Английский язык для юристов

Упражнения для развития фонетических навыков, устной коммуникации. Фонетический и лексико-грамматический материал. Практика устной речи. Количественные и порядковые числительные. Множественное число существительных. Порядок слов английского предложения.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык русский
Дата добавления 31.01.2015
Размер файла 837,4 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

3. What did Masters think?

4. What did Coke want Masters to tell?

5. How much time did Coke give Masters to think?

6. Did Masters agree to tell what Coke wanted him to?

Compose the plan for this part of the story.

14.6 Scanning practice

Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.

1. Who was Mr Aristos Constantinou?

2. When and where the murder was committed?

3. What are the police looking for?

4. How many intruders were there according to the police?

Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.

Burglary theory after wealthy businessman is shot dead

A big police investigation was under way in north London after a wealthy businessman died when intruders broke into his luxury home.

Mr. Aristos Constantinou, aged 40, was shot a number of times after he and his wife Elena arrived home at their detached house in the Bishop's Avenue, Hampstead, after a New Year party.

Detectives were waiting to interview Mrs. Constantinou, who is in the twenties, to discover what happened in the house at about 1.30 in the morning. The house was empty apart from Mr. and Mrs. Constantinou, whose three children were staying with friends for the night.

Police believe the intruders were burglars and discount any connection between the shooting and Mr. Constantinou's Cypriot origin. A police spokesman said that although a full inventory was not complete some cash is thought to be missing.

The police need to discover whether the couple came home and chanced upon the intruders, whether the intruders broke in after the Constantinous had arrived home and whether there was an attempt to force the couple to reveal the whereabouts of jewellery and cash.

The dead man was an extremely wealthy dress manufacturer with offices in London's West End. His home is in one of the most expensive roads in London.

Running up to the Kenwood estate in Hampstead, the road is known locally as «Millionaire's Row». Many of the houses are large, detached buildings with elaborate security precautions. Many foreign families live in the area.

The investigation is being headed by Det Sup Robert Green, who has set up a squad of detectives at Finchley police station. The police are looking for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious in the area of Hampstead Heath between midnight and 1.45 a.m.

It is likely that the intruders had a car nearby, but police have not disclosed any sightings.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said the victim was shot «several times» but he refused to say what type of gun was used. «There were signs of forced entry to the house and first indications suggest there were two intruders» he said.

(255 words)

Answer the questions in 14.6.1.

14.7 Listening practice

Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. Why didn't one of them like living in London?

2. Why do people sleep in parks?

3. Why does the other man prefer big cities?

4. Why do young people go to London?

Listen to the dialogue.

Answer the questions in 14.7.1.

Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

accident -- случайный

fault -- вина

pain -- боль

fragile -- хрупкий

compassion -- сочувствие

sensible.--. разумный

consent -- согласие

disturb -- беспокоить

Listen to the dialogue. Be ready to give the contents of it.

Tell the contents of the dialogue as close to the text as possible.

14.8 Time for fun

Read and translate the following jokes:

1. Old lady: And what is your name, my good man?

Convict: 999.

Old lady: Oh, but that's not your real name.

Convict: No, that's only my pen name.

pen-name -- псевдоним (литерат.)

pen (slang) -- тюрьма

2. Some women take up the law and become lawyers. Others lay down the law and become wives.

take up the law -- заняться изучением права.

lay down the law -- устанавливать закон

3. He: «All women are divided into three classes: the looked at, the looked over and the overlooked».

She: «Really? And so are men: the intelligent, the handsome and the majority».

Do you know that...

The English language is said to contain 490,000 words and 300,000 scientific terms. About 80,000 words are theoretically in use and this includes archaic legal jargon. It is said that William Shakespear used about 29,000 words in his works; an average English-speaking person uses several thousand; a poorly educated person can do with as little as 1,000 words in his everyday life.

Try to read and translate the poem. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the underlined words.

Our queer language

I think you already know

Of though and bough and cough and dough

Others may stumble, but not you

On hiccough, thorough, tough and through.

Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,

To learn of less familiar traps?

Beware of heard, a dreadful word

That looks like beard and sounds like bird.

And dead; it's said like bed, not bead--

For goodness' sake don't call it deed!

Watch out for meat and great and threat--

They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.

A moth is not a moth in mother,

Nor both in bother or in brother.

And here is not a match for there.

Nor dear and fear for bear and pear.

And there's dose and rose and lose--

Just look them up--and goose and choose,

And cork and front and card and sword.

And font and front and word and sword.

And do and go and thwart and cart--

Come, come, I've hardly made a start!

A dreadful language? Man alive,

I'd mastered it when I was five!

UNIT 15. Фонетика: sounds [], [], []

Словообразование: суффикс прилагательных -ive

Грамматика: согласование времен, косвенная речь

Текст: «Steve tells about judicial profession in England»

15.1 Sound right

Listen, look, say:

joy large agent charged

joke bridge major aged

juror badge pages huge Jack

jam edge a jam large jar

job age page nine stage-conscious

junior barge tell Jack Judge Johnson

Listen, look, say:

1. Justice's justice.

2. Meet John Jones junior.

3. June is a prodigy of energy.

4. John arranged your journey to Japan.

5. Don't bear Joan a grudge because she misjudged you.

6. June marriage's lucky.

7. Don't jest with edged tools.

8. James joined geography society.

9. Just imagine Jim learning the German language.

10. Be just before you are generous.

Listen and look. Pay attention to the sound [] as in judge.


A. That judge had a grudge against George.

В. Judges aren't allowed to have grudges.

A. Well, that judge had a grudge.

B. So he sent George to gaol.

A. Poor George!

B. And poor Jill!

A. Jill? His wife's called Jacqueline!

B. Poor Jacqueline!


A. In just a few hours we do the next part of the journey by plane. So jump into bed and get some rest, John.

B. Will it be a jet, uncle Jim?

A. Probably a jet.

B. A jumbo jet?

A. Mm--probably. Well, good night, John.

B. Just think! A jumbo jet. Uncle!

A. Good night, John.

B. Zooooooom!

A. Sleep tight, John.

Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

Read the dialogues in pairs.

Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [] as in measure, [] as in this, [J as in job, [s] as in yes.


A. This is a job for you to do.

B. What time?

A. The usual time.

B. Where?

A. The usual, place.

B. Is it dangerous?

A. I imagine so--these jobs usually are.

B. Yes...

A. Enjoy yourself.

B. Thank you very much.

A. Always a pleasure.

B. Hm!

A. And now, if you don't mind, I have another engagement, so, er ... see you later ... perhaps!


A. You measured me in July, Mr Jennings.

B. Yes, sir. But I'd rather measure you again... Oh, yes -- just a small adjustment here, sir.

A. So my bulge is getting larger. It's ... middle age!

B. It's only a small adjustment, ".ir. A. That's what you said when you measured me in July.

Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

Read the dialogues in pairs.

15.2 Word-building

Make adjectives with the help of suffix -ive:

collect, attract, create, demonstrate, execute, negate.

Translate the following word-combinations:

conservative party, productive work, expensive clothes, defensive measures, progressive policy, administrative building, affirmative answer.

15.3 Full understanding

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:

legal ['ll], document, standard corporation, verdict ['vdkt], proceeding [prou'sd].

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:

New words:

solicitor [s'lst] -- поверенный

to give advice -- давать совет

to pass an exam -- сдать экзамен

junior [djnj] -- младший

councel ['kauns()l] -- советник

plaintiff ['plentf] -- истец

defendant -- ответчик

age -- возраст

juror ['djur] -- присяжный

guilty ['lt] -- виновный

to appoint -- назначать

to examine -- (зд.) изучать

to add -- добавлять

guest -- гость

probably -- вероятно

School vocabulary:

to be glad, necessary.

Прочитайте и переведите:

Steve tells about judicial profession in England

«... Well, you've told us many interesting things about English law and courts, but you didn't tell anything about lawyers» -- Nell said. «Oh, I like your being so inquisitive and I'm glad I can give you all the necessary information», Steve answered. Then he said that there were two classes of lawyers -- Barristers and Solicitors. And when Pete asked him what the difference was between them Steve explained that solicitors were lawyers who took legal business for ordinary people. «You know, that I'm the solicitor myself. So as a rule my business is to give advice to non-professional clients and to prepare all the necessary documents for the barrister. It's the barrister who conducts the case in the higher courts». Nell asked if barrister had some educational standard. «Yes», Steve answered. A barrister must pass the special legal exams and become a member of a legal corporation called «Inn of Court». Pete said that he had learnt about four Inns of Court when he had been in London. «But probably you don't know that barristers are either «juniors» or «King's (Queen's)» Steve said. When a barrister becomes O.C. he «takes silk». It means that he can wear a silk gown. Participating in a trial, a barrister may be counsel for the plaintiff (counsel for the prosecution) or counsel for the defendant (counsel for the defence)». «I've heard so much about English jury. What are their duties?» Nell asked. «All serious crimes are tried in a superior court before a jury. Most men and women between the ages of 21 and 60 can be jurors. According to English law the jury is to return only one of two verdicts -- Guilty or Not Guilty». Then Pete asked whether they elected judges in England. «No, the judges are appointed from the barristers. The judge's functions are to conduct the proceedings, put questions to the parties and witnesses, examine the documents and evidence and to pass the sentence (judgement)».

«Well, and now I think it's my turn to ask questions», Steve added. But Pete and Nell said that they would gladly answer all the questions of their guests, but next day, because it was too late.

В тексте есть 8 случаев употребления согласования времен. Найдите их.

Прочитайте следующую шутку и скажите, удалось ли автору избежать ошибок в согласовании времен.

Presence of mind

A fire broke out in the middle of the night in a country house where a number of guests had been staying. Now they were all standing outside wrapped up in shawls, sheets and blankets. One of the guests was the last to join the crowd. He said he is not at all excited and didn't loose his usual presence of mind in spite of danger. He drew everybody's attention to the fact that he had not only put on his shirt and tie but even found time to fetch his pipe and his tobacco-pouch. The other guests were full of admiration and praised his self-possession. Only one of them wondered why together with shirt and tie he didn't put on his trousers.

Преподаватель приводит некоторые факты в отношении студентов вашей группы. Но вы не удивлены, вы все это знали. (Не забудьте о согласовании времен.)

Model: I. Bill Has passed his exam.

S. I' knew Bill had passed his exam.

1. Helen likes to give advice.

2. Steve is a good solicitor.

3. Bob examined the scene of the crime very carefully.

4. John was glad to meet his girl-friend.

5. Tommy worked at his English very hard yesterday.

6. Irene will get married next Friday.

7. Vie will get a nice present tomorrow.

8. Henry lost all his money.

Скажите по-английски:

1. Он был очень рад, что вы пришли. 2. Поверенный знал, что у истца нет необходимых документов. 3. Ответчик был уверен, что он прав. 4. Мистер Блэк знал, что его назначат судьей. 5. Она сказала, что уедет завтра. Затем она добавила, что ей здесь очень понравилось. 6. Я был уверен, что ответчик виновен.

У вашего преподавателя что-то случилось с голосом и он не может громко говорить. Помогите ему, повторяя его распоряжения. (Используйте косвенные приказания.)

Model: Т. Peter, go to the door.

S. He told Peter to go to the door.

Теперь у вас что-то случилось со слухом. Вам не удается расслышать, что преподаватель спрашивает. Попросите друга помочь вам.

Model: Т. Do you like this book?

S1. What did he ask?

S2. He asked if you liked this book?

S1. Oh, yes, I do.

1. Did you go to the cinema yesterday? 2. Have you read this book? 3. Are you a good sportsman? 4. Can you speak Italian? 5. Did you see Helen yesterday? 6. Have you finished your work? 7. Are you listening to me? 8. Were you abroad last year?

Стив пришел к вам в группу побеседовать с вами. Но он не совсем хорошо понимает ваши вопросы и поэтому кто-нибудь из вас должен помочь ему.

Model: S1. Where do you work? STEVE: What did he ask?

S2 He asked where you worked.

Прочитайте следующие шутки и затем попытайтесь пересказать их вашим друзьям. Избегайте употреблять прямую речь.

1. A young man introduced his friend, a well-known comedian, to his aunt, an old lady. Trying to be witty he said, «This is a friend of mine, the famous K. and he is not such a fool as he looks». «Indeed, madam», said the comedian, «and that is the great difference between me and your nephew».

2. Once a young man applied for a job to the manager of a circus. The following dialogue took place between the two.

«What is your name and what can you do?»

«I'm John Brown, the egg-king, for I can eat six dozen eggs at a single sitting».

«Do you know that we give four shows every day?»

«Well, four shows will fetch more money than one!»

«Do you think you can perform four times a day?»

«I have no doubt whatever about it».

«But on holidays we shall try to manage a show every hour!»

«In that case one thing must be settled before I sign a contract».


«No matter how many shows you give a day, I must have time to go out and have my dinner».

Скажите по-английски:

1. Джим сказал, что не любит бокс. 2. Том спросил, где я купил учебник. 3. Мистер Браун спросил, готов ли обед. 4. Мы не понимали, почему он рассердился на нас. 5. Они не знали, какую музыку предпочитает Роджер. 6. Я не знал, пригласила ли моя жена мистера Моргана. 7. Мы спросили детей, обедали ли они. 8. Мы хотели узнать, в каком часу прибывает поезд. 9. Джейн сказала, что живет теперь в общежитии. 10. Роберт спросил, дома ли Генри.

В Великобритании есть два класса юристов: адвокаты и поверенные. Нелли не совсем понимает разницу между ними. Объясните ей эту разницу, пожалуйста.


1...................... 1. .....................

2...................... 2......................

Попытайтесь разгадать это шифрованное послание агента его боссу.

В следующих предложениях не хватает некоторых слов. Автор собрал все недостающие слова, но не знает, куда поместить их. Помогите ему сделать это.

1. I am so ... I have ... ...!

2. I've got all the ... things here.

3. All the ... have come already.

4. He was ... the ... for the defence.

5. The ... has won the case.

counsel, appointed, necessary, passed an exam, glad, jurors, plaintiff.

Прочитайте историю об адвокате м-ре Смите. Автор сделал в ней 3 ошибки. Найдите их.

Mr Smith is going to take silk. For this he has to pass special legal exams. Then he'll be able to give advice to non-professional clients and not to take part in the court trials as the counsel for the prosecution but only as the counsel for defence.

Предположим, что вы -- один из присяжных. Расскажите нам о ваших обязанностях.

Предположим, что вас выбрали судьей английского суда. Каковы будут ваши обязанности?

Знаете ли вы, как называют лиц, которые выполняют следующие действия?

1. conduct a trial and pass the sentence;

2. have a first-hand knowledge of the event and give evidence under oath;

3. bring suits against other persons;

4. in cooperation with other persons are to decide the truth of the case tried before the judge;

5. act for the state in prosecuting criminals;

6. are appointed to try small offences in Britain;

7. break laws;

8. are suspected of committing crimes and brought before the court.

15.4 Practice in communication


Read and try to remember.

Certainty Uncertainty

1. I'm quite/absolutely 1. I'm not sure.

certain/sure it is. 2. I'm not quite/at all sure.

2. No, certainly not. 3. I'm not certain.

3. Yes, certainly. 4. Could be/Might be.

4. There's no doubt. 5. I couldn't say.

about it.

Respond with certainly or uncertainly to the following questions:

1. Are boys cleverer than girls?

2. Is Chinese more widely spoken than English?

3. Are you generous?

4. Would you like to visit the Moon one day?

5. Do you like our lessons?

Read the dialogue and then dramatize it.

DETECTIVE: Where were you last night at exactly 9.20 pm?

BOB: 9.20 pm? I couldn't say. I can't remember.

DETECTIVE: Are you sure you can't remember?

BOB: Absolutely certain. (Quite sure.)

DETECTIVE: Were you in or out? Can you remember that?

BOB: I'm not sure. I think I went out at about half past nine. But I'm not certain.

DETECTIVE: Did you see anyone coming into the block of flats?

BOB: No, I didn't.


BOB: Quite sure. There's no doubt about it.

A friend is asking you about your holidays. He/she wants to know what you did, where you went and so on. Some of the questions you can answer with certainty. Others you can't because you've forgotten.

15.5 General understanding

Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

The man who escaped

(Episode 15)

1. Coke's mind went back to the time, five years earlier, when both he and Masters had been officers in the same Army Intelligence unit. Masters had been Coke's superior. Several important military secrets had disappeared and they were both trying to find out who had taken them.

One evening Coke had gone, on Masters' orders, to a lonely place in Epping Forest. Masters had told him he would meet a possible informer there. While he was waiting, three men had grabbed him from behind. They had poured whisky all over him and down his throat and then hit him over the head.

2. When he came to he was back in his car, but it had crashed into a tree. The police had already arrived. It appeared that Coke had got drunk and lost control of his car. The police had found several files marked «Top Secret» in his car. Coke swore he had never seen them before. The police also found Coke had deposited more than 2,000 in his bank account a few weeks before. Coke had known nothing of the money. The bank said the cheques had arrived by post with Coke's countersigna-ture. Nobody believed Coke's story. It appeared he had sold secrets for money and was going to do so again the night he had crashed. Masters denied he had ever told Coke to go to Epping Forest. This is what Coke wanted to ask questions about now.

3. «Let's start at the beginning... when you sent me to Epping Forest that night», Coke said in a flat, cold voice.

«That was Hugo's idea. I had nothing to do with it».

«And who is Hugo?» Coke demanded.

«He sells government secrets to any foreign country that's interested. He made me give him information. I didn't want to».

«Why did you involve me in all this?»

«The police suspected someone. We wanted to make them think you were the spy. We knew they would if they found your dead body in a car after a crash with all sorts of secrets in it».

«My dead body?»

«Hugo thought the crash would kill you». Masters said.

«And why aren't you still in the army? You'd be a lot more useful to Hugo if you were», Coke went on.

«It became too dangerous. Anyway, he still uses me».

«How?» Coke asked.

«We hide microfilms of secret documents in the antique weapons I send abroad. The people we send them to pose as foreign collectors». Coke had one last question. It was the most important. «Where's Hugo now? Take me to him!»

Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text.

1. Masters had sent Coke to Epping Forest because...

a) he wanted him to meet the informer;

b) he wanted him to be killed;

c) he wanted him to receive some secret documents.

2. Nobody believed Coke because...

a) he was drunk;

b) the files had been found in his car;

c) he had sold secrets for money. 3. Hugo planned to kill Coke because...

a) he wanted the police think he was a spy;

b) he knew too many secrets;

c) police suspected him.

Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.)

1. What were Coke and Masters trying to do five years earlier?

2. What happened when Coke was waiting in Epping Forest?

3. What did the police find in the car and in the bank?

4. What did Coke find out about Hugo?

5. What did the criminals want police to think?

6. How did Hugo use Masters?

Try to tell the main events of this extract in 3-4 sentences.

15.6 Scanning practice

Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.

1. What did a Spaniard do?

2. Where did the Indian apply?

3. What kind of a man was the judge of the court?

4. What did the Indian invent?

5. What did the Indian tell the judge?

Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.

Bribery stopped

It happened in America not long after its colonization by the Spaniards. A Spaniard stole an Indian's horse. The Indian however found the thief and demanded the horse to be returned to him, but the Spaniard refused to do it. The Indian applied to the court and brought witnesses who could testify that it was his horse. But the judge of the court was a bad man and used to take bribes from the parties who came to the court. The Indian knew this, and he invented a trick how to deceive the judge. Before going to the court on the day of the trial, he took a big stone and put it under his arm. The judge at once noticed that the Indian had something under his arm and decided the case in the Indian's favour. He ordered the horse to be returned to the Indian and punished the Spaniard for theft. After the trial, when the judge and the Indian were left alone, the judge asked the former what it was under his arm and whom it was meant for. The Indian showed him the stone and told it was meant for the judge in case he would had decided in the Spaniard's favour. It was a good lesson for the bad judge, and he gave up the habit of taking bribes.

(227 words)

Answer the questions in 15.6.1. (Books closed.)

15.7 Listening practice

Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after reading the text.

1. What does he usually have with his meals?

2. What does he usually have on Mondays?

3. What perfume is Miss Smith wearing?

4. Does she always wear it?

5. What question was he going to ask her?

Listen to the dialogue.

Answer the questions in 15.7.1.

Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

endangered -- находящийся в опасности

owl -- сова

environment -- окружающая среда

threaten -- угрожать

assassinate -- убивать

logging -- валка деревьев

bully -- запугивать

destruction -- уничтожение

solitary confinement -- одиночное заключение

torture -- пытка

courageous -- мужественный

Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it.

Tell the contents of the story as close to the text as possible.

15.8 Time for fun

Read the following jokes and then try to retell them in English.


«Come in, my poor man», said a lady to a ragged tramp, «and I will get you something to eat»;

«Thank you, ma'am».

«I suppose», continued the lady, setting a meal before him, «your life has been full of trials».

«Yes, ma'am; and the worst of it I was always got convicted».

trial -- испытание, судебный процесс

convict -- осудить


A coroner was examining a witness at the inquest.

«Your son says you saw the man jump out of the building?»

«Yes, sir».

«From your knowledge of men, do you think he jumped out of despondency?»

«No, sir; it was out of the fourth storey window».

coroner -- следователь

inquest -- следствие, расследование

despondency -- крайнее отчаяние

!!! * 15.8.2. And now try to solve this crossword.


1. A book in which you find the meaning of words. 7. Not cooked. 8. Every one. 10. Frequently. 12. The main notion of any religion. 14. Tidy. 17. Rest of comfort. 19. Act. 21. Personal pronoun (third person singular). 22. A meal or a drink. 23. Therefore. 24. Heap. 25. You must open these to enter houses. 28. Thirteen down without the «s». 29. Water falling from the clouds. 31. Preposition. 32. Attempt. 33. You can see five of these on your foot.


1. Pull. 2. Cold (comparative degree). 3. Not on. 4. Plural of «is». 5. Past tense of «run». 6. The twenty fifth and twenty-third letters of the alphabet. 9. Lonely (comparative). 11. Accusative of «they». 13. You do this with your eyes. 15. Not before. 16. Singular of 33 across. 18. Long (opposite). 20. Wireless. 23. Same as 23 across. 24. A tame animal. 26. Half of two. 27. A male child. 30. Preposition.

UNIT 16. Фонетика: sounds [], [], [s]

Словообразование: сложные прилагательные типа nation-wide

Грамматика: бессоюзные придаточные предложения; атрибутивные группы

Текст: «Steve asks questions»

16.1 Sound right

Listen, look, say:

cheek future watch reached

chamber culture fetch lunched

child nature lunch fetched

choice orchard catch watch chain

chill lecture ditch Dutch cheese

chubby mixture much catch Charles

Listen, look, say:

1. Which is which?

2. Don't catch a chill.

3. Such carpenters, such chips.

4. Not much of a catch.

5. Here are two pictures which are a match.

6. Charlie doesn't know chalk from cheese.

7. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

8. Chattie's wisdom matches her charms.

9. Hatches, catches, matches and dispatches.

10. The years teach much which the days never know.

Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [] as in shop, [s] as in seem, [] as in chop.


A. The Chairman shouted at Miss Chase.

В. Shouted at Miss Chase! Oh, a Chairman shouldn't shout, should he?

A. No, he shouldn't.

B. Not even at Miss Chase.


A. Will you watch Sheila for me while I finish shopping? I must fetch some fish and some cheese and -- oh, yes --1 must ask the butcher for some nice chops. Watch her, won't you?

B. She seems to need a wash. Shall I wash her?

A. I wish you would.

B. If I can catch her! Sheila! Come for a nice wash, Sheila! Sheila! Oh! Ouch! She scratched me!

A. Sheila! I'm ashamed of you, Sheila!

B. Oh, it's only a small scratch.

A. Are you sure?

B. Fortunately, she's only a small cheetah.

16.2 Word-building

(Compound adjectives)

Translate the following compound adjectives:

a paper-white face, a sky-blue car, apple-red cheeks, steel-grey eyes, life-long history, rustproof metal, silk-soft hair, knee-high boots.

Make compound adjectives according to the following word combinations. Translate them: hair that is as brown as honey; water as cold as stone; man as deaf as stone; a vest that is proof against bullets; wood as hard as iron; a confe rence that continues through a week (long); a son who is one year old.

Translate the following sentences:

1. The sun was blood-red behind the thin trees some distance off. 2. The scooter was secured by a thief-proof device. 3. His face whisky-red, was handsome. 4. Her eyes were soft, cat-green. 5. Crime in Detroit had arisen alarmingly in recent years and now even suburban Birmingham -- once considered crime-free -- had armed robberies.

16.3 Full understanding

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:

nationality, administrative [d'mnstrtv], minister, social, cultural, plan, protection, moment, instance, Procurator-General, ministry, agency.

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запоминайте:

New words:

to do one's best -- делать все возможное

to join -- присоединяться

body -- (зд.) орган

chamber ['temb] -- палата

term -- срок

executive ['zekjutv] -- исполнительный

development -- развитие

to draft [drft] -- проектировать

will you be so kind -- не будете ли вы так добры ...?

to administer justice -- отправлять правосудие

supervision ['sjpvn] -- надзор

to supervise ['sjpvaz] -- осуществлять

надзор to pay attention -- обращать внимание

to forget -- забывать

School vocabulary:

certainly, to help, soon, year, young, to enjoy, low.

Прочитайте и переведите:

Steve asks questions

«Do you remember about your yesterday's promise to answer my questions?» asked Steve next evening. «Certainly, we do. And we'll try to do our best», was Pete's answer. «Nell will join us soon». «So I'd like to learn something about the highest body of state authority of this country». «Oh, I'm sure I can help you in this. You see, the President of the Russian Federation is the head of the state. The Parliament of the Russian Federation is the representative and legislative organ of the state consisting of two chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. Both of them are elected for a term of 4 years». «And what about the executive body?» «Well, the highest executive and administrative body of state authority of Russia is the Government of Russia». «I wonder, if it has real powers?» «Surely, it has. The powers the Government has are rather numerous. Let me mention some of them: direction of economic, social and cultural development, drafting current and longterm state plans for the economic and social development of the country, public order maintenance, citizens' rights and freedoms protection and so on».

At this moment Nell's appeared. «Hello! I'm sorry I'm late. But really it's not my fault». «That is the thing the girls of all countries say when they are late», Steve said, smiling. «Oh, I'm sure Pete's managed to answer all your questions». «Yes, he did. But I've got some for you as well. Will you be so kind to tell me how justice is administered in Russia?» «By the courts of different instances, of course. The Supreme Court is the highest and district (city) people's courts are the lowest in the judicial system». «I've heard there's a special body for supervision of the observance of the law in your country. Is it really so?» «Yes, it is. The Procurator-General the Federation Council of Russia appoints for a term of 5 years is to supervise over the strict observance of laws by all ministers as well as by officials and citizens of Russia. The agencies of the Procurator's office perform their functions independently of any local bodies». «Well, thank you very much, my young friends, for the great attention you paid on me. I really enjoyed my stay in your beautiful city. And I hope we'll keep in touch». «So do we. Have a good journey and don't forget to write to us. Good-bye!»

Найдите в тексте все бессоюзные определительные придаточные предложения и переведите их.

Автор подготовил несколько бессоюзных предложений, но перепутал их части. Помогите ему, пожалуйста.

1. The man a) we read yesterday * is very important

2. The article b) the commission ** refused to act

3. The decision c) you see here *** is my uncle

4. Discussing d) you spoke about **** describes the

the plan judicial system

of Russia

5. The executi- e) he came to ***** was stolen

ve committee by the defendant

6. Almost eve- f) they applied to ****** we found

rything many drawbacks

in it

Перед вами еще одно письмо агента боссу. Как обычно, оно засекречено. На этот раз в нем нет никаких предлогов и заглавных букв. Попытайтесь прочитать и перевести его.

dear sir the plan you have sent to me can not be fulfilled everything i see around doesn't correspond to what i learnt at home the people i meet are not like you told me about the scheme your specialists drafted is of no good the person i had to apply to appeared to be a nice girl i fell in love with the flat she lives in is very nice and soon we'll get married i'm sorry not to fulfil your task hope not to see you again yours j.

Какая группа сможет составить больше бессоюзных придаточных определительных предложений за 5 мин?

Внимание! Особо трудное предложение! Постарайтесь перевести его.

Labour we delight in physics pain.

Прочитайте и переведите, обращая внимание на бессоюзные придаточные предложения.

1. The Monster

In 1870 Mark Twain was walking along the streets of Boston when he noticed in a shop window a machine he had never seen before. He entered the shop, asked the shop-assistant how the «monster» functioned and bought it for 125 dollars. He brought home the machine he had nicknamed «the monster» and started practising on it at once. The machine was a typewriter and Mark Twain typed a whole book on it. When he brought his «manuscript» to the editor, the latter was delighted. He made Mark Twain promise him to bring everything he would write later on typed on this wonderful machine. «Tom Sawyer» was the first book Mark Twain had typewritten.

2. Over again

Three old friends used to have their Sunday dinner together. Just after one of these dinners one of them fell asleep. When he woke up his friends rebuked him for the lack of politeness he had shown. The man tried to prove that he hadn't been sleeping. «Will you believe me», he said at last, «if I retell the story you have been telling?» «Try it», said his friends, «but if you miss a single word, we shall fine you». The man started the story and told it word for word without missing a single detail. Now his friends had to admit their mistake. «Well», said the man laughing. «Now I can confess the crime I had committed, for I was asleep and didn't hear a word you said. I simply knew by heart the story you were sure to tell after such a heavy dinner with plenty of good wine».

Скажите по-английски. (Не употребляйте союзов.)

1. Человек, на которого вы обратили внимание, известный адвокат. 2. Министр, о котором говорил генеральный прокурор, находится сейчас здесь. 3. Ребенок, которому вы уделяли так много внимания, сейчас совсем забыл вас. 4. Не моя вина, что вы пришли так поздно. 5. Вы уверены, что решение, которое вы приняли, наилучшее? 6. Местные власти, к которым мы обратились, не смогли помочь вам. 7. Новый исполнительный орган, в который вы должны обратиться, наверняка поможет вам. 8. Правосудие, которое осуществляют судебные органы, строгое, но справедливое. 9. Это книга, от чтения которой я получил настоящее наслаждение (enjoyed). 10. Путешествие, которое он совершил, действительно необычное.

Петр говорит, что он без всякого труда может перевести любую именную группу. А вы можете?

the Russia's policy objectives; the well-thought-out nationalities policy; US army race supporters; our country's number one trade partner; Railway station waiting-room murder inquiry.

Попытайтесь вставить недостающие слова. От них остались лишь первые буквы. Используйте новые слова к данному уроку.

1 The justice is a. ..by the courts of different i...

2. Both of c... are equal in r....

3. The Government is the highest e... and administrative b... of state a... of Russia.

4. Among the powers of the Government there are d... of state plans, public order m..., citizen's rights and freedoms p...

5. Procurator's office is a special body for a... of the o... of law.

Петр старался объяснить Нелли значение некоторых слов по-английски и ему это удалось: она все поняла. Можете ли вы догадаться, какие слова имел в виду Петр, когда давал следующие объяснения?

1. group of persons who do smth. together or who are united in some way;

2. power or right to give orders and make others obey;

3. set of rooms in a large building to use as offices;

4. having authority to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc.;

5. to outline smth. to be done;

6. the law and its administration;

7. to watch and direct (work, organization);

8. to get pleasure from; to have as an advantage or benefit;

9. settlement of a question;

10. fixed or limited period of time.

Когда Стив вернулся домой, он попытался рассказать своим коллегам о государственном устройстве России. Ему это удалось, но он все же сделал несколько ошибок. Найдите эти ошибки в его рассказе!

The highest body of state authority of Russia is the Parliament of Russia. It consists of two chambers which are equal and elected for a term of 6 years. The highest executive body of state authority is the Parliament of Russia. The justice is administered by the courts of different instances. The Procurator's office is the highest court and the district people's courts are the lowest ones. The agencies of the Procurator's office perform their functions independently of any local bodies.

Скажите по-английски:

1. Я сделаю все, что могу, чтобы помочь тебе забыть этот случай. 2. Присоединяйтесь к нам и мы составим план на каникулы. 3. Не будете ли вы так добры сказать, как пройти в министерство? 4. Суд низшей инстанции пользуется правом разбирать большинство дел. 5. Генеральный прокурор назначается на срок 5 лет. 6. Вы должны обратить внимание на развитие культурной программы. 7. Защита прав и свобод граждан -- одна из важных функций правительства. 8. Прокуратура осуществляет надзор над всеми судебными органами. 9. Строгое соблюдение законов является необходимым условием деятельности судов всех инстанций.

Предположим, что вы -- Стив. Вы задаете вопросы о государственном устройстве России. Ваши партнеры -- Петр и Нелли.

Предположим, что вам нужно сделать доклад на конференции о государственном устройстве России. Подготовьте план. Вы можете им пользоваться во время доклада.

16.4 Practice in communication

(Contradiction / Denial)

Read and try to remember:

A. You said (that) you liked tennis.

B. 1. I never said that/anything of the sort.

2. That's not right.

3. I'm sorry, but I don't think I did (polite).

4. With respect, that's not what I said (formal).

5. I deny having said that.

6. I don't remember saying that.

7. Did I really say that?

Someone tells you that you said:

1. a woman's place was in the home;

2. girls were easier to bring up than boys;

3. travelling was dull;

4. English was an easy language to learn;

5. you were going to get married.

Read the dialogue and then dramatize it.

BARRISTER: You told the Court that you were a friend of the defendant's.

WITNESS: I'm sorry, that's not exactly what I said.

BARRISTER: What exactly did you say, then?

WITNESS: I said we'd been neighbours for many years.

BARRISTER: But you said you knew him very well.

WITNESS: With respect, that's not quite right. I said I knew him well by sight.

A friend tells you that you said you would stop doing something. Contradict/deny everything he/she says.

Model: A. But you said you'd stop smoking.

B. ...

16.5 General understanding

Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

The man who escaped

(Episode 16)

1. Masters told Coke that Hugo owned a large garage in the North of London. Cars that had been damaged were taken there to be repaired. It was also where the secret documents Hugo sold were kept before they were micro-filmed and sent abroad.

They got into Masters' white Jaguar and drove there. Coke sat in front with Masters. Kate sat behind. It was almost evening when they got to the garage. It was at the end of the street and was surrounded by shops and small houses. They parked at the end of the street. People were beginning to close their shops and go home. The garage stood open until six. Coke sat and watched the lights go off. When the last one had been turned off and the garage was completely dark, Coke turned to Masters again.

«Now tell me exactly where the documents are kept before they're sent off», he said.

2. At first Masters didn't answer. He had become a little braver again. Coke pressed the pistol into his stomach. «Because of you, I've been kept in prison for four years. Because of you, my life has been ruined. I'll kill you here and now if you don't answer! ». Masters looked at the pistol and went pale. «They're kept in Hugo's office, in an ordinary file in his desk», he answered. «And the microfilms?» Coke demanded. «They're kept there, too». «Do you know if any documents have been sent off recently?» «Some were sent last week. I know. I sent them myself», Masters said. «And will there be any there now, waiting to be sent off?» Again Masters hesitated. Coke pressed the pistol even harder into his stomach. «I don't know. There might be. Hugo told me he was going to give me some soon», he said.

3. Coke gave Kate the pistol. She was still sitting behind Masters. «Keep him here until I get back», he said. «But what are you going to do?» she asked. «Break into the garage if I can. Perhaps I can find proof that Hugo sells these things. If I do, I'll phone the police». «But what if you don't? What if you are seen and caught before you can find anything at all?» Kate asked. But Coke had already started walking towards the dark garage. In the dark winter evening, it looked very much like a prison.

Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text.

1. The garage was...

a) in the middle of the street with no houses around;

b) at the end of the street with many cars around;

c) at the end of the street with shops and small houses around.

2. Masters said that...

a) there were no secret documents in the garage;

b) there might be some secret documents in the garage;

c) all the documents had been sent away.

3. Coke wanted to break into the garage...

a) to find proof that Hugo was a spy;

b) to find Hugo;

с) to find proof that Masters was a spy.

Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.)

1. What did Masters tell about the garage in the North of London?

2. Till what time was Coke waiting?

3. Where were the documents kept?

4. What for did Coke want to break into the garage?

Give a short summary of the text (4-6 sentences).

16.6 Scanning practice

Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.

1. How did the criminals manage to hijack the helicopter?

2. Who were the hijackers?

3. How did the prisoners escape?

Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.

Helicopter plucks two from jail

Rome. Two gunmen yesterday hijacked a Red Cross helicopter, lifted two inmates from a Rome prison courtyard and flew off in a hail of automatic gunfire. A third prisoner ran to the helicopter, but slipped in the rain.

After taking off from the prison, the helicopter landed in a Rome football field where a match was underway, and the hijackers and escapees fled by car.

Officials said the two hijackers spoke French and that one of the escapees, a Tunisian-born Frenchman, was sought by French authorities for a Paris bank robbery and murder. The other one was suspected of supplying arms to Italian terrorists.

Police said the hijackers walked into San Camilo Hospital in Western Rome and cornered the helicopter pilot, Mr. Mauro Pompa, aged 42. They handcuffed the pilot's 10-year-old son to a radiator and forced Mr. Pompa at gunpoint to take them to the helicopter, parked across the street.

The white helicopter with red crosses painted on each side then flew across the city to Rebibbia prison in eastern Rome. There, it hovered a yard above the courtyards where about 50 inmates were exercising, deputy warden, Mr. Giancarlo Baldassini, said. As the hijackers fired automatic weapons for cover and lowered a rope ladder, two inmates dashed to the helicopter and jumped in. A guard at Rebibbia prison was slightly injured by flying glass during the gun battle.

Two shots fired by a guard hit the helicopter.

(340 words) (from«The Guardian»)

Answer the questions in 16.6.1. (Books closed.)

16.7 Listening practice

Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. Why does he have to get up at 7 o'clock?

2. When is he happy?

3. Where did his grandfather work?

4. How much did he work?

5. What did he have to do at war?

6. Why did he have to go to the hospital?

7. Why isn't he happy now?

Listen to the dialogue.

Answer the questions in 16.7.1.

Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand, the text.

ancestor -- предок

frustrating -- (зд.) неприятный

retire -- уйти на пенсию

Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it.

Tell the contents of the story as close to the text as possible.

16.8 Time for fun

Read and translate the following jokes:

1. PRISONER: Judge, I don't know what to do.

JUDGE: Why, how's that?

PRISONER: I swore to tell the truth, but every time I try some lawyer objects.

2. «You are lying so clumsily», said the judge to the defendant, «that I would advise you to get a lawyer».

3. The defence lawyer was cross-examining a witness. He asked, «And you say you called on Mrs. Jones, May second. Now will you tell the jury what she said?» «I object to the question», interrupted the prosecutor. There was nearly an hour's argument between the counsels and finally the judge allowed the question. «And as I was saying», the defence lawyer began again, «on May second you called on Mrs. Jones. Now what did she say?» «Nothing», replied the witness. «She was not at home».

Can you complete the following sentences with the correct question tag? The first six are simple, the second six more difficult.

1. Acorns grow on oak trees, ...?

2. You don't mind if I watch television, ...?

3. Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet, ...?

4. You will be home early to-night,...?

5. I haven't much time to catch the train, ...?

6. I always meet you in the park, ...?

7. Let's all go to the zoo after lunch, ...?

8. You'd like cream in your coffee, ...?

9. Pass me the butter and the marmalade, ...?

10. I'm more relaxed since I took up yoga, ...?

11. You'd better be careful with that sharp knife, ...?

12. You and I both enjoy ballet, ...?

Crossword puzzles are popular in Britain and are found in nearly all newspapers. The main theme of this one is animals. Some of the clues are not straight forward (they are marked), so think twice about them.


1. Keen-eyed bird of prey (5). 3. This kind is human (3)* 5. Queen of beasts? (7)*. 7. Kittens grow into these (4). 8. Built in spring to hold eggs (4). 10. Dogs wag their tails when they are this (7) 12. A silly person or a long-eared member of the horse family (3) 13. The plural of this is mice (5).


1. Fish that is proverbially slippery (3)*

2. Nothing lives for this (4)*. 3. Shellfish that sound like parts of our bodies that give us strength (7)*. 4. The time for nocturnal animals (5). 6. This sea creature is all arms (7). 7. You might not consider him charming, but this snake is often charmed (5). 9. A microscopic trouble-maker (4)* 11. Female deer or rabbit (3).

UNIT 17. Фонетика: sounds [r], [1]

Словообразование: сложные существительные типа housekeeper

Грамматика: перевод форм на -ed; функции строевых слов

Текст: «Pete and Nell go to the pictures»

17.1 Sound right

Listen, look, say:

free present three very treat dream

friend principal through sorry try dry

arrest prisoner throw quarrel true drew

shrill problem thread merry trade drive

shrewd press with right for ever traffic dress

shrug prove with Rob for instance trolley drop

Listen, look, say:

1. Rack you brains.

2. Rora arrived on the stroke of three.

3. Try to reduce rule to practice.

4. There is neither rhyme nor reason in it.

5. Ruth is hungry for flattery.

6. Rod's eyes draw straws.

7. Rolf returned to his parents as right as rain.

8. Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.

9. Wben angry count a hundred.

10. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [1] as long and [r] as wrong.

A. Have you got a lot of relations?

В. Millions.

A. Isn't that rather a lot, Roland? B. Well, I have got several--as you'll probably realize when you get the bill for the lunch.


A. Valerie, it was very wrong of you to be away so long. Mother's very worried.

B. I'm sorry. I'm late. But Larry's car broke down.

A. I don't really like Larry. Why not marry someone older--like Roland?

B. I don't love Roland, and I do love Larry.

A. But Ronald's got a lot of money.

B. Ronald's a fool.

A. Really, Valerie, you are terrible!

B. Why don't you marry Ronald, Laura?

Listen look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

Read the dialogues in pairs.

Try to read the tongue-twister as fast as you can. Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

17.2 Word-building

(Compound nouns)

Translate the following compound nouns:

holiday-maker, dog-owner, tea-drinker, gift-giver, New-Yorker, backbencher, two-wheeler, hair-. dresser, spacetraveller, baby-sitter, sleep-talker, lie-detector.

Finish the sentences using compound nouns:

1. One who saves money is called...

2. One who tells stories is called...

3. One who works full time is called...

4. The apparatus for recording sounds on the tape is called...

5. One belonging to the Third World is called...

Find in the right column the compound nouns corresponding to their definitions in the left column.

1. standing passenger on train, a) shop-walker,

bus who holds on to a strap b) pea-souper;

to steady himself; c) strap-hanger;

2. one employed in a large d) sky-scraper;

shop to supervise assistants; e) good-looker;

3. thick yellow fog; f) tongue-twister;

4. word or phrase difficult to g) day-boarder;

say quickly and correctly; h) double-decker;

5. one who can fascinate an i) eye-opener;

audience; j) record-player;

6. a child who has lunch at k) sit-downer;

school, but goes to sleep home; l) peace-campaigner.

7. a bus with seats on top;

8. an electrical instrument for playing records;

9. a very tall building;

10. one who takes part in a sit-down strike;

11. one who takes part in a peace campaign;

12. a handsome person.

17.3 Full understanding

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:

scene [sn], to arrest ['rest], press, absurd [b'sd], medical, expert, final [fanl], minute, laboratory.

Proper names:

Agatha Christy [' 'krst]; Sir Wilfred ['wlfrd]; Leonard Stephen Vole ['lend stvn voul]; Mr Mayherne ['mehn]; Mrs Emily French ['eml]; Christine ['krstn]; Janet Mackenzie [nt m'kenz].

Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните:

New words:

to invite -- приглашать

on the charge -- no обвинению

day off -- выходной

to catch (caught) -- (зд.) попасть

circumstantial evidence ['skms'tnl evdns] -- косвенные улики

to plead a case [plid] -- защищать дело в суде

principal suspect -- основной подозреваемый


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  • Психологический аспект использования мультимедийных средств. Формирование навыков устной и письменной речи учащихся. Процесс развития иноязычных лексических навыков. Применение мультимедийных средств обучения на уроках английского языка в начальной школе.

    дипломная работа [289,5 K], добавлен 29.07.2017

  • Порядок слов в английском предложении. Множественное число имен существительных. Применение артиклей, местоимений, глагола "to be", оборота "there is/are". Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Выражения, которые используются в ситуациях знакомства.

    методичка [40,2 K], добавлен 17.12.2013

  • Фонетические, лексические и грамматические упражнения в английском языке. Слова, в которых ударными являются долгие гласные. Предложения с модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами, с неопределенными местоимениями. Сказуемые в страдательном залоге.

    контрольная работа [22,1 K], добавлен 24.07.2009

  • История распространения и современное положение английского языка в мире. Выявление фонетических, грамматических и лексических особенностей вариантов языка международного общения - британского, американского, канадского, австралийского и новозеландского.

    курсовая работа [54,3 K], добавлен 19.03.2011

  • Общие закономерности перевода и делового английского языка в устной и письменной речи. Нюансы перевода деловой переписки. Грамматические особенности письменного английского языка делового общения. Существующие нюансы в употреблении английских слов.

    курсовая работа [49,9 K], добавлен 07.01.2014

  • Формирование грамматических навыков при изучении английского языка. Упражнения по закреплению у учащихся умения использовать в речи Present Simple, Present Progressive. Способы использования лексики при письменном выполнении заданий, в процессе диалога.

    учебное пособие [230,5 K], добавлен 22.10.2009

  • Перевод отрывка английского текста с последующим определением части речи, глагола-сказуемого, его видовременной формы и залога. Характеристика членов предложения с точки зрения их истинности и ложности. Рассмотрение существительных английского языка.

    контрольная работа [19,5 K], добавлен 22.12.2010

  • Виды британского английского языка, изучение основных региональных фонетических особенностей. Общая характеристика, интонация, длительность, темп, ритм спонтанной речи. Анализ фонетических особенностей спонтанной речи на базе аудиовизуального материала.

    курсовая работа [39,3 K], добавлен 29.01.2014

  • Самостоятельная часть речи, обозначающая число, количество и порядок предметов. Лексико-грамматические разряды числительных: порядковые, собирательные, мультипликативные, местоименные. Значение и правописание количественных числительных в русском языке.

    реферат [15,4 K], добавлен 13.04.2016

  • Диалог и монолог в устной и письменной формах речи. Разновидности речи. Употребление устойчивых словосочетаний. Стандартизованный характер письменной речи. Случаи употребления языковых средств с точки зрения их принадлежности к устной или письменной речи.

    контрольная работа [20,6 K], добавлен 15.07.2012

  • Происхождение английского языка. Исторические этапы развития английского языка с точки зрения языковых и внеязыковых факторов. Лингвистические и экстралингвистические факторы, сформировавшие фонетический и грамматический строй современного языка.

    курсовая работа [70,2 K], добавлен 24.01.2011

  • Использование множественного числа в английском языке. Определение части речи в английском тексте. Особенности перевода существительных в роли определения на русский язык. Перевод форм сравнения. Временные формы глаголов, определение их инфинитива.

    контрольная работа [12,9 K], добавлен 09.11.2011

  • Существительное: множественное число, падежи, артикли. Прилагательное: степени сравнения, сравнительные обороты, образование наречий. Числительное: количественные, порядковые. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, возвратные, указательные, неопределенные.

    учебное пособие [150,9 K], добавлен 19.04.2011

  • Теоретические основы обучения оформлению сообщения в устной речи. Система упражнений при обучении оформлению сообщения в устной речи (на уровне ТРКИ 2) и эксперимент по обучению оформления сообщения в устной речи на основе разработанной системы.

    дипломная работа [71,9 K], добавлен 04.08.2008

  • Правила употребления артиклей: "a", "the" или нулевой артикль. Множественное число имен существительных в английском языке. Использование имен прилагательных в правильной форме. Правила употребления местоимений. Отрицание в английских предложениях.

    контрольная работа [35,5 K], добавлен 04.03.2011

  • Соотношение книжно-письменных стилей с устной речью, текстовая организация деловой диалогической, монологической и публичной речи. Интонация и смысловая дискретность; фонетические, грамматические, лексические и лингвистические нормы устной деловой речи.

    реферат [78,2 K], добавлен 15.10.2009

  • Особенности гласных и согласных звуков русского языка, их различия с английским языком. Принципы, способы и последовательность введения звуков на уроках русского языка при формировании фонетических и произносительных навыков у англоязычных учащихся.

    дипломная работа [114,3 K], добавлен 23.03.2010

  • Рассмотрение основных периодов в истории английского языка. Формирование литературных норм современного английского языка, особенности его грамматического строения. Синтаксическая структура языка и принципы развития целых лексико-грамматических классов.

    реферат [24,5 K], добавлен 13.06.2012

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