 'disqplinz]







qualities expected by customers

['kwOlitiz Iks'pektId baI 'kAstqmqz]

to make people believe

[meIk'pI:pl bi'lJv]





environmentally friendly products

[In"vaIrqn'mqntlI 'frendlI 'prOdAkts]

4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

Where do you study?

What faculty do you belong to?

Are you given fundamental knowledge?

What disciplines do you study?

Where can you work after graduating from the University?

What product is it necessary to offer to customers?

For what purpose does advertising sometimes use language and pictures?

What feelings and emotions do they play on?

5. Прочитайте текст, найдите английские эквиваленты русских выражений.

управление разработкой и реализацией товаров;

предложить товар;

стыдиться, что не купили товар;

быть современным;

быть на шаг впереди всех;

мы не хотим оставаться позади всех;

мы будем иметь успех;

выполнять работу должным образом;

отстирывать белее белого;

полезная для здоровья пища;

чувствовать себя виноватым;

волнующие события;

пользоваться определенным товаром;

миллионы удовлетворенных пользователей;

выражать идею;

тратить деньги.

6. Назовите русские эквиваленты английских выражений.

to spend money;

to use a particular product;

exciting events;

to do the job properly;

control of elaboration and selling goods;

to be up-to-date;

we don't want to be left behind;

to offer the product;

to be ashamed for not buying the product;

to feel guilty;

to be socially successful;

health food;

millions of satisfied users;

keep one jump ahead;

wash whiter than white.

7. “Memory test” Восстановите по памяти на русском языке, в каком контексте упоминались следующие английские словосочетания:

public relations; psychology and sociology of advertising; staff and advisory department; advertisement offices; revolution in skin care; be as good as others; attractive people; to do your job properly; remove stains; to act responsibly; caring side of human nature; exciting or romantic events; a unique experience; ”great value”; “bargains of the century”.

8. Прослушайте неполные предложения. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова и словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.

We study at …

We study various disciplines within advertising such as …

…but sometimes advertising uses … to make people believe, that we should be ashamed of ourselves for …

They play on …

We find expressions like …

The message is to buy the product if …

Many soap powders are sold through the idea …

They aim to make us feel guilty if …

The exciting things happen when …

Be shrewd and …

9. Разделите текст на логические части, составьте план пересказа.

10. Перескажите текст по вопросам, восстановив правильный порядок следования информации.

На каком факультете вы учитесь?

It will give us the right to work as specialists of advertising in different firms, services, staff and advisory departments.

Какие дисциплины вы изучаете?

It conveys the idea that we must buy the product if we want to do our job properly.

Где вы сможете работать, получив диплом?

Adverts for health foods play on our wish to be responsible; they appeal to the caring side of human nature.

Как реклама играет на нашем желании быть хорошо осведомленными?

I belong to the Economic Faculty.

Как реклама обыгрывает наше желание все делать хорошо?

Advertisers expect us to believe what “the experts” say about their products.

Как рекламисты исполь-зуют в своих целях наше чувство ответственности?

We study various disciplines within advertising such as public relations, management, marketing, research, planning, purchasing and data- processing.

11. Перескажите текст «Advertising».


Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

belong to

[bi'lON tq]

принадлежать к, учиться на



торговля, искусство торговли



учет, бухгалтерский учет



закупка, приобретение



обработка данных

advisory department



консультационный отдел






биржевое маклерство


















складирование, хранение




product planning

['prOdqkt plxniN]

разработка новых продуктов



поощрять, продвигать, стимулировать

Прочитайте текст и переведите его.

My Future Speciality

We study at the Bratsk State University. As for me, I belong to the Economic Faculty. I am a second-year student.

At the University we are given fundamental knowledge of economics and engineering. We are prepared for various types of work within economy and marketing such as planning, accounting, marketing, management, purchasing, data-processing, insurance and stockbrokering.

After graduating from the University we shall get the diploma in Higher Education in marketing. It will give us the right to work as market specialists in different services, firms, banks and advisory departments.

Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence the customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the consumer's dollars. This trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centers has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandise and plenty of parking-facilities.

Ответьте на вопросы.

What does marketing mean?

What activities does marketing deal with?

What do marketing operations include?

Why is it so important for the producer to predict the trends?

How was mass consumption possible in the USA?

Выберите подходящие слова и вставьте их вместо точек.

1. One of the aims of marker research is to indicate new … among people.

1. predict

2. Advertising must … the consumer and make him buy the goods produced.

2. influence

3. Often marketing is called…

3. promote

4.In order to sell a new product...

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