The formal and substantial features of free verse writing in Polish Modernism. The synesthetical analysis of several poems taken from "Young Poland" period, considering its critical interpretations during the 20th - the beginning of the 21st cemtury.
Formulated conceptual standard science-fiction genre. Determіnuvannya induce the image of the light within the boundaries of science fiction. Peculiarities of design and image in the text of the main warehouses of the artistic text: hour, hour, character.
- 1323. Conceptualization of beauty in the creativity of misty poets (poetry of Shu Ting and Gu Cheng)
The artistic space of the "mist poetry" of Chinese poets from the standpoint of the philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism. Individual author paradigm of aesthetic ideas. Shu Ting's feminine strength and beauty and Gu Chen's magical world of fairy tales.
The concept of discourse, identity from the standpoint of cognitive-communicative paradigm. A study of male identities presented in the dramatic works of the Stuart Restoration: the identity of the libertine-aristocrat, the identity of the libertine-dude.
The concept of discourse, identity in the cognitive-communicative paradigm. The nature of dramatic discourse during the Restoration of the Stuarts. An overview of male identities of libertine-aristocrat, libertine-frante in the works of the Restoration.
Accelerating economic growth based on the concept marketing interaction. Levels of interrelation between consumption, investments and GDP growth dynamics. Characteristics of the economic system in the RF in terms of institutional economic theory.
Ніжність, м’якість, особлива душевність, милосердя і доброта ліричної героїні у творах Лесі Українки. Пошуки нової особистості – борця і героя, мислителя, мрійника. Виразні життєстверджувальні мотиви, мотиви уславлення мужності й сили людського духу.
In the scientific article reconstructs the cosmological conceptual system in the poetics of the outstanding Belgian French-speaking symbolist poet Charles Van Lerberg based on the material of his leading poetry collection - "Eve's Song" - (1904).
The analize of creative dissonance which characterizes Franko as literary critic. The influence of Eliza Orzeszkowa on wrote a number of essays and on "The Poet of Betrayal" originally written in German at a time of Frankos break with Polish socialists.
The use by the representatives of the critical realism movement of the possibilities of self-expression of the artistic text, rather than open accusation. The role of irony in critical realistic literature. Revealing the inner qualities of the hero.
An analysis of the features of the daily routine of Provence based on the material of P. Mayle's novel "A Year in Provence". Peculiarities of the perception of someone else's everyday life. Artistic interpretation of everyday mentality and practices.
Study of intercultural communication in fiction. Study of peculiarities of interpretation of mentality and everyday practices in the works of P. Mayle. Description of life in Provence through the eyes of an English emigrant in a novel by a French writer.
- 1333. Cultivation and Destruction of Gender Stereotypes in "Maria Concepcion" by Katherine Anne Porter
Familiarity with the main features of feminist discourse in the novel "Maria Concepcion" by the prominent American writer Katherine Anne Porter - laureates of the Pulitzer Prize. General characteristics of the creative activity of Katherine Anne Porter.
The analysis of cultural and self-identification, made up of African American female poets. Linguistic, rhetorical means that provide textual identification. Conceptual, linguistic opposition and dichotomy, hints of precedent names, lexical repetitions.
Изучение материала о калмыцкой сказительнице К.Б. Мучкаевой и ее репертуаре, собранного в рамках подготовки к проведению фольклорной научно-исследовательской экспедиции по районам Республики Калмыкия. Анализ произведений религиозно-культового содержания.
Исследуется небольшое сочинение на тему нищелюбия и благотворительности, условно названное здесь "Слово о больнице Федора Ртищева". Проводится краткий сравнительный анализ изучаемого текста. Отмечается состав сборника и его тематическая направленность.
История создания романа и его анализ. Композиция и ее разнообразие при завязке сюжета. Литературное направление, стремящееся широко отражать реальную жизнь. Главный принцип симметрии, зеркальности и повторения ситуации. Ход времени в композиции пейзажа.
To present some preliminary results of the study of ‘islomania’ (i.e. the irresistible crave for islands) which was explored in the oeuvre of such writers as D.H. Lawrence, Lawrence Durrell and J. Fowles. Importance of the island theme in British prose.
History of life writer D. Defoe. "Robinson Crusoe" is the story of a shipwreck on a desert island. "Captain Singleton": the voyage story of a captain who becomes a pirate. "Colonel Jack": the story of a pickpocket who repents. Structure of Defoe’s novels.
A comprehensive study of the life and creative heritage of Daniel Defoe. Huge popularity in the first quarter of the 18th century. books about travel and new discoveries. The book is a glorification of human labor, the triumph of man over nature.
Berücksichtigung der Hauptmerkmale der neuen Übersetzung des Romans "Väter und Söhne", die neues Interesse an dem berühmten Roman von Turgenev weckt. Allgemeine Merkmale der Interpretation von Bazarov als Revolutionär in der
- 1342. De vertaling van oekraiense begrippen in Gogols avonden op een hoeve Nabij Dikanka in het Nederlands
The preservation of the "exotic" Ukrainian coloring of "Dikanka" and the study of lists of Ukrainisms. Compiling a dictionary of" non-Dutch " words that would have approximately the same connotation for the Dutch reader as Ukrainisms for Russian.
The Greek dramaturgy is a cradle of virtually all modern literatures. Analysis of the literary depiction of women, narrative features of cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in ancient Greece as exemplified by Medea by Euripides.
Features of the representation of women, as well as narrative signs of the cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in Ancient Greece. Artistic intentions of the author and the role of the reading reception in the transformed forms of a woman.
Peculiarities of the artistic representation of women, as well as narrative signs of the cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in Ancient Greece on the example of the tragedy "Medea" by Euripides. Analysis of a bold shift in gender roles.
Development and addition of literary studies in the field of theory and history of autobiography. Highlighting methodological gaps in the study of autobiographical prose. Comparative analysis of resonant concepts of parabiography and autobiography.
Investigation of the genre peculiarities of the novel - dystopia "1984" by G. Orwell and depiction of the conflict between Personality and State. Formation of dystopia genre in the world literature, which developed as an opposite to the genre of utopia.
Analysis of J. Galsworthy's literary works. Peculiarities of the individual style of the English novelist. Consideration of the mental paradigmatics of the texts of the "Forsyth Saga" trilogy. Contrasting the author's religious buildings with nature.
- 1349. Development of the requiem genre as a reflection of philosophical and social ideas about death
Deals with the Requiem genre and its evolution in context of a philosophical worldview through various historical periods of human development. Traces the transformation of ideas about death from superstitious - fantastic nature to medical justification.
The study of the peculiarities of the poetic genre in the literature of English-speaking countries. Analysis of poetic genres in diachronic context. Description of ballads, verses. The specifics of mother geese and nursery rhymes, the essence of haiku.