The grammatical presentation of the motive of meditative and contemplative loneliness as a special type loneliness in Russian-language poetic texts. The morphological dominant of the poetic text, which contributes to the actualization of this meaning.
Study of the interdependence of sexes, gender and racial identity in the works of L. Hughes. Reflection of the love of black women, the relationship of mother and daughter in the novels of the writer. Overcoming social stereotypes in gynocentric works.
Дослідження теми втрачених творів уніатської церкви митрополита Іпатія Потія. Вивчення суперечливих зауважень ортодоксальних полемістів щодо втрачених творчих творів І. Потія та догматичних питань релігійної полеміки XVI-XVII ст. в українській літературі.
Features of the creation of haiku in Kyrgyz literature on the example of Lyra Usonakun Kyzy's poems. Methods for determining the essence of the poetic genre in the literature based on a comparative analysis of the haiku of Basho and Lyra Usonakun Kyzy.
Sketch of the life and work of American poet Hans URS Longfellow. The review of the first collections of poems of the author. Overview of family life and publication of the first Longfellow stamp in Portland. The list of novels and poetry Longfello.
Study of the problem of limiting the right of the strongest in Greece. Highlighting the direct conflict between material power and moral power in the work of Sophocles "Antigone". Display of multiple and parallel dichotomies intertwined in the tragedy.
The play contributes to a better understanding the psychological mechanism of behavior in the situation of recurrent auditory hallucinations and their traumatic origin. The author offers an adequate management of the emotions of the main character Lazar.
Analysis of some philosophical overtones of popular culture. Description of the immanent presence of hermeneutic problematics in the genre of thriller and some tendencies of its development on the example of the works of Shakespeare, Buchan and Brown.
Ways of knowing or acquiring new knowledge. Conceptualization of science fiction. Testing an intellectual idea and stimulating the intuitive flash of thought of a science fiction writer. Scientific characteristics of heuristics proposed by V. Spiridonov.
Определение правомерности исторического и ретро-детектива как синонимических понятий. Определение спорных вопросов, связанных с развитием современных жанровых разновидностей детектива. Освещение проблемы в западном и отечественном литературоведении.
Examination of the novel by American author Robert Coover "The Public Burning" in the context of history and historiography. A new on history through the narrative that is based on actual historical events but is also augmented by fictional elements.
The article examines M. Hrushevskyi’s views on book development in Ukraine, from period of prince ruling to the beginning of the 20th century. Special attention is given to positive influence of clergy, monasteries and princes on book products formation.
Ukrainian works of literature of the Holodomor generation. Totalitarianism as the phenomenon of mass martyrdom with a drive to suppress the memory. Attempted to bring about some dissident bonds of mnemonic solidarity in the works of Ukrainian writers.
Рассмотрение образа читающего героя в романе классика болгарской литературы Ивана Вазова "Под игом". Видение автора о чуждости идей социализма и нигилизма и о чуждости определенных литературных моделей болгарскому обществу и болгарской ментальности.
З’ясування особливостей метамови в романах В. Домонтовича "Доктор Серафікус" і "Дівчина з ведмедиком". Розкриття сутнісних характеристики персонажів. Когнітивна функцію рефлексії. Спостереження над комунікативними ситуаціями та метамовними коментарями.
Аналіз антропологічного підходу до вивчення літературознавчих явищ. Дослідження архетипу gomo scribens та поетики скрипторики на матеріалі творів Лесі Українки ("Руфін і Прісцілла", "Камінний господар", "Адвокат Мартіан") у межах художньої антропології.
Дослідження сутності проблеми людини самотньої в новелістиці Василя Стефаника. Особливості зображення самотности персонажів новел Стефаника та характеристика її природи. Homo solitarius у новелах Василя Стефаника, розгляд страшних передсмертних візій.
Особливості ліричного героя-мандрівника в сучасній українській поезії, його відмінність від традиційного образу подорожнього, що сформувався в українських літературних травелогах. Аналіз основних типів поетичного homo viator, його психологічні ознаки.
The article is devoted to the honoring the memory of the prominent Ukrainian poet, writer, artist and public figure T.H. Shevchenko in Cherkasy region in 1991-2001 years. The goal of the article is to show national self-identification of Ukrainians.
Slovaks living abroad as one of the important parts of the Slovak national and cultural context. Acquaintance with the Hungarian and Slovak question in the texts of L. Haan against the background of cultural studies, as well as literary criticism.
Theoretical understanding of hybrid fiction. A complex of works written at the intersection of genres related to fantastic prose. The study of the principles of eclectic genre formation, characteristic of fiction at the beginning of the 20th century.
Analysis of the real, ethereal and sick space, the imagination of the protagonist, addicted to opium. Features of the manifestation of imagination associated with nostalgia, which manifests itself in the reality of the world in the world of dreams.
Examples of children's prose in Azerbaijan at the end of the 19th century. and at the beginning of the 20th century. The emergence, formation and evolution of children's prose in Azerbaijani literature as a dialectical development of national life.
The analyzing interactions between text and image in the series of etchings of F. Goya "The disasters of war" and the reception of the idea of "common good" in the etching "Against the common good". The usage of F. Goya both extraverbial and verbal means.
Аналіз "паризького тексту" Поля Верлена як ментально-географічного простору через опцію концепту "genius loci", його метагеографію. Дискурсивна практика міського простору, що реалізується як протиріччя між закріпленими за знаками сенсами та реальністю.
Research of the work of the English writer D.G. Lawrence. Revealing the formation of Alvina's character in the novel "The Lost Girl". Identification of conflicts in plot circumstances and the place of women in the British community of the 20th century.
Perspectives on modern Scottish women's prose, allowing a fresh look at the problem of identity. An exploration of the meaning of trauma and the irony provided by the characters and the way they think and act. Cognitive study of irony on women's prose.
Individually-author Mikhail Lermontov manner of writing poetry has become fundamental to the formation of species in his work of art functional style. Emotional, emotional-rhetorical and realistic styles define the essence of style writer's hand.
Trial of positive characters created in the works of both classical and modern writers. The essence of the spiritual and psychological world of the people. Perception of the national character by the national people in certain historical conditions.
The study of personified images of silence in poetical works of English authors. The validity of the personification as a relevant stylistic device for the conveying of silence images. Quantitative characteristic of usage verbal units of poetical silence.