The sixties years 20th century was the Nabokov decade in American prose literature. The decade was ushered in by novel "Lolita" which was still on the New York Times Book Review’s bestseller list nearly a year and half after its American publication.
Discusses Jacques Lacan's discourse of other, relevant to the authority of societal influence and the creation of a person's ego and alter egos. Consideration and characterization at Agatha Christie's autobiography from the perspective of Lacanian ideas.
Focused on determining the national peculiarities of the modern Ukrainian mashup prose by making a comparison with the achievements of the world literature in this field of art. The value and originality of the Ukrainian-language mashup has been proven.
The concept, essence and the use of Juggernaut, the characteristics and the role of metaphor in the extracts. The presence of metaphors and similes in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson's “Treasure Island”, the value of the use of stylistic devices.
Consideration of a poem by the outstanding Ukrainian poet D. Kremin. The poem as a kind of warning of the poet-patriot that the construction of a new Ukrainian state requires genuine patriotism from every citizen, a willingness to work selflessly.
- 1356. Don Juan de Moliere
The article has been devoted to the analysis of the term of tragicomedy in French classicistic literature. Particular attention has been paid to the characteristics of the comic character in the play. Special attention has been focused on characters.
History of studies on Poe and Dostoevsky and the question of influence. The problem of psychological analysis. Fantastic realism, the ridiculous uniformity of behavior among the denizens of Rotterdam. Rational madness, and parody, alienation and utopia.
Comprehension of the ideas of the Polish philosopher R. Ingarden in the field of the study of a literary work and phenomenological aesthetics. Analysis of dynamic types of figurative structure. Investigation of the visual essence of an aesthetic object.
A study of the features of the genre variety of dystopia science fiction based on the material of Hanley's drama. A dystopian space of characters who have lost the ability to feel human emotions and who understand their failures when it is too late.
Дослідження поетики трагічних сцен втечі жителів Варшави. Аналіз записів про підпільне культурне життя столиці; тайну академію, присвячену річниці смерті К. Шимановського; цикл лекцій Я. Івашкевича про сучасну польську поезію, про повстання і відбудову.
- 1361. Edgar Allan Poe’s "The black cat": a perverse tale or a story with deeply-rooted victorian morality?
Identification of manifestations of Victorian morality in the stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Interpretation of the writer's work through Christian psychology. Elucidation of the primitive dark instincts that hide inside person in the essay "The Black Cat".
The linguistic manifestation of emotion of surprise in modern English poetic texts. Specifying the difference between the terms "emotion" and "emotive" of surprise. Considering possible cases of interaction of image-bearing fragments in the poem.
Examination of the dialectical encounter between imperial Russia and its Caucasian Others in the texts of Russian romantic writers. Deconstructing the colonial discourse and the Orientalized images of Circassian women in XIX Russian canonical literature.
The role and importance of children's literature in education and upbringing. Reflection of the existence of modern man in books for children. Features of the works of the English writer L. Carroll. The specifics of the design of children's literature.
Analysis of the information genre and historical reality in the epic. An idea of the content of the Karabakh literary environment. Information and information about outstanding figures of Karabakh, who shaped the picture of the literary environment.
Ernest Hemingway as one of the most famous writers of America, a classic of American and world literature of the 20th century. Meeting with a brief biography and works of the world's most popular writer. Features Hemingway's participation in World War II.
Romances - texts where love adventures were a main part of a narrative. The Greek novels of late antiquity - the source of the Palaiologan romances. The erotic context of a metaphor of a vintner in the Byzantine tale "Callimachus and Chrysorrhoe".
Vow of the essay's self-sufficiency as a genre. Consideration of the essay from a literary point of view from the standpoint of genre specificity, content and form, author and recipient. Rethinking the genre-thematic paradigm of modern essay writing.
Linguo-cognitive and pragmatic aspects of empathy verbalization in children's English-language fantasy prose are studied. The deep nature of empathy is revealed from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, linguistic emotiology and pragmalinguistics.
This article deals with evolution of the endearing and friendly forms of address in British and American prose. The contextual analysis of these forms of address proves that they change their forms and functioning according to the social circumstances.
Характеристика особливостей творчості М. Еджворта і Г. Квітки-Основ’яненко, які стали фундаторами жанрового різновиду сімейного роману-хроніки в англійській та українській літературах. Визначення міфо-ритуальної основи їх романів - культу предків.
Жанр сімейного роману-хроніки в українській літературі. Ілюстрація історичних змін та трансформацій, які відбувалися з дворянськими родинами Ірландії та України у XVIII ст. у романах "Castle Rackrent" М. Еджворта і "Пан Халявский" Г. Квітки-Основ'яненка.
Рассмотрение изменения принципов организации сюжета в процессе эволюции оды Горация Exegi monumentum в русской поэзии. Принципы изменения сюжетного кода, открытые Пушкиным, и их творческое осмысление поэтами ХХ века - В.В. Маяковским и В.С. Высоцким.
Review of the creative heritage of the notable figure of Turkish literature Hassan Ali Toptas. The writer's research of existential issues and the complexity of human existence. The use of magical realism and postmodern aesthetics in the artist's works.
The linguistic comparative structural and semantic analysis of English and Russian proverbs with the concept of "happiness-unhappiness" that reflects national and cultural identity and the specificity of thinking of the English and Russian people.
The meaning term "fantasy" is characterized as one of the main components of the hermeneutic construction of a literary work. The concept of "fantastic" and the main features of the fantastic - fantasy, fantastic assumption of a poetic work are analyzed.
Consideration of creative activity of the playwright Ferid Hanum Liebelei, its place in Azerbaijani literature. The playwright's contribution to the development of literary studies in Ganja, the history of the development of the Azerbaijani people.
The researching of existential phenomenon of fate in the context of Samuel Beckett’s Drama of Absurd. The consider an idea of panlogism as a source of routine and vanity whereas its rejection suggests an optional spontaneous existence of possibilities.
The features of the image of the justice system and its representatives in the legal thriller by John Grisham. Traditionally detective accepted to consider as part of a paradigm that is at the lowest level of the hierarchy of literary mass literature.
The main differences between the English of folk tales from the Russian. Reflected in the plot and the genre tales of the culture and life of England. The characteristics of heroes the most famous English fairy tales. The analysis of German folk tales.