Contamination of traditionally poetic elements with eulogy. The glorification of a certain deity, the center of his cult, the inhabitants of the area and even the Roman authority. Socio-political status of rhetoric in the era of the Second sophistry.
Considers the uniqueness of Agatha Christie's individual style in thematic, plot and compositional, figurative and both linguistic and stylistic aspects. The stylistic constant of the writer's work is the appropriate image system, thoroughly portrayed.
General characteristics of O. Belyaev's creative activity, consideration of works. Familiarity with the subject of fantastic works. Analysis of the traits of the man of the future who could live and work in a new society without class differences.
Описание текстовой структуры польскоязычного памфлета Матиаша Чижевского Alkoran. Рассмотрение структуры текста хорошо сохранившегося экземпляра Гданьской библиотеки Польской академии наук, выявленного в результате археографического исследования.
У статті розглянуто використання С. Беккетом алюзії у своїх ранніх п’єсах "Чекаючи на Годо" та "Кінець Гри". У складі алюзії присутні стилістичні прийоми – риторичне запитання, паралельні конструкції, відокремлення, епітет, морфологічний повтор, метафора.
The interpretation of allusions in "Ode to the Western Throne" as a translation challenge when reproducing these intertextual elements into Slavic languages. The allusions in literary texts, philosophical treatises, mythology, astronomical concepts of anc
The problem of intertextual connections between Goethe's work and Akhmatova's lyrics is described. The direct and indirect receptive references used by Akhmatova are revealed, and the ways of including the "Gothean text" in the author's text are shown.
The stylistic potential of allusive paratextual elements in fiction works by Stephen King. Identification of the communicative potential of paratextual elements and the ways of their language implementation on the material of King’s stories and novels.
Thoughts in Alvin Toffler's book of development of human society. Power dependence - the basic principle of any civilization. The changing consequences for compliance of new reality. Division of the population into "primitive" and "civilization".
Information about American and English literature in the beginning of XX century. The most influential authors: their biography, literary achievements. Popular books which were developed in that century. The peculiarities of Kyrgyz and American novels.
Study of the situation in society and analysis of the periodization of American literature. The study of popular literary styles, their representatives. American novel of the first half of the 20th century. The works of the writers of a "Lost Generation".
The ways the American servicewoman has been represented throughout the 20th century, and how those representations impact the roles she permitted to inhabit. Emerald Archer introduced a comparative element showing integration of women into the military.
The development of Oriental studies in Azerbaijan in the context of the study of Arabic philology. Formation of Arab-Azerbaijani literary relations. Direct and indirect connections between the Syrian writer Ghada Al-Samman and Azerbaijani literature.
Historical tradition of Arab-Azerbaijani literary relations. Development of Oriental studies in Azerbaijan, study of Arabic philology. Identification of parallels between the work of the prominent Syrian writer Gada Al-Samman and Azerbaijani literature.
The studies of the biography as texts of the autobiographical discourse. The linguistic form of the autobiography has undergone changes due to the skillful description of a person’s life as an amazing story via which one can outline his/ her image.
The study of the images of the platonic and courtly in the lyrical hero's relationship with God in J. Donne's "Holy Sonnets" in the context of the connection with the Petrarchan tradition. Views of literary critics on the sources of "Holy Sonnets".
Sigel is the Goddess of the Sun. Her day is Sunday. Life and literary activity of tennyson. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Works, alfred Lord Tennyson’s Style and Popular Poems. Literary analysis od idylls of the king by Tennyson. Plot and Major Characters.
Definition and analysis of the main character and narrator of the story "Disappearing" by Monica Wood. The study and characteristic of specific features of the context of the society in which he lives a woman: patriarchy, feminism and postmodernism.
Analysis of genre nature of the novel. Features of the architectonics of the works Aldington. Characteristics of the specific compositional and story lines. An overview of compositional novelty and music, which reveal the depth of content in the novel.
Ideological and literary features of the story "Dark-complexioned girl" by S.S. Akhundov. The inter-classroom contradictions were shown in the background of school-aged children. He showed the bright inner world of representatives of the working people.
The development of critical thinking of students in the lessons of the subject "Foreign literature". Trained pupils to creative analysis of the author's idea. The formation of one's own approach to evaluating the actions of the heroes of artistic works.
Consideration of the republished Czech monograph "Nightingales, mermaids and toothache: tales of H.H. Andersen between Romanticism and Modernity". Andersen's game with genre norms and readers' expectations when familiarizing with multiple levels of text.
The evolution of the Soviet man in the 1920s and 1930s. in the novels of B. Pilnyak and A. Platonov. Problems of industrialization and the formation of Soviet man in the novels of Pilnyak. The problem of transforming nature and man in Platonov's novels.
Розгляд еволюції образу Галичини в художній літературі, мемуарах, історіографічному дискурсі та ментальності загалом. Визначення семіотики цього образу як наслідку реальної історії полікультурного регіону та як продукт міфотворчості його мешканців.
Principles that determine the development of contemporary Uzbek prose. A system of mythological representations that analyzes one of the oldest forms of perception of the world. A specific expression of mythological plots in the artistic context.
Understanding of the place of man in the national philosophy and literature of this period. Definition of the main features, character of Ukrainian romanticism, the main vectors of understanding and portraying a person in the literature of this time.
The use of anthropomorphism. The metaphorical models of personification in T. Pratchett’s "Discworld" series, its use for the image creation. Frame "Human Being", "Intelligent Creature" as the model of personification and their percentage correlation.
The analysis of the Drohobych topos in the novel by Stanislav Muller. It has been revealed a of allusions to specific individuals, owners of the oilfields, participants in legal trials and representatives of the urban elite, to streets, buildings.
Study of issues related to the conflict sphere in the lyrics of the Silver Age. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical aspects of the lyrical conflict. Analysis of lyrical conflicts in the work of poets of modernist orientation (symbolists and acmeists).
The aphoristic genre as a source of wisdom. Study of the theory and history of aphorisms as a literary genre. A study of aphorisms in Shaw's work. Features of images and vivid emotional perception of reality in the aphorisms of George Bernard Shaw.