Research into the physiological mechanisms when exposed to oxygen in the eye lens. Morphological and enzymatic analysis of the activity of enzymes of the epithelium of the iris. Protective agents against the occurrence of oxygen-induced cataracts.
The challenges in the management of apical periodontitis associated with primary infected pulps. The host–parasite interaction in apical periodontitis. Root resorption in apical periodontitis. Transformation to periapical cyst in apical periodontitis.
The principles of replantation of teeth for a given process. Changes in the structure and configuration of the teeth after 40 years. Dentoalveolar ankylosis, the causes and conditions of its development. Histological examination of transplanted teeth.
Morphological and functional characteristics and especially of the salivary glands in the newborn. Stages of formation of the segments of the liver in the fetus. The functionality of the liver in young children, the histology of the pancreas in infants.
Influence of the goutweed in the kidney and liver histological structure in mice with alloxan diabetes. Opposition to the development of necrosis and infiltration of protein renal tubules of mice after the administration of the infusion "Arfazetin".
The papyrus of Edvin Smith's as the first stomatology documents. Historical stages of children's stomatology. Its place among stomatological disciplines. The basic problems of children's stomatology. A role of scientists in discipline development.
- 517. History of medicine
Medicine in Ancient Civilization. The medical school in Athens and in other cities. Hippocrates – "the father of Medicine". The study of anatomy for over a thousand years. Exploring the human body by artists such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci.
Processes of vascular development in the mucous membrane during the embryonic period, the formation of a venous vascular plexus. Thickening of circular muscle fibers, the formation is rich in blood vessels folds of the mucous membrane of the embryos.
The need for detailed morphological studies of peripheral lung cancer that occurs on a background of chronic lung disease. The peripheral location of the scar and the presence of signs of chronic inflammation. Area of tumor complexes with "cancer pearls".
Асоціація хронічного гломерулонефриту з нефротичним синдромом у дітей і дорослих пацієнтів. Розвиток хронічної ниркової недостатності. Детермінованість стану імунної системи. Оптимізація вибору лікування і прогноз перебігу захворювання у дітей і дорослих.
Разделение популяции на женский и мужской пол, генома на аутосомы-гоносомы и общества на левшей-правшей. Эволюционный ряд основных типов морфологической симметрии организмов. Общая асимметризация организмов животных, органов растений и половой диморфизм.
Principles of treatment of the upper right central incisor with intra-alveolar horizontal root fracture at the level of the middle third and upper left central incisor with horizontal root fracture in the cervical third. Results endodontic procedure.
The acquaintance with the peculiarities of the Shannon entropy. Consideration of the stages and fundamental characteristics of the formation of a unified informational complex DNA. An analysis of the advantages of fractal packing of DNA inside cells.
The purpose of our retrospective study is to track the distribution and ratio of enrolment in outpatients: H54. - blindness, H36.0 - diabetic retinopathy and H35.3 - macular degeneration over a ten- year period. The diagnosis is not adequately classified.
Associations between oral health and systemic diseases. Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The main pathways linking oral inflammatory lesions to systemic diseases. Local spread of oral inflammatory lesions. Adverse pregnancy outcome.
The concept of anorectal manometry. Determining the tone of the anal sphincter using anorectal manometry. Study of parameters for measuring and interpreting anorectal manometric tests. Changes in anal and rectal pressures during attempted defecation.
Monitoring of esophageal impedance as the most sensitive tool for assessing all types of gastroesophageal reflux. Consideration of the main methods and methods for determining the nomenclature for reflux patterns detected by impedance monitoring of pH.
Determining the value of hydrocephalus is one of the most common diseases requiring surgical intervention in pediatric neurosurgery. Characteristics of the role usual ultrasound investigation can identify enlarged ventricles and subarachnoid spaces.
The studying the opinion of the patients with respect to the offered hygienic and living conditions in some clinics of the largest hospital in Southern Bulgaria. The important role of this factor in the competitive quality of the health process.
Unique case of ruptured hydatid cyst which required hypertonic saline irrigation which is one of the standard forms. The patient developed iatrogenic acute hypernatremia reaching a level of 197 mmols, which has rarely been described in the literature.
Analysis of opinions on the influence of TH and TSH on the autonomic vegetative regulation of cardiovascular function and metabolism in marked and subclinical hypothyroidism (sHT). Hypothyroidism causes changes in hemodynamics and in lipid metabolism.
Romantic partnerships between drug-using couples, when they are recognized at all, tend to be viewed as dysfunctional, unstable. This study presents a more nuanced portrayal by describing the interpersonal dynamics of 10 heroin and cocaine-using couples.
- 533. I.P. Pavlov
A brief sketch of the life and activities of the I.P. Pavlov like Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning. Scientific achievements of the scientist and the direction of his research. Awards and honours of the Pavlov.
Наличие лимфоплазмоцитарной инфильтрации ткани с преобладанием IgG4–положительных плазматических клеток и CD4+ Т-лимфоцитов, сопровождающейся фиброзом при IgG4-сопряженной патологии. Проблемы диагностики и оптимального лечения IgG4-сопряженной патологии.
Methods of study of lung. The scheme of analysis of pathological changes in the lung. The principle of the roentgenography, fluorography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic research, perfusion lung scintigraphy, angiography.
Use of telecommunications in maritime medicine practice. Justification for the use of telemedicine technology, the conditions for their implementation. The use of available technology to enhance current practices in remote diagnosis and treatment needs.
Study of immunogenetic markers associated with the development of complications of pregnancy and perinatal pathology in newborns. Analysis of the presence of genetic predisposition to disease associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications.
The immune status of children with the cerebral asthenic syndrome was studied. The obtained data argue that these children have the expressed imbalance among Тhcages and cytokines that shows the risk of reaction on infectious and noninfectious immunogens.
Impaired regulation of cerebral blood flow as a component of secondary neurological damage in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Dependence of cerebral blood flow on cardiac output. Increased Doppler resistance index of the anterior cerebral arteries.
Review of the literature that examines the effect of changes in the vaginal microbiome, chronic endometritis on the development of endometrial hyperplastic processes in women. The role of factors in the development of endometrial hyperplastic processes.