Familiarity with the main features of the use of intravitreal bevacuzimab as an effective treatment for CNVM. Best's yellow macular dystrophy as a rare hereditary autosomal dominant macular dystrophy caused by a mutation in the bestrophin 1 gene.
Effects of cognitive state on eye movements. Facilitation of return, Inhibition of return and Saccadic momentum. Vision, perception, eye movements are limited in their capacity to process sensory information. Neural circuits that underlie eye movements.
Osteogenic potential of calcium hydroxide and other materials in soft tissue. Calcium hydroxide as an bone inducer in rats. Ultrastructural study of initial calcification in the rat: subcutaneous tissues elicited by a root canal filling material.
Place and role of biopharmaceutical system. Pharmaceutical development bioequivalent solid dosage forms. The dependence of the active substance from technological factors. The content of active substances and their metabolites in biological fluids.
The use of biochemical markers of connective tissue metabolism disorders in respiratory diseases in humans and animals. Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis and asthma in dogs and cats using cytokines (interleukin, interferon) and bronchoalveolar lavage.
- 156. Biological active substances of natural origin and rheumatoid arthritis, prevention or treatment
Research on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are an option for the symptomatic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. The use of pharmacological treatment schemes in the early stages of the disease.
The role of immune cells in protecting the human body from pathogens and viruses. The influence of biologically active nutrients and bioactive substances in enhancing human innate and adaptive immunity for the prevention of COVID-19 in the population.
Analysis of the results of studies on selecting the optimal basis of an ointment for the treatment of infectious and allergic diseases of the skin and of the wound process in the second stage. Evaluation of the osmotic activity of the emulsion base.
Комплекс Bioplasma, состоящий из морских водорослей, экстракта оливковых листьев и азелаиновой кислоты. Основные характеристики геля Алжир. Удерживание влаги в поверхностных слоях кожи. Увлажнение и повышение упругости кожи. Создание гиалуроновой кислоты.
- 160. Biosafety and biosecurity education in Ukraine: current situation, gaps and necessities analysis
The aim of the presented study is gathering information on the educational opportunities and the current level of awareness on Biosafety, Biosecurity and "Dual-use" in the Ukrainian universities. Special questionnaire for interviewing of participants.
Studies of the characteristics of serum albumin in rats with different predicted levels of resistance to emotional stress in control conditions and in conditions of experimental emotional stress. The effects of peptides the resistance of animals.
On the basis of morphological studies carried out on fetus, variants of the departure of the testicular artery and percentage variants of branching of this artery on the trunk were established. Practical recommendations for operations on the testicles.
- 163. Blood type mystery
Research, analysis of the history of medicine, which forms new ideas about the formation of blood groups. Prerequisites for the emergence of the "vegetarian" second blood group A. The homeland of the gene of the third group B. The fourth blood group AB.
Factors determining risk of developing breast cancer, invade lymph or blood vessels-metastatic breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Stucture of the Brea. Female breast anatomy. Development of the breast ductal tree. Occurs mainly after birth.
The history of foundation of Bukovinian State Medical University. Description of infrastructure and basic directions specialization. Participating of students is in regional and international conferences. Condition for the advanced study and active rest.
Effect of pristine C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution on the dynamics of fatigue processes in rat soleus muscle after ischemia-reperfusion injury using the tensiometric. Development of biomedical nanotechnology with the application of pristine C60.
- 167. CAG-полиморфизм гена андрогенового рецептора у мужчин с азооспермией и олигозооспермией из Украины
Исследование аллелей генов пациентов с разными формами нарушения сперматогенеза: с олигозооспермией и с азооспермией. Ассоциация частоты коротких аллелей с нарушением первичных стадий сперматогенеза, а частоты длинных – с финальными его стадиями.
The concept and spread of migraine among pregnant women. The care of pregnant women with migraine attacks without aura persisting during pregnancy. The influence of relaxation and daily walks on the intensity of migraine attacks in women during pregnancy.
The essence of stomach cancer, features, stages of development. Risk factors and a number of mutogens that cause cancer of the stomach. Symptoms of stomach cancer, features of diagnosis and ways of surgical and therapeutic treatment of its various forms.
- 170. Cancer staging atlas
Principles of cancer staging. The cancer registry and the collaborative stage data collection system. Mucosal melanoma of the head and neck. Node positive threshold for defining nodal micrometastases. Prostatic stromal invasion from bladder cancer.
With the purpose of increase of efficiency of treatment of patients with diabetes studying the possibility of introducing Zinkit (Woerwag Pharma, Germany) in a comprehensive program of treatment for glycemic control in patients when reducing hba1c.
The most significant atrial conduction and refractory disorders in the distal part of the atrial coronary sinus and in the lower part of the right atrium. Local atrial conduction disorders. Changes in the refractory period in various parts of the atria.
Cardiogenic shock - an extreme degree of left ventricular failure, characterized by a sharp decrease in myocardial contractility. Etiology, pathogenesis and mechanisms. Forms of and the severity of Cardiogenic shock. Methods of treatment of disease.
Analyse the available evidence on cardiovascular safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as the cornerstone of pain management in patients with osteoarthritis and painful conditions. Myocardial infarction.
Встречаемость и прогноз желудочковой диссинхронии. Сравнение медицинской терапии: Дигоксин, ИАПФ (ингибиторы ангиотензинпревращающего фермента) и бета-блокаторы. Симптомность и качество жизни пациентов. Роль эхокардиографии в ресинхонизирующей терапии.
Характеристика физических основ спектроскопии когерентного антистоксового рассеяния света. Анализ особенностей использования спектроскопии в качестве медицинского метода визуализации, для эффективной медицинской диагностики в режиме реального времени.
The research methods were the method of observation, the empirical study of patients. The place of organizing the empirical stage of our research was the psychiatric hospital. Toddlers who are raised in bilingual families. This stage lasted during 2022.
Definition of Cavernous tuberculosis. Cavity which is formed in the area of a tuberculous lesion. Reversible morphologic changes in the form of a thin-walled cavity without marked infiltrative, focal and fibrotic changes in the adjacent lung tissue.
Apical periodontitis – equilibrium between protective and destructive mechanisms. Inflammatory events in response to root canal infection. Initiation of the apical periodontitis lesion – interaction between resident host cells and root canal microbes.
Development of methods of rehabilitation of children with scoliosis. Investigation of the degree of cellular reactivity abnormalities. Comparison of hematological parameters and leukocyte indexes of intoxication in boys and girls of the sanatorium school.